3DV 2021: Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry



3DV 2021: Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry

Cho-Ying Wu, Qiangeng Xu, Ulrich Neumann, CGIT Lab at University of Souther California

[paper] [project page]

This paper supersedes the previous version of M3-LRN.


SOTA on all 3D facial alignment, face orientation estimation, and 3D face modeling.

Fast inference with 3000fps on a laptop RTX 2080 Ti.

Simple implementation with only widely used operations.

Evaluation (This project is built/tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.9)

  1. Clone

    git clone https://github.com/choyingw/SynergyNet

    cd SynergyNet

  2. Use conda

    conda create --name SynergyNet

    conda activate SynergyNet

  3. Install pre-requisite common packages

    PyTorch 1.9 (should also be compatiable with 1.0+ versions), Opencv, Scipy, Matplotlib

  4. Prepare data

Download data [here] and [here]. Extract these data under the repo root.

These data are processed from [3DDFA] and [FSA-Net].

Download pretrained weights [here]. Put the model under 'models/'

  1. Benchmarking

    python benchmark.py -w pretrained/best.pth.tar

Print-out results and visualization under 'results/' (see 'demo/' for some sample references) are shown.


  • Single-Image inference
  • Add a renderer and 3D face output
  • Training script
  • Texture synthesis in the supplementary

More Results

Facial alignemnt on AFLW2000-3D (NME of facial landmarks):

Face orientation estimation on AFLW2000-3D (MAE of Euler angles):

Results on artistic faces:

Related Project

[Voice2Mesh] (analysis on relation for voice and 3D face)


The project is developed on [3DDFA] and [FSA-Net]. Thank them for their wonderful work.

  • UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tri' referenced before assignment

    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tri' referenced before assignment

    Hello, thank your for sharing this amazing work.

    When I run the python singleImage.py -f img command, I got the error that:

    Process the image:  img/sample_1.jpg
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "singleImage.py", line 129, in <module>
      File "singleImage.py", line 106, in main
        render(img_ori, vertices_lst, alpha=0.6, wfp=f'inference_output/rendering_overlay/{name}.jpg')
      File "~/SynergyNet/utils/render.py", line 42, in render
        overlap = render_app(ver, tri, overlap, texture=tex)
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tri' referenced before assignment

    I found that it is because the connectivity argument is None by default, but I don't know how to set it to a correct value.

    opened by zhanghm1995 3
  • Label of train_aug_120x120

    Label of train_aug_120x120

    When I load file './3dmm_data/param_all_norm_v201.pkl' , I found that it has shape ([636252, 102]). I guess that 636252 is the number of image for training but I still dont understand that what 102 is? Can you explain to me about how you can create your training set?

    opened by vodanhbk95 3
  • About hyper-parameters

    About hyper-parameters

    It seems that some hyper-parameter settings in the code (train_script.sh) are inconsistent with those in the paper, for example, learning rate (0.027 vs. 0.08), loss weight \lambda_{2} (0.05 vs. 0.03), batch size (900 vs. 1024), milestones (48 & 64 vs. 30 & 40), epoch number (50 vs. 80) and lr decay (0.2 vs. 0.1). Of course these numbers are adjustable but important in the experiments. I want to know how to set these hyper-parameters with backbone mobilenetv2 to get a good performance as yours.

    opened by jelleopard 2
  • Normalization, ToTensor, PILToTensor

    Normalization, ToTensor, PILToTensor

    Hello, I'd been reading and executing your code and noticed that you are using ToTensor transform from torchvision. I think you need to be aware of it's scaling effects. Lets break down transform = transforms.Compose([ToTensor(), Normalize(mean=127.5, std=128)]) Assume the intensity of a pixel is 128. ToTensor converts it to float, BUT ALSO divides it by 255. So now your intensity is 0.5 Then in Normalize: (0.5 - 127.5) / 128 = -127 / 128 ~ -0.97. Applying it to other values from range withing [0, 255], we get a range for your intensity in [-0.998, 0.996], which is quiet opposite for what I would consider normalization


