Code for the ICCV 2021 paper "Pixel Difference Networks for Efficient Edge Detection" (Oral).


Pixel Difference Convolution

This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for "Pixel Difference Networks for Efficient Edge Detection" by Zhuo Su*, Wenzhe Liu*, Zitong Yu, Dewen Hu, Qing Liao, Qi Tian, Matti Pietikäinen and Li Liu** (* Authors have equal contributions, ** Corresponding author). [arXiv]

The writing style of this code is based on Dynamic Group Convolution.

Running environment

Training: Pytorch 1.9 with cuda 10.1 and cudnn 7.5 in an Ubuntu 18.04 system
Evaluation: Matlab 2019a

Ealier versions may also work~ :)


We use the links in RCF Repository. The augmented BSDS500, PASCAL VOC, and NYUD datasets can be downloaded with:


To create BSDS dataset, please follow:

  1. create a folder /path/to/BSDS500,
  2. extract HED-BSDS.tar.gz to /path/to/BSDS500/HED-BSDS,
  3. extract PASCAL.tar.gz to /path/to/BSDS500/PASCAL,
  4. if you want to evaluate on BSDS500 val set, the val images can be downloaded from this link, please extract it to /path/to/BSDS500/HED-BSDS/val,
  5. cp the *.lst files in data/BSDS500/HED-BSDS to /path/to/BSDS500/HED-BSDS/, cp the *.lst files in data/BSDS500 to /path/to/BSDS500/.

To create NYUD dataset, please follow:

  1. create a folder /path/to/NYUD,
  2. extract NYUD.tar.gz to /path/to/NYUD,
  3. cp the *.lst files in data/NYUD to /path/to/NYUD/.

Training, and Generating edge maps

Here we provide the scripts for training the models appeared in the paper. For example, we refer to the PiDiNet model in Table 5 in the paper as table5_pidinet.


# train, the checkpoints will be save in /path/to/table5_pidinet/save_models/ during training
python --model pidinet --config carv4 --sa --dil --resume --iter-size 24 -j 4 --gpu 0 --epochs 20 --lr 0.005 --lr-type multistep --lr-steps 10-16 --wd 1e-4 --savedir /path/to/table5_pidinet --datadir /path/to/BSDS500 --dataset BSDS

# generating edge maps using the original model
python --model pidinet --config carv4 --sa --dil -j 4 --gpu 0 --savedir /path/to/table5_pidinet --datadir /path/to/BSDS500 --dataset BSDS --evaluate /path/to/table5_pidinet/save_models/checkpointxxx.tar

# generating edge maps using the converted model, it should output the same results just like using the original model
# the process will convert pidinet to vanilla cnn, using the saved checkpoint
python --model pidinet_converted --config carv4 --sa --dil -j 4 --gpu 0 --savedir /path/to/table5_pidinet --datadir /path/to/BSDS500 --dataset BSDS --evaluate /path/to/table5_pidinet/save_models/checkpointxxx.tar --evaluate-converted

# test FPS on GPU
python --model pidinet_converted --config carv4 --sa --dil -j 1 --gpu 0 --datadir /path/to/BSDS500 --dataset BSDS

It is similar for other models, please see detailed scripts in

The performance of some of the models are listed below (click the items to download the checkpoints and training logs). FPS metrics are tested on a NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti, showing slightly faster than that recorded in the paper (you probably get different FPS records in different runs, but they will not vary too much):

Model ODS OIS FPS Training logs
table5_baseline 0.798 0.816 101 log
table5_pidinet 0.807 0.823 96 log, running log
table5_pidinet-l 0.800 0.815 135 log
table5_pidinet-small 0.798 0.814 161 log
table5_pidinet-small-l 0.793 0.809 225 log
table5_pidinet-tiny 0.789 0.806 182 log
table5_pidinet-tiny-l 0.787 0.804 253 log
table6_pidinet 0.733 0.747 66 log, running_log
table7_pidinet 0.818 0.824 17 log, running_log


The matlab code used for evaluation in our experiments can be downloaded in matlab code for evaluation.

Possible steps:

  1. extract the downloaded file to /path/to/edge_eval_matlab,
  2. change the first few lines (path settings) in eval_bsds.m, eval_nyud.m, eval_multicue.m for evaluating the three datasets respectively,
  3. in a terminal, open Matlab like
matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -nodesktop

# after entering the Matlab environment, 
>>> eval_bsds
  1. you could change the number of works in parpool in /path/to/edge_eval_matlab/toolbox.badacost.public/matlab/fevalDistr.m in line 100. The default value is 16.

For evaluating NYUD, following RCF, we increase the localization tolerance from 0.0075 to 0.011. The Matlab code is based on the following links:

PR curves

Please follow plot-edge-pr-curves, files for plotting pr curves of PiDiNet are provided in pidinet_pr_curves.

