197 Repositories
Python Association-Rule-Mining Libraries
PyPOTS - A Python Toolbox for Data Mining on Partially-Observed Time Series
A python toolbox/library for data mining on partially-observed time series, supporting tasks of forecasting/imputation/classification/clustering on incomplete multivariate time series with missing values.
PyTorch implementation of Anomaly Transformer: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Association Discrepancy
Anomaly Transformer in PyTorch This is an implementation of Anomaly Transformer: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Association Discrepancy. This pape
Code for our CVPR 2022 Paper "GEN-VLKT: Simplify Association and Enhance Interaction Understanding for HOI Detection"
GEN-VLKT Code for our CVPR 2022 paper "GEN-VLKT: Simplify Association and Enhance Interaction Understanding for HOI Detection". Contributed by Yue Lia
Anomaly Transformer: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Association Discrepancy" (ICLR 2022 Spotlight)
About Code release for Anomaly Transformer: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Association Discrepancy (ICLR 2022 Spotlight)
A rule-based log analyzer & filter
Flog 一个根据规则集来处理文本日志的工具。 前言 在日常开发过程中,由于缺乏必要的日志规范,导致很多人乱打一通,一个日志文件夹解压缩后往往有几十万行。 日志泛滥会导致信息密度骤减,给排查问题带来了不小的麻烦。 以前都是用grep之类的工具先挑选出有用的,再逐条进行排查,费时费力。在忍无可忍之后决
Forward Propagation, Backward Regression and Pose Association for Hand Tracking in the Wild (CVPR 2022)
HandLer This repository contains the code and data for the following paper: Forward Propagation, Backward Regression, and Pose Association for Hand Tr
This project aims to conduct a text information retrieval and text mining on medical research publication regarding Covid19 - treatments and vaccinations.
Project: Text Analysis - This project aims to conduct a text information retrieval and text mining on medical research publication regarding Covid19 -
Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregation methods for crowdsourced annotation and offers the relevant metrics and datasets
Crowd-Kit: Computational Quality Control for Crowdsourcing Documentation Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregat
A research of IT labor market based especially on hh.ru. Salaries, rate of technologies and etc.
hh_ru_research Проект реализован в учебных целях анализа рынка труда, в особенности по hh.ru Input data В качестве входных данных используются сериали
CLASSIX is a fast and explainable clustering algorithm based on sorting
CLASSIX Fast and explainable clustering based on sorting CLASSIX is a fast and explainable clustering algorithm based on sorting. Here are a few highl
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling. All sklearn-compatible and easy to use. 📚 docs • 📖 demo notebooks Modern
This repository contains the implementation of the paper Contrastive Instance Association for 4D Panoptic Segmentation using Sequences of 3D LiDAR Scans
Contrastive Instance Association for 4D Panoptic Segmentation using Sequences of 3D LiDAR Scans This repository contains the implementation of the pap
Start and stop your NiceHash miners using this script.
NiceHash Mining Scheduler Use this script to schedule your NiceHash Miner(s). Electricity costs between 4-9pm are high in my area and I want NiceHash
GraphNLI: A Graph-based Natural Language Inference Model for Polarity Prediction in Online Debates
GraphNLI: A Graph-based Natural Language Inference Model for Polarity Prediction in Online Debates Vibhor Agarwal, Sagar Joglekar, Anthony P. Young an
Enable geospatial data mining through Google Earth Engine in Grasshopper 3D, via its most recent Hops component.
