12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Style transfer between images was performed using the VGG19 model
Style transfer between images was performed using the VGG19 model. The necessary codes, libraries and all other information of this project are available below
A beginner’s guide to train and deploy machine learning pipelines in Python using PyCaret
This model involves Insurance bill prediction, which was subsequently deployed on Heroku PaaS
Title: Graduate-Admissions-Predictor
The purpose of this project is create a predictive model capable of identifying the probability of a person securing an admit based on their personal profile parameters. Simplified visualisations have been created for understanding the data. 80% accuracy was achieved on the test set.
An anime command-line system information tool written in python.
Animefetch - v0.0.3 An anime command-line system information tool written in python. Description Animefetch is an anime command-line system informatio
A Runtime method overload decorator which should behave like a compiled language
strongtyping-pyoverload A Runtime method overload decorator which should behave like a compiled language there is a override decorator from typing whi
A small scale relica of bank management system using the MySQL queries in the python language.
Bank_Management_system This is a Bank Management System Database Project. Abstract: The main aim of the Bank Management Mini project is to keep record
Election Exit Poll Prediction and U.S.A Presidential Speech Analysis using Machine Learning
Machine_Learning Election Exit Poll Prediction and U.S.A Presidential Speech Analysis using Machine Learning This project is based on 2 case-studies:
Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning🕵🏻♂️
This is a Kaggle competition in which we have to identify if the given lesion image is malignant or not for Melanoma which is a type of skin cancer.
Final Project for Practical Python Programming and Algorithms for Data Analysis
Final Project for Practical Python Programming and Algorithms for Data Analysis (PHW2781L, Summer 2020) Redlining, Race-Exclusive Deed Restriction Lan
This is a python implementation of wordle, which uses the same set of available words as the hit game, Wordle
Wordle Game This is a python implementation of wordle, which uses the same set of available words as the hit game, Wordle. Play the game manually pyth
Python script to scan log files/system for unauthorized access around system
checkLogs Python script to scan log files/system for unauthorized access around Linux systems Table of contents General info Getting started Usage Gen
This pyhton script converts a pdf to Image then using tesseract as OCR engine converts Image to Text
Script_Convertir_PDF_IMG_TXT Este script de pyhton convierte un pdf en Imagen luego utilizando tesseract como motor OCR convierte la Imagen a Texto. p
PYthon Warframe Market API(pywmapi)
pywmapi PYthon Warframe Market API(pywmapi) API for warframe market, written in Python. For now, the implemented function is listed below: auth sign i
Fetch fund data from avanza.se using Python and some web scraping with bs4
Py(A)vanza Fetch fund data from avanza.se using Python and some web scraping with bs4. The default way is to display the data in the terminal, apply -
Stack Overflow Error Parser
A python tool that executes python files and opens respective Stack Overflow threads in browser for errors encountered.
Minecraft checker
This Project checks if a minecraft account is a nfa/sfa account or invalid it also says you if the ip you are using is shadow banned from minecraft (shadow bann is if you send too many login attempts to minecraft then minecraft will say that every account is invalid even if it is valid)
ABT aka Animated Background Tool is a windows only python program that makes it that you can have animated background.
ABT ABT aka Animated Background Tool is a windows only python program that makes it that you can have animated background. 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓 𝓜𝓔, An Important
A small automated test structure using python to test *.cpp codes
Get Started Insert C++ Codes Add Test Code Run Test Samples Check Coverages Insert C++ Codes you can easily add c++ files in /inputs directory there i
Python based project to pull useful account statistics from the Algorand block chain.
PlanetWatchStats Python based project to pull useful account statistics from the Algorand block chain. Setup pip install -r requirements.txt Run pytho
Software com funçoes de A a Z feito no Python
Introdução Iniciante em programação Python, decidi criar um programa com diversas ferramentas de A a Z. Funções Ferramenta de Gerenciamento e Manutenç
Storing, versioning, and downloading files from S3 made as easy as using open() in Python. Caching included.
open(LARGE) Storing, versioning, and downloading files from S3 made as easy as using open() in Python. Caching included. Motivation Oftentimes, especi
This demo is an on-chain NFT auction using smart contracts on the Algorand blockchain.
Algorand Auction Demo This demo is an on-chain NFT auction using smart contracts on the Algorand blockchain. Usage The file auction/operations.py prov
Just messing around with AI for fun coding 😂
Python-AI Projects 🤖 World Clock ⏰ ⚙︎ Steps to run world-clock.py file Download and open the file in your Python IDE. Run the file a type the name of
This library provides an abstraction to perform Model Versioning using Weight & Biases.
