This project uses the mosaik co-simulation framework, developed by the brilliant developers at the high-ranked Offis institue for computer science, Oldenburg, Germany, to simulate multidimensional LED matrices.
A small monitor that reports the external, fishroom and water change parameters to have suitable water parameters and induce breeding. These two features already represent 50% of the "reproductive success of Pleco".
Fener's ROS2 codes that runs on the vehicle. This node contains basic sensing and actuation nodes for vehicle control. Also example applications will be added.
Designed and coded a password manager in Python with Arduino integration. The Program uses a master user to login, and stores account data such as usernames and passwords to the master user. While logging into the program with the master user the Arduino was used as a two-factor authentication key. The program detects a connection to the Arduino and checks if certain parameters are met before completing the login procedure.
This is a simple python script that will run a docker container to pull data from Drobo. It will give information like (Name, serial, firmware, disk-total, disk-used, disk-free and individual disk status). I have an older Drobo FS 8 disk array. Please let me know if anyone can test. The results are outputted via JSON
Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard, typically covertly, so that a person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored.