Home / Python Deep Learning
7418 Repositories
ROS-UGV-Control-Interface Cam Closed: Cam Opened:
Diverse Structure Inpainting ArXiv | Papar | Supplementary Material | BibTex This repository is for the CVPR 2021 paper, "Generating Diverse Structure
CBREN This is the Pytorch implementation for our IEEE TCSVT paper : CBREN: Convolutional Neural Networks for Constant Bit Rate Video Quality Enhanceme
Katana ML Text Completion 🤗 Description Runs with with Hugging Face DistilBERT and TensorFlow.js on Node.js distilbert-model - converter from Hugging
LoFTR-with-train-script LoFTR:Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers CVPR 2021 (with train script --- unofficial ---). About Megadepth
Relation Classification via Multi-Level Attention CNNs It's a implement of this paper:Relation Classification via Multi-Level Attention CNNs. Training
PyTorch implementation of DAQ This is an official implementation of the paper "Distance-aware Quantization", accepted to ICCV2021. For more informatio
Oboe-Reproduce This is the unofficial implementation of the paper "Oboe: Auto-tuning video ABR algorithms to network conditions, Zahaib Akhtar, Yun Se
Python-Standard Last Updated: 01/07/22 00:09:25 What is this? This is a Python application, with basic unit tests, for which coverage is uploaded to C
O2O-Afford: Annotation-Free Large-Scale Object-Object Affordance Learning Object-object Interaction Affordance Learning. For a given object-object int
Qimera: Data-free Quantization with Synthetic Boundary Supporting Samples This repository is the official implementation of paper [Qimera: Data-free Q
SlotRefine: A Fast Non-Autoregressive Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling Reference Main paper to be cited (Di Wu et al., 2020) @article
Implicit Representations of Meaning in Neural Language Models Preliminaries Create and set up a conda environment as follows: conda create -n state-pr
Adapting Language Models for Zero-shot Learning by Meta-tuning on Dataset and Prompt Collections Ruiqi Zhong, Kristy Lee*, Zheng Zhang*, Dan Klein EMN
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
ALLINONE-Det ALLINONE-Det is a general and strong 3D object detection codebase built on OpenPCDet, which supports more methods, datasets and tools (de
Face Anonymizer Blur faces from image and video files in /input/ folder. Require
Autotype A quick and small python script that helps you autotype on websites that have copy paste disabled like Moodle, HackerEarth contests etc as it
Foley Music: Learning to Generate Music from Videos This repo holds the code for the framework presented on ECCV 2020. Foley Music: Learning to Genera
py_neuromodulation Click this button to run the "Tutorial ML with py_neuro" notebooks: The py_neuromodulation toolbox allows for real time capable pro
OvGME Packager for OpenXR – OpenComposite for DCS Note This repository is currently unsupported and needs to be migrated to the upstream OpenComposite
UIUCTF-2021-Public UIUCTF 2021 Public Challenge Repository Notes: every challenge folder contains a challenge.yml file in the format for ctfcli, CTFd'
Spatially Consistent Representation Learning (CVPR'21) Official PyTorch implementation of Spatially Consistent Representation Learning (SCRL). This re
Semi-Supervised Graph Prototypical Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IGARSS, 2021. Bobo Xi, Jiaojiao Li, Yunsong Li and Qian Du. Code f
USDAN The implementation of Unified unsupervised and semi-supervised domain adaptation network for cross-scenario face anti-spoofing, which is accepte
Sequential-GAM Pipeline code for Sequential-GAM(Genome Architecture Mapping). mapping whole_preprocess.sh include the whole processing of mapping. usa
OpenGaze: Web Service for OpenFace Facial Behaviour Analysis Toolkit Overview OpenFace is a fantastic tool intended for computer vision and machine le
QANet-pytorch NOTICE I'm very busy these months. I'll return to this repo in about 10 days. Introduction An implementation of QANet with PyTorch. Any
Custom Keras ML block example for Edge Impulse This repository is an example on
GPflux Documentation | Tutorials | API reference | Slack What does GPflux do? GPflux is a toolbox dedicated to Deep Gaussian processes (DGP), the hier
MaskFlownet-Pytorch Unofficial PyTorch implementation of MaskFlownet (https://github.com/microsoft/MaskFlownet). Tested with: PyTorch 1.5.0 CUDA 10.1
This is a Pytorch implementation of Janai, J., Güney, F., Ranjan, A., Black, M. and Geiger, A., Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Frame Optical Flow with
Lip to Speech Synthesis with Visual Context Attentional GAN This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Lip to Speech
ML from Scratch MACHINE LEARNING TOPICS COVERED - FROM SCRATCH Linear Regression Logistic Regression K Means Clustering K Nearest Neighbours Decision
RandWireNN Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of: Exploring Randomly Wired Neural Networks for Image Recognition. Results Validation result on Imagenet
RLLReg This repository contains a Pytorch implementation of the point set registration method RLLReg. Details about the method can be found in the 3DV
Note: This repo is adpoted from https://github.com/UNIMIBInside/Smart-Mobility-Prediction. Due to technical reasons, I did not fork their code. Introd
Paddle-Skeleton-Action-Recognition DecoupleGCN-DropGraph, ASGCN, AGCN, STGCN. Yo
Face-Recognition-Based-Attendance-System It's final year project of Diploma Engineering. This project is based on Computer Vision. Brief idea about ou
SAS: Self-Augmentation Strategy for Language Model Pre-training This repository
ERICA Source code and dataset for ACL2021 paper: "ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive L
Dpex——用户无感知分布式数据预处理组件 一、前言 随着GPU与CPU的算力差距越来越大以及模型训练时的预处理Pipeline变得越来越复杂,CPU部分的数据预处理已经逐渐成为了模型训练的瓶颈所在,这导致单机的GPU配置的提升并不能带来期望的线性加速。预处理性能瓶颈的本质在于每个GPU能够使用的C
OOD-detection-using-OECC This repository contains the essential code for the paper Outlier Exposure with Confidence Control for Out-of-Distribution De
Video Person Clustering Repo for the Video Person Clustering dataset, and code for the associated paper. This reporsitory contains the Video Person Cl
Neural Network Just a basic Neural Network module Usage Example Importing Module
Python implementation of 3D facial mesh exaggeration using the techniques described in the paper: Computational Caricaturization of Surfaces.
Torchlight 2 Lan Game Server Tool A message forwarding tool for Torchlight 2 lan
Symbol Ratios Summary Sector LTP Undervalued Bonus % MEGA Strong Commercial Banks 368 5 10 JBBL Strong Development Banks 568 5 10 SIFC Strong Finance
Adversarial poison generation and evaluation. This framework implements the data poisoning method found in the paper Adversarial Examples Make Strong
BriVL for Building Applications This repo is used for illustrating how to build applications by using BriVL model. This repo is re-implemented from fo
WSDEC This is the official repo for our NeurIPS paper Weakly Supervised Dense Event Captioning in Videos. Description Repo directories ./: global conf
Reducing Footskate in Human Motion Reconstruction with Ground Contact Constraints Official implementation for Reducing Footskate in Human Motion Recon
Blood Deluxe DDoS DDoS Attack Panel includes CloudFlare Bypass (UAM, CAPTCHA, BFM, etc..)(It works intermittently. Working on it) Don't attack any web
(CVPR 2022) Mimicking the Oracle: An Initial Phase Decorrelation Approach for Class Incremental Learning ArXiv This repo contains Official Implementat