DanceTrack: Multiple Object Tracking in Uniform Appearance and Diverse Motion



DanceTrack is a benchmark for tracking multiple objects in uniform appearance and diverse motion.

DanceTrack provides box and identity annotations.

DanceTrack contains 100 videos, 40 for training(annotations public), 25 for validation(annotations public) and 35 for testing(annotations unpublic). For evaluating on test set, please see CodaLab.


DanceTrack: Multi-Object Tracking in Uniform Appearance and Diverse Motion


Download the dataset from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (code:awew).

Organize as follows:

{DanceTrack ROOT}
|-- dancetrack
|   |-- train
|   |   |-- dancetrack0001
|   |   |   |-- img1
|   |   |   |   |-- 00000001.jpg
|   |   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |   |-- gt
|   |   |   |   |-- gt.txt            
|   |   |   |-- seqinfo.ini
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- val
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- test
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- train_seqmap.txt
|   |-- val_seqmap.txt
|   |-- test_seqmap.txt
|-- TrackEval
|-- tools
|-- ...

We align our dataset annotations with MOT, so each line in gt.txt contains:

<frame>, <id>, <bb_left>, <bb_top>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>, 1, 1, 1


We use ByteTrack as an example of using DanceTrack. For training details, please see instruction. We provide the trained models in Google Drive or or Baidu Drive (code:awew).

To do evaluation with our provided tookit, we organize the results of validation set as follows:

{DanceTrack ROOT}
|-- val
|   |   |-- dancetrack000x.txt
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- ...

where dancetrack000x.txt is the output file of the video episode dancetrack000x, each line of which contains:

<frame>, <id>, <bb_left>, <bb_top>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>, <conf>, -1, -1, -1

Then, simply run the evalution code:

python3 TrackEval/scripts/ --SPLIT_TO_EVAL val  --METRICS HOTA CLEAR Identity  --GT_FOLDER dancetrack/val --SEQMAP_FILE dancetrack/val_seqmap.txt --SKIP_SPLIT_FOL True   --TRACKERS_TO_EVAL '' --TRACKER_SUB_FOLDER ''  --USE_PARALLEL True --NUM_PARALLEL_CORES 8 --PLOT_CURVES False --TRACKERS_FOLDER val/TRACKER_NAME 
Tracker HOTA DetA AssA MOTA IDF1
ByteTrack 47.1 70.5 31.5 88.2 51.9

Besides, we also provide the visualization script. The usage is as follow:

python3 tools/ --img_path dancetrack --split val --tracker TRACKER_NAME


Organize the results of test set as follows:

{DanceTrack ROOT}
|-- test
|   |-- tracker
|   |   |-- dancetrack000x.txt
|   |   |-- ...

Each line of dancetrack000x.txt contains:

<frame>, <id>, <bb_left>, <bb_top>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>, <conf>, -1, -1, -1

Archive tracker folder to and submit to CodaLab. Please note: (1) archive tracker folder, instead of txt files. (2) the folder name must be tracker.

The return will be:

Tracker HOTA DetA AssA MOTA IDF1
tracker 47.7 71.0 32.1 89.6 53.9

For more detailed metrics and metrics on each video, click on download output from scoring step in CodaLab.

Run the visualization code:

python3 tools/ --img_path dancetrack --split test --tracker tracker


We use joint-training with other datasets to predict mask, pose and depth. CenterNet is provided as an example. For details of joint-trainig, please see joint-training instruction. We provide the trained models in Google Drive or Baidu Drive(code:awew).

For mask demo, run

cd CenterNet/src
python3 ctseg --demo  ../../dancetrack/val/dancetrack000x/img1 --load_model ../models/dancetrack_coco_mask.pth --debug 4 --tracking 
cd ../..
python3 tools/ --img_file CenterNet/exp/ctseg/default/debug --video_name dancetrack000x_mask.avi

For pose demo, run

cd CenterNet/src
python3 multi_pose --demo  ../../dancetrack/val/dancetrack000x/img1 --load_model ../models/dancetrack_coco_pose.pth --debug 4 --tracking 
cd ../..
python3 tools/ --img_file CenterNet/exp/multi_pose/default/debug --video_name dancetrack000x_pose.avi

For depth demo, run

cd CenterNet/src
python3 ddd --demo  ../../dancetrack/val/dancetrack000x/img1 --load_model ../models/dancetrack_kitti_ddd.pth --debug 4 --tracking --test_focal_length 640 --world_size 16 --out_size 128
cd ../..
python3 tools/ --img_file CenterNet/exp/ddd/default/debug --video_name dancetrack000x_ddd.avi


  • The dataset of DanceTrack is available for non-commercial research purposes only.
  • All videos and images of DanceTrack are obtained from the Internet which are not property of HKU, CMU or ByteDance. These three organizations are not responsible for the content nor the meaning of these videos and images.
  • The code of DanceTrack is released under the MIT License.


