ILVR: Conditioning Method for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (ICCV 2021 Oral)



This is the implementation of ILVR: Conditioning Method for Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (ICCV 2021 Oral).

This repository is heavily based on improved diffusion and guided diffusion. We use PyTorch-Resizer for resizing function.


ILVR is a learning-free method for controlling the generation of unconditional DDPMs. ILVR refines each generation step with low-frequency component of purturbed reference image. Our method enables various tasks (image translation, paint-to-image, editing with scribbles) with only a single model trained on a target dataset.


Download pre-trained models

Create a folder models/ and download model checkpoints into it. Here are the unconditional models trained on FFHQ and AFHQ-dog:

These models have seen 10M and 4M images respectively. You may also try with models from guided diffusion.

ILVR Sampling

First, set PYTHONPATH variable to point to the root of the repository.


Then, place your input image into a folder ref_imgs/.

Run the script. Specify the folder where you want to save the output in --save_dir.

Here, we provide flags for sampling from above models. Feel free to change --down_N and --range_t to adapt downsampling factor and conditioning range from the paper.

Refer to improved diffusion for --timestep_respacing flag.

python scripts/  --attention_resolutions 16 --class_cond False --diffusion_steps 1000 --dropout 0.0 --image_size 256 --learn_sigma True --noise_schedule linear --num_channels 128 --num_head_channels 64 --num_res_blocks 1 --resblock_updown True --use_fp16 False --use_scale_shift_norm True --timestep_respacing 100 --model_path models/ --base_samples ref_imgs/face --down_N 32 --range_t 20 --save_dir output

ILVR sampling is implemented in p_sample_loop_progressive of guided-diffusion/


These are samples generated with N=8 and 16:



These are cat-to-dog samples generated with N=32:



This repo is re-implemention of our method on guided diffusion. Our initial implementation of the paper is based on denoising-diffusion-pytorch.

  • Error in ilvr_sample after loading my trained model

    Error in ilvr_sample after loading my trained model


    I trained a model from scratch using my own dataset. After training I ended up with checkpoint files like, and

    flags used for training

    python --data_dir /data1/ --image_size 256 --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 3 --diffusion_steps 4000 --noise_schedule cosine --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 4 --save_dir /data2/

    I used the checkpoint file for ilvr sampling but it throwed the following error

    flags used for sampling

    python src/models/ILVR_GuidedDiffusion/  --attention_resolutions 16 --class_cond False --diffusion_steps 4000 --dropout 0.0 --image_size 256 --learn_sigma True --noise_schedule cosine --num_channels 128 --num_res_blocks 1 --resblock_updown True --use_fp16 False --use_scale_shift_norm True --timestep_respacing 100 --model_path /data2/ --base_samples ref_imgs/bdd10k --down_N 32 --range_t 20 --save_dir reports/figures/guided


