🔪 Elimination based Lightweight Neural Net with Pretrained Weights



ELimNet: Eliminating Layers in a Neural Network Pretrained with Large Dataset for Downstream Task

  • Removed top layers from pretrained EfficientNetB0 and ResNet18 to construct lightweight CNN model with less than 1M #params.
  • Assessed on Trash Annotations in Context(TACO) Dataset sampled for 6 classes with 20,851 images.
  • Compared performance with lightweight models generated with Optuna's Neural Architecture Search(NAS) constituted with same convolutional blocks.



# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/snoop2head/elimnet

# fetch image dataset and unzip
!wget -cq https://aistages-prod-server-public.s3.amazonaws.com/app/Competitions/000081/data/data.zip
!unzip ./data.zip -d ./


# finetune on the dataset with pretrained model
python train.py --model ./model/efficientnet_b0.yaml

# finetune on the dataset with ElimNet
python train.py --model ./model/efficientnet_b0_elim_3.yaml


# inference with the lastest ran model
python inference.py --model_dir ./exp/latest/


Performance is compared with (1) original pretrained model and (2) Optuna NAS constructed models with no pretrained weights.

  • Indicates that top convolutional layers eliminated pretrained CNN models outperforms empty Optuna NAS models generated with same convolutional blocks.
  • Suggests that eliminating top convolutional layers creates lightweight model that shows similar(or better) classifcation performance with original pretrained model.
  • Reduces parameters to 7%(or less) of its original parameters while maintaining(or improving) its performance. Saves inference time by 20% or more by eliminating top convolutional layters.

ELimNet vs Pretrained Models (Train)

[100 epochs] # of Parameters # of Layers Train Validation Test F1
Pretrained EfficientNet B0 4.0M 352 Loss: 0.43
Acc: 81.23%
F1: 0.84
Loss: 0.469
Acc: 82.17%
F1: 0.76
EfficientNet B0 Elim 2 0.9M 245 Loss:0.652
Acc: 87.22%
F1: 0.84
Loss: 0.622
Acc: 87.22%
F1: 0.77
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 Loss: 0.602
Acc: 78.17%
F1: 0.74
Loss: 0.661
Acc: 77.41%
F1: 0.74
Resnet18 11.17M 69 Loss: 0.578
Acc: 78.90%
F1: 0.76
Loss: 0.700
Acc: 76.17%
F1: 0.719
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37 Loss: 0.447
Acc: 83.73%
F1: 0.71
Loss: 0.712
Acc: 75.42%
F1: 0.71

ELimNet vs Pretrained Models (Inference)

# of Parameters # of Layers CPU times (sec) CUDA time (sec) Test Inference Time (sec)
Pretrained EfficientNet B0 4.0M 352 3.9s 4.0s 105.7s
EfficientNet B0 Elim 2 0.9M 245 4.1s 13.0s 83.4s
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 3.0s 9.0s 73.5s
Resnet18 11.17M 69 - - -
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37 - - -

ELimNet vs Empty Optuna NAS Models (Train)

[100 epochs] # of Parameters # of Layers Train Valid Test F1
Empty MobileNet V3 4.2M 227 Loss 0.925
Acc: 65.18%
F1: 0.58
Loss 0.993
Acc: 62.83%
F1: 0.56
Empty EfficientNet B0 1.3M 352 Loss 0.867
Acc: 67.28%
F1: 0.61
Loss 0.898
Acc: 66.80%
F1: 0.61
Empty DWConv & InvertedResidualv3 NAS 0.08M 66 - Loss: 0.766
Acc: 71.71%
F1: 0.68
Empty MBConv NAS 0.33M 141 Loss: 0.786
Acc: 70.72%
F1: 0.66
Loss: 0.866
Acc: 68.09%
F1: 0.62
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37 Loss: 0.447
Acc: 83.73%
F1: 0.71
Loss: 0.712
Acc: 75.42%
F1: 0.71
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 Loss: 0.602
Acc: 78.17%
F1: 0.74
Loss: 0.661
Acc: 77.41%
F1: 0.74

ELimNet vs Empty Optuna NAS Models (Inference)

# of Parameters # of Layers CPU times (sec) CUDA time (sec) Test Inference Time (sec)
Empty MobileNet V3 4.2M 227 4 13 -
Empty EfficientNet B0 1.3M 352 3.780 3.782 68.4s
Empty DWConv &
InvertedResidualv3 NAS
0.08M 66 1 3.5 61.1s
Empty MBConv NAS 0.33M 141 2.14 7.201 67.1s
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37 - - -
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 3.0s 9s 73.5s

Background & WiP


Work in Progress

  • Will test the performance of replacing convolutional blocks with pretrained weights with a single convolutional layer without pretrained weights.
  • Will add ResNet18's inference time data and compare with Optuna's NAS constructed lightweight model.
  • Will test on pretrained MobileNetV3, MnasNet on torchvision with elimination based lightweight model architecture search.
  • Will be applied on other small datasets such as Fashion MNIST dataset and Plant Village dataset.


