TriMap: Large-scale Dimensionality Reduction Using Triplets

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Deep Learning trimap


TriMap is a dimensionality reduction method that uses triplet constraints to form a low-dimensional embedding of a set of points. The triplet constraints are of the form "point i is closer to point j than point k". The triplets are sampled from the high-dimensional representation of the points and a weighting scheme is used to reflect the importance of each triplet.

TriMap provides a significantly better global view of the data than the other dimensionality reduction methods such t-SNE, LargeVis, and UMAP. The global structure includes relative distances of the clusters, multiple scales in the data, and the existence of possible outliers. We define a global score to quantify the quality of an embedding in reflecting the global structure of the data.

CIFAR-10 dataset (test set) passed through a CNN (n = 10,000, d = 1024): Notice the semantic structure unveiled by TriMap.

Visualizations of the CIFAR-10 dataset

The following implementation is in Python. Further details and more experimental results are available in the paper.

How to use TriMap

TriMap has a transformer API similar to other sklearn libraries. To use TriMap with the default parameters, simply do:

import trimap
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits

digits = load_digits()

embedding = trimap.TRIMAP().fit_transform(

To find the embedding using a precomputed pairwise distance matrix D, pass D as input and set use_dist_matrix to True:

embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(use_dist_matrix=True).fit_transform(D)

You can also pass the precomputed k-nearest neighbors and their corresponding distances as a tuple (knn_nbrs, knn_distances). Note that the rows must be in order, starting from point 0 to n-1. This feature also requires X to compute the embedding

embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(knn_tuple=(knn_nbrs, knn_distances)).fit_transform(X)

To calculate the global score, do:

gs = trimap.TRIMAP(verbose=False).global_score(, embedding)
print("global score %2.2f" % gs)


The list of parameters is given blow:

  • n_dims: Number of dimensions of the embedding (default = 2)
  • n_inliers: Number of nearest neighbors for forming the nearest neighbor triplets (default = 10).
  • n_outliers: Number of outliers for forming the nearest neighbor triplets (default = 5).
  • n_random: Number of random triplets per point (default = 5).
  • distance: Distance measure ('euclidean' (default), 'manhattan', 'angular', 'hamming')
  • weight_adj: The value of gamma for the log-transformation (default = 500.0).
  • lr: Learning rate (default = 1000.0).
  • n_iters: Number of iterations (default = 400).

The other parameters include:

  • knn_tuple: Use the precomputed nearest-neighbors information in form of a tuple (knn_nbrs, knn_distances) (default = None)
  • use_dist_matrix: Use the precomputed pairwise distance matrix (default = False)
  • apply_pca: Reduce the number of dimensions of the data to 100 if necessary before applying the nearest-neighbor search (default = True).
  • opt_method: Optimization method {'sd' (steepest descent), 'momentum' (GD with momentum), 'dbd' (delta-bar-delta, default)}.
  • verbose: Print the progress report (default = True).
  • return_seq: Store the intermediate results and return the results in a tensor (default = False).

An example of adjusting these parameters:

import trimap
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits

digits = load_digits()

embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(n_inliers=20,

The nearest-neighbor calculation is performed using ANNOY.


The following are some of the results on real-world datasets. The values of nearest-neighbor accuracy and global score are shown as a pair (NN, GS) on top of each figure. For more results, please refer to our paper.

USPS Handwritten Digits (n = 11,000, d = 256)

Visualizations of the USPS dataset

20 News Groups (n = 18,846, d = 100)

Visualizations of the 20 News Groups dataset

Tabula Muris (n = 53,760, d = 23,433)

Visualizations of the Tabula Muris Mouse Tissues dataset

MNIST Handwritten Digits (n = 70,000, d = 784)

Visualizations of the MNIST dataset

Fashion MNIST (n = 70,000, d = 784)

Visualizations of the  Fashion MNIST dataset

TV News (n = 129,685, d = 100)

Visualizations of the  TV News dataset

Runtime of t-SNE, LargeVis, UMAP, and TriMap in the hh:mm:ss format on a single machine with 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU and 16 GB of memory is given in the following table. We limit the runtime of each method to 12 hours. Also, UMAP runs out of memory on datasets larger than ~4M points.