Description This library provides an abstraction to perform Model Versioning using Weight & Biases. Features Version a new trained model Promote a mod
A really minimalistic operating system made using python's GUI module Tkinter.
BoxOS V1.0.0 About A really minimalistic operating system made using python's GUI module Tkinter. What seperates it from the other operating systems m
Reverse-ikea-image-search - A simple image of ikea search using jina.ai
IKEA Reverse Image Search This is a demo project to fetch ikea product images(IK
Python-geoarrow - Storing geometry data in Apache Arrow format
geoarrow Storing geometry data in Apache Arrow format Installation $ pip install
Yolo object detection - Yolo object detection with python
How to run download required files make build_image make download Docker versio
Vpw analyzer - A visual J1850 VPW analyzer written in Python
VPW Analyzer A visual J1850 VPW analyzer written in Python Requires Tkinter, Pan
Bomber-X - A SMS Bomber made with Python
Bomber-X A SMS Bomber made with Python Linux/Termux apt update apt upgrade apt i
Advanced Keylogger in Python
Advanced Keylogger in Python Important Disclaimer: The author will not be held r
Wordlebot - A simple Wordle puzzle solver in python
WordleBot A simple search-based puzzle solver for Wordle, built in Python. Inspi
Login-python - Login system made in Python, using native libraries
login-python Sistema de login feito 100% em Python, utilizando bibliotecas nativ
Create animated and pretty Pandas Dataframe or Pandas Series
Rich DataFrame Create animated and pretty Pandas Dataframe or Pandas Series, as shown below: Installation pip install rich-dataframe Usage Minimal exa
Python requirements.txt Guesser
Python-Requirements-Guesser ⚠️ This is alpha quality software. Work in progress Attempt to guess requirements.txt modules versions based on Git histor
Awesome open-source alternatives to SaaS
Awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products
A simple python script that uses selenium(chrome web driver),pyautogui,time and schedule modules to enter google meets automatically
A simple python script that uses selenium(chrome web driver),pyautogui,time and schedule modules to enter google meets automatically
Python Program: Hilo Game
Python Program: Hilo Game 🂡 Description Hilo is a game in which the player gues
Lektor-html-pretify - Lektor plugin to pretify the HTML DOM using Beautiful Soup
html-pretify Lektor plugin to pretify the HTML DOM using Beautiful Soup. How doe
Detic ros - A simple ROS wrapper for Detic instance segmentation using pre-trained dataset
Detic ros - A simple ROS wrapper for Detic instance segmentation using pre-trained dataset
Aws-lambda-requests-wrapper - Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gateway
AWS Lambda Requests Wrapper Request/Response wrapper for AWS Lambda with API Gat
Graviti-python-sdk - Graviti Data Platform Python SDK
Graviti Python SDK Graviti Python SDK is a python library to access Graviti Data
Hazard-Nuker - Hazard Nuker With Python
🌟 Since hazard is free, donations are really appriciate and keeps the developme
Canim1 - Simple python tool to search for packages without m1 wheels in poetry lockfiles
canim1 Usage Clone the repo. Run poetry install. Then you can use the tool: ❯ po
Animefetch is an anime command-line system information tool written in python
Animefetch - v0.0.3 An anime command-line system information tool written in python. Description Animefetch is an anime command-line system informatio
An accessible Archive of Our Own reader application written in python.
AO3-A11y. Important disclaimer. This project is under active development. Many features might not yet be present, or some things might not work at all
Python script that can be used to generate latitude/longitude coordinates for GOES-16 full-disk extent.
goes-latlon Python script that can be used to generate latitude/longitude coordinates for GOES-16 full-disk extent. 🌎 🛰️ The grid files can be acces
A small example project for efficiently configuring a Python application with YAMLs and the CLI
Hydra Example Project for Python A small example project for efficiently configuring a Python application with YAMLs and the CLI. Why should I care? A
Open slidebook .sldy files in Python
Work in progress slidebook-python Open slidebook .sldy files in Python To install slidebook-python requires Python = 3.9 pip install slidebook-python
A simple, unofficial implementation of MAE using pytorch-lightning
Masked Autoencoders in PyTorch A simple, unofficial implementation of MAE (Masked Autoencoders are Scalable Vision Learners) using pytorch-lightning.
