RL and distillation in CARLA using a factorized world model


World on Rails


Learning to drive from a world on rails
Dian Chen, Vladlen Koltun, Philipp Krähenbühl,
arXiv techical report (arXiv 2105.00636)


This repo contains code for our paper Learning to drive from a world on rails.

ProcGen code coming soon.


If you find our repo or paper useful, please cite us as

  title={Learning to drive from a world on rails},
  author={Chen, Dian and Koltun, Vladlen and Kr{\"a}henb{\"u}hl, Philipp},
  booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.00636},


  • Checkout our website for demo videos!

Getting Started

  • To run CARLA and train the models, make sure you are using a machine with at least a mid-end GPU.
  • Please follow INSTALL.md to setup the environment.


  • Please refer to RAILS.md on how to train our World-on-Rails agent.
  • Please refer to LBC.md on how to train the LBC agent.


Leaderboard routes

python evaluate.py --agent-config=[PATH TO CONFIG]

NoCrash routes

python evaluate_nocrash.py --town={Town01,Town02} --weather={train, test} --agent-config=[PATH TO CONFIG] --resume
  • Use defaults for RAILS, and --agent=autoagents/lbc_agent for LBC.
  • To print a readable table, use
python -m scripts.view_nocrash_results [PATH TO CONFIG.YAML]

Pretrained weights


We also release the data we trained for the leaderboard. Checkout DATASET.md for more details.


The leaderboard codes are built from the original leaderboard repo. The scenariorunner codes are from the original scenario_runner repo. The waypointer.py GPS coordinate conversion codes are build from Marin Toromanoff's leadeboard submission.


This repo is released under the MIT License (please refer to the LICENSE file for details). The leaderboard repo which our leaderboard folder builds upon is under the MIT License.

  • Origin leaderboard submit evaluate

    Origin leaderboard submit evaluate

    Make sure you have read FAQ before posting. Thanks!

    When I tried to use pretrained model to origin leaderboard, the image_agent.py sensors config is not correct with WOR team submit on leaderboard benchmark image

    And for the image_agent posted on this repo:

    1. the collision and stitch_camera is not allowed in origin leaderboard
    2. the width and height is fixed by origin leaderboard
            sensors = [
                {'type': 'sensor.collision', 'id': 'COLLISION'},
                {'type': 'sensor.speedometer', 'id': 'EGO'},
                {'type': 'sensor.other.gnss', 'x': 0., 'y': 0.0, 'z': self.camera_z, 'id': 'GPS'},
                {'type': 'sensor.stitch_camera.rgb', 'x': self.camera_x, 'y': 0, 'z': self.camera_z, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0,
                'width': 160, 'height': 240, 'fov': 60, 'id': f'Wide_RGB'},
                {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': self.camera_x, 'y': 0, 'z': self.camera_z, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0,
                'width': 384, 'height': 240, 'fov': 50, 'id': f'Narrow_RGB'},

    I want to see from the origin leaderboard because I want to know about the failure situation on WOR and LBC since the result analysis about fail is lack.

    If it's possible could you pls give the config/agent and pretrained model files submit to leaderboard (like using another branch for origin leaderboard) or upload the result files after submiting leaderboard , either one is ok for analysis fail situation.

    opened by Kin-Zhang 19
  • python -m rails.data_phase0 --num-runners=[NUM RUNNERS] --port=[WORLD PORT]   exit no outdata; when change ray local_mode=True ok

    python -m rails.data_phase0 --num-runners=[NUM RUNNERS] --port=[WORLD PORT] exit no outdata; when change ray local_mode=True ok

    i run carla and worldinrails in server ; ubuntu 184, aioredis==1.3.0

    run carla: DISPLAY= ${CARLA_ROOT}/CarlaUE4.sh -world-port=$port -opengl -quality-level=low -world-port=$port -resx=400 -resy=300 $ change in file scripts/launch_carla.sh

    pygame no screen change settint : +++ b/leaderboard/leaderboard/leaderboard_evaluator.py @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import pkg_resources import sys import carla import signal

    +os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'dummy'

    when run: python -m rails.data_phase0 --num-runners=[NUM RUNNERS] --port=[WORLD PORT]
    program run and exit no outdata and no error

    when rails/data_phase0.py change this line ray.init(logging_level=40, local_mode=True, log_to_driver=False)

    local_mode=True from default False to True

    it run ok;

    what happen?

    opened by zdx3578 15
  • data_phase2 ray actor dies

    data_phase2 ray actor dies

    Hey Dian,

    Trying to run data_phase2 and I get the following Ray error (seems to have issue with RemoteMainDataset constructor?). I did some debugging by replacing all the @ray.remote stuff and .remote() commands with the non-ray versions, and the code runs with no issue (although the progress bar didn't progress past 0 frames after a minute or two, not quite sure if it's supposed to take that long or not).

    Did you ever see anything like this/know what I should do?

    (wor) aaron@Aarons-Machine:~/workspace/carla/WorldOnRails$ RAY_PDB=1 python -m rails.data_phase2 --num-workers=12
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/aaron/anaconda3/envs/wor/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    2021-05-29 14:45:49,862 WARNING worker.py:1034 -- Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/aaron/anaconda3/envs/wor/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/function_manager.py", line 251, in get_execution_info
        info = self._function_execution_info[job_id][function_id]
    KeyError: FunctionID(41f68a98bcf1c9ebc84e01b0819040089631493c)
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 550, in ray._raylet.task_execution_handler
      File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 364, in ray._raylet.execute_task
      File "/home/aaron/anaconda3/envs/wor/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/function_manager.py", line 256, in get_execution_info
        raise KeyError(message)
    KeyError: 'Error occurs in get_execution_info: job_id: JobID(01000000), function_descriptor: {type=PythonFunctionDescriptor, module_name=rails.datasets.main_dataset, class_name=RemoteMainDataset, function_name=__init__, function_hash=084f10af-7af1-46d7-8dda-ada171c2aad9}. Message: FunctionID(41f68a98bcf1c9ebc84e01b0819040089631493c)'
    An unexpected internal error occurred while the worker was executing a task.
        "__main__", mod_spec)
      File "/home/aaron/anaconda3/envs/wor/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
    2021-05-29 14:45:49,862 WARNING worker.py:1034 -- A worker died or was killed while executing task ffffffffffffffffcb230a5701000000.
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/home/aaron/workspace/carla/WorldOnRails/rails/data_phase2.py", line 67, in <module>
      File "/home/aaron/workspace/carla/WorldOnRails/rails/data_phase2.py", line 13, in main
        total_frames = ray.get(dataset.num_frames.remote())
      File "/home/aaron/anaconda3/envs/wor/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/worker.py", line 1381, in get
        raise value
    ray.exceptions.RayActorError: The actor died unexpectedly before finishing this task.
    (wor) aaron@Aarons-Machine:~/workspace/carla/WorldOnRails$
    opened by aaronh65 14
  • Question  about  data collecting of LBC in this version

    Question about data collecting of LBC in this version

    Make sure you have read FAQ before posting. Thanks! Hi, I would like to know How to set stop conditions of LBC agent during collecting data .By reading the code, I found that the 'q_collecter' and 'random_collecter' will stop collecting and save the data until the collision. Now, I want to try to train this version of LBC agent. I think the termination condition for LBC agent to collect data is arriving the destination.But I don't know how to implement it. Can you give me some suggestions or share this part of your code . Thank you , and I will be looking forward to your reply.

    opened by YzMark2r 10
  • Requesting some more training details

    Requesting some more training details

    Hey again, just wanted to ask for a bit more training detail. I'm trying to reproduce results (computing benchmark metrics on the Leaderboard validation routes), and the pretrained weights seem to do better than the weights I train on my own setup. I have two questions about how main_model_10.th is trained

    1. How large was the main_dataset used to train that model?
    2. How long did it take to train the model? I'm assuming it was 10 epochs total, which would've taken multiple days for the 100 Gb main dataset I was using

    Also, thank you for the reply on the other issue - I'll need to mull over your answers and read through the code some more to understand what's going on. I'll reply to that issue once I've thought about it some more!

    opened by aaronh65 10
  •  Bars of tqdm seems fixed at 0/50000 and fail to continue the Q-labeling

    Bars of tqdm seems fixed at 0/50000 and fail to continue the Q-labeling

    Make sure you have read FAQ before posting. Thanks! Hello, After running all the above programs correctly as you suggested,I have trained the ego-model and successfully collected the nocrash data about 186GB, then what I need to do is label Q. So I run with $python -m rails.data_phase2 --num-workers=4, it shows as follows:

    |         | 0/53267 [00:00<?, ?it/s

    And I have checked my GPU, and it shows the ray and running now.

    |   2  GeForce RTX 2080    Off  | 00000000:86:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
    | 50%   71C    P2   153W / 215W |   2480MiB /  7952MiB |     98%      Default |
    |   3  GeForce RTX 2080    Off  | 00000000:AF:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
    | 51%   72C    P2   152W / 215W |   2480MiB /  7952MiB |     98%      Default |
    |    2     14845      C   ray::RAILSActionLabeler.run()               1229MiB |
    |    2     14855      C   ray::RAILSActionLabeler.run()               1229MiB |
    |    3     14898      C   ray::RAILSActionLabeler.run()               1229MiB |
    |    3     14919      C   ray::RAILSActionLabeler.run()               1229MiB 

    When I tried CTRL+C, it shows:

    raceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
        "__main__", mod_spec)
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/home/shy/Desktop/WorldOnRails/rails/data_phase2.py", line 58, in <module>
      File "/home/shy/Desktop/WorldOnRails/rails/data_phase2.py", line 24, in main
        current_frames = ray.get(logger.total_frames.remote())
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/worker.py", line 1372, in get
        object_refs, timeout=timeout)
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/worker.py", line 304, in get_objects
        object_refs, self.current_task_id, timeout_ms)
      File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 869, in ray._raylet.CoreWorker.get_objects
      File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 142, in ray._raylet.check_status
    ^CError in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/node.py", line 868, in _kill_process_type
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/subprocess.py", line 1019, in wait
        return self._wait(timeout=timeout)
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/subprocess.py", line 1647, in _wait

    It seems it just waiting now? (But we donot need to launch carla in this phase) And the data-dir is set to the collected data direction, the config.yaml is set to the no-crash config. ( default='/home/shy/Desktop/WorldOnRails/experiments/config_nocrash.yaml')), just cp config.yaml to experiments file. Thanks a lot!

    opened by SunHaoOne 10
  • Minor errors regarding the released dataset

    Minor errors regarding the released dataset

    Make sure you have read FAQ before posting. Thanks! Hello, Sorry to disrupt you again. After reading the FAQ carefully, I downloaded your released datasets, there are some small mistakes here. And there is some problem about launching carla, I guess this problem leads to the errors about training the ego model.

    1 datasets lose key and value

    For example,

    data = json.load(open(json_file))
    {'loc': [655.82763671875, 30.739931106567383, 0.03367812931537628],
     'rot': [-91.5350341796875],
     'spd': [2.312199831008911],
     'cmd': [4.0],
     'lbl_00': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_00_00000.png',
     'lbl_01': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_01_00000.png',
     'lbl_02': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_02_00000.png',
     'lbl_03': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_03_00000.png',
     'lbl_04': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_04_00000.png',
     'lbl_05': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_05_00000.png',
     'lbl_06': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_06_00000.png',
     'lbl_07': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_07_00000.png',
     'lbl_08': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_08_00000.png',
     'lbl_09': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_09_00000.png',
     'lbl_10': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_10_00000.png',
     'lbl_11': '/ssd2/dian/challenge_data/main_trajs6_converted/aazijolwvf/rgbs/lbl_11_00000.png',
     'wide_rgb_{}': '/rgbs/narr_rgb_2_00000.jpg',
     'wide_sem_{}': '/rgbs/wide_sem_2_00000.png',
     'narr_sem_{}': '/rgbs/narr_sem_2_00000.png'}

    It seems that the narr_rgb_{} key and value is lost, and the file name does not correspond to the value in this json file. Besides, the value of wide_rgb_{} is also needs to be changed. So the code here is provided:

    import json
    #json_file ='/home/shy/Desktop/aazijolwvf/data.json'
    data = json.load(open(json_file))
    for i in range(data['len']):
        idx = str(i)
        wide_value = data[idx]['wide_rgb_{}'][:6]+'wide'+data[idx]['wide_rgb_{}'][10:]
        #print("wide value is", wide_value)
        # data['0'].keys()
        key_change_lbl = [key for key in data[idx].keys()][4:16]
        key_change_rgb=[ [key for key in data[idx].keys()][16],[key for key in data[idx].keys()][19] ]
        key_change_sem=[ [key for key in data[idx].keys()][17],[key for key in data[idx].keys()][18] ]
        for key in key_change_lbl:
            real_str = data[idx][key][58:]
            data[idx][key] = data_new
        for key in key_change_rgb:
        # remove_rgb
            real_str_first= data[idx][key][:10]
            real_str_last= data[idx][key][14:]
            data[idx][key] = data_new
        for key in key_change_sem:
            real_str= data[idx][key]
            data[idx][key] = data_new
    with open(json_save_file, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(data, outfile)

    And for testing, we set a random number, the code is following:

    import numpy as np
    idx = np.random.randint(0,200)
    print("The index is",idx)
    idx = str(idx)
    key_images= [key for key in data[idx].keys()][4:]
    for key in key_images[12:]:
        x = plt.imread(data[idx][key])
       # print("x.shape",x.shape)

    And finally the datasets can be loaded.

    2 what does 6+:lane centers mean?

    I found 6-11 are lane centers,what is the difference between them or how to collect it? I thought the direction of no.11 images seems different, I guess it maybe the people's lane center? Kazam_screenshot_00001

    3 Is Vulcan necessary for Carla?

    I failed to launch Carla by running the launch Carla shell. In FAQ, it might be the error of Vulcan, However, I can still launch Carla using the OpenGL. And I successfully test the examples in PythonAPI. After launching Carla, I decided to train the ego_model. And first of all, I need to collect the datasets.

    $ ./CarlaUE4.sh -fps 10 -world-port 2000

    Then I tried

    $ python -m rails.data_phase0 --num-runners=1 --port=2000
    (world_on_rails) shy@carla:~/WorldOnRails0526$ python -m rails.data_phase0 --num-runners=1 --port=2000
    pygame 2.0.1 (SDL 2.0.14, Python 3.7.9)
    Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
        "__main__", mod_spec)
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
        exec(code, run_globals)
      File "/home/shy/WorldOnRails0526/rails/data_phase0.py", line 53, in <module>
      File "/home/shy/WorldOnRails0526/rails/data_phase0.py", line 16, in main
        runner = ScenarioRunner.remote(args, scenario, route, port=port, tm_port=tm_port)
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/actor.py", line 407, in remote
        return self._remote(args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/actor.py", line 658, in _remote
      File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/signature.py", line 116, in flatten_args
        raise TypeError(str(exc)) from None
    TypeError: missing a required argument: 'route'

    I am not sure how to fix this problem, I just do as follows:(Did I set the right scenario_class?)

    runner = ScenarioRunner.remote(args,scenario_class='route_scenario', scenario=scenario, route=route, port=port, tm_port=tm_port)

    After that, there is no error and it seems that the code is running at ray.wait(jobs, num_returns=args.num_runners), and no data are saved. Then I turned to phase1,

    python -m rails.data_phase1 --scenario=train_scenario --num-runners=1 --port 2000
    (world_on_rails) shy@carla:~/WorldOnRails0526$ python -m rails.data_phase1 --scenario=train_scenario --num-runners=1 --port 2000
    pygame 2.0.1 (SDL 2.0.14, Python 3.7.9)
    Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
    (pid=15754) pygame 2.0.1 (SDL 2.0.14, Python 3.7.9)
    (pid=15754) Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118924.664088343","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118924.664086974","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118924.664067929","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118924.663999265","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118926.269346249","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118926.269345149","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118926.269326571","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118926.269311059","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118927.908004098","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118927.908003298","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118927.907989921","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118927.907964504","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118929.553582429","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118929.553581561","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118929.553567170","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118929.553544142","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118931.222429438","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118931.222428625","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118931.222411772","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118931.222371125","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118932.839846720","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118932.839845839","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118932.839830135","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118932.839817847","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118934.437792694","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118934.437791878","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118934.437777832","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118934.437756242","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    (pid=raylet) Traceback (most recent call last):
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 317, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     raise e
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 306, in <module>
    (pid=raylet)     loop.run_until_complete(agent.run())
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py", line 587, in run_until_complete
    (pid=raylet)     return future.result()
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/new_dashboard/agent.py", line 180, in run
    (pid=raylet)     agent_ip_address=self.ip))
    (pid=raylet)   File "/home/shy/anaconda3/envs/world_on_rails/lib/python3.7/site-packages/grpc/aio/_call.py", line 286, in __await__
    (pid=raylet)     self._cython_call._status)
    (pid=raylet) grpc.aio._call.AioRpcError: <AioRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
    (pid=raylet) 	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
    (pid=raylet) 	details = "DNS resolution failed for service: https:"
    (pid=raylet) 	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1622118936.032766161","description":"Resolver transient failure","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":2132,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118936.032765376","description":"DNS resolution failed for service: https:","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/dns_resolver_ares.cc","file_line":361,"grpc_status":14,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118936.032752221","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=A name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1622118936.032727375","description":"C-ares status is not ARES_SUCCESS qtype=AAAA name=https is_balancer=0: Could not contact DNS servers","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/dns/c_ares/grpc_ares_wrapper.cc","file_line":716}]}]}]}"
    (pid=raylet) >
    2021-05-27 20:35:37,323	ERROR worker.py:980 -- Possible unhandled error from worker: ray::ScenarioRunner.run() (pid=15754, ip=
      File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 463, in ray._raylet.execute_task
      File "python/ray/_raylet.pyx", line 415, in ray._raylet.execute_task.function_executor
      File "/home/shy/WorldOnRails0526/runners/scenario_runner.py", line 27, in run
        return self.runner.run(self.args)
      File "/home/shy/WorldOnRails0526/leaderboard/leaderboard/leaderboard_evaluator.py", line 417, in run
      File "/home/shy/WorldOnRails0526/leaderboard/leaderboard/utils/statistics_manager.py", line 355, in clear_record
        with open(endpoint, 'w') as fd:
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'results/00_simulation_results.json'

    The same error can be seen in the phase2. I guess these errors are caused by the ray.Now I am confused by these data collecting errors. And I would appreciate it if you could help me fixed these errors. Thank you again!

    opened by SunHaoOne 10
  • Reproducing Results

    Reproducing Results


    Thank you providing the code. I was trying to reproduce the results on the noCrash benchmark from the paper and my reproduced results (Column 4) are as follows in comparison to the results given by your implementation (Column 3). I am using the pre-trained model for the noCrash benchmark.

    | Town, weather | Traffic | RAILS Result (from paper) | Reproduced result | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | Town 01, Train Weather | Empty | 98 | 100 | | | Regular | 100 | 95 | | | Dense | 96 | 82 | | Town 01, Test Weather | Empty | 90 | 80 | | | Regular | 90 | 39 | | | Dense | 84 | 34 | | Town 02, Train Weather | Empty | 94 | 78 | | | Regular | 89 | 63 | | | Dense | 74 | 46 | Town 02, Test Weather | Empty | 78 | 36 | | | Regular | 82 | 34 | | | Dense | 66 | 24 |

    Can you please let me know what can be the issue? I followed the installation instructions and I am using the evaluate_nocrash.py command under the noCrash routes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Himangi

    opened by HimangiM 7
  • compatibility with new versions

    compatibility with new versions

    Hello, I am very interested in your project. The new version of Carla enriches many functions and fixes some bugs. The project is great. If the project is compatible with the latest version of Carla, it will have more extensions. Will it be possible to release the training code or model under carla0.9.12+ ? Or I just wonder if the code will also work in carla0.9.12+ or is it relatively easy to extend it for that?

    Thanks, in advance!

    opened by klaus99815 6
  • Change bird view to dashboard view

    Change bird view to dashboard view

    Hello! I want to change the camera I get when I run evaluate_nocrash.py from bird view to a dashboard camera.
    Things I tried to do: -I tried to modify the code so I got the view from a dashboard sensor but I couldn't exactly pinpoint what I needed to change and where. -I thought about recording the session and then viewing it by the sensor I wanted, but the --record argument is only available to the nocrash_evaluator.py and I am having a hard time running it as well. So can you guide me to the right direction?

    opened by ElliOsm 6
  • Traffic Manager times out when setting synchronous mode

    Traffic Manager times out when setting synchronous mode

    Raising a new issue:

    While running data_phase1 in parallel, I often get the following error, always when trying to turn traffic_manager's sync mode on or off.

    File "/home/aaronhua/WorldOnRails/leaderboard/leaderboard/leaderboard_evaluator.py", line 162, in _cleanup self.traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(False) RuntimeError: rpc::timeout: Timeout of 2000ms while calling RPC function 'set_synchronous_mode'

    (pid=55313) File "/home/aaronhua/WorldOnRails/leaderboard/leaderboard/leaderboard_evaluator.py", line 238, in _load_and_wait_for_world (pid=55313) self.traffic_manager.set_synchronous_mode(True) (pid=55313) RuntimeError: rpc::timeout: Timeout of 2000ms while calling RPC function 'set_synchronous_mode'

    My guess is that when running in parallel, if one worker happens to be writing data to disk at the end of a run while another worker is trying to reset the simulator, the entire system slows down and triggers the 2 second traffic_manager timeout. I modified the scripts/launch_carla to default to a server timeout of like 20 minutes but still get the above 2s timeout message. I've tried looking around to see if we can specify the traffic_manager specific timeout, but there's no comprehensive list of CarlaUE4.sh command line options.

    The closest I can find is here, implying that the C++ implementation of the TrafficManager has a method that sets the set_synchronous_mode timeout. The Python bindings don't appear to have this method though. Do you have an idea of how I'd resolve this issue?

    EDIT: as for your comment in the old thread, I've tried looking for errors that precede this one but haven't been able to find any. The only thing is ERROR: failed to destroy actor 11571 : unable to destroy actor: not found and the like, which appears when cleaning up a completed run and doesn't appear to actually break anything. I thought it was a timeout issue because I'm usually able to progress through a few routes and repetitions and gather valid data before workers will start to fail because of the error.

    opened by aaronh65 6
  • about data collecting in data_phase0

    about data collecting in data_phase0

    Hi Chen. Thanks for a lot of open source works and I am trying to follow them. I jump from the data collecting about LAV as you said there are similarities between them. I found that the random collector return a random control including throttle and steer. I feel confused how could the agent arrived the goal under the random control? ~~Does WOR and LAV use the same agent?~~ How does it chose random routes?

    opened by Watson52 3
  • Waypoint Rewards related issue

    Waypoint Rewards related issue

    I am not able to find where are the waypoint rewards smoothly penalized based on the distance as written in the paper. I see that the orientation and speeds are interpolated while calculating the waypoint rewards but I do not see any processing related to penalizing based on the distance down to a value of 0.

    It will be very helpful if somebody can point me in the right direction. Thanks

    opened by tanaysharma94 0
  • Training error

    Training error

    First of all, thank you for publishing this work. I would like to only retrain the Q table again by manipulating the reward function. So, I download the 100GB dataset and ran the data_phase2 module. However, because the dataset that you have provided doesn't have any *.mdb files, lmdb produces an error here because the read-only flag is true and says the no such file or directory. The path that I set is the root of this 1M record dataset.

            # Load dataset
            for full_path in glob.glob(f'{data_dir}/**'):
                txn = lmdb.open(
                    max_readers=1, readonly=True,
                    lock=False, readahead=False, meminit=False).begin(write=False)

    Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Thanks.

    opened by ehsannt 3
  • Question regarding the lane images

    Question regarding the lane images

    Hi, may I know what does the thickness of the lines in lane images in the asset folder mean? For example in Town03, I cannot seem to understand why there are some lines that are thicker than the other.

    opened by zachren97 0
  • Issues about the map

    Issues about the map

    Hello, I want to know more about the map. First, does the channel 'stop' represent the location information of traffic lights ? Second, What information does the 6 channels of 'waypoints' represent ? Thank you! image

    opened by YzMark2r 3
  • Issues with running leaderboard routes

    Issues with running leaderboard routes

    Hello! Thanks for your working, but I have some questions:

    1. How to control the number of cars and pedestrians?
    2. How to create my own route instead of training or testing route?
    opened by simplexity-kaiou 1
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Mesopotamia 261 Dec 23, 2022
Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetune Paradigm

Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetu

null 3 Dec 5, 2022
Paper Title: Heterogeneous Knowledge Distillation for Simultaneous Infrared-Visible Image Fusion and Super-Resolution

HKDnet Paper Title: "Heterogeneous Knowledge Distillation for Simultaneous Infrared-Visible Image Fusion and Super-Resolution" Email: 18186470991@163.

wasteland 11 Nov 12, 2022