AALU_Geo Mining This repository is produced for a masterclass at the Architectural Association Landscape Urbanism programme. Requirements Rhinoceros (
Driver Analysis with Factors and Forests: An Automated Data Science Tool using Python
Driver Analysis with Factors and Forests: An Automated Data Science Tool using Python 📊
This repository contains code accompanying the paper "An End-to-End Chinese Text Normalization Model based on Rule-Guided Flat-Lattice Transformer"
FlatTN This repository contains code accompanying the paper "An End-to-End Chinese Text Normalization Model based on Rule-Guided Flat-Lattice Transfor
WikiPron - a command-line tool and Python API for mining multilingual pronunciation data from Wiktionary
WikiPron WikiPron is a command-line tool and Python API for mining multilingual pronunciation data from Wiktionary, as well as a database of pronuncia
Towards Fine-Grained Reasoning for Fake News Detection
FinerFact This is the PyTorch implementation for the FinerFact model in the AAAI 2022 paper Towards Fine-Grained Reasoning for Fake News Detection (Ar
Continuous Security Group Rule Change Detection & Response at scale
Introduction Get notified of Security Group Changes across all AWS Accounts & Regions in an AWS Organization, with the ability to respond/revert those
This jupyter notebook project was completed by me and my friend using the dataset from Kaggle
ARM This jupyter notebook project was completed by me and my friend using the dataset from Kaggle. The world Happiness 2017, which ranks 155 countries
Feature engineering and machine learning: together at last
Feature engineering and machine learning: together at last! Lambdo is a workflow engine which significantly simplifies data analysis by unifying featu
Tutorials, examples, collections, and everything else that falls into the categories: pattern classification, machine learning, and data mining
**Tutorials, examples, collections, and everything else that falls into the categories: pattern classification, machine learning, and data mining.** S
Elkeid HUB - A rule/event processing engine maintained by the Elkeid Team that supports streaming/offline data processing
Elkeid HUB - A rule/event processing engine maintained by the Elkeid Team that supports streaming/offline data processing
Groceries ARL: Association Rules (Birliktelik Kuralı)
Groceries_ARL Association Rules (Birliktelik Kuralı) Birliktelik kuralları, mark
A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning
Awesome production machine learning This repository contains a curated list of awesome open source libraries that will help you deploy, monitor, versi
A curated list of awesome game datasets, and tools to artificial intelligence in games
🎮 Awesome Game Datasets In computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines. Its definition, AI research as th
An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE An open source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems. This is a shortcut path to start s
Astrostatistics class for the MSc degree in Astrophysics at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)
Astrostatistics Davide Gerosa - davide.gerosa@unimib.it University of Milano-Bicocca, 2022. Schedule Introduction Probability and Statistics I Probabi
Alienworlds-bot - A Python script made to automate the tidious job of mining on AlienWorlds
AlienWorlds bot A Python script designed to automate the tedious work of mining
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU. Group Members include Jinghao Feng, Mingyang Jiang and Wenzhong Zheng.
Text mining project; Using distilBERT to predict authors in the classification task authorship attribution.
DistilBERT-Text-mining-authorship-attribution Dataset used: https://www.kaggle.com/azimulh/tweets-data-for-authorship-attribution-modelling/version/2
BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical namedentity recognition and normalization tool
BERN2 We present BERN2 (Advanced Biomedical Entity Recognition and Normalization), a tool that improves the previous neural network-based NER tool by
K Closest Points and Maximum Clique Pruning for Efficient and Effective 3D Laser Scan Matching (To appear in RA-L 2022)
KCP The official implementation of KCP: k Closest Points and Maximum Clique Pruning for Efficient and Effective 3D Laser Scan Matching, accepted for p
BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical namedentity recognition and normalization tool
BERN2 We present BERN2 (Advanced Biomedical Entity Recognition and Normalization), a tool that improves the previous neural network-based NER tool by
Implements a fake news detection program using classifiers.
Fake news detection Implements a fake news detection program using classifiers for Data Mining course at UoA. Description The project is the categoriz
(JMLR' 19) A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
Python Outlier Detection (PyOD) Deployment & Documentation & Stats & License PyOD is a comprehensive and scalable Python toolkit for detecting outlyin
PAMI stands for PAttern MIning. It constitutes several pattern mining algorithms to discover interesting patterns in transactional/temporal/spatiotemporal databases
Introduction PAMI stands for PAttern MIning. It constitutes several pattern mining algorithms to discover interesting patterns in transactional/tempor
Anomaly detection related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes
Anomaly Detection Learning Resources Outlier Detection (also known as Anomaly Detection) is an exciting yet challenging field, which aims to identify
BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical namedentity recognition and normalization tool
BERN2 We present BERN2 (Advanced Biomedical Entity Recognition and Normalization
A Telegram crawler to search groups and channels automatically and collect any type of data from them.