Runtime of TriMap compared to other methods



  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • numba
  • annoy

Installing annoy

If you are having trouble with installing annoy on macOS using the command:

pip3 install annoy

you can alternatively try:

pip3 install git+

Install Options

If you have all the requirements installed, you can use pip:

sudo pip install trimap

Please regularly check for updates and make sure you are using the most recent version. If you have TriMap installed and would like to upgrade to the newer version, you can use the command:

sudo pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall trimap

An alternative is to install the dependencies manually using anaconda and using pip to install TriMap:

conda install numpy
conda install scikit-learn
conda install numba
conda install annoy
pip install trimap

For a manual install get this package:

cd trimap-master

Install the requirements

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


conda install scikit-learn numba annoy

Install the package

python install

Support and Contribution

This implementation is still a work in progress. Any comments/suggestions/bug-reports are highly appreciated. Please feel free contact me at: [email protected]. If you would like to contribute to the code, please fork the project and send me a pull request.


If you use TriMap in your publications, please cite our current reference on arXiv:

     author = {{Amid}, Ehsan and {Warmuth}, Manfred K.},
     title = "{TriMap: Large-scale Dimensionality Reduction Using Triplets}",
     journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.00204},
     archivePrefix = "arXiv",
     eprint = {1910.00204},
     year = 2019,


Please see the LICENSE file.

  • Illegal instruction error

    Illegal instruction error

    Hi, I just installed TriMap and its dependencies (from conda). I ran the NIST demo script:

    import trimap
    from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
    digits = load_digits()
    embedding = trimap.TRIMAP().fit_transform(
    • but on running the trimap command, I get the following error:
    TRIMAP(n_inliers=10, n_outliers=5, n_random=5, distance=euclidean,lr=1000.0, n_iters=400, weight_adj=500.0, apply_pca=True, opt_method=dbd, verbose=True, return_seq=False)
    running TriMap on 1797 points with dimension 64
    Illegal instruction (core dumped)

    Can you give me some advice on how to debug this? I attached my conda environment (conda_env.txt), if that helps. I'm excited to give this a go!

    Many thanks and kind regards, Tim

    opened by timjim333 21
  • Trimap hangs forever

    Trimap hangs forever

    The following code makes Trimap hang forever.