    Logging to reports/figures/guided
    creating model...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "src/models/ILVR_GuidedDiffusion/", line 134, in <module>
      File "src/models/ILVR_GuidedDiffusion/", line 49, in main
      File "/home/vinod/anaconda3/envs/lsgm/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1482, in load_state_dict
        raise RuntimeError('Error(s) in loading state_dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for UNetModel:
            Missing key(s) in state_dict: "input_blocks.2.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.2.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.2.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.2.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.2.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.2.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.2.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.2.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.2.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.2.0.out_layers.3.bias", "input_blocks.4.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.4.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.4.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.4.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.4.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.out_layers.3.bias", "input_blocks.6.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.6.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.6.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.6.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.6.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.6.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.6.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.6.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.6.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.6.0.out_layers.3.bias", "input_blocks.8.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.8.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.8.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.8.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.8.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.8.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.8.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.8.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.8.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.8.0.out_layers.3.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.in_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.in_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.in_layers.2.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.in_layers.2.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.emb_layers.1.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.emb_layers.1.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.out_layers.0.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.out_layers.0.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.out_layers.3.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.out_layers.3.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.in_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.in_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.in_layers.2.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.in_layers.2.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.emb_layers.1.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.emb_layers.1.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.out_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.out_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.out_layers.3.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.out_layers.3.bias", "output_blocks.3.2.in_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.3.2.in_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.3.2.in_layers.2.weight", "output_blocks.3.2.in_layers.2.bias", "output_blocks.3.2.emb_layers.1.weight", "output_blocks.3.2.emb_layers.1.bias", "output_blocks.3.2.out_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.3.2.out_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.3.2.out_layers.3.weight", "output_blocks.3.2.out_layers.3.bias", "output_blocks.5.1.in_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.5.1.in_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.5.1.in_layers.2.weight", "output_blocks.5.1.in_layers.2.bias", "output_blocks.5.1.emb_layers.1.weight", "output_blocks.5.1.emb_layers.1.bias", "output_blocks.5.1.out_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.5.1.out_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.5.1.out_layers.3.weight", "output_blocks.5.1.out_layers.3.bias", "output_blocks.7.1.in_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.7.1.in_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.7.1.in_layers.2.weight", "output_blocks.7.1.in_layers.2.bias", "output_blocks.7.1.emb_layers.1.weight", "output_blocks.7.1.emb_layers.1.bias", "output_blocks.7.1.out_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.7.1.out_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.7.1.out_layers.3.weight", "output_blocks.7.1.out_layers.3.bias", "output_blocks.9.1.in_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.9.1.in_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.9.1.in_layers.2.weight", "output_blocks.9.1.in_layers.2.bias", "output_blocks.9.1.emb_layers.1.weight", "output_blocks.9.1.emb_layers.1.bias", "output_blocks.9.1.out_layers.0.weight", "output_blocks.9.1.out_layers.0.bias", "output_blocks.9.1.out_layers.3.weight", "output_blocks.9.1.out_layers.3.bias". 
            Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "input_blocks.2.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.2.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.4.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.4.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.6.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.6.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.8.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.8.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.10.0.op.weight", "input_blocks.10.0.op.bias", "input_blocks.11.1.norm.weight", "input_blocks.11.1.norm.bias", "input_blocks.11.1.qkv.weight", "input_blocks.11.1.qkv.bias", "input_blocks.11.1.proj_out.weight", "input_blocks.11.1.proj_out.bias", "output_blocks.0.1.norm.weight", "output_blocks.0.1.norm.bias", "output_blocks.0.1.qkv.weight", "output_blocks.0.1.qkv.bias", "output_blocks.0.1.proj_out.weight", "output_blocks.0.1.proj_out.bias", "output_blocks.1.2.conv.weight", "output_blocks.1.2.conv.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.norm.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.norm.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.qkv.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.qkv.bias", "output_blocks.1.1.proj_out.weight", "output_blocks.1.1.proj_out.bias", "output_blocks.3.2.conv.weight", "output_blocks.3.2.conv.bias", "output_blocks.5.1.conv.weight", "output_blocks.5.1.conv.bias", "output_blocks.7.1.conv.weight", "output_blocks.7.1.conv.bias", "output_blocks.9.1.conv.weight", "output_blocks.9.1.conv.bias". 
            size mismatch for out.2.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([3, 128, 3, 3]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([6, 128, 3, 3]).
            size mismatch for out.2.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([3]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([6]).

    May I know how you generated the 256x256 and 256x256 because I don't fave any issues while loading these weights?

    opened by vinodrajendran001 4
  • Question about your paper train

    Question about your paper train

    Hi, Thanks for sharing the code, I am very interested in your paper. I just wanted to ask a few questions regarding training: Your training is the same as guided-diffusion, only the sampling process is modified, right?

    opened by zhangzhili1112 3
  • Possible errors about using q_sample(x, t)

    Possible errors about using q_sample(x, t)

    image Thanks for your impressive contribution ! You implemented y_{t-1} by using the method q_sample(y, t). However, the right way is q_sample(y, t-1). Is there exisits any errors here? image

    opened by ZGCTroy 2
  • ilvr_sample hangs at the line

    ilvr_sample hangs at the line "model_kwargs = next(data)"


    I am using the FFHQ pt file to load the checkpoint and do the sampling.

