12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Amazon web scraping using Scrapy Framework
Amazon-web-scraping-using-Scrapy-Framework Scrapy Scrapy is an application framework for crawling web sites and extracting structured data which can b
A Python-based Wordle solver and CLI player
Wordle A Python-based Wordle solver and CLI player This was created using Python 3.9.7. SPOILER ALERT: the data directory contains spoilers for upcomi
FocusFace: Multi-task Contrastive Learning for Masked Face Recognition
FocusFace This is the official repository of "FocusFace: Multi-task Contrastive Learning for Masked Face Recognition" accepted at IEEE International C
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions.
Snek-test - An operating system kernel made in python and assembly
pythonOS An operating system kernel made in python and assembly Wait what? It us
Hammer-DDos - Hammer DDos With Python
Hammer-DDos $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ apt install python $ apt install git $
Mlflow-rest-client - Python client for MLflow REST API
Python Client for MLflow Python client for MLflow REST API. Features: Minimal de
Pypixiv - A fully-typed, asynchronous api wrapper for pixiv
pypixiv this library is a fully-typed, asynchronous api wrapper for pixiv. featu
Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications
Labelbox Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications. Use this github repository to help you s
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel translation script
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel translation script
I got bored and wrote a wordle solver... Its pretty good though, just saying
Wordle Solver I got bored and wrote a wordle solver... Its pretty good though, just saying. Please go support Josh and have fun with Wordle on the off
A tool to generate valid ip addresses of 55 countries. These ip's can be used for OpenBullet.
IP-Grabber A tool to generate valid ip addresses of 55 countries. These ip's can be used for OpenBullet. ive added the feature to set the generated ip
Lagrange Interpolation Method-Python
Lagrange Interpolation Method-Python The Lagrange interpolation formula is a way to find a polynomial, called Lagrange polynomial, that takes on certa
Ultimate Logger - A Discord bot that logs lots of events in a channel written in python
Ultimate Logger - A Discord bot that logs lots of events in a channel written in python
Python codes for the classic Hang Man game
Python codes for the classic Hang Man game. The user will be assigned a random word to guess, one character at a time. If the user gets everything right, the program says Well Done!, but if the user can't get the word right in 6 tries, the program says Game Over!
Python Telegram Bot Template
Python Telegram Bot Template Concepts Customizable python-telegram-bot template implementing code refactoring to streamline development process: handl
Bot by image recognition simulating (random) human clicks
bbbot22 bot por reconhecimento de imagem simulando cliques humanos (aleatórios) inb4: sim, esse é basicamente o mesmo bot de 2021 porque a Globo não t
Ελληνικά νέα (Python script) / Greek News Feed (Python script)
Ελληνικά νέα (Python script) / Greek News Feed (Python script) Ελληνικά English Το 2017 είχα υλοποιήσει ένα Python script για να εμφανίζει τα τωρινά ν
Zecwallet-Python is a simple wrapper around the Zecwallet Command Line LightClient written in Python
A wrapper around Zecwallet Command Line LightClient, written in Python Table of Contents About Installation Usage Examples About Zecw
Mannaggia is a python application to praise or more likely to curse the saints
Mannaggia-py 👼 Remember Mannaggia? This is a Python remake of it, with new features. mannaggia is a python application to praise or more likely to cu
This repository contains the code for the python introduction lab
This repository contains the code for the python introduction lab. The purpose is to have a fairly simple python assignment that introduces the basic features and tools of python
Header-only C++ HNSW implementation with python bindings
Hnswlib - fast approximate nearest neighbor search Header-only C++ HNSW implementation with python bindings. NEWS: version 0.6 Thanks to (@dyashuni) h
DaCe is a parallel programming framework that takes code in Python/NumPy and other programming languages
aCe - Data-Centric Parallel Programming Decoupling domain science from performance optimization. DaCe is a parallel programming framework that takes c
Keepsake is a Python library that uploads files and metadata (like hyperparameters) to Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage
Keepsake Version control for machine learning. Keepsake is a Python library that uploads files and metadata (like hyperparameters) to Amazon S3 or Goo
Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project
swin-transformer-ocr ocr with swin-transformer Overview Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project. The model in this repository heavily r
FairLens is an open source Python library for automatically discovering bias and measuring fairness in data
FairLens FairLens is an open source Python library for automatically discovering bias and measuring fairness in data. The package can be used to quick
This code is for our paper "VTGAN: Semi-supervised Retinal Image Synthesis and Disease Prediction using Vision Transformers"
ICCV Workshop 2021 VTGAN This code is for our paper "VTGAN: Semi-supervised Retinal Image Synthesis and Disease Prediction using Vision Transformers"
Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very Deep Residual Networks
Introduction This repository contains the modified caffe library and network architectures for our paper "Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy
Cervix ROI Segmentation Using U-NET
Cervix ROI Segmentation Using U-NET Overview This code illustrate how to segment the ROI in cervical images using U-NET. The ROI here meant to include
Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
ild-cnn This is supplementary material for the manuscript: "Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neur
Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Cancer Lesions (BRCA)
Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Cancer Lesions (BRCA). Master's thesis documents. Bibliography, experiments and reports.