The evaluation metrics and code are from MOT Challenge and TrackEval. The inference code is from ByteTrack. The joint-training code is modified from CenterTrack and CenterNet, where the instance segmentation code is from CenterNet-CondInst. Thanks for their wonderful and pioneering works !


If you use DanceTrack in your research or wish to refer to the baseline results published here, please use the following BibTeX entry:

  title   =  {DanceTrack: Multi-Object Tracking in Uniform Appearance and Diverse Motion},
  author  =  {Peize Sun and Jinkun Cao and Yi Jiang and Zehuan Yuan and Song Bai and Kris Kitani and Ping Luo},
  journal =  {arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14690},
  year    =  {2021}
  • Re-Evaluate QDTrack on Dancetrack

    Re-Evaluate QDTrack on Dancetrack

    Hello :)

    I tried to re-evaluate QDtrack using the weights you provided but I cannot reproduce the results you reported in your paper. I get the following:

    HOTA 45.8 / MOTA 83.0 / IDF1 44.8

    Can you please tell me what I need to do to reproduce the results?

    Best, Jenny

    opened by JennySeidenschwarz 2
  • Evaluetion on DanceTrack test

    Evaluetion on DanceTrack test

    Thank you for your great job. I successfully run the code on DanceTrack test dataset, but I can not get the test result on I get this error: image How can I get the results of test set?

    opened by iTruffle 2
  • About the lstm motion model.

    About the lstm motion model.

    Hi, Thanks for sharing your wondulf work. Is the lstm model retrained by you? Or do you use the pre-trained model provided by DEFT? Have a nice day ):

    opened by xiaocc612 2
  • Hello! How many pip packges do I need to install?

    Hello! How many pip packges do I need to install?

    when I try to run ### python3 tools/ -f exps/example/dancetrack/ -d 8 -b 48 --fp16 -o -c pretrained/yolox_x.pth But I fiailed, it told me there isn't

    opened by 459737087 1
  • Other tracking algorithms

    Other tracking algorithms

    Hello. Thank you for your astonishing work!

    By the way, would you upload codes for other tracking algorithms (MOTR, TraDes, TransTrack, QDTrack, and so on) described in the paper?

    Thank you.

    opened by kamkyu94 1
  • visualization problem

    visualization problem

    @noahcao Hi!When I run this command in terminal, python tools/ --img_path dancetrack --split val --tracker yolox_dancetrack_val, encountered this error: cv2.rectangle(img, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), color_list[bbox[4]%79].tolist(), thickness=6) IndexError: only integers, slices (:), ellipsis (...), numpy.newaxis (None) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices How should I solve it?Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by yanghaibin-cool 0
  • segmentation image size

    segmentation image size

    When I used the mentioned test method to segment other data, it was obvious that there were two line. How to solve this problem? The size of my input picture is 640*480. At the same time, I use the camera to make the segmented interval more obvious 2022-11-10 20-44-09屏幕截图

    opened by BloodLemonS 0
  • Better metrics for association.

    Better metrics for association.

    Nice dataset! As association appears to be a key focus, it would be great if the owners of the dataset consider computing and publishing the ATA from localmot on the non-public annotation. It better captures association errors as it is less correlated with detection performance than HOTA, IDF1 and AssA.

    opened by abewley 0
  • Is only the detector (e.g. YOLOX) to be trained in ByteTrack?

    Is only the detector (e.g. YOLOX) to be trained in ByteTrack?

    Thanks for your wonderful work! I think data association in ByteTrack is non-deep learning, which is not need to be trained. Is only the detector (e.g. YOLOX) to be trained in ByteTrack?

    opened by imzhangyd 2
  • Cuda out of memory

    Cuda out of memory

    Hello,When I train the model and set the batch size to 2 , it also cuda memory out . Does anyone can help me?

    I try torch.cuda.empty_cache() , but this is not working for me.

    opened by Percyx0313 0
  • Problems with training epochs on Dancetrack

    Problems with training epochs on Dancetrack

    @ifzhang Hi! Is it enough to train only 8 epochs on the DanceTrack dataset? Or is it a spelling mistake?Thanks for your reply!

    opened by yanghaibin-cool 2
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