This is an API developed in python with the FastApi framework and putting into practice the recommendations of the book Clean Architecture in Python by Leonardo Giordani,
This is an API developed in python with the FastApi framework and putting into practice the recommendations of the book Clean Architecture in Python by Leonardo Giordani,
This is a simple PoC for the newly found Polkit error names PwnKit
A Python3 and a BASH PoC for CVE-2021-4034 by Kim Schulz
Tablicate - Python library for easy table creation and output to terminal
Tablicate Tablicate - Python library for easy table creation and output to terminal Features Column-wise justification alignment (left, right, center)
A python script to turn tabs into spaces the right way.
detab A python script to turn tabs into spaces the right way. detab turns all tabs into spaces, not just leading tabs. Not all tabs have the same leng
A cut down version of QUANT containing just the model in Python (QUANTPy)
A cut down version of QUANT containing just the model in Python (QUANTPy)
Python exploit code for CVE-2021-4034 (pwnkit)
Python3 code to exploit CVE-2021-4034 (PWNKIT). This was an exercise in "can I make this work in Python?", and not meant as a robust exploit. It Works
A python package template that can be adapted for RAP projects
Warning - this repository is a snapshot of a repository internal to NHS Digital. This means that links to videos and some URLs may not work. Repositor
This is a simple telegram bot for the game Pyal, a word guessing game inspired by Wordle
Pyal Telegram Bot This is a simple telegram bot for the game Pyal, a word guessing game inspired by Wordle. How does it work? Differently from the ori
Voice Gender Recognition
In this project it was used some different Machine Learning models to identify the gender of a voice (Female or Male) based on some specific speech and voice attributes.
MGE-GraphQL is a Python library for building GraphQL mutations fast and easily
MGE-GraphQL Introduction MGE-GraphQL is a Python library for building GraphQL mutations fast and easily. Data Validations: A similar data validation w
Towards Fine-Grained Reasoning for Fake News Detection
FinerFact This is the PyTorch implementation for the FinerFact model in the AAAI 2022 paper Towards Fine-Grained Reasoning for Fake News Detection (Ar
KaydyPurge - Python Purge Script for Discord made by Kaydy Cain#0001
How to Install Open terminal Execute "git clone https://github.com/apolo1337/Kay
Python-slp - Side Ledger Protocol With Python
Side Ledger Protocol Run python-slp node First install Mongo DB and run the mong
Hitters Linear Regression - Hitters Linear Regression With Python
Hitters_Linear_Regression Kullanacağımız veri seti Carnegie Mellon Üniversitesi'
BC3407-Group-5-Project - BC3407 Group Project With Python
BC3407-Group-5-Project As the world struggles to contain the ever-changing varia
Paddle-Skeleton-Based-Action-Recognition - DecoupleGCN-DropGraph, ASGCN, AGCN, STGCN
Paddle-Skeleton-Action-Recognition DecoupleGCN-DropGraph, ASGCN, AGCN, STGCN. Yo
FridaHookAppTool - Frida Hook App Tool With Python
FridaHookAppTool(以下是Hook mpaas框架的例子) mpaas移动开发框架ios端抓包hook脚本 使用方法:链接数据线,开启burp设置
Gapmm2: gapped alignment using minimap2 (align transcripts to genome)
gapmm2: gapped alignment using minimap2 This tool is a wrapper for minimap2 to r
LERP : Label-dependent and event-guided interpretable disease risk prediction using EHRs
LERP : Label-dependent and event-guided interpretable disease risk prediction using EHRs This is the code for the LERP. Dataset The dataset used is MI
Annotating the Tweebank Corpus on Named Entity Recognition and Building NLP Models for Social Media Analysis
TweebankNLP This repo contains the new Tweebank-NER dataset and off-the-shelf Twitter-Stanza pipeline for state-of-the-art Tweet NLP, as described in
TGRNet: A Table Graph Reconstruction Network for Table Structure Recognition
TGRNet: A Table Graph Reconstruction Network for Table Structure Recognition Xue, Wenyuan, et al. "TGRNet: A Table Graph Reconstruction Network for Ta
AirPose: Multi-View Fusion Network for Aerial 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
AirPose AirPose: Multi-View Fusion Network for Aerial 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation Check the teaser video This repository contains the code of A
This is a repository created to run a workshop on Game Theory using the programming language Python and more specifically an open-source software called the Axelrod Python library
Game-Theory-and-Python This is a repository created to run a workshop on Game Theory using the programming language Python and more specifically an op
SpyQL - SQL with Python in the middle
SpyQL SQL with Python in the middle Concept SpyQL is a query language that combines: the simplicity and structure of SQL with the power and readabilit
Postgres full text search options (tsearch, trigram) examples
postgres-full-text-search Postgres full text search options (tsearch, trigram) examples. Create DB CREATE DATABASE ftdb; To feed db with an example
Random pass word generator made with python. PyQt5 module is used to design GUI.