Semantic Segmentation for Aerial Imagery using Convolutional Neural Network
This repo has been deprecated because whole things are re-implemented by using Chainer and I did refactoring for many codes. So please check this newe
Raster Vision is an open source Python framework for building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets
Raster Vision is an open source Python framework for building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets (including obl
This repository contains code, network definitions and pre-trained models for working on remote sensing images using deep learning
Deep learning for Earth Observation This repository contains code, network definitions and pre-trained models for working on remote sensing images usi
This is a Keras-based Python implementation of DeepMask- a complex deep neural network for learning object segmentation masks
NNProject - DeepMask This is a Keras-based Python implementation of DeepMask- a complex deep neural network for learning object segmentation masks. Th
Wider or Deeper: Revisiting the ResNet Model for Visual Recognition
ademxapp Visual applications by the University of Adelaide In designing our Model A, we did not over-optimize its structure for efficiency unless it w
DecoupledNet is semantic segmentation system which using heterogeneous annotations
DecoupledNet: Decoupled Deep Neural Network for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation Created by Seunghoon Hong, Hyeonwoo Noh and Bohyung Han at POSTE
CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework using fully convolutional networks
Build status: master (production branch): develop (development branch): Welcome to the CN24 GitHub repository! CN24 is a complete semantic segmentatio
Segment axon and myelin from microscopy data using deep learning
Segment axon and myelin from microscopy data using deep learning. Written in Python. Using the TensorFlow framework. Based on a convolutional neural network architecture. Pixels are classified as either axon, myelin or background.
Flask-Discord-Bot-Dashboard - A simple discord Bot dashboard created in Flask Python
Flask-Discord-Bot-Dashboard A simple discord Bot dashboard created in Flask Pyth
Gradient - A Python program designed to create a reactive and ambient music listening experience
Gradient is a Python program designed to create a reactive and ambient music listening experience.
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter - A weather tool made using tkinter which works by fetching query city weather using an API
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter ☁️ ❄️ version- 1️⃣ . 0️⃣ . 0️⃣ This repo contains a weat
Starlite-tile38 - Showcase using Tile38 via pyle38 in a Starlite application
Starlite-Tile38 Showcase using Tile38 via pyle38 in a Starlite application. Repo
Scrap-mtg-top-8 - A top 8 mtg scraper using python
Scrap-mtg-top-8 - A top 8 mtg scraper using python
EasyMultiClipboard - Python script written to handle more than 1 string in clipboard
EasyMultiClipboard - Python script written to handle more than 1 string in clipboard
Static Features Classifier - A static features classifier for Point-Could clusters using an Attention-RNN model
Static Features Classifier This is a static features classifier for Point-Could
Cities bot - A simple example of using aiogram and the wikipedia package
Cities game A simple example of using aiogram and the wikipedia package. The bot
Python Projects is an Open Source to enhance your python skills
Welcome! 👋🏽 Python Project is Open Source to enhance your python skills. You're free to contribute. 🤓 You just need to give us your scripts written
This jupyter notebook project was completed by me and my friend using the dataset from Kaggle
ARM This jupyter notebook project was completed by me and my friend using the dataset from Kaggle. The world Happiness 2017, which ranks 155 countries
CS50 pset9: Using flask API to create a web application to exchange stocks' shares.
