12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Almost State-of-the-art Text Generation library
Ps: we are adding transformer model soon Text Gen 🐐 Almost State-of-the-art Text Generation library Text gen is a python library that allow you build
A webcam-based 3x3x3 rubik's cube solver written in Python 3 and OpenCV.
Qbr Qbr, pronounced as Cuber, is a webcam-based 3x3x3 rubik's cube solver written in Python 3 and OpenCV. 🌈 Accurate color detection 🔍 Accurate 3x3x
QRec: A Python Framework for quick implementation of recommender systems (TensorFlow Based)
Introduction QRec is a Python framework for recommender systems (Supported by Python 3.7.4 and Tensorflow 1.14+) in which a number of influential and
Differentiable Abundance Matching With Python
shamnet Differentiable Stellar Population Synthesis Installation You can install shamnet with pip. Installation dependencies are numpy, jax, corrfunc,
Code for all the Advent of Code'21 challenges mostly written in python
Advent of Code 21 Code for all the Advent of Code'21 challenges mostly written in python. They are not necessarily the best or fastest solutions but j
Code of TIP2021 Paper《SFace: Sigmoid-Constrained Hypersphere Loss for Robust Face Recognition》. We provide both MxNet and Pytorch versions.
SFace Code of TIP2021 Paper 《SFace: Sigmoid-Constrained Hypersphere Loss for Robust Face Recognition》. We provide both MxNet, PyTorch and Jittor versi
ARKitScenes - A Diverse Real-World Dataset for 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D Data
ARKitScenes This repo accompanies the research paper, ARKitScenes - A Diverse Real-World Dataset for 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D
Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation
Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation [Arxiv] [Video] Evaluation code for Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstr
Code for "Audio-driven Talking Face Video Generation with Learning-based Personalized Head Pose"
Audio-driven Talking Face Video Generation with Learning-based Personalized Head Pose We provide PyTorch implementations for our arxiv paper "Audio-dr
DECA: Detailed Expression Capture and Animation (SIGGRAPH 2021)
DECA: Detailed Expression Capture and Animation (SIGGRAPH2021) input image, aligned reconstruction, animation with various poses & expressions This is
Everything's Talkin': Pareidolia Face Reenactment (CVPR2021)
Everything's Talkin': Pareidolia Face Reenactment (CVPR2021) Linsen Song, Wayne Wu, Chaoyou Fu, Chen Qian, Chen Change Loy, and Ran He [Paper], [Video
MEAD: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face Generation [ECCV2020]
MEAD: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face Generation [ECCV2020] by Kaisiyuan Wang, Qianyi Wu, Linsen Song, Zhuoqian Yang, Wa
Hierarchical Cross-modal Talking Face Generation with Dynamic Pixel-wise Loss (ATVGnet)
Hierarchical Cross-modal Talking Face Generation with Dynamic Pixel-wise Loss (ATVGnet) By Lele Chen , Ross K Maddox, Zhiyao Duan, Chenliang Xu. Unive
Code for Talking Face Generation by Adversarially Disentangled Audio-Visual Representation (AAAI 2019)
Talking Face Generation by Adversarially Disentangled Audio-Visual Representation (AAAI 2019) We propose Disentangled Audio-Visual System (DAVS) to ad
This repository contains the codes for LipGAN. LipGAN was published as a part of the paper titled "Towards Automatic Face-to-Face Translation".
LipGAN Generate realistic talking faces for any human speech and face identity. [Paper] | [Project Page] | [Demonstration Video] Important Update: A n
Convert given source code into .pdf with syntax highlighting and more features
Code2pdf 📠 Convert given source code into .pdf with syntax highlighting and more features Build Status Version Downloads Python Demo Installation Bui
Python client and module for BGP Ranking
Python client and module for BGP Ranking THis project will make querying BGP Ranking easier. Installation pip install pybgpranking Usage Command line
AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.
AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.
A small python tool to get relevant values from SRI invoices
SriInvoiceProcessing A small python tool to get relevant values from SRI invoices Some useful info to run the tool Login into your SRI account and ret
A Company Management System For Python
campany-management Getting started To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. Already a pro? Just ed
Anonymous Dark Web Tool
Anonymous Dark Web Tool v1.0 Features Anonymous Mode Darkweb Search Engines Check Onion Url/s Scanning Host/IP Keep eyes on v2.0 soon. Requirement Deb
A Painless Simple Way To Create Schema and Do Database Operations Quickly In Python
PainlessDB - Taking Your Pain away to the moon 🚀 Contribute · Community · Documentation 🎫 Introduction : PainlessDB is a Python-based free and open-
Contains a bunch of different python programm tasks
py_tasks Contains a bunch of different python programm tasks Armstrong.py - calculate Armsrong numbers in range from 0 to n with / without cache and c
A simple way to create a request to the coinpayment API with a valid HMAC using your private key and command
Coinpayments Verify TXID Created for Astral Discord bot A simple way to create a request to the coinpayment API with a valid HMAC using your private k
A Pygame Hangman Game coded in Python 3. Run Hangman.py in a terminal if you have Python 3
Hangman A Pygame Hangman Game coded in Python 3. Run python3 Hangman.py in a terminal if you have Python 3.