  • "Empty" stands for model with no pretrained weights.
  • "EfficientNet B0 Elim 2" means 2 convolutional blocks have been eliminated from pretrained EfficientNet B0. Number next to "Elim" annotates how many convolutional blocks have been removed.
  • Table's performance illustrates best performance out of 100 epochs of finetuning on TACO Dataset.


  • Test on pretrained mobilenetv3 and on vgg11

    Test on pretrained mobilenetv3 and on vgg11

    • Eliminate conv blocks from pretrained mobilenet_v3_large
    • Eliminate conv blocks from pretrained vgg11
      • Set baseline vgg11 as vgg11 where fully connected layers are dropped

    Experiment conditions are the same as the following:

    • Augment: None
    • Optimizer: SGDP(momentum = 0.9)
    • (Initial) Learning Rate: 0.01
    • Scheduler: OneCycleLR
    • Epochs: 100
    • Best Model Selection(Save strategy): Validation Loss
    • FP16: True
    opened by snoop2head 3
  • add: vgg11 as model

    add: vgg11 as model

    • CV-19 team reports that VGG with 11 layers(including fully connected layers) yields F1 score of 0.7720.
    • But current implementation only yields validation F1 score of 0.7547. WandB log is attached as following.
    opened by snoop2head 1
  • Add Resnet18 module

    Add Resnet18 module

    Resnet18 모듈 추가하였습니다.

    argument: [out_channel, pretrained] out_channel: 64, 128, 256, 512 pretrained: True, False (default:True)


    1. [1, Resnet18, [512, True]] : PASS
    2. [1, Resnet18, [512, False]] : PASS
    3. [1, Resnet18, [256, True]] : PASS
    4. [1, Resnet18, [128, True]] : PASS
    5. [1, Resnet18, [64, True]] : PASS
    6. [1, Resnet18, [511, True]] : raise Exception "out_channel: 512, 256, 128 or 64"

    이외에 테스트해야할 예외상황 또는 수정필요한 부분 코멘트 부탁드릴게요.

    opened by lkm2835 0
  • Enable layer numbers based elimination from input arguments

    Enable layer numbers based elimination from input arguments

    • Currently supports output channel based elimination
    • In order to fulfill the goal of lightweight model(less layers and less FLOPS), enable layer numbers based elimination for each pretrained models
    • It is observed that deleting more than 4 convolutional blocks on pretrained efficientnetb0 and on mobilenet_v3_large degrades models' performance.
    opened by snoop2head 1
  • Repeat inference experiments to obtain confidence interval of elapsed time

    Repeat inference experiments to obtain confidence interval of elapsed time

    For the inference experiments, get following times for each pretrained models

    • Data Loading
    • Profiling
    • Forward passing

    Repeat the inference experiments since time elapsed has discrepancy according to CPU cores utilized through time. Suggested by @hihellohowareyou

    opened by snoop2head 1
  • Illustrate performance gain of each pretrained models & how each models got lighter

    Illustrate performance gain of each pretrained models & how each models got lighter

    For each pretrained models, display

    • wandb log
    • table which consists of maximum f1 score in 100 epochs and FLOPS(either inference time)
    • percentage gain in both metrics of f1 score and FLOPS(either inference time)
    opened by snoop2head 2
  • Check the discrepancy between two resnet18 implementations

    Check the discrepancy between two resnet18 implementations

    Performance between these code blocks are different. https://github.com/snoop2head/ELimNet/blob/799a5c25199b925dc3bf035d95c81a5a9765ba0c/src/modules/resnet18.py#L9-L52


    opened by snoop2head 1
  • Use torchvision version 0.11.0

    Use torchvision version 0.11.0

    import torchvision.models as models
    mobilenet_v3_large = models.mobilenet_v3_large()
    mobilenet_v3_small = models.mobilenet_v3_small()
    efficientnet_b0 = models.efficientnet_b0()
    • torchvision 0.11.0 requires version above 1.9.0.
    • However, problem arose in inference.py when using torch version above 1.8.0 https://github.com/snoop2head/ELimNet/blob/590152df6fd0cfa63718af581ca7c2d1956acb50/inference.py#L22-L25
    • Currently using torch==1.7.0 and torchvision==0.10.0 as a workaround
    opened by snoop2head 2
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