C$50 Finance In this guide we want to implement a website via which users can “register”, “login” “buy” and “sell” stocks, like below: Background If y
Equipped customers with insights about their EVs Hourly energy consumption and helped predict future charging behavior using LSTM model
Equipped customers with insights about their EVs Hourly energy consumption and helped predict future charging behavior using LSTM model. Designed sample dashboard with insights and recommendation for customers.
This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images.
Welcome This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images. Installation There are curren
A collection of python scripts which help you programatically create PNGs or GIFs
A collection of python scripts which help you programatically create PNGs or GIFs and their Metadata in bulk with custom rarity rates, upload them to OpenSea & list them for sale.
A deep neural networks for images using CNN algorithm.
Example-CNN-Project This is a simple project showing how to implement deep neural networks using CNN algorithm. The dataset is taken from this link: h
First steps with Python in Life Sciences
First steps with Python in Life Sciences This course material is part of the "First Steps with Python in Life Science" three-day course of SIB-trainin
In this project we will implement AirBnB clone using console
AirBnB Clone In this project we will implement AirBnB clone using console. Usage The shell should work like this
Send e-mails to teachers with specified school-website using Aula, anonymously
Information : This only works in Denmark! Send e-mails to teachers with specified school-website using Aula, anonymously. Find your school via the att
The purpose is to have a fairly simple python assignment that introduces the basic features and tools of python
This repository contains the code for the python introduction lab. The purpose is to have a fairly simple python assignment that introduces the basic
Color maps for POV-Ray v3.7 from the Plasma, Inferno, Magma and Viridis color maps in Python's Matplotlib
POV-Ray-color-maps Color maps for POV-Ray v3.7 from the Plasma, Inferno, Magma and Viridis color maps in Python's Matplotlib. The include file Color_M
DEMO_SOCKET_AF_INET_SSL_PYTHON Python demo of socket family as AF_INET using TCP with SSL. Compatibility : macOS & GNU/Linux Network Topology style :
Controlling a game using mediapipe hand tracking
These scripts use the Google mediapipe hand tracking solution in combination with a webcam in order to send game instructions to a racing game. It features 2 methods of control
Python Wrapper for handling payment requests through the Daraja MPESA API
Python Daraja Description Python Wrapper for handling payment requests through the Daraja MPESA API Contribution Refer to the CONTRIBUTING GUIDE. Usag
Data processing with Pandas.
Processing-data-with-python This is a simple example showing how to use Pandas to create a dataframe and the processing data with python. The jupyter
Machine-Learning with python (jupyter)
Machine-Learning with python (jupyter) 머신러닝 야학 작심 10일과 쥬피터 노트북 기반 데이터 사이언스 시작 들어가기전 https://nbviewer.org/ 페이지를 통해서 쥬피터 노트북 내용을 볼 수 있다. 위 페이지에서 현재 레포 기
A Python script that alerts via SMS when a stock is reaching an inflection point
TradeAlert Not sure what this will ultimately become, but for now, its a Python script that alerts via SMS when a stock is reaching an inflection poin
Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction
Diabetes Prediction Using Decision Tree Introduction Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction. A Decision
To prepare an image processing model to classify the type of disaster based on the image dataset
Disaster Classificiation using CNNs bunnysaini/Disaster-Classificiation Goal To prepare an image processing model to classify the type of disaster bas
This project generates news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network.
News Headlines Generator bunnysaini/Generate-Headlines Goal This project aims to generate news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural
Python Password Generator
This is a console-based version of a password generator written with Python. The program generates a password based on numbers of letters, numbers, and symbols specified by the user. This is a simple Python program to demonstrate the use of randomization, list, and string concatenation. It also demonstrates the use of random.shuffle() method to shuffle items in lists.
Some utils for auto speech recognition
About Some utils for auto speech recognition. Utils Util Description Script Reset audio Reset sample rate, sample width, etc of audios.
