WebApp served by OAK PoE device to visualize various streams, metadata and AI results


Image of DepthAI

DepthAI PoE WebApp | Bootstrap 4 & Vue.js SPA Dashboard

Based on dashmin (https://github.com/dacoto/dashmin-vue)

WebApp served by OAK PoE device to visualize various streams, metadata and AI results

Project setup


  • Node, npm & yarn
  • Python3
yarn install
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Builds and start the WebApp on DepthAI PoE device

yarn start

Flashes the WebApp to DepthAI PoE device

yarn flash

Compiles and hot-reloads for local development of WebApp

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies WebApp to be able to be served by DepthAI

yarn build

Lints and fixes WebApp files

yarn lint
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