Generating edge maps for your own images

python --model pidinet_converted --config carv4 --sa --dil -j 4 --gpu 0 --savedir /path/to/savedir --datadir /path/to/custom_images --dataset Custom --evaluate /path/to/table5_pidinet/save_models/checkpointxxx.tar --evaluate-converted

The results of our model look like this. The top image is the messy office table, the bottom image is the peaceful Saimaa lake in southeast of Finland.
  • 输出的图片的含义


    作者你好,你做的实在是太棒了!因为课程要复现论文,我也不是CV领域的,所以我的问题可能有些幼稚,我想询问一下自己的图片输入之后,输出的一张长图片各个小图片是不是不同的edge map的结果?另外输出了一张被裁剪过的图是最终的结果吗?最后我还有一个小问题,我输入了一张1200W像素的图片就提醒我显卡内存不足了,我显卡内存是4G,我主要想知道为什么一张1200W像素的照片为什么能填满4G的显存,如果您有空解答我的问题,我将不胜感激!!!

    opened by yuyouyu32 6
  • Multicue dataset, set 1 set 2 set 3

    Multicue dataset, set 1 set 2 set 3

    Hi Zhuo, Nice work, and it helps a lot! Thanks.

    But, why does it has three different sets (e.g. train_pair_edge_set_1/2/3.lst) for Multicue dataset? Are they randomly split from the corresponding train_pair_edge.lst?

    To get results in Table 7 (Multicue, boundary and edge), one should run the code separately with each of the three sets and then average their edge maps for evaluation? For their five GTs(1,2,3,4,5 ), which should be used for evaluation, or all of them?

    opened by wasaCheney 4
  • About edge detection fps

    About edge detection fps

    When I use python --model pidinet_tiny to generate the edge images of my data set, the average edge extraction of each image can only reach about 90ms, and when using python --model pidinet_tiny, it is displayed as: Threshold for ground truth: 76.800000 on BSDS_VOC, fps: 148.358999. I would like to ask what ways can be used to improve the speed of python --model pidinet_tiny edge detection, such as not generating jpg and mat files?

    opened by KengDong 4
  • Checkpoints file and table5_pidinet model

    Checkpoints file and table5_pidinet model

    Hello, where can I download the checkpoints file? I want to train a table5_pidinet model, but I have encountered some difficulties. Is it convenient for email to contact?

    opened by emmmmmmmer 4
  • weights_c


    Hello, your work is perfect, but I took a look at the CPDC program you wrote today. I don't quite understand the solution of weights_c. Did something go wrong?

    opened by RuosiZhou 3
  • 运行命令行出错,可以帮忙看一下这是哪里出错了吗


    python --model pidinet --config carv4 --sa --dil --resume --iter-size 24 -j 0 --gpu 0 --epochs 20 --lr 0.005 --lr-type multistep --lr-steps 10-16 --wd 1e-4 --savedir /path/to/table5_pidinet --datadir path/to/BSDS500 --dataset BSDS 会出现错误 No such file or directory: 'path/to/BSDS500\PASCAL/aug_gt/0.0_0/2009_003007.png' 麻烦请教一下可以帮忙看看这是哪里出错了吗

    opened by dongliuqingqing 2
  • Error: Generating edge maps for your own images

    Error: Generating edge maps for your own images

    When I test the code to generate edge maps for my own images following the readme guide, an error occurs. Running the test code by: python --model pidinet_converted --config carv4 --sa --dil -j 4 --datadir ./data/test --dataset Custom --evaluate ./trained_models/table5_pidinet.pth --evaluate-converted


    Namespace(ablation=False, checkinfo=False, config='carv4', datadir='./data/test', datase
     epochs=20, eta=0.3, evaluate='./trained_models/table5_pidinet.pth', evaluate_converted=
    =24, lmbda=1.1, lr=0.005, lr_steps=None, lr_type='multistep', model='pidinet', only_bsds
    nt_freq=10, resume=False, sa=True, save_freq=1, savedir='results/savedir', seed=16383577
    0.0001, workers=4)                                                                      
    {'layer0': 'cd', 'layer1': 'ad', 'layer2': 'rd', 'layer3': 'cv', 'layer4': 'cd', 'layer5
    , 'layer7': 'cv', 'layer8': 'cd', 'layer9': 'ad', 'layer10': 'rd', 'layer11': 'cv', 'lay
     'ad', 'layer14': 'rd', 'layer15': 'cv'}                                                
    initialization done                                                                     
    conv weights: lr 0.005000, wd 0.000100  bn weights: lr 0.005000, wd 0.000010    relu wei
    cuda is not used, the running might be slow                                             
    => loading checkpoint from './trained_models/table5_pidinet.pth'                        
    => loaded checkpoint './trained_models/table5_pidinet.pth' successfully                 
    {'layer0': 'cd', 'layer1': 'ad', 'layer2': 'rd', 'layer3': 'cv', 'layer4': 'cd', 'layer5
    , 'layer7': 'cv', 'layer8': 'cd', 'layer9': 'ad', 'layer10': 'rd', 'layer11': 'cv', 'lay
     'ad', 'layer14': 'rd', 'layer15': 'cv'}                                                
    Traceback (most recent call last):                                                      
      File "", line 418, in <module>                                                 
      File "", line 201, in main                                                     
        model.load_state_dict(convert_pidinet(checkpoint['state_dict'], args.config))       
      File "D:\Miniconda3\envs\paintly\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1
        self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))                                  
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for PiDiNet:                               
            Missing key(s) in state_dict: "init_block.weight", "block1_1.conv1.weight", "blo
    lock1_2.conv1.weight", ....                              
            Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "module.init_block.weight", "
    ock1_1.conv2.weight", "module.block1_2.conv1.weight"...