A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place
A simple Discord Bot A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place. We
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot 5sim.net is a service, that offer you temp phonenumbers for otp verification. It include a lot
This is a Python solver for the game Wordle, which recently received its PT-BR version
PT_BR_Wordle_Solver Este é um solver feito em Python do jogo Wordle, que recebeu sua versão PT-BR recentemente. Onde jogar Os sites para se jogar mais
WORDLE Helper and Solver
WORDLE Helper and Solver There is a pupular game around WORDLE The game could be hard for non-English speaking people so I started to think of a helpe
This python script allows you to manipulate the audience data from Sl.ido surveys
Slido-Automated-VoteBot This python script allows you to manipulate the audience data from Sl.ido surveys Since Slido blocks interference from automat
Use Tensorflow2.7.0 Build OpenAI'GPT-2
TF2_GPT-2 Use Tensorflow2.7.0 Build OpenAI'GPT-2 使用最新tensorflow2.7.0构建openai官方的GPT-2 NLP模型 优点 使用无监督技术 拥有大量词汇量 可实现续写(堪比“xx梦续写”) 实现对话后续将应用于FloatTech的Bot
Efficient Multi Collection Style Transfer Using GAN
Proposed a new model that can make style transfer from single style image, and allow to transfer into multiple different styles in a single model.
Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project
Exadel CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition service that
Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools written in Java
Stanford CoreNLP Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools written in Java. It can take raw human language text input and giv
Human Detection - Pedestrian Detection using OpenCV Python
Pedestrian Detection using OpenCV Python Follow us on Instagram for Machine Lear
Currency And Gold Prices - Currency And Gold Prices For Python
Currency_And_Gold_Prices Photos from the app New Update Show range Change better
Notebook researcher - Notebook researcher with python
notebook_researcher To run the server, you must follow these instructions: At th
CC-GENERATOR - A python script for generating CC
CC-GENERATOR A python script for generating CC NOTE: This tool is for Educationa
Iss-tracker - ISS tracking script in python using NASA's API
ISS Tracker Tracking International Space Station using NASA's API and plotting i
Magicspoofing - A python3 script for search possible misconfiguration in a DNS related to security protections of email service from the domain name
A python3 script for search possible misconfiguration in a DNS related to security protections of email service from the domain name. This project is for educational use, we are not responsible for its misuse.
Wordle - Wordle solver with python
wordle what is wordle? https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ preparing $ pip i
USSR-Scanner - USSR Scanner with python
Purposes ? Hey there is abosolutely no need to do this we do it only to irritate
Lambda-function - Python codes that allow notification of changes made to some services using the AWS Lambda Function
AWS Lambda Function This repository contains python codes that allow notificatio
Basic-html-scraper - A complete how to of web scraping with Python for beginners
basic-html-scraper Code from YT Video This video includes a complete how to of w
ChatBot-Pytorch - A GPT-2 ChatBot implemented using Pytorch and Huggingface-transformers
ChatBot-Pytorch A GPT-2 ChatBot implemented using Pytorch and Huggingface-transf
StarUML cracker - StarUML cracker With Python
StarUML_cracker Usage On Linux Clone the repo. git clone https://github.com/mana
Talon accessibility - Experimental Talon integrations using macOS accessibility APIs
talon_accessibility Experimental Talon integrations using macOS accessibility AP
Omniverse sample scripts - A guide for developing with Python scripts on NVIDIA Ominverse
Omniverse sample scripts ここでは、NVIDIA Omniverse ( https://www.nvidia.com/ja-jp/om
TetrisAI - Tetris AI Bot using computer vision to play game automatically
Tetris AI Tetris AI Bot using computer vision to play game automatically bot.py
Guildead - Guilded api wrapper written in python
Guildead Guilded api wrapper written in python. I have found "exploit" (guilded
Trainspotting - Python Dependency Injector based on interface binding
Choose dependency injection Friendly with MyPy Supports lazy injections Supports
Python Projects - Few Python projects with Testing using Pytest
Python_Projects Few Python projects : Fast_API_Docker_PyTest- Just a simple auto
Shellkg-py - A temporary Repository to rewrite of shellpkg in python
Shellkg-py - A temporary Repository to rewrite of shellpkg in python
IP-Escaner - A Python Tool to obtain information from an IP address
IP-Escaner Herramienta para obtener informacion de una direccion IP Opciones de