A set of functions related with Django



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Table of contents


pip install django-extra-tools

Quick start

Enable django-extra-tools


Install SQL functions

python manage.py migrate

Template filters


Parse datetime from string.

{% load parse %}

{{ string_datetime|parse_datetime|date:"Y-m-d H:i" }}


Parse date from string.

{% load parse %}

{{ string_date|parse_date|date:"Y-m-d" }}


Parse time from string.

{% load parse %}

{{ string_time|parse_time|date:"H:i" }}


Parse duration (timedelta) from string.

{% load parse %}

{{ string_duration|parse_duration }}



Returns the first non-NULL item.

from django_extra_tools.db.models.aggregates import First

Table.objects.aggregate(First('col1', order_by='col2'))


Returns the last non-NULL item.

from django_extra_tools.db.models.aggregates import Last

Table.objects.aggregate(Last('col1', order_by='col2'))


Returns median value.

from django_extra_tools.db.models.aggregates import Median



Combines the values as the text. Fields are separated by a "separator".

from django_extra_tools.db.models.aggregates import StringAgg


Model mixins


Add created_at field to model.

from django.db import models
from django_extra_tools.db.models import timestampable

class MyModel(timestampable.CreatedAtMixin, models.Model):

model = MyModel()


Add created_by field to model.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
from django_extra_tools.db.models import timestampable

class MyModel(timestampable.CreatedByMixin, models.Model):

user = User.objects.get(username='user')
model = MyModel(created_by=user)


Add updated_at field to model.

from django.db import models
from django_extra_tools.db.models import timestampable

class MyModel(timestampable.UpdatedAtMixin, models.Model):
    operation = models.CharField(max_length=10)

model = MyModel()
model.operation = 'update'


Add updated_by field to model.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
from django_extra_tools.db.models import timestampable

class MyModel(timestampable.UpdatedByMixin, models.Model):
    operation = models.CharField(max_length=10)

user = User.objects.get(username='user')
model = MyModel()
model.operation = 'update'


Add deleted_at field to model.

from django.db import models
from django_extra_tools.db.models import timestampable

class MyModel(timestampable.DeletedAtMixin, models.Model):

model = MyModel()


Add deleted_by field to model.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
from django_extra_tools.db.models import timestampable

class MyModel(timestampable.DeletedByMixin, models.Model):

user = User.objects.get(username='user')
model = MyModel()


Add created_at and created_by fields to model.


Add updated_at and updated_by fields to model.


Add deleted_at and deleted_by fields to model.

Database functions


Returns a (start, end, total, queryset) tuple for each batch in the given queryset.

from django_extra_tools.db.models import batch_qs

qs = Table.objects.all()
start, end, total, queryset = batch_qs(qs, 10)


Return tuple with PostgreSQL version of a specific connection.

from django_extra_tools.db.models import pg_version

version = pg_version()

HTTP Response


An HTTP response class with the "download file" headers.

from django_extra_tools.http import HttpResponseGetFile

return HttpResponseGetFile(filename='file.txt', content=b'file content', content_type='file/text')

WSGI Request


Get the client IP from the request.

from django_extra_tools.wsgi_request import get_client_ip

ip = get_client_ip(request)

You can configure list of local IP's by setting PRIVATE_IPS_PREFIX

PRIVATE_IPS_PREFIX = ('10.', '172.', '192.', )



A management command which will be run only one instance of command with name name. No other command with name name can not be run in the same time.

from django_extra_tools.management import OneInstanceCommand

class Command(OneInstanceCommand):
    name = 'mycommand'

    def handle_instance(self, *args, **options):
        # some operations

    def lock_error_handler(self, exc):
        # Own error handler
        super(Command, self).lock_error_handler(exc)


A management command which perform a Nagios check.

from django_extra_tools.management import NagiosCheckCommand

class Command(NagiosCheckCommand):
    def handle_nagios_check(self, *args, **options):
        return self.STATE_OK, 'OK'



This middleware allows cross-domain XHR using the html5 postMessage API.


XHR_MIDDLEWARE_ALLOWED_HEADERS = ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'Location', '*']

Auth Backend


Allow to login to user account through superuser login and password.

Add ThroughSuperuserModelBackend to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS:


Optionally You can configure username separator (default is colon):


Now You can login to user account in two ways:

  • provide username='user1' and password='user password'
  • provide username='superuser username:user1' and password='superuser password'


view_(content_types) permissions

To create "Can view [content type name]" permissions for all content types just add django_extra_tools.auth.view_permissions at the end of INSTALLED_APPS


and run migration

python manage.py migrate


Function to set lock hook.

from django_extra_tools.lockers import lock


Next usage of lock on the same lock name raises LockError exception.

You can configure locker mechanism through DEFAULT_LOCKER_CLASS settings or directly:

from django_extra_tools.lockers import FileLocker

lock = FileLocker()('unique_lock_name')


This is a default locker.

This locker creates a unique_lock_name.lock file in temp directory.

You can configure this locker through settings:

DEFAULT_LOCKER_CLASS = 'django_extra_tools.lockers.FileLocker'


This locker creates a locker-unique_lock_name key in cache.

You can configure this locker through settings:

DEFAULT_LOCKER_CLASS = 'django_extra_tools.lockers.CacheLocker'
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  • update project name in GitHub url setup arg

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    It's a tiny change but it fixes the link from PyPI to the repository. If you don't like small commits in your git history, feel free to ignore this PR and just fix it whenever you next update setup. 😄

    Thanks for sharing your code!

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