    Seems like the loaded model does not match the defined model. @zhuoinoulu Did I miss something? Very much appreciated for your help!

    opened by michael-gc 2
  • Why the FPS of pidinet_converted model tested on my own Geforce RTX 2080Ti is only 92.9?

    Why the FPS of pidinet_converted model tested on my own Geforce RTX 2080Ti is only 92.9?

    Hello~ The FPS of pidinet_tiny_converted and pidinet_small_converted is higher than your results when tested on my own Geforce RTX 2080Ti, which are 203.5FPS and 162.9FPS respectively. However, the FPS of pidinet_converted is only 92.9FPS, which is lower than 96FPS. And I have another question, why the speed test code do not use the torch.cuda.synchronize() to get a more resonable result?

    opened by liuzhidemaomao 2
  • Prepare the Multicue dataset

    Prepare the Multicue dataset

    Hi, Your paper and code save my life really! But, there are no links or instructions when I try to get the results in Table 7 (Multicue dataset). I have also downloaded the official dataset, but it could not be directly used in this project.

    I am a fresh hand in Edge Detection. Would you please share with me the code for preparing Multicue?

    Thank you very much!

    PS my email address, [email protected]

    opened by wasaCheney 1
  • 關於table2的訓練


    以下是我訓練table2的參數 但是ods, ois與論文不同 請問是該修改哪裡呢 python --model pidinet --config carv4 --sa --dil --resume --iter-size 24 -j 4 --gpu 0 --epochs 14 --lr 0.005 --lr-type multistep --lr-steps 8-12 --wd 1e-1 --savedir mysave --datadir data/BSDS500/HED-BSDS --dataset BSDS --only-bsds ODS=0.761, OIS=0.775

    opened by nancy971323 1
  • About getting edge image using onnx runtime

    About getting edge image using onnx runtime

    I tried to convert the .pth file to .onnx files onnx. I followed this website onnxruntime. Finally I get a numpy array with size (5,1,1,256,256). Should I get an array with 3 dimension rather than 5 dimension? Thank you.

    import onnxruntime as ort
    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    img_path = "0.jpg"
    input_img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) * 255.0
    scale = 1 / 255.0
    std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
    input_blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(
        size=(256, 256),  # img target size
        swapRB=True,  # BGR -> RGB
        crop=False  # center crop
    input_blob[0] /= np.asarray(std, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 1, 1)
    ort_sess = ort.InferenceSession("pidinet_tiny_converted_new.onnx")
    outputs =, {'input': input_blob})
    outputs = np.asarray(outputs)
    opened by liyingyinsimon 1
  • question about .train()

    question about .train()

    I notice that in the function train() of , the model are converted to training mode through model.train(). But, batch normalization or DropOut is not adopted in the network. I wonder is it necessary to use model.train(). Can I abandon it?

    opened by ForawardStar 0
  • How to convert the PASCAL VOC Context dataset to the binary graph used by GT?

    How to convert the PASCAL VOC Context dataset to the binary graph used by GT?

    thanks to your excellent works. How to convert the PASCAL VOC Context dataset to the binary graph used by GT? 请问如何把 PASCAL VOC Context dataset转换为GT使用的二值图?

    opened by xkangKK 0
  • How long it takes to evaluate the NYUD dataset?

    How long it takes to evaluate the NYUD dataset?

    Thanks for your excellent job. I am a new learner of edge detection. When I evaluate my results on NYUD dataset, I found I need very very much time(Use 32 workers)... So I would like to inquire about the timing of the evaluation in order to verify that I am doing the right thing. Thank you.

    opened by HereNowL 0
  • Converting your model to onnx requires loading the pytorch model (including structure and parameters), could you publish a tutorial on loading your model?

    Converting your model to onnx requires loading the pytorch model (including structure and parameters), could you publish a tutorial on loading your model?

    Converting your model to onnx requires loading the pytorch model (including structure and parameters), could you publish a tutorial on loading your model?

    opened by chenguilin111 0
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