A simple but complete exercise to learning Python
ResourceReservationProject This is a simple but complete exercise to learning Python. Task and flow chart We are going to do a new fork of the existin
Chinese named entity recognization with BiLSTM using Keras
Chinese named entity recognization (Bilstm with Keras) Project Structure ./ ├── README.md ├── data │ ├── README.md │ ├── data 数据集 │ │ ├─
Python program that works as a contact list
Lista de Contatos Programa em Python que funciona como uma lista de contatos. Features Adicionar novo contato Remover contato Atualizar contato Pesqui
Primeira interface (simples) desenvolvida em Python utilizando o PySimpleGUI
Interface-Python Sobre o projeto Primeira interface gráfica (simples) desenvolvida em Python utilizando o PySimpleGUI Interface Gráfica Tecnologias ut
A pet facts python api
Pet-Facts-API A pet facts python api Project Links API :- https://pet-facts-api.vercel.app Docs :- https://fayasnoushad.github.io/Pet-Facts-API
Danbooru scraper with python
Danbooru Version: 0.0.1 License under: MIT License Dependencies Python: = 3.9.7 beautifulsoup4 cloudscraper Example of use Danbooru from danbooru imp
A machine learning web application for binary classification using streamlit
Machine Learning web App This is a machine learning web application for binary classification using streamlit options this application contains 3 clas
A simple python program which predicts the success of a movie based on it's type, actor, actress and director
Movie-Success-Prediction A simple python program which predicts the success of a movie based on it's type, actor, actress and director. The program us
Indonesia spellchecker with python
indonesia-spellchecker Ganti kata yang terdapat pada file teks.txt untuk diperiksa kebenaran kata. Run on local machine python3 main.py
A simple BrainF**k compiler written in Python
bf-comp A simple BrainF**k compiler written in Python. What else were you looking for?
Hassium Server Manager For Python
Hassium Server Manager This is meant to be a tool for mostly internal use. I decided that I would make it open souce in case anyone wanted to use it.
Python client for Midea dhumidifier
This is a library that allows communication with Midea dehumidifier appliances via the local area network. midea-beautiful-dehumidifier This library a
Simulating Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in a flask web server using python's logging library with custom formatter that simulates lookup substitution by executing remote exploit code.
py4jshell Simulating Log4j Remote Code Execution (RCE) CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability in a flask web server using python's logging library with custom f
securedb is a fast and lightweight Python framework to easily interact with JSON-based encrypted databases.
securedb securedb is a Python framework that lets you work with encrypted JSON databases. Features: newkey() to generate an encryption key write(key,
A very terrible python-based programming language that uses folders instead of text files
PYFolders by Lewis L. Foster PYFolders is a very terrible python-based programming language that uses folders instead of regular text files. In this r
Prisma Cloud utility scripts, and a Python SDK for Prisma Cloud APIs.
pcs-toolbox Prisma Cloud utility scripts, and a Python SDK for Prisma Cloud APIs. Table of Contents Support Setup Configuration Script Usage CSPM Scri
Simple control of Thorlabs Elliptec devices from Python.
Elliptec Simple control of Thorlabs Elliptec devices. No docs yet » Get started · Report a bug · Request a feature About The Project ThorLabs Elliptec
A sys-botbase client for remote control automation of Nintendo Switch consoles. Based on SysBot.NET, written in python.