    import numpy as np
    import trimap
    x = np.array([[ 3.18987876e-01,  5.87170608e-02, -5.35221584e-02,
            -2.12370202e-01,  1.44289479e-01,  1.15213081e-01,
            -3.49550992e-01, -8.56188014e-02,  7.67039582e-02,
            -7.87917897e-02, -2.89615601e-01, -2.38374388e-03,
            -6.07468300e-02, -1.53473644e-02,  9.19963419e-02,
            -1.14370733e-01,  1.21543720e-01,  1.16481416e-01,
            -2.94296652e-01, -1.43486544e-01, -3.29958886e-01,
             1.34309351e-01, -4.32708934e-02,  3.27159733e-01,
             1.35406721e-04,  2.15839192e-01, -2.31008962e-01,
            -1.53630883e-01,  1.70035616e-01, -1.03398576e-01,
            -7.83967040e-03, -1.48111418e-01,  7.08103701e-02,
             1.51507165e-02, -4.70302580e-03],
           [ 2.70511746e-01,  2.50944565e-03, -1.01266943e-01,
            -6.04593521e-03,  1.90846086e-01, -5.88433584e-03,
            -3.05718035e-01, -1.63746793e-02,  8.91139284e-02,
            -3.90956774e-02, -2.89017886e-01,  5.44876307e-02,
            -3.34294289e-02,  5.05351350e-02,  1.19450457e-01,
            -2.66644936e-02,  1.38987005e-01,  2.54748076e-01,
            -2.78318554e-01,  5.58482762e-03, -4.44619954e-01,
            -3.14005986e-02, -2.54096221e-02,  3.29968154e-01,
             4.54740152e-02,  1.45967603e-01, -1.36808544e-01,
            -1.10377215e-01,  1.64085761e-01, -2.38455474e-01,
            -1.35548353e-01, -1.64852977e-01,  1.17668778e-01,
            -4.60316762e-02,  4.73128930e-02],
           [ 3.17780316e-01, -7.81738758e-03, -6.44788519e-02,
             5.62540069e-02,  1.69442132e-01,  5.34028653e-03,
            -3.56567532e-01,  9.72701795e-03,  8.40950683e-02,
            -7.36852437e-02, -3.20505381e-01,  2.87447236e-02,
            -8.96242410e-02,  1.10711388e-01,  3.08006257e-02,
            -1.42246597e-02,  7.26564825e-02,  3.26128125e-01,
            -1.96420610e-01, -8.66924319e-03, -3.05779576e-01,
            -2.30795946e-02,  9.55938771e-02,  3.96909148e-01,
             7.82142058e-02,  1.47577658e-01, -9.03981999e-02,
            -4.88963164e-02,  1.18389614e-01, -2.15027452e-01,
            -6.54470399e-02, -1.75441504e-01,  1.87194660e-01,
            -5.08111436e-04,  1.35444716e-01],
           [ 2.58012921e-01, -8.77735093e-02, -1.28023893e-01,
             1.47463515e-01,  2.61107385e-01, -5.92785887e-02,
            -2.14058936e-01,  3.41764428e-02,  4.58676219e-02,
            -4.56911102e-02, -2.89655060e-01, -1.57761140e-04,
            -4.51611951e-02,  7.53968805e-02,  7.84260333e-02,
             5.99992424e-02,  1.10423878e-01,  3.26432049e-01,
            -2.62022614e-01,  2.30244398e-02, -3.76471043e-01,
            -1.13793373e-01,  1.96540896e-02,  2.30564684e-01,
             6.99499100e-02,  1.44859001e-01,  5.51677980e-02,
             2.79185660e-02,  7.44636357e-02, -2.78124183e-01,
            -1.65953085e-01, -1.10599346e-01,  2.63543546e-01,
            -8.91586766e-02,  1.93403229e-01],
           [ 3.32011819e-01, -1.40174493e-01, -5.28167412e-02,
             1.13800459e-01,  2.06157431e-01, -8.29892382e-02,
            -2.11161330e-01,  7.94143155e-02,  4.90802489e-02,
            -1.19306277e-02, -2.87060529e-01,  4.33459552e-03,
             8.65805820e-02,  3.03589255e-02,  1.73449665e-01,
             1.71231180e-02,  4.74411622e-02,  2.65454501e-01,
            -2.75403082e-01,  2.34591905e-02, -3.79175991e-01,
            -1.03660703e-01,  4.20364253e-02,  1.28694892e-01,
            -8.52392241e-03, -4.99439947e-02,  1.10806182e-01,
            -2.32070358e-03,  2.65163928e-02, -3.77998233e-01,
            -2.85796434e-01, -7.88480118e-02,  1.74133658e-01,
            -1.40881404e-01,  1.08900480e-01],
           [ 1.82337701e-01, -2.11179242e-01, -1.01714216e-01,
             1.31016269e-01,  4.99383882e-02, -1.59250170e-01,
            -1.29212305e-01, -3.32643799e-02,  1.20454393e-01,
             1.02800533e-01, -2.92455345e-01, -1.76530272e-01,
             2.09684089e-01,  1.33223221e-01,  1.39211901e-02,
             4.81586717e-03, -9.83966216e-02,  3.23559731e-01,
            -2.28622139e-01,  3.68424207e-02, -2.63355613e-01,
            -1.88473210e-01,  4.12943624e-02,  1.66466340e-01,
            -1.77660301e-01, -1.06210433e-01,  2.31963158e-01,
            -5.21184653e-02,  8.36717412e-02, -2.57204562e-01,
            -2.26933807e-01, -1.83641464e-01,  2.42122248e-01,
            -1.56716019e-01,  4.54310402e-02],
           [ 2.46496126e-02, -1.26516521e-01, -2.60583401e-01,
             2.04805687e-01,  1.16600819e-01, -2.23044977e-01,
            -1.97046809e-02, -8.16227198e-02,  7.48965740e-02,
             1.76039010e-01, -2.80806333e-01, -9.68108177e-02,
             1.12287454e-01,  1.50147453e-01, -7.96348378e-02,
             4.77459133e-02,  3.08816843e-02,  2.76006699e-01,
            -2.06872299e-01,  1.46334590e-02, -2.49763101e-01,
            -1.79324538e-01, -2.08251923e-02,  1.89528510e-01,
            -9.29871425e-02,  1.07009195e-01,  2.11045280e-01,
            -3.39877009e-02,  7.40684122e-02, -1.97052538e-01,
            -8.61336514e-02, -2.74793237e-01,  3.87020469e-01,
            -7.57661313e-02,  1.86928004e-01]], dtype=np.float32)
    y = trimap.TRIMAP(verbose=True).fit_transform(x)
    opened by Rodolphe2005 3
  • Is there any way to save the weights and parameters in the trimap for applied dataset to cluster sample data that are related to previously clustered dataset?

