It analyze the sentiment of the user, whether it is postive or negative.



It analyze the sentiment of the user, whether it is postive or negative.

It uses streamlit library for creating this sentiment analyzer tool on a platform like web.


  1. Scikit-Learn
  2. Python 3
  3. Streamlit
  4. Numpy
  5. Matplotlib

Just Download the repository, install the necessary libraries and then run

streamlit run

in your command line and then you can interact with it in your browser.

Thank You!

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  • I've improved the Sentiment-Analyzer project and included it in the gallery. Hope it's ok?

    I've improved the Sentiment-Analyzer project and included it in the gallery. Hope it's ok?

    Hi Patidar

    I'm reaching out because I saw your awesome Sentiment-Analyzer-Tool developed in Streamlit.

    I think it's so awesome that I wanted to included it in the Gallery. I hope that is OK?

    In order to include it I had to refactor it so that the files are not loaded from the file folder.

    And then I took a look and did a larger refactoring of the layout and flow. After that I thought that I had done so many things that it was ok to credit the two of us in the way shown below. I hope it is Ok?


    You're welcome to publish your awesome streamlit examples with you as Author at It's only a pull request away :-)

    Please note I have yet to solve some performance issues on Azure where it's deployed. The awesome-streamlit app is really fast locally :-)



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