    The fix is pretty simple, that is to use PILToTensor from the same torchvision, that does not scale your input by 255. Doint that you will get way normal normalization as shown below, in (-1, 1) :)


    I will try retraining and benchmarking with better normalization and will submit a pr

    opened by awarebayes 1
  • Missing dependencies

    Missing dependencies

    Additional python requirements that are needed, but not listed, are: cython and torchvision

    Also, and more importantly, this project requires a cuda compatible GPU to run.

    opened by daviddavid 1
  • python benchmark.py -w pretrained/best.pth.tar: get RuntimeError: Unexpected key(s) in state_dict:

    python benchmark.py -w pretrained/best.pth.tar: get RuntimeError: Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "module.u_tex", "module.w_tex".

    Hi, when I try to run python benchmark.py -w pretrained/best.pth.tar, I encounter such an error:

    (SynergyNet) heyuan@VIML4:~/Research/3d_face/SynergyNet$ python benchmark.py -w pretrained/best.pth.tar
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "benchmark.py", line 256, in <module>
      File "benchmark.py", line 252, in main
        benchmark(args.weights, args)
      File "benchmark.py", line 241, in benchmark
      File "benchmark.py", line 235, in aflw2000
      File "benchmark.py", line 113, in extract_param
      File "/home/heyuan/Environments/anaconda3/envs/deep3d_pytorch/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1045, in load_state_dict
        self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for DataParallel:
    	Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "module.u_tex", "module.w_tex". 

    Do you have any idea to solve it?

    opened by lhyfst 1
  • This training size is less than 44G (train_aug_120x120.zip)

    This training size is less than 44G (train_aug_120x120.zip)

    Hi, Thanks for sharing your amazing code!

    I am trying to run your training code. In Training 2, you mentioned "Download training data from [3DDFA]: train_aug_120x120.zip and extract the zip file under the root folder (This training size is about 44G)."

    However, when I open 3DDFA, I only find a train_aug_120x120.zip with 2.15G. After extracting, it only has 2.8G, which is far less than 44G.

    I am wondering, am I missing some information to get the whole dataset?


    opened by lhyfst 1
  • Camera Intrinsic for projecting the mesh and the landmarks

    Camera Intrinsic for projecting the mesh and the landmarks


    I hope you are doing well. I wanted to ask, what is the camera intrinsic that you consider while projecting the mesh and landmarks back to the 2D image?

    opened by AyushP123 2
  • Can not meet the target(1.27 | 1.59 | 1.31) in NoW benchmark using the given pretrained checkpoint

    Can not meet the target(1.27 | 1.59 | 1.31) in NoW benchmark using the given pretrained checkpoint

    I checked the performance,but do it can not meet the target(1.27 | 1.59 | 1.31) in NoW benchmark using the given pretrained checkpoint. Thanks very much.

    opened by ZPzhu 5
  • Face orientation

    Face orientation

    Hi, I am YJHong and thanks for sharing great work!

    I checked code measuring landmark alignment (NME, benchmark_alfw2000.py) though, couldn't find any related code for measuring face orientation (pitch/yaw/roll).

    Would you let me know how measure face orientation given 3d landmarks ? (or any related code / repo)

    • Have you used cv2.solvePnP function for estimating euler angle ?
    opened by yjhong89 8
  • evaluation of AFLW dataset

    evaluation of AFLW dataset

    캡처 캡처 Face alignment evaluation result of AFLW in the paper and my evaluation result are different.

    Could you provide the evaluation code of AFLW dataset?

    opened by yjwnet9 1
  • Unsatisfied reconstructed results for images in-the-wild

    Unsatisfied reconstructed results for images in-the-wild

    Hi, thank your for sharing this amazing work.

    When I ran the demo inference for the in-the-wild images, I got results they are not good.

    The input image: image

    The landmark image: image

    The blended image: image

    You can easily find the results have misalignment, I am not sure whether I did something wrong.

    BTW, the image size is 512x512.

    opened by zhanghm1995 4
Cho-Ying Wu
3D Vision, CS Ph.D. Candidate, University of Southern California
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