SysBot.py A sys-botbase client for remote control automation of Nintendo Switch consoles. Based on SysBot.NET, written in python. Setup: Download the
A CLI minesweeper application written in 60 LoC python
This is a CLI minesweeper application written in 60 LoC python. You can use d row,column to dig and f row,column to flag/unflag
Python script for printing to the Hanshow price-tag
This repository contains Python code for talking to the ATC_TLSR_Paper open-source firmware for the Hanshow e-paper pricetag. Installation # Clone the
A Python dictionary implementation designed to act as an in-memory cache for FaaS environments
faas-cache-dict A Python dictionary implementation designed to act as an in-memory cache for FaaS environments. Formally you would describe this a mem
Technical Test - Python Programmer Grupo Nexxera
Technical Test Nexxera Group Teste Técnico - Grupo de Programadores Python Nexxera 📍 Prepare-se para usar a API Nossa API de transações de contas dig
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
edgetest is a tox-inspired python library that will loop through your project's dependencies, and check if your project is compatible with the latest version of each dependency
Bleeding edge dependency testing Full Documentation edgetest is a tox-inspired python library that will loop through your project's dependencies, and
Wake: Context-Sensitive Automatic Keyword Extraction Using Word2vec
Wake Wake: Context-Sensitive Automatic Keyword Extraction Using Word2vec Abstract استخراج خودکار کلمات کلیدی متون کوتاه فارسی با استفاده از word2vec ب
zhash is a simple Python tool which allows to create/crack hashes
zhash zhash is a simple python tool which allows you to crack/create hashes. Below are the list of supported algorithms that zhash can crack Supported
It's A ML based Web Site build with python and Django to find the breed of the dog
ML-Based-Dog-Breed-Identifier This is a Django Based Web Site To Identify the Breed of which your DOG belogs All You Need To Do is to Follow These Ste
Working demo of the Multi-class and Anomaly classification model using the CLIP feature space
👁️ Hindsight AI: Crime Classification With Clip About For Educational Purposes Only This is a recursive neural net trained to classify specific crime
Computational modelling of ray propagation through optical elements using the principles of geometric optics (Ray Tracer)
Computational modelling of ray propagation through optical elements using the principles of geometric optics (Ray Tracer) Introduction By applying the
User-friendly Voice Cloning Application
Multi-Language-RTVC stands for Multi-Language Real Time Voice Cloning and is a Voice Cloning Tool capable of transfering speaker-specific audio featur
A python programusing Tkinter graphics library to randomize questions and answers contained in text files
RaffleOfQuestions Um programa simples em python, utilizando a biblioteca gráfica Tkinter para randomizar perguntas e respostas contidas em arquivos de
A GUI Weather Application written with Python
weather-box - A GUI Weather Application written with Python Made with ❤️ by Suresh Mishra
A test microblog project created using Django 4.0
django-microblog This is a test microblog project created using Django 4.0. But don't worry this is a fully working project. There is no super-amazing
SeqLike - flexible biological sequence objects in Python
SeqLike - flexible biological sequence objects in Python Introduction A single object API that makes working with biological sequences in Python more
A secure password generator written in python
gruvbox-factory 🏭 "The main focus when developing gruvbox is to keep colors easily distinguishable, contrast enough and still pleasant for the eyes"
Download YouTube videos/music and images in MP4, JPG with this tool.
ABOUT THE TOOL Download YouTube videos, music and images in MP4, JPG with this tool, with an easy to understand interface. This tool works with both,
Full Spectrum Bioinformatics - a free online text designed to introduce key topics in Bioinformatics using the Python
Full Spectrum Bioinformatics is a free online text designed to introduce key topics in Bioinformatics using the Python programming language. The text is written in interactive Jupyter Notebooks, which allow you to try out and modify example code and analyses.
A set of Python scripts for finding threats in Office365
Py365 A collection of scripts for finding threats in Office365 Risky Rules A tool for finding risky or suspicious inbox rules - more detail in this po
Automate the case review on legal case documents and find the most critical cases using network analysis
Automation on Legal Court Cases Review This project is to automate the case review on legal case documents and find the most critical cases using netw
Simplest dashboard for WireGuard VPN written in Python w/ Flask
Hi! I'm planning the next major update for this project, please let me know if you have any suggestions or feature requests ;) You can create an issue
A Persistent Embedded Graph Database for Python
Cog - Embedded Graph Database for Python cogdb.io New release: 2.0.5! Installing Cog pip install cogdb Cog is a persistent embedded graph database im
Cryptocurrency trading bot with a graphical user interface with support for simulations, backtests, optimizations, and running live bots.
Cryptocurrency trading bot with a graphical user interface with support for simulations, backtests, optimizations, and running live bots.
The official repository for ROOT: analyzing, storing and visualizing big data, scientifically
About The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficien
A simple, multipurpose Discord bot.
EpicBot 🏅 A simple, multipurpose Discord bot. • Info EpicBot is a multipurpose Discord bot that was designed to make your Discord life easier and coo
Fit models to your data in Python with Sherpa.