Introduction This is a crawler I wrote in Python using the APIs of Telethon months ago. This tool was not intended to be publicly available for a numb
PyExplainer: A Local Rule-Based Model-Agnostic Technique (Explainable AI)
PyExplainer PyExplainer is a local rule-based model-agnostic technique for generating explanations (i.e., why a commit is predicted as defective) of J
🤖 The bot that runs the official Fairfield Programming Association Discord server.
🤖 The bot that runs the official Fairfield Programming Association Discord server.
Churn-Prediction-Project - In this project, a churn prediction model is developed for a private bank as a term project for Data Mining class.
Churn-Prediction-Project In this project, a churn prediction model is developed for a private bank as a term project for Data Mining class. Project in
Awesome-AI-books - Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for learning and downloading
Awesome AI books Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for downloading and learning. Preface This repo only used for learning, do not use in business
Mining-the-Social-Web-3rd-Edition - The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web, 3rd Edition (O'Reilly, 2018)
Mining the Social Web, 3rd Edition The official code repository for Mining the Social Web, 3rd Edition (O'Reilly, 2019). The book is available from Am
Apriori - An algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rule learning over relational databases
Apriori Apriori is an algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rul
Vibrating-perimeter - Simple helper mod that logs how fast you are mining together with a simple buttplug.io script to control a vibrator
Vibrating Perimeter This project consists of a small minecraft helper mod that writes too a log file and a script that reads said log. Currently it on
Class-imbalanced / Long-tailed ensemble learning in Python. Modular, flexible, and extensible
IMBENS: Class-imbalanced Ensemble Learning in Python Language: English | Chinese/中文 Links: Documentation | Gallery | PyPI | Changelog | Source | Downl
Implementation of paper "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs:Deep Insights and New Directions"
SelfTask-GNN A PyTorch implementation of "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs: Deep Insights and New Directions". [paper] In this paper, we first deepe
Rule based classification A hotel s customers dataset
Rule-based-classification-A-hotel-s-customers-dataset- Aim: Categorize new customers by segment and predict how much revenue they can generate This re
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files. It provides a drop-in replacement for the builtin CSV module with improved dialect detection, and comes with a handy command line application for working with CSV files.
DSL for matching Python ASTs
py-ast-rule-engine This library provides a DSL (domain-specific language) to match a pattern inside a Python AST (abstract syntax tree). The library i
Codes for realizing theories learned from Data Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning without using the present Python packages.
Codes-for-Algorithms Codes for realizing theories learned from Data Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning without using the present Python packages.
Rule-based Customer Segmentation
Rule-based Customer Segmentation Business Problem A game company wants to create level-based new customer definitions (personas) by using some feature
Weakly Supervised Posture Mining with Reverse Cross-entropy for Fine-grained Classification
Fine-grainedImageClassification Weakly Supervised Posture Mining with Reverse Cross-entropy for Fine-grained Classification We trained model here: lin
Kaggle Competition using 15 numerical predictors to predict a continuous outcome.
Kaggle-Comp.-Data-Mining Kaggle Competition using 15 numerical predictors to predict a continuous outcome as part of a final project for a stats data
Rule Based Classification Project For Python
Rule-Based-Classification-Project (ENG) Business Problem: A game company wants to create new level-based customer definitions (personas) by using some
Rule Based Classification Project
Kural Tabanlı Sınıflandırma ile Potansiyel Müşteri Getirisi Hesaplama İş Problemi: Bir oyun şirketi müşterilerinin bazı özelliklerini kullanaraknseviy
This script has been created in order to find what are the most common demanded technologies in Data Engineering field.
