Qt-GUI implementation of the YOLOv5 algorithm (ver.6 and ver.5)



🎉 YOLOv5算法(ver.6及ver.5)的Qt-GUI实现 🎉 Qt-GUI implementation of the YOLOv5 algorithm (ver.6 and ver.5).



Provides dark and light UI.


Installation and use

1.Fetching projects from git

git clone https://github.com/cnyvfang/YOLOv5-GUI.git

2.Switching the operating directory to the project directory

cd [PyQt5-YOLOv5_V5/PyQt5-YOLOv5_V6]

3.Installation environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

4.Launching applications

python run.py



The GUI defaults to dark mode, you can also make the program adjust to light mode by changing main_ui_dark to main_ui_light in the import of run.py.




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        return func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "run2.py", line 120, in run
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