Table of Contents Sherpa License How To Install Sherpa Using Anaconda Using pip Building from source History Release History Sherpa Sherpa is a modeli
This is a Boids Simulation, written in Python with Pygame.
PyNBoids A Python Boids Simulation This is a Boids simulation, written in Python3, with Pygame2 and NumPy. To use: Save the pynboids_sp.py file (and n
Download candlestick data fast & easy for analysis
crypto-candlesticks 📈 The goal behind this project is to facilitate downloading cryptocurrency candlestick data fast & simple. Currently only the Bit
Make scripted visualizations in blender
Scripted visualizations in blender The goal of this project is to script 3D scientific visualizations using blender. To achieve this, we aim to bring
ro.py is a modern, asynchronous Python 3 wrapper for the Roblox API.
GitHub | Discord | PyPI | Documentation | Examples | License Overview Welcome to ro.py! ro.py is an asynchronous, object-oriented wrapper for the Robl
Label data using HuggingFace's transformers and automatically get a prediction service
Label Studio for Hugging Face's Transformers Website • Docs • Twitter • Join Slack Community Transfer learning for NLP models by annotating your textu
labsecurity is a framework and its use is for ethical hacking and computer security
labsecurity labsecurity is a framework and its use is for ethical hacking and computer security. Warning This tool is only for educational purpose. If
Synchrosqueezing, wavelet transforms, and time-frequency analysis in Python
Synchrosqueezing is a powerful reassignment method that focuses time-frequency representations, and allows extraction of instantaneous amplitudes and frequencies
🔍 📊 Look up information about anime, manga and much more directly in Discord!
AniSearch The source code of the AniSearch Discord Bot. Contribute You have an idea or found a bug? Open a new issue with detailed explanation. You wa
An extensive password manager built using Python, multiple implementations. Something to meet everyone's taste.
An awesome open-sourced password manager! Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature 🐍 Python Password Manager 🔐 An extensive passw
🐍 A hyper-fast Python module for reading/writing JSON data using Rust's serde-json.
A hyper-fast, safe Python module to read and write JSON data. Works as a drop-in replacement for Python's built-in json module. This is alpha software
This repository contains code for a youtube-dl GUI written in PyQt.
youtube-dl-GUI This repository contains code for a youtube-dl GUI written in PyQt. It is based on youtube-dl which is a Video downloading script maint
Codes for realizing theories learned from Data Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning without using the present Python packages.
Codes-for-Algorithms Codes for realizing theories learned from Data Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning without using the present Python packages.
A small POC plugin for launching dumpulator emulation within IDA, passing it addresses from your IDA view using the context menu.
Dumpulator-IDA Currently proof-of-concept This project is a small POC plugin for launching dumpulator emulation within IDA, passing it addresses from
CLI based Crunchyroll Account Checker Proxyless written in python from scratch.
A tool for checking Combolist of Crunchyroll accounts without proxies, It is written in Python from Scratch ,i.e, no external module is used rather than inbuilt Python modules.
Using pytorch to implement unet network for liver image segmentation.
Using pytorch to implement unet network for liver image segmentation.
Neogex is a human readable parser standard, being implemented in Python
Neogex (New Expressions) Parsing Standard Much like Regex, Neogex allows for string parsing and validation based on a set of requirements. Unlike Rege
This python script will automate the testing for the Log4J vulnerability for HTTP and HTTPS connections.
Log4J-Huntress-Automate-Script This python script will automate the testing for the Log4J vulnerability for HTTP and HTTPS connections. Pre-Requisits
A CLI Password Manager made using Python and Postgresql database.
ManageMyPasswords (CLI Edition) A CLI Password Manager made using Python and Postgresql database. Quick Start Guide First Clone The Project git clone
Check your bot status automatically using userbot, simply and easy
Status Checker Userbot check your bot status automatically using userbot, simply and easy. Mandatory Vars API_ID : Telegram API_ID, get it from my.tel
Cryptocurrency Prices Telegram Bot For Python
Cryptocurrency Prices Telegram Bot How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=your_
A script that automatically creates a branch name using google translation api and jira api
About google translation api와 jira api을 사용하여 자동으로 브랜치 이름을 만들어주는 스크립트 Setup 환경변수에 다음 3가지를 등록해야 한다. JIRA_USER : JIRA email (ex: [email protected]) JIR
Python api wrapper for JellyFish Lights
Python api wrapper for JellyFish Lights The hope is to make this a pip installable package Current capabalilities: Connects to a local JellyFish Light
Template to create a telegram bot in python
Template for Telegram Bot Template to create a telegram bot in python. How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOK
Telegram Group Chat Statistics With Python
Telegram Group