Label Hallucination for Few-Shot Classification
This repo covers the implementation of the following paper: Label Hallucination for Few-Shot Classification . If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider citing the paper.
author = {Yiren Jian and Lorenzo Torresani},
title = {Label Hallucination for Few-shot Classification},
journal = {AAAI},
year = {2022}
title={Label Hallucination for Few-Shot Classification},
author={Yiren Jian and Lorenzo Torresani},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.03340},
This repo was tested with Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS, Python 3.6, PyTorch 1.4.0, and CUDA 10.1. You will need at least 32GB RAM and 22GB VRAM (i.e. two Nvidia RTX-2080Ti) for running full experiments in this repo.
Download Data
The data we used here is preprocessed by the repo of MetaOptNet, Please find the renamed versions of the files in below link by RFS.
Download and unzip the dataset, put them under data
Embedding Learning
Please follow RFS, SKD and Rizve et al. (or other transfer learning methods) for the embedding learning. RFS provides a Dropbox link for downloading their pre-trained models for miniImageNet.
We provide our pretrained embedding models by [SKD] and [Rizve et al.] at Dropbox. Note that those models are NOT the official release by original authors, and they perform slightly worse than what reported in their papers. Better models could be trained with longer durations and/or by hyper-parameters tuning.
Once finish the embedding training, put the pre-trained models in models_pretrained
Running Our Fine-tuning
To perform 5-way 5-shot classifications, run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --dataset CIFAR-FS --data_root data/CIFAR-FS/ --model_path models_pretrained/cifar-fs_skd_gen1.pth --n_shot 5 --n_aug_support 5 --epoch 1 --norm_feat
# For FC100
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --dataset FC100 --data_root data/FC100/ --model_path models_pretrained/fc100_skd_gen1.pth --n_shot 5 --n_aug_support 5 --epoch 1 --norm_feat
# For miniImageNet (require multiple GPUs)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -W ignore --dataset miniImageNet --data_root data/miniImageNet/ --model_path models_pretrained/mini_skd_gen1.pth --n_shot 5 --n_aug_support 5 --epoch 1 --norm_feat
# For tieredImageNet (require multiple GPUs)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -W ignore --dataset tieredImageNet --data_root data/tieredImageNet/ --model_path models_pretrained/tiered_skd_gen0.pth --n_shot 5 --n_aug_support 5 --early 200 --print 50 --norm_feat
To perform 5-way 1-shot classifications, run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --dataset CIFAR-FS --data_root data/CIFAR-FS/ --model_path models_pretrained/cifar-fs_skd_gen1.pth --n_shot 1 --n_aug_support 25 --epoch 3 --norm_feat
# For FC100
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -W ignore --dataset FC100 --data_root data/FC100/ --model_path models_pretrained/fc100_skd_gen1.pth --n_shot 1 --n_aug_support 25 --epoch 5 --norm_feat
# For miniImageNet (require multiple GPUs)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -W ignore --dataset miniImageNet --data_root data/miniImageNet/ --model_path models_pretrained/mini_skd_gen1.pth --n_shot 1 --n_aug_support 25 --early 150 --norm_feat
# For tieredImageNet (require multiple GPUs)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -W ignore --dataset tieredImageNet --data_root data/tieredImageNet/ --model_path models_pretrained/tiered_skd_gen0.pth --n_shot 1 --n_aug_support 25 --early 200 --print 50 --norm_feat
Reading the outputs
400it RFS/SKD/baseline acc: 0.7200 for this episode
==> training...
Epoch: [1][100/288] Time 0.121 (0.115) Data 0.001 (0.003) ..
Epoch: [1][200/288] Time 0.112 (0.114) Data 0.001 (0.002) ...
epoch 400, total time 32.77
acc1: 0.6567, std1: 0.0076, acc2: 0.6820, std2: 0.0080,
epochs: 1, acc2: 0.6400, std2: 0.0080
The above is an example print-out for FC100 5-shot. acc1: 0.6567, std1: 0.0076
is the accuracy and the deviation of LinearRegression method with fixed embeddings (used in RFS and SKD). acc2: 0.6820, std2: 0.0080
is the result by our method.
For any questions, please contact authors.
Thanks to RFS, for the preliminary implementations.