    Is there any way to save the weights and parameters in the trimap for applied dataset to cluster sample data that are related to previously clustered dataset?

    Shared code really helped in research and I'd like to apply trimap to the further data analysis. It would be great if sample data could be clustered in the same way as the deep learning network do. What I meant is, for example, 2-dimensional cluster graph for MNIST dataset is plotted after clustering and a new image - handwritten 0-9 number maybe by my own - is set to this graph, that are contained in the right class area (0-9). I've searched for saving and loading of K-mean cluster but no further information exists. Actually I'm not sure weather it is possible or not. If there's any advice for this issue, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by owlisie 2
  • IndexError in running trimap with precomputed values

    IndexError in running trimap with precomputed values

    To reproduce:

    import trimap
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    cossims = pd.read_feather("wiki_rule_cosinesimilarities.feather")
    distmat = 1 - np.matrix(cossims.iloc[:,0:cossims.shape[0]],'double')
    tmap = trimap.TRIMAP(use_dist_matrix=True)
    tmap = tmap.fit_transform(distmat)

    I'm attaching the data in a zipfile.

    opened by groceryheist 2
  • error about the implement of the function rejection sample

    error about the implement of the function rejection sample

    in the, there is a function

    def rejection_sample(n_samples, max_int, rejects):
        Samples "n_samples" integers from a given interval [0,max_int] while
        rejecting the values that are in the "rejects".
        result = np.empty(n_samples, dtype=np.int32)
        for i in range(n_samples):
            reject_sample = True
            while reject_sample:
                j = np.random.randint(max_int)
                for k in range(i):
                    if j == result[k]:
                for k in range(rejects.shape[0]):
                    if j == rejects[k]:
                    reject_sample = False
            result[i] = j
        return result