This is a Python script that given a whole corpus of job descriptions and a file with keywords it extracts the number of number of ocurrences of these keywords and write it to a file. This script it is easy to extend to accept more functionalities
Few-Shot Object Detection via Association and DIscrimination
Few-Shot Object Detection via Association and DIscrimination Code release of our NeurIPS 2021 paper: Few-Shot Object Detection via Association and DIs
Papers about explainability of GNNs
Papers about explainability of GNNs
An assignment from my grad-level data mining course demonstrating some experience with NLP/neural networks/Pytorch
NLP-Pytorch-Assignment An assignment from my grad-level data mining course (before I started personal projects) demonstrating some experience with NLP
A module to prevent invites and joins to Matrix rooms by checking the involved server(s)' domain.
Synapse Domain Rule Checker A module to prevent invites and joins to Matrix rooms by checking the involved server(s)' domain. Installation From the vi
A Python 3 library making time series data mining tasks, utilizing matrix profile algorithms
MatrixProfile MatrixProfile is a Python 3 library, brought to you by the Matrix Profile Foundation, for mining time series data. The Matrix Profile is
Various Algorithms for Short Text Mining
Short Text Mining in Python Introduction This package shorttext is a Python package that facilitates supervised and unsupervised learning for short te
IMBENS: class-imbalanced ensemble learning in Python.
IMBENS: class-imbalanced ensemble learning in Python. Links: [Documentation] [Gallery] [PyPI] [Changelog] [Source] [Download] [知乎/Zhihu] [中文README] [a
Accompanying code for the paper "A Kernel Test for Causal Association via Noise Contrastive Backdoor Adjustment".
#backdoor-HSIC (bd_HSIC) Accompanying code for the paper "A Kernel Test for Causal Association via Noise Contrastive Backdoor Adjustment". To generate
Conversational text Analysis using various NLP techniques
PyConverse Let me try first Installation pip install pyconverse Usage Please try this notebook that demos the core functionalities: basic usage noteb
Rule Extraction Methods for Interactive eXplainability
REMIX: Rule Extraction Methods for Interactive eXplainability This repository contains a variety of tools and methods for extracting interpretable rul
eBay's TSV Utilities: Command line tools for large, tabular data files. Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and more.
Command line utilities for tabular data files This is a set of command line utilities for manipulating large tabular data files. Files of numeric and
A Guide for Feature Engineering and Feature Selection, with implementations and examples in Python.
Feature Engineering & Feature Selection A comprehensive guide [pdf] [markdown] for Feature Engineering and Feature Selection, with implementations and
PyExplainer: A Local Rule-Based Model-Agnostic Technique (Explainable AI)
PyExplainer PyExplainer is a local rule-based model-agnostic technique for generating explanations (i.e., why a commit is predicted as defective) of J
pyToledo is a Python library to interact with the common virtual learning environment for the Association KU Leuven (Toledo).
pyToledo pyToledo is a Python library to interact with the common virtual learning environment for the Association KU Leuven a.k.a Toledo. Motivation
The code of NeurIPS 2021 paper "Scalable Rule-Based Representation Learning for Interpretable Classification".
Rule-based Representation Learner This is a PyTorch implementation of Rule-based Representation Learner (RRL) as described in NeurIPS 2021 paper: Scal
It's a repo for Cramer's rule, which is some math crap or something idk
It's a repo for Cramer's rule, which is some math crap or something idk (just a joke, it's not crap; don't take that seriously, math teachers)
PyClustering is a Python, C++ data mining library.
pyclustering is a Python, C++ data mining library (clustering algorithm, oscillatory networks, neural networks). The library provides Python and C++ implementations (C++ pyclustering library) of each algorithm or model. C++ pyclustering library is a part of pyclustering and supported for Linux, Windows and MacOS operating systems.
The Fundamental Clustering Problems Suite (FCPS) summaries 54 state-of-the-art clustering algorithms, common cluster challenges and estimations of the number of clusters as well as the testing for cluster tendency.
FCPS Fundamental Clustering Problems Suite The package provides over sixty state-of-the-art clustering algorithms for unsupervised machine learning pu
Contains an implementation (sklearn API) of the algorithm proposed in "GENDIS: GEnetic DIscovery of Shapelets" and code to reproduce all experiments.
