Code for our paper 'Generalized Category Discovery'


Generalized Category Discovery

This repo is a placeholder for code for our paper: Generalized Category Discovery

Abstract: In this paper, we consider a highly general image recognition setting wherein, given a labelled and unlabelled set of images, the task is to categorize all images in the unlabelled set. Here, the unlabelled images may come from labelled classes or from novel ones. Existing recognition methods are not able to deal with this setting, because they make several restrictive assumptions, such as the unlabelled instances only coming from known --- or unknown --- classes and the number of unknown classes being known a-priori. We address the more unconstrained setting, naming it `Generalized Category Discovery', and challenge all these assumptions. We first establish strong baselines by taking state-of-the-art algorithms from novel category discovery and adapting them for this task. Next, we propose the use of vision transformers with contrastive representation learning for this open world setting. We then introduce a simple yet effective semi-supervised $k$-means method to cluster the unlabelled data into seen and unseen classes automatically, substantially outperforming the baselines. Finally, we also propose a new approach to estimate the number of classes in the unlabelled data. We thoroughly evaluate our approach on public datasets for generic object classification including CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet-100, and for fine-grained visual recognition including CUB, Stanford Cars and Herbarium19, benchmarking on this new setting to foster future research.


Code Coming Soon!

  • The some

    The some "Evaluation Metric" for seen classes and novel classes.

    Hi, thanks for sharing the great work! I found that the same Evaluation Metric, i.e., the Hungarian algorithm, is used for seen classes and novel classes. In fact, I think that the standard "classification accuracy" should be used for seen classes, to avoid the mis-matching issue on seen classes.

    opened by jingzhengli 6
  • Range-based masks are incompatiable with SSB splits

    Range-based masks are incompatiable with SSB splits

    In multiple places in the codebase, the mask to identify one class comes from the old or new classes is computed as:


    However, this is only compatible with the setting that all old classes are consecutive (e.g., 0, 1, ..., n_old_classes - 1). For the SSB splits where the old class indexes are non-consecutive, it can result in incorrect old-new splits.

    Influence of this bug: the old/new ACCs of CUB & Stanford Cars are not reliable (if use_ssb_splits==True), but the all ACC is not affected.

    Possible fix: replace range(len(args.train_classes)) with args.train_classes.

    opened by xwen99 4
  • one question in

    one question in

    Dear Sagar Vaze, I am reading your released code of your interesting paper Genearalized Cateogory Discovery. However, I seem to be confused about one implementation in the file ''. In your function '', when doing the KMeans, why the @n_clusters equals to the ground-truth class number here? Do you assume here you have access to the ground-truth cluster number or I mistakenly understand the whole pipeline? Kindly could you help to explain this?

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    opened by eatamath 3
  • Can't find the file: dino_vitbase16_pretrain.pth

    Can't find the file: dino_vitbase16_pretrain.pth

    Hi, thanks for sharing.

    But I met a problem that is I can't the file: dino_vitbase16_pretrain.pth, from the project folder. Could you please upload this file?

    Thanks a lot.

    opened by CYDping 2
  • class ids for imagenet-100

    class ids for imagenet-100

    Hi, Thank you for providing the code for your interesting work. I am trying to reproduce the results on imagenet-100, however, the class ids are not provided in this repository. In data/ it seems class selection is random. Can you please share the 100 class ids(Imagenet folder names ) that you used to generate your results?

    opened by sesmae 2
  • 'small_train' and 'small_validation' of herbarium19

    'small_train' and 'small_validation' of herbarium19

    Hi, I was looking into the dataset for Herbarium19. After downloading the dataset , I can only see 3 splits :'train', 'validation' and 'test'. May I know what are the 'small_train' and 'small_validation' which you used in ? Also, each training epoch for herbarium19 takes a very long time to run. Is it the reason that you used a subset of it?

    opened by sesmae 1
  • table 2,3 number clarification

    table 2,3 number clarification

    Hi, great work.

    May I know if table 2 and 3 are based on clustering method mentioned in 3.1.2 or 3.2?

    The numbers in table 3, specfically on Herbarium19 shows (35.4 | 51.0 | 27.0) which is the same as table 5 (6), which suggest semi-sup k-means was used to generate the results for table 3. While, table 2 results on CIFAR100 shows (70.8 | 77.6 | 57.0 ) which is different from table 5. Thanks in advanced.

    opened by cassie101 1
  • slow semi-supervised clustering

    slow semi-supervised clustering

    Hi, Thanks for releasing the code for your interesting work. I am trying to run semi-supervised kmeans with bash bash_scripts/ . but it seems to be pretty slow. Is this expected ?

    opened by sesmae 0
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • Some Questions about Binary_Search in

    Some Questions about Binary_Search in

    Thanks for your brilliant work! I wonder that whether the binary search function is valid. As known to me, the binary search can be utilized to estimate the minimum of function by searching the root of f'(x)=0, but only f(x)=ACC is given while f'(x) is not given. So I have some questions on it and hope to receive your response to it.

    opened by ascetic-monk 0
  • about the value of K

    about the value of K

    Thanks for the interesting research. Are the k values ​​used in the benchmarks(tabel 2,3) estimated? or GT? In my opinion, there will be a difference in acc depending on the k value, but in the code, it seems that the performance was measured through GT. What results were used in the paper? Also, is there a result of measuring the change according to the k value?

    화면 캡처 2022-11-04 135410

    opened by Backdrop9019 0
  • Could you release the code or checkpoints for reimplementing UNO+ and Rankstat+?

    Could you release the code or checkpoints for reimplementing UNO+ and Rankstat+?

    Reimplementing these two methods in the GCD setting is pretty cumbersome, as there are too many details to align. It would be greatly helpful if you could provide the code for implementing them or the trained models' checkpoints (or the models' predictions) for evaluation. Many thanks!

    opened by xwen99 0
  • The reproduced result

    The reproduced result

    I ran the experiment of table 2 using this repo and the final accuracy for all classes on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 are only 60.28 and 38.60, respectively, which are much lower than the reported.

    To reproduce this paper, I ran the following three files sequentially: "", "", and "". Following the implementation details in the original paper, I used ViT-B-16 backbone with DINO pre-trained weights (weights are downloaded from this repo: and fine-tune the final transformer block. The total number of clusters for k-means clustering is set as the total number of classes.

    The default setting of this repo seems to be set on Stanford Cars, so can you give detailed parameters for CIFAR10/CIFAR100??

    opened by snow12345 0
  • Are the experiment results in table2 and table3 performed on unlabeled data of the training set? I found that in your code to do just that?

    Are the experiment results in table2 and table3 performed on unlabeled data of the training set? I found that in your code to do just that?

    Are the experiment results in table2 and table3 performed on unlabeled data of the training set? I found that in your code to do just that?

    opened by ryylcc 1
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