    and another function

    def sample_knn_triplets(P, nbrs, n_inliers, n_outliers):
        Sample nearest neighbors triplets based on the similarity values given in P
        nbrs: Nearest neighbors indices for each point. The similarity values 
            are given in matrix P. Row i corresponds to the i-th point.
        P: Matrix of pairwise similarities between each point and its neighbors 
            given in matrix nbrs
        n_inliers: Number of inlier points
        n_outliers: Number of outlier points
        triplets: Sampled triplets
        n, n_neighbors = nbrs.shape
        triplets = np.empty((n * n_inliers * n_outliers, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        for i in numba.prange(n):
            sort_indices = np.argsort(-P[i])
            for j in numba.prange(n_inliers):
                sim = nbrs[i][sort_indices[j + 1]]
                samples = rejection_sample(n_outliers, n, sort_indices[: j + 2])
                for k in numba.prange(n_outliers):
                    index = i * n_inliers * n_outliers + j * n_outliers + k
                    out = samples[k]
                    triplets[index][0] = i
                    triplets[index][1] = sim
                    triplets[index][2] = out
                    # if sim==out :
                    #     print("sim==out")
        return triplets

    the sort_indices is always range(0,150) [ set the n_inliners=100], in the raw implemention code you have guarantee that out is not in range(0,150), but in fact range(0,150) is not the true indice for sim, so I have found the indice of sim and out will be equal sometimes. in my opinion, the implemention of sample_knn_triplets should be below:

    def sample_knn_triplets(P, nbrs, n_inliers, n_outliers):
        Sample nearest neighbors triplets based on the similarity values given in P
        nbrs: Nearest neighbors indices for each point. The similarity values 
            are given in matrix P. Row i corresponds to the i-th point.
        P: Matrix of pairwise similarities between each point and its neighbors 
            given in matrix nbrs
        n_inliers: Number of inlier points
        n_outliers: Number of outlier points
        triplets: Sampled triplets
        n, n_neighbors = nbrs.shape
        triplets = np.empty((n * n_inliers * n_outliers, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        for i in numba.prange(n):
            sort_indices = np.argsort(-P[i])
            for j in numba.prange(n_inliers):
                sim = nbrs[i][sort_indices[j + 1]]
               # I have changed the next line compared with the raw code
                samples = rejection_sample(n_outliers, n, nbrs[i][sort_indices[: j+2]])
                for k in numba.prange(n_outliers):
                    index = i * n_inliers * n_outliers + j * n_outliers + k
                    out = samples[k]
                    triplets[index][0] = i
                    triplets[index][1] = sim
                    triplets[index][2] = out
                    # if sim==out :
                    #     print("sim==out")
        return triplets
    opened by YuXiaokang 2
  • trimap vs ivis?

    trimap vs ivis?

    Can you do some comparisons between trimap and bearing researches ivis? I think that both of you use similar techniques (triplet networks).

    I'm curious to see what differes between each implementation.

    opened by Hellisotherpeople 2
  • More than 2D

    More than 2D

    This is more like a request than a problem perhaps.

    Wow - I LOVE TRIMAP!! <3

    Wondered if its possible to generate more than two embedded parameters already and I'm just not seeing that option? If not, any chance that could be added going forward?

    Thank You and Best Wishes, Ian

    opened by taylori7 2
  • TypeError: No matching definition for argument type(s)

    TypeError: No matching definition for argument type(s)

    I got an error from numba when trying to use trimap on a fairly simple dataset. Any help greatly appreciated!

    Here's a colab notebook with the reproduction:

    TRIMAP(n_inliers=10, n_outliers=5, n_random=5, lr=1000.0, n_iters=400, weight_adj=500.0, fast_trimap = True, opt_method = dbd, verbose=True, return_seq=False)
    running TriMap on 10000 points with dimension 508
    found nearest neighbors
    sampled triplets
    running TriMap with dbd
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-6-9fcd06511c30> in <module>()
    ----> 1 embedding = trimap.TRIMAP().fit_transform(vectors)
    3 frames
    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numba/ in _explain_matching_error(self, *args, **kws)
        461         msg = ("No matching definition for argument type(s) %s"
        462                % ', '.join(map(str, args)))
    --> 463         raise TypeError(msg)
        465     def _search_new_conversions(self, *args, **kws):
    TypeError: No matching definition for argument type(s) array(float32, 1d, C), int64, int64, array(int32, 2d, C), array(float32, 1d, C)
    opened by shancarter 2
  • fixes #23: assign initial coords

    fixes #23: assign initial coords

    This change fixes an issue with getting out the initial coordinates when return_seq=True.