GENDIS GENetic DIscovery of Shapelets In the time series classification domain, shapelets are small subseries that are discriminative for a certain cl
Mining the Stack Overflow Developer Survey
Mining the Stack Overflow Developer Survey A prototype data mining application to compare the accuracy of decision tree and random forest regression m
Code of Classification Saliency-Based Rule for Visible and Infrared Image Fusion
CSF Code of Classification Saliency-Based Rule for Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Tips: For testing: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py For trai
Official implementation of "OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association" in PyTorch.
openpifpaf Continuously tested on Linux, MacOS and Windows: New 2021 paper: OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Te
DeepSTD: Mining Spatio-temporal Disturbances of Multiple Context Factors for Citywide Traffic Flow Prediction
DeepSTD: Mining Spatio-temporal Disturbances of Multiple Context Factors for Citywide Traffic Flow Prediction This is the implementation of DeepSTD in
MASS (Mueen's Algorithm for Similarity Search) - a python 2 and 3 compatible library used for searching time series sub-sequences under z-normalized Euclidean distance for similarity.
Introduction MASS allows you to search a time series for a subquery resulting in an array of distances. These array of distances enable you to identif
Responsible Machine Learning with Python
Examples of techniques for training interpretable ML models, explaining ML models, and debugging ML models for accuracy, discrimination, and security.
List of Data Science Cheatsheets to rule the world
Data Science Cheatsheets List of Data Science Cheatsheets to rule the world. Table of Contents Business Science Business Science Problem Framework Dat
ACV is a python library that provides explanations for any machine learning model or data.
ACV is a python library that provides explanations for any machine learning model or data. It gives local rule-based explanations for any model or data and different Shapley Values for tree-based models.
Turn crypto miner on/off depending on powerwall charge level
Mining Crypto with Tesla Solar and Powerwalls This script turns a crypto miner on and off when the Tesla Powerwall level drops/rises above a certain t
[ICCV 2021 Oral] Mining Latent Classes for Few-shot Segmentation
Mining Latent Classes for Few-shot Segmentation Lihe Yang, Wei Zhuo, Lei Qi, Yinghuan Shi, Yang Gao. This codebase contains baseline of our paper Mini
Drug Discovery App Using Lipinski's Rule-of-Five.
Drug Discovery App A Drug Discovery App Using Lipinski's Rule-of-Five. TAPIWA CHAMBOKO 🚀 About Me I'm a full stack developer experienced in deploying
For the paper entitled ''A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining''
Summary This is the source code for the paper "A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining", which was accepted as fu
Implementation of association rules mining algorithms (Apriori|FPGrowth) using python.
Association Rules Mining Using Python Implementation of association rules mining algorithms (Apriori|FPGrowth) using python. As a part of hw1 code in
A tool to analyze leveraged liquidity mining and find optimal option combination for hedging.
LP-Option-Hedging Description A Python program to analyze leveraged liquidity farming/mining and find the optimal option combination for hedging imper
RMNA: A Neighbor Aggregation-Based Knowledge Graph Representation Learning Model Using Rule Mining
RMNA: A Neighbor Aggregation-Based Knowledge Graph Representation Learning Model Using Rule Mining Our code is based on Learning Attention-based Embed
PyTorch implementation for "Mining Latent Structures with Contrastive Modality Fusion for Multimedia Recommendation"
MIRCO PyTorch implementation for paper: Latent Structures Mining with Contrastive Modality Fusion for Multimedia Recommendation Dependencies Python 3.
A large-scale database for graph representation learning
A large-scale database for graph representation learning
Enhancing Knowledge Tracing via Adversarial Training
Enhancing Knowledge Tracing via Adversarial Training This repository contains source code for the paper "Enhancing Knowledge Tracing via Adversarial T
This repository is the official implementation of Open Rule Induction. This paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2021.
Open Rule Induction This repository is the official implementation of Open Rule Induction. This paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2021. Abstract Rule
Implementation of Apriori Algorithm for Association Analysis
Implementation of Apriori Algorithm for Association Analysis
K-means clustering is a method used for clustering analysis, especially in data mining and statistics.
K Means Algorithm What is K Means This algorithm is an iterative algorithm that partitions the dataset according to their features into K number of pr