Predicting Tweet Sentiment Maching Learning and streamlit



(I prefere using Visual Studio Code ) Open the folder in VS Code Run the first cell in requirement.ipynb
VS Code will demand to install Jupiter and python, install them , after that return to requirement.ipynb and click Run ALL (you should choose your interpreter of python ) TO train and then Predict !

type in terminal :

python ">>>" import nltk'stopwords')'punkt')

download the CSV file !

and save it in Predicting-Tweet-Sentiment-Maching-Learning-and-streamlit FOLDER

in the terminal , run:

pip install streamlit

Now , you can run directly web app because the result of training is already saved in saved_steps1.pkl using pickle
and the result of predicting is in results/result_predictions_1000_tweets.csv

in the terminal : go to the repository of the folder and then run the command :

streamlit run

But if you want to train the model before running the web app

Run All cells in SentimentPrediction.ipynb
you will obtain result_predictions_1000_tweets.csv and saved_steps1.pkl

You can also run to get tweets using Twitter API you will obtain result1.csv

Anytime RUN : streamlit run and upload any of the CSV files or type your own statement to predict if it is positive or not

Contactez-moi : [email protected]

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