The code of NeurIPS 2021 paper "Scalable Rule-Based Representation Learning for Interpretable Classification".


Rule-based Representation Learner

This is a PyTorch implementation of Rule-based Representation Learner (RRL) as described in NeurIPS 2021 paper: Scalable Rule-Based Representation Learning for Interpretable Classification.


RRL aims to obtain both good scalability and interpretability, and it automatically learns interpretable non-fuzzy rules for data representation and classification. Moreover, RRL can be easily adjusted to obtain a trade-off between classification accuracy and model complexity for different scenarios.


  • torch>=1.3.0
  • torchvision>=0.4.1
  • tensorboard>=2.0.0
  • sklearn>=0.22.2.post1
  • numpy>=1.17.2
  • pandas>=0.24.2
  • matplotlib>=3.0.3
  • CUDA==10.1

Run the demo

We need to put the data sets in the dataset folder. You can specify one data set in the dataset folder and train the model as follows:

# trained on the tic-tac-toe data set with one GPU.
python3 -d tic-tac-toe -bs 32 -s 1@16 -e401 -lrde 200 -lr 0.002 -ki 0 -mp 12481 -i 0 -wd 1e-6 &

The demo reads the data set and data set information first, then trains the RRL on the training set. During the training, you can check the training loss and the evaluation result on the validation set by:

tensorboard --logdir=log_folder/ --bind_all


The training log file (log.txt) can be found in a folder created in log_folder. In this example, the folder path is


After training, the evaluation result on the test set is shown in the file test_res.txt:

[INFO] - On Test Set:
        Accuracy of RRL  Model: 1.0
        F1 Score of RRL  Model: 1.0

Moreover, the trained RRL model is saved in model.pth, and the discrete RRL is printed in rrl.txt:

RID class_negative(b=-2.1733) class_positive(b=1.9689) Support Rule
(-1, 1) -5.8271 6.3045 0.0885 3_x & 6_x & 9_x
(-1, 2) -5.4949 5.4566 0.0781 7_x & 8_x & 9_x
(-1, 4) -4.5605 4.7578 0.1146 1_x & 2_x & 3_x
...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Your own data sets

You can use the demo to train RRL on your own data set by putting the data and data information files in the dataset folder. Please read DataSetDesc for a more specific guideline.

Available arguments

List all the available arguments and their default values by:

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-d DATA_SET] [-i DEVICE_IDS] [-nr NR] [-e EPOCH]
                     [-bs BATCH_SIZE] [-lr LEARNING_RATE]
                     [-lrdr LR_DECAY_RATE] [-lrde LR_DECAY_EPOCH]
                     [-wd WEIGHT_DECAY] [-ki ITH_KFOLD] [-rc ROUND_COUNT]
                     [-ma MASTER_ADDRESS] [-mp MASTER_PORT] [-li LOG_ITER]
                     [--use_not] [--save_best] [--estimated_grad]
                     [-s STRUCTURE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATA_SET, --data_set DATA_SET
                        Set the data set for training. All the data sets in
                        the dataset folder are available. (default: tic-tac-
  -i DEVICE_IDS, --device_ids DEVICE_IDS
                        Set the device (GPU ids). Split by @. E.g., 0@2@3.
                        (default: None)
  -nr NR, --nr NR       ranking within the nodes (default: 0)
  -e EPOCH, --epoch EPOCH
                        Set the total epoch. (default: 41)
  -bs BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Set the batch size. (default: 64)
  -lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Set the initial learning rate. (default: 0.01)
  -lrdr LR_DECAY_RATE, --lr_decay_rate LR_DECAY_RATE
                        Set the learning rate decay rate. (default: 0.75)
  -lrde LR_DECAY_EPOCH, --lr_decay_epoch LR_DECAY_EPOCH
                        Set the learning rate decay epoch. (default: 10)
  -wd WEIGHT_DECAY, --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Set the weight decay (L2 penalty). (default: 0.0)
  -ki ITH_KFOLD, --ith_kfold ITH_KFOLD
                        Do the i-th 5-fold validation, 0 <= ki < 5. (default:
  -rc ROUND_COUNT, --round_count ROUND_COUNT
                        Count the round of experiments. (default: 0)
  -ma MASTER_ADDRESS, --master_address MASTER_ADDRESS
                        Set the master address. (default:
  -mp MASTER_PORT, --master_port MASTER_PORT
                        Set the master port. (default: 12345)
  -li LOG_ITER, --log_iter LOG_ITER
                        The number of iterations (batches) to log once.
                        (default: 50)
  --use_not             Use the NOT (~) operator in logical rules. It will
                        enhance model capability but make the RRL more
                        complex. (default: False)
  --save_best           Save the model with best performance on the validation
                        set. (default: False)
  --estimated_grad      Use estimated gradient. (default: False)
  -s STRUCTURE, --structure STRUCTURE
                        Set the number of nodes in the binarization layer and
                        logical layers. E.g., 10@64, 10@64@32@16. (default:


If our work is helpful to you, please kindly cite our paper as:

  title={Scalable Rule-Based Representation Learning for Interpretable Classification},
  author={Wang, Zhuo and Zhang, Wei and Liu, Ning and Wang, Jianyong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.15103},


MIT license

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  • 您好,请教关于实验复现的问题



    1)您论文的Appendix CParameter Settings一节中写道:

    The number of nodes in logical layers ranges from 16 to 4096 depending on the number of binary features of the data set and the model complexity we need. 请问您是如何根据binary features的数量来确定logical layers的节点数量呢?换句话说,我在调这个参数的时候比较纠结,因为感觉它范围有些大,能请您给点经验吗?

    2) 您论文的4.3节展示了模型复杂度和表现的关系。其中模型复杂度是用log(#edges)来表示的,我在代码中似乎没有找到统计边数的对应实现?也可能是我看漏了,恳请您能指出,感谢!

    3)另外,可否请问下您在 chessbank-marketing 两个数据集上的参数设置?我在训练chess数据集上的模型时尝试了多种参数组合却依然无法收敛; bank-marketing虽然结果与您论文展示的接近,但是学出的规则却与您在**Figure4(b)**呈现的大相径庭(我学习出的规则完全没有balance这一项)

    感谢您的时间 :)

    opened by uestcljx 4
  • 请教一下一个初级的问题


    rrl.text中的结果的每个字段是什么含义能够解释一下吗?RID我理解是规则ID,但他的取值是什么意思呢,这个标签特征的分类|class_negative(b=-2.1733) | class_positive(b=1.9689)括号中的b是代表平均值吗,每个标签的值是结果的概率吗?那个support又代表什么意思呢?

    opened by weituo2002 3
  • 个人的一些小问题,希望能得到解答~


    最近在学习大佬的这篇文章以及源码,现在有几个小问题希望能得到您的解答。 (1) RRL类构造函数里的left、right参数没有怎么看懂是什么作用 image

    (2) 同样也是RRL构造函数中的use_not参数,是可以让解释集规则中包含一些“~“规则,但是好像论文原文中没有提到这个细节。

    (3) 第四层开始每一层的输入都要包含前两层的输出,这个细节在文中图片里有体现但是好像没有文字描述这个过程,想知道这样组合输入的原因是什么呢。

    (4) estimated_grad参数用于选择conjunction_layer和disjunction_layer输出时的激活函数,我发现EstimatedProduct和Product只有backward()函数不同,这两个的差异是否就是对应论文这句话的描述呢,EstimatedProduct的反向传播时在导数的基础外又套了一个自定义的激活函数image image

    (5) mllp为权重连续的version,rrl为mllp权重离散化后的离散version,在反向传播训练的时候第一步先将 rrl的loss关于rrl的y_pred的导数求出,之后按照常规的mllp的y_pred对参数求导,实现梯度嫁接的过程: image 在代码实现中,image,backward内传入的参数就是rrl的loss关于rrl的y_pred的导数吗?但是该导数是如何推出的呢?

    (6) mllp是该模型的连续权重值版本(权重都位于[0-1]之间,用于训练),rrl是mllp的权重离散化后的二值权重版本(权重都属于{0,1},以0.5为分割阈值点,用于训练、测试、提取解释规则),离散version在参数反向传播过程中只参与了一小部分,大部分还是根据连续版本的mllp来调整参数的,但是在实际训练过程中发现mllp的loss很难收敛而且loss要比rrl高很多,常理来说应该连续版本的mllp的性能会比离散化后的rrl高的吧,这一点不太明白。


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  • Can RRL be used for regression?

    Can RRL be used for regression?

    Hi authors,

    Thanks for this great work! I think it is very helpful for data analysis. I wonder if it can be used for regression and how to perform that?



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