Below is the code of fcntest.m. I have trained the model using deep vgg-16. And i am using the trained model from epoch 20 to test images for segmantation. Everyhting runs smooth but the predicted image is not displayed. Need Help !!
function info = fcnTest(varargin)
% experiment and data paths
opts.expDir = 'data/fcn32s-voc11' ;
opts.dataDir = 'data/voc11' ;
opts.modelPath = 'data/fcn32s-voc11/net-epoch-20.mat' ;
opts.modelFamily = 'matconvnet' ;
[opts, varargin] = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ;
% experiment setup
opts.imdbPath = fullfile(opts.expDir, 'imdb.mat') ;
opts.vocEdition = '11' ;
opts.vocAdditionalSegmentations = true ;
opts.vocAdditionalSegmentationsMergeMode = 2 ;
opts.gpus = [] ;
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ;
resPath = fullfile(opts.expDir, 'results.mat') ;
if exist(resPath)
info = load(resPath) ;
return ;
if ~isempty(opts.gpus)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup data
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get PASCAL VOC 11/12 segmentation dataset plus Berkeley's additional
% segmentations
if exist(opts.imdbPath)
imdb = load(opts.imdbPath) ;
imdb = vocSetup('dataDir', opts.dataDir, ...
'edition', opts.vocEdition, ...
'includeTest', false, ...
'includeSegmentation', true, ...
'includeDetection', false) ;
if opts.vocAdditionalSegmentations
imdb = vocSetupAdditionalSegmentations(...
imdb, ...
'dataDir', opts.dataDir, ...
'mergeMode', opts.vocAdditionalSegmentationsMergeMode) ;
mkdir(opts.expDir) ;
save(opts.imdbPath, '-struct', 'imdb') ;
% Get validation subset
val = find(imdb.images.set == 2 & imdb.images.segmentation) ;
% Compare the validation set to the one used in the FCN paper
% valNames = sort(') ;
% valNames = textread('data/seg11valid.txt', '%s') ;
% valNames_ = textread('data/seg12valid-tvg.txt', '%s') ;
%assert(isequal(valNames, valNames_)) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup model
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch opts.modelFamily
case 'matconvnet'
net = load(opts.modelPath) ;
net = dagnn.DagNN.loadobj( ; % makes a DagNN object from
net.mode = 'test' ;
for name = {'objective', 'accuracy'}
net.removeLayer(name) ;
net.meta.normalization.averageImage = reshape(net.meta.normalization.rgbMean,1,1,3) ;
predVar = net.getVarIndex('prediction') ;
inputVar = 'input' ;
imageNeedsToBeMultiple = true ;
case 'ModelZoo'
net = dagnn.DagNN.loadobj(load(opts.modelPath)) ;
net.mode = 'test' ;
predVar = net.getVarIndex('upscore') ;
inputVar = 'data' ;
imageNeedsToBeMultiple = false ;
case 'TVG'
net = dagnn.DagNN.loadobj(load(opts.modelPath)) ;
net.mode = 'test' ;
predVar = net.getVarIndex('coarse') ;
inputVar = 'data' ;
imageNeedsToBeMultiple = false ;
if ~isempty(opts.gpus)
gpuDevice(opts.gpus(1)) ;
net.move('gpu') ;
net.mode = 'test' ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Train
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
numGpus = 0 ;
confusion = zeros(21) ;
for i = 1:numel(val)
imId = val(i) ;
name ={imId} ;
rgbPath = sprintf(imdb.paths.image, name) ;
labelsPath = sprintf(imdb.paths.classSegmentation, name) ;
% Load an image and gt segmentation
rgb = vl_imreadjpeg({rgbPath}) ;
rgb = rgb{1} ;
anno = imread(labelsPath) ;
lb = single(anno) ;
lb = mod(lb + 1, 256) ; % 0 = ignore, 1 = bkg
% Subtract the mean (color) ----> i think its normaliation method
im = bsxfun(@minus, single(rgb), net.meta.normalization.averageImage) ;
% Some networks requires the image to be a multiple of 32 pixels
if imageNeedsToBeMultiple
sz = [size(im,1), size(im,2)] ;
sz_ = round(sz / 32)*32 ;
im_ = imresize(im, sz_) ;
im_ = im ;
if ~isempty(opts.gpus)
im_ = gpuArray(im_) ;
net.eval({inputVar, im_}) ;
scores_ = gather(net.vars(predVar).value) ;
[~,pred_] = max(scores_,[],3) ;
if imageNeedsToBeMultiple
pred = imresize(pred_, sz, 'method', 'nearest') ;
pred = pred_ ;
% Accumulate errors
ok = lb > 0 ; % ok becomes a logical array
confusion = confusion + accumarray([lb(ok),pred(ok)],1,[21 21]) ;
% Plots
if mod(i - 1,30) == 0 || i == numel(val)
clear info ;
[info.iu, info.miu, info.pacc, info.macc] = getAccuracies(confusion) ;
fprintf('IU ') ;
fprintf('%4.1f ', 100 * info.iu) ;
fprintf('\n meanIU: %5.2f pixelAcc: %5.2f, meanAcc: %5.2f\n', ...
100info.miu, 100info.pacc, 100*info.macc) ;
figure(10) ; clf;
imagesc(normalizeConfusion(confusion)) ;
axis image ; set(gca,'ydir','normal') ;
colormap(jet) ;
drawnow ;
% Print segmentation
figure(100) ;clf ;
displayImage(rgb/255, lb, pred) ;
drawnow ;
% Save segmentation
imPath = fullfile(opts.expDir, [name '.png']) ;
% Save results
save(resPath, '-struct', 'info') ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function nconfusion = normalizeConfusion(confusion)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% normalize confusion by row (each row contains a gt label)
nconfusion = bsxfun(@rdivide, double(confusion), double(sum(confusion,2))) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [IU, meanIU, pixelAccuracy, meanAccuracy] = getAccuracies(confusion)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
pos = sum(confusion,2) ;
res = sum(confusion,1)' ;
tp = diag(confusion) ;
IU = tp ./ max(1, pos + res - tp) ;
meanIU = mean(IU) ;
pixelAccuracy = sum(tp) / max(1,sum(confusion(:))) ;
meanAccuracy = mean(tp ./ max(1, pos)) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function displayImage(im, lb, pred)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subplot(2,2,1) ;
image(im) ;
axis image ;
title('source image') ;
subplot(2,2,2) ;
image(uint8(lb)) ; % image(uint8(lb-1)) ;
axis image ;
title('ground truth')
cmap = labelColors() ;
subplot(2,2,3) ;
image(pred) ; % image(uint8(pred-1)) ;
axis image ;
title('predicted') ;
colormap(cmap) ;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function cmap = labelColors()
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmap = zeros(N,3);
for i=1:N
id = i-1; r=0;g=0;b=0;
for j=0:7
r = bitor(r, bitshift(bitget(id,1),7 - j));
g = bitor(g, bitshift(bitget(id,2),7 - j));
b = bitor(b, bitshift(bitget(id,3),7 - j));
id = bitshift(id,-3); % bitshift(id,-3);
cmap(i,1)=r; cmap(i,2)=g; cmap(i,3)=b;
cmap = cmap / 255;