Picka: A Python module for data generation and randomization.

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Data Analysis picka

Picka: A Python module for data generation and randomization.

Author: Anthony Long
Version: 1.0.1 - Fixed the broken image stuff. Whoops

What is Picka?

Picka generates randomized data for testing.

Data is generated both from a database of known good data (which is included), or by generating realistic data (valid), using string formatting (behind the scenes).

Picka has a function for any field you would need filled in. With selenium, something like would populate the "field-name-here" box for you, 100 times with random names.

for x in xrange(101):
        self.selenium.type('field-name-here', picka.male_name())

But this is just the beginning. Other ways to implement this, include using dicts:

user_information = {
        "first_name": picka.male_name(),
        "last_name": picka.last_name(),
        "email_address": picka.email(10, extension='example.org'),
        "password": picka.password_numerical(6),

This would provide:

        "first_name": "Jack",
        "last_name": "Logan",
        "email_address": "[email protected]",
        "password": "485444"

Don't forget, since all of the data is considered "clean" or valid - you can also use it to fill selects and other form fields with pre-defined values. For example, if you were to generate a state; picka.state() the result would be "Alabama". You can use this result to directly select a state in an address drop-down box.



def search_for_garbage():
        selenium.type('id=search_box', picka.random_string(10))

def test_search_for_garbage_results():
        assert selenium.get_xpath_count('id=results') == 0


driver = webdriver.Firefox()
x = {
        "name": [

Funcargs / pytest

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
        if "test_string" in metafunc.funcargnames:
                for i in range(10):

def test_func(test_string):
        assert test_string.isalpha()
        assert len(test_string) == 20

MySQL / SQLite

first, last, age = picka.first_name(), picka.last_name(), picka.age()
   "insert into user_data (first_name, last_name, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
   (first, last, age)


def post(host, data):
        http = httplib.HTTP(host)
        return http.send(data)

def test_post_result():
        post("www.spam.egg/bacon.htm", picka.random_string(10))
  • No test suite

    No test suite

    Slightly ironic, a test data generation toolkit which doesnt have a test suite.

    Also setup.py doesnt declare Python 3 support, hence the need for a test suite to validate it works correctly.

    opened by jayvdb 1
  • Additional Functionality for Testers to Add Their Own Data

    Additional Functionality for Testers to Add Their Own Data

    Picka provides general data for testing. Leveraging this effort provides custom test data. Test data is not limited to just preconfigured values when it's possible to add custom test data. Data can be accessed sequentially, randomly or completely.

    opened by bkuehlhorn 1
  • Fixed test file, added alternative sentence maker

    Fixed test file, added alternative sentence maker

    1. Fixed usage of number in tests (it takes one arg, not two)
    2. Added sentence_actual, which returns an actual sentence from the Sherlock text.
    3. Added _picka._Book class to hold the text and split sentences read from Sherlock. Users can call sentence() without reading the entire file again and again.
    4. Added test of sentence_actual to picka.tests

    The sentence_actual function has some nice features:

    1. You're much less likely to get a sentence fragment
    2. You can specify a minimum and maximum number of words
    3. It should be relatively efficient, because the split sentences are cached by the _Book class.

    The sentences aren't always perfect, but I think that has to do with the source. A book other than Sherlock Holmes, preferably one with less dialog, would give more "normal" sentences.

    opened by TadLeonard 1
  • Library does not take locale into account

    Library does not take locale into account

    The library assumes an English locale is used (e.g., English-language hardcoded month names). Ideally the library would use locale-dependent constants so that computations are done correctly (e.g., the duration of a month in month_and_day):

    >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'it_IT')
    >>> picka.month()
    >>> picka.month_and_day()
    'Maggio 2'
    opened by svisser 0
  • picka.age will return ages outside of the bounds

    picka.age will return ages outside of the bounds

    If I call picka.age(1, 1) repeatedly I get 1 and 2 as results. I would have expected it to always return 1. Note that this situation can occur when passing variables to picka.age, I don't expect people to write this in their code themselves.

    I can also get ages outside of the bounds when I call picka.age(0, 1) which resorts to using the default values and can therefore return any age within the default values.

    opened by svisser 0
  • Module name means

    Module name means "cunt"

    I'm not sure if this is a real issue, but when I look at this module I cannot do so with a straight face. "Picka" is "cunt" in Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Croatian, and I'm unsure as to whether there are other languages where this holds.

    While not grounds for any specific action, I find this largely amusing and just wanted to share.

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