    I just placed one example image in the ref_imgs/face/ folder and ran the ilvr_sample file as per the README file. But the script hangs at the line model_kwargs = next(data) .

    May I know how to resolve it?


    opened by vinodrajendran001 2
  • Training Requirement for GPU

    Training Requirement for GPU

    Excellent work and thanks for sharing your code. I'm a novice at diffusion models, and I'm concerned about theGPU resource this kind of models need. I wonder can all the training be done on a single RTX3090.

    opened by KevinGoodman 2
  • Dataset used for training

    Dataset used for training

    Thanks for your amazing work and nice sharing. You've said that 10M images are used to train in your REAME. As far as I know, there are 70000 images in FFHQ dataset. It is a little confusing. So is there any other data I've missed?

    opened by sunyasheng 2
  • Can this model be applied to other data modalities?

    Can this model be applied to other data modalities?

    Hi, authors. Can this model be applied to other data modalities? such as audio, text,... Have you tried it? Hope that you can give me some suggestions. Thanks in advance!

    opened by ZDstandup 1
  • Questions about style transfer

    Questions about style transfer

    Hi teams!

    Thanks for sharing your code and excellent work at first! I have tried your sampling code on my GPUs and got great outputs. I'm wondering whether your model can produce the outputs, which has the same texture shape of inputs but get colorized as reference pictures style? I have tried big N (e.g.,N=64) as you mentioned in the paper which can preserve only the coarse aspect (e.g., color scheme) of the reference but didn't get a good performance. So could I ask you any ideas to solve this problem?

    (What I have done so far: I used and domain A datasets(256x256) to train the model And then use some 256x256 images in domain B with big N to generate outputs.)

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by SkrBully 1
  • Confusing about timesteps

    Confusing about timesteps

    Thanks for the fantastic work. In the paper, you said that trained unconditional DDPM with publicly available PyTorch implementation( denoising-diffusion-pytorch) has 1000 timesteps during the training stage. But during the inference stage, directly use 100 steps without respacing. How does it work? Is there a problem with my understanding, and no relevant explanation is found in the paper.

    opened by zacharyclam 1
  • DDIM sampling

    DDIM sampling

    Thanks for the awesome work. Whether I can use ILVR sampling based on the ddim sampling scheme? I try to use ddim sampling scheme with ILVR, but the result will be very blury.

    opened by zacharyclam 1
  • How to sample results on LSUN dataset?

    How to sample results on LSUN dataset?

    Hi, Thanks for your great job on diffusion model! I am wondering if I can download the pre-train model on LSUN from improved-diffusion to sample in your code? I find there are some mismatching when loading the parameters. Have you modified the code base? Thank you.

    opened by XinYu-Andy 1
  • Checkpoints no longer available

    Checkpoints no longer available


    I am trying to download the checkpoints of your model but the link is no longer available, as it says that the file does not exist. I attach here the message from Google Drive.

    Could you provide a new link or the checkpoints?


    Thanks in advance.

    opened by eleGAN23 2
  • Adaption of pre-trained model

    Adaption of pre-trained model

    Hi! Thank you for your interesting repo!

    I have a question about training using pre-trained model of "guided diffusion".

    Is it ok to put other pre-trained model in ./models directory?

    opened by mikio303 0
  • FID test settings

    FID test settings

    It's mentioned that 50K real images are used for FID scores in Table 1. However, there are 70K images in FFHQ and only 1K in METFACES. Could you clarify how the 50K are sampled and or duplicated? Thanks

    opened by zhihongp 1
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