Differences in this GUI program : Default titlebar removed Custom Minimize,Maximize and Close Buttons Drag & move window from any point Program work l
PyTorch source code for Distilling Knowledge by Mimicking Features
LSHFM.detection This is the PyTorch source code for Distilling Knowledge by Mimicking Features. And this project contains code for object detection wi
Python Osmium Examples
Python Osmium Examples This is a set (currently of size 1) of examples showing practical usage of PyOsmium, a thin wrapper around the osmium library.
It was created to conveniently respond to events such as donation, follow, and hosting using the Alert Box provided by twip to streamers
This library is not an official library of twip. It was created to conveniently respond to events such as donation, follow, and hosting using the Alert Box provided by twip to streamers.
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail This is the free service from gmail to send and receive emails. What we need for this things done, Python/pip install
Generate pixel-style avatars with python.
face2pixel Generate pixel-style avatars with python. Run: Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/theodorecooper/face2pixel install requiremen
Chesston (Chess+Python) is a two-player chess game with graphical user interface written in PyQt5
♟️ Chesston (Chess+Python) is a two-player chess game with graphical user interface written in PyQt5. 💿 Dependencies This program uses Py
RoNER is a Named Entity Recognition model based on a pre-trained BERT transformer model trained on RONECv2
RoNER RoNER is a Named Entity Recognition model based on a pre-trained BERT transformer model trained on RONECv2. It is meant to be an easy to use, hi
Compute execution plan: A DAG representation of work that you want to get done. Individual nodes of the DAG could be simple python or shell tasks or complex deeply nested parallel branches or embedded DAGs themselves.
Hello from magnus Magnus provides four capabilities for data teams: Compute execution plan: A DAG representation of work that you want to get done. In
Churn Emails Inbox - Churn Emails Inbox Using Python
Churn Emails Inbox In this project, I have used the Python programming langauge
Read write method - Read files in various types of formats
一个关于所有格式文件读取的方法 1。 问题描述: 各种各样的文件格式,读写操作非常的麻烦,能够有一种方法,可以整合所有格式的文件,方便用户进行读取和写入。 2
Asca - Antiscam Discord Bot With Python
asca Antiscam Discord Bot Asca moderates scammers and deletes scam messages Opti
Meme-videos - Scrapes memes and turn them into a video compilations
Meme Videos Scrapes memes from reddit using praw and request and then converts t
Minos-python - A framework which helps you create reactive microservices in Python
minos-python Summary [TODO] Packages minos-microservice-aggregate minos-microser
Command line interface to watch your childhood shows in hindi and english, designed with python
Sweet dreams: Most of your childhood shows Command line interface to watch your
Wordle-helper: python script to help solving wordle game
wordle-helper This is a python script to help solving wordle game 5-letter-word-
Eye-Blink-Counter - Python based Computer Vision project which counts how many time a person blinks
Eye Blink Counter OpenCV and Mediapipe No Blink Blink
SWS Filters App - SWS Filters App With Python
SWS Filters App Fun 😅 ... Fun 😅 Click On photo and see 😂 😂 😂 Your Video rec
Euler 021 Py - Euler Problem 021 solved in Python
Euler_021_Py Euler Problem 021 solved in Python Let d(n) be defined as the sum o
Banglore House Prediction Using Flask Server (Python)
Banglore House Prediction Using Flask Server (Python) 🌐 Links 🌐 📂 Repo In this repository, I've implemented a Machine Learning-based Bangalore Hous
This is a Deep Leaning API for classifying emotions from human face and human audios.
Emotion AI This is a Deep Leaning API for classifying emotions from human face and human audios. Starting the server To start the server first you nee
Data analysis and visualisation projects from a range of individual projects and applications
Python-Data-Analysis-and-Visualisation-Projects Data analysis and visualisation projects from a range of individual projects and applications. Python
Python scripts for semi-automated morphometric analysis of atolls from Landsat satellite Imagery.
AtollGeoMorph Python scripts for semi-automated morphometric analysis of atolls from Landsat satellite Imagery. The python scripts included allow user
Predicting Auction Sale Price using the kaggle bulldozer auction sales data: Modeling with Ensembles vs Neural Network
Predicting Auction Sale Price using the kaggle bulldozer auction sales data: Modeling with Ensembles vs Neural Network The performances of tree ensemb
This is a python package to get wards, districts,cities and provinces in Zimbabwe
Zim-Places Features This is a python package that allows you to search for cities, provinces, and districts in Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe is split into eight p