This repository contains an implementation of the Permutohedral Attention Module in Pytorch



This repository contains an implementation of the Permutohedral Attention Module ( in Pytorch. We first used the Niftynet CRF as RNN implementation as model ( for the code.

This repository contains two versions of a HashTable in Pytorch, one in plain Pytorch (used in and one with a custom CUDA kernel that needs to be compiled and binded to Pytorch (this is the latest version that should be used now). In addition to those features, the repository also contains an implementation of the CRF-as-RNN widely used for segmentation regularization especially in medical imaging.

The repository also contains all the files to reproduce the experimental results presented in the "Permutohedral Attention Module for Efficient Non-Local Neural Networks" paper. In case of any issue to reproduce the results, miss-understanding or mistake you might find, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].

  • Try the Permutohedral latice

    Try the Permutohedral latice

    Hi, First, very nice work! Second, I tried to you code of the permutohedral lattice as a simple filter and I think that there might be a problem because when I run this code on a 2d RGB image:

    from permuthohedral_lattice import PermutohedralLattice
    img = np.asarray("small_input.bmp"))
    indices = np.reshape(np.indices(img.shape[:2]), (2, -1))[None, :]
    rgb = np.reshape(img, (3, -1))[None, :]
    pl = PermutohedralLattice.apply
    out = pl(torch.from_numpy(indices/5.0).cuda().float(),
    output = out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()
    output = np.reshape(output, img.shape)
    result = Image.fromarray((output/output.max() *255).astype(np.uint8))'out.bmp')

    I get this image


    I see two problems with this image : duplication of the image and horizontal black stripes. Do you know what might be causing this? Thanks

    opened by jgsimard 7
  • PermutohedralLattice.apply


    hi, here is the second question.

    i have an rgb image with height and width h and w. my initial thought is to compute the affinity matrix W then, perform other necessary matrix product. but, i think the whole point to pl is to effciently compoute the prodcut W * IMAGE_OR_SOFTMAXSCORES.

    W is of size (h * w, h * w).

    W is the matrix defined here, and eq.4 in here, and as you defined it in your code

    of crf in here in eq.3 first term, and in eq6 in here.

    often, we need to compute St * W * (1-S) where S is the softmax scores, * is matrix product, t is matrix transpose.

    my question now is how to use your PermutohedralLattice.apply to compute either:

    1. St * W
    2. W * (1-S) or simply W * Z.

    i need to be able to perform both, in particular the second operation. Z has the same shape as S. it is useful to in order to compare to another c++ implementation that evaluates first W * Z where Z is simple S for a technical reason; then perform the product between St an the result of W * Z.


    from your code in here,

    here what i did, and then i got this error reported in the other post. it is your code, but used over dummy inputs and considering rgb image and the softmax scores has only one plan filled with 1. i expect the output i.e. norm_1 to have the same number of elements as ones:

        n, c, h, w = 32, 3, 224, 225
        img = np.random.rand(n, c, h, w) * 255
        img = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(img)
        img = torch.clip(img, 0, 255)
        npx = h * w
        spatial_x, spatial_y= torch.meshgrid(
        spatial = torch.stack([spatial_x, spatial_y], dim=0)  # 4d tensor
        # Duplicate the coordinates along the batch dimension
        spatial = spatial.unsqueeze(0).repeat(n, 1, 1, 1)  # 5d tensor
        spatial = spatial.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor).detach()
        spatial = torch.reshape(spatial, (n, spatial.size(1), -1))
        # Create the bilateral kernel features
        # Features for the first term of eq (3) in [1]
        img_fea = torch.reshape(img, (n, img.size(1), -1))
        _alpha = 1
        _beta = 1
        features_1 =[spatial / _alpha, img_fea / _beta], dim=1)
        ones = torch.ones((n, 1, npx)).cuda()
        pl = PermutohedralLattice.apply
        norm_1 = pl(features_1, ones)

    thanks for your help

    opened by sbelharbi 4
  • RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device function

    RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device function

    hi, thanks for this code.

    i have 2 related questions.

    q1. when running this example on my machine, i got this error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "x/", line 29, in <module>
        torch.from_numpy(rgb / 0.125).cuda().float())
      File "x/PAM_cuda/", line 20, in forward
        rank, barycentric, blur_neighbours1, blur_neighbours2, indices = PermutohedralLattice.prepare(feat)
      File "x/PAM_cuda/", line 116, in prepare
        _ = HT_opp.insert(table, n_entries, loc[scit].type(torch.cuda.IntTensor), loc_hash[scit].type(torch.cuda.IntTensor))
    RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device function
    CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
    For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.
    Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV)

    it is a segfault error. the installation is done using

    python setup.y build
    python setup.y install

    when running with $ CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 python, i got this:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 29, in <module>
        torch.from_numpy(rgb / 0.125).cuda().float())
      File "x/PAM_cuda/", line 20, in forward
        rank, barycentric, blur_neighbours1, blur_neighbours2, indices = PermutohedralLattice.prepare(feat)
      File "x/PAM_cuda/", line 116, in prepare
        _ = HT_opp.insert(table, n_entries, loc[scit].type(torch.cuda.IntTensor), loc_hash[scit].type(torch.cuda.IntTensor))
    RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device function
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    the used code is:

    import sys
    from os.path import dirname, abspath
    import re
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch
    import torch.nn.functional as F
    # path stuff
    # path stuff
    from import PermutohedralLattice
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import numpy as np
        import cv2
        import torch
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        im = cv2.imread("dog.png")
        indices = np.reshape(np.indices(im.shape[:2]), (2, -1))[None, :]
        im = np.transpose(im, (2, 0, 1))
        rgb = np.reshape(im, (3, -1))[None, :]
        pl = PermutohedralLattice.apply
        out = pl(torch.from_numpy(indices / 5.0).cuda().float(),
                 torch.from_numpy(rgb / 0.125).cuda().float())
        output = out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()
        output = np.transpose(output, (1, 0))
        output = np.reshape(output, (im.shape[1], im.shape[2], 3))
        plt.imshow(output / output.max())
        plt.imshow(np.transpose(im, (1, 2, 0)))

    any idea how to fix this?

    i will post the other question in a separate issue. thanks for your help

    info: conda virtual env: conda create -n env_test python=3.7 python 3.7.9 pytorch 1.9.0 installed with conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia cv2 4.1.2

    $ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2018 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Sat_Aug_25_21:08:01_CDT_2018 Cuda compilation tools, release 10.0, V10.0.130

    CUDA Version with nvcc-smi: 11.1 gpu: p100

    nvisia-smi: NVIDIA-SMI 455.32.00
    Driver Version: 455.32.00

    so far , i tested only on one server, where i expected the example to work. let me know if you need more info. the virtual env is within conda.


    opened by sbelharbi 3
  • Fully-connected 3D CRF

    Fully-connected 3D CRF

    I have added an implementation of a fully-connected 3D CRF for segmentation in PyTorch /CRF/ using the efficient permutohedral lattice implementation of this repo.

    opened by LucasFidon 0
  • Which file should I use?

    Which file should I use?

    Hello! I attempt to use PAM as a plug and play module for my task. Should I use PAM or PAM_cuda? Could you tell my about the detailed method of it? I'm a green hand of CUDA.

    opened by Stephen0808 0
  • Need some unit test

    Need some unit test

    Unit test for the diferent components would be required on the longer run. Examples of such tests for the permutohedral lattice and the CRF can be found here: As part of the c++ code in

    opened by tvercaut 0
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