    To test:

    import trimap
    from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
    digits = load_digits()
    embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(return_seq=True).fit_transform(, init="pca")
    • This should now succeed and not raise a ValueError.
    • embedding[:, :, 0] should not contain any nan values.


    embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(return_seq=True).fit_transform(

    should succeed and embedding[:, :, 0] should also not contain any nan values.

    opened by jlmelville 1
  • initial coordinates are exported as `NaN` or throws an error

    initial coordinates are exported as `NaN` or throws an error

    First, thanks for your work on this package and technique and making it available for others to study and experiment with.

    The following example (using return_seq=True) raises a ValueError for me:

    import trimap
    from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
    digits = load_digits()
    embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(return_seq=True).fit_transform(, init="pca")

    Omitting the init argument and letting it be the default None, allows the computation to finish, but the initial coordinates are exported as nan:

    embedding = trimap.TRIMAP(return_seq=True).fit_transform(
    embedding[:, :, 0]
    array([[nan, nan],
           [nan, nan],
           [nan, nan],
           [nan, nan],
           [nan, nan],
           [nan, nan]])

    I think the following:

    should be:

        Y_all[:, :, 0] = Y

    as Y_init may hold a string like "random" (which causes the ValueError) or None (hence the nans).

    Happy to provide a PR for this if needed.

    opened by jlmelville 1
  • Replace Yinit check to remove SyntaxWarning

    Replace Yinit check to remove SyntaxWarning

    These changes are made to fix the python SyntaxWarning.

    During trimap installation, the following SyntaxWarnings are emitted:

    /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/trimap/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
      if Yinit is None or Yinit is "pca":
    /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/trimap/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
      elif Yinit is "random":
    opened by WiscEvan 1
  • It has no transform option

    It has no transform option

    For reproducibility, it should also have a transform option, so it can transform datapoint which is hasn't been trained on. On top of that, to be able to use the sklaern Pipeline, it needs this functionality as well

    opened by jochenater 1
  • Improve descriptiveness of verbose output

    Improve descriptiveness of verbose output

    The verbose output could be improved. Here are some suggestions in no particular order.

    1. don't complain about lack of PCA on high-dimensional data when there is not high dimensional data and thus it's not relevant.

    2. be more specific about exactly what's happening. On large datasets I just see "pre-processing" early on and it can stay that way for a long time. What's it doing? The output should be specific about exactly which step is happening. For long running steps, provide incremental output. Not sure incremental is possible with nearest neighbors but that would be particularly useful.

    3. note that when the TriMap settings are printed to stdout they do not include all the relevant settings. n_dims, for example, though I guess you are more conservative with this argument for now since it's also not documented and you mention it's untested.

    opened by cciccole 0
  • Support for random seed for reproducible runs

    Support for random seed for reproducible runs

    Glad to see this cool work from a fellow Slug.

    Is there a reason that there is no support for a random seed argument?

    That would be a very useful (and standard) thing to include.

    opened by cciccole 1
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NAVER 105 Dec 28, 2022
DimReductionClustering - Dimensionality Reduction + Clustering + Unsupervised Score Metrics

Dimensionality Reduction + Clustering + Unsupervised Score Metrics Introduction

null 11 Nov 15, 2022
MODNet: Trimap-Free Portrait Matting in Real Time

MODNet is a model for real-time portrait matting with only RGB image input.

Zhanghan Ke 2.8k Dec 30, 2022
[CVPR 2022] Official PyTorch Implementation for "Reference-based Video Super-Resolution Using Multi-Camera Video Triplets"

Reference-based Video Super-Resolution (RefVSR) Official PyTorch Implementation of the CVPR 2022 Paper Project | arXiv | RealMCVSR Dataset This repo c

Junyong Lee 151 Dec 30, 2022
DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition (CVPR 2021)

DeepLM DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition (CVPR 2021) Run Please install th

Jingwei Huang 130 Dec 2, 2022
HSC4D: Human-centered 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Indoor-outdoor Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR. CVPR 2022

HSC4D: Human-centered 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Indoor-outdoor Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR. CVPR 2022 [Project page | Video] Getting sta

null 51 Nov 29, 2022
PyTorch implementation of the paper Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction

Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of the paper Deep Networks from the Principl

null 459 Dec 27, 2022
Source code for NAACL 2021 paper "TR-BERT: Dynamic Token Reduction for Accelerating BERT Inference"

TR-BERT Source code and dataset for "TR-BERT: Dynamic Token Reduction for Accelerating BERT Inference". The code is based on huggaface's transformers.

THUNLP 37 Oct 30, 2022
Official NumPy Implementation of Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction (2021)

Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction This repository is the official NumPy implementation of the paper Deep Networks from the Principle

Ryan Chan 49 Dec 16, 2022
TensorFlow implementation of Barlow Twins (Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Learning via Redundancy Reduction)

Barlow-Twins-TF This repository implements Barlow Twins (Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Learning via Redundancy Reduction) in TensorFlow and demonstrat

Sayak Paul 36 Sep 14, 2022
InDuDoNet+: A Model-Driven Interpretable Dual Domain Network for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images

InDuDoNet+: A Model-Driven Interpretable Dual Domain Network for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images Hong Wang, Yuexiang Li, Haimiao Zhang, Deyu Men

Hong Wang 4 Dec 27, 2022
An official source code for paper Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction, accepted by AAAI 2022

Dual Correlation Reduction Network An official source code for paper Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction, accepted by AAAI 2022. Any

yueliu1999 109 Dec 23, 2022
Open-AI's DALL-E for large scale training in mesh-tensorflow.

DALL-E in Mesh-Tensorflow [WIP] Open-AI's DALL-E in Mesh-Tensorflow. If this is similarly efficient to GPT-Neo, this repo should be able to train mode

EleutherAI 432 Dec 16, 2022
Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing

Apache Spark Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. It provides high-level APIs in Scala, Java, Python, and R, and an op

The Apache Software Foundation 34.7k Jan 4, 2023
This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper: Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data.

This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper: Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data.

null 212 Dec 25, 2022
[ICLR 2021, Spotlight] Large Scale Image Completion via Co-Modulated Generative Adversarial Networks

Large Scale Image Completion via Co-Modulated Generative Adversarial Networks, ICLR 2021 (Spotlight) Demo | Paper [NEW!] Time to play with our interac

Shengyu Zhao 373 Jan 2, 2023
The implementation of the CVPR2021 paper "Structure-Aware Face Clustering on a Large-Scale Graph with 10^7 Nodes"

STAR-FC This code is the implementation for the CVPR 2021 paper "Structure-Aware Face Clustering on a Large-Scale Graph with 10^7 Nodes" ?? ?? . ?? Re

Shuai Shen 87 Dec 28, 2022
SLIDE : In Defense of Smart Algorithms over Hardware Acceleration for Large-Scale Deep Learning Systems

The SLIDE package contains the source code for reproducing the main experiments in this paper. Dataset The Datasets can be downloaded in Amazon-

Intel Labs 72 Dec 16, 2022
This repo contains the official code of our work SAM-SLR which won the CVPR 2021 Challenge on Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated Sign Language Recognition.

Skeleton Aware Multi-modal Sign Language Recognition By Songyao Jiang, Bin Sun, Lichen Wang, Yue Bai, Kunpeng Li and Yun Fu. Smile Lab @ Northeastern

Isen (Songyao Jiang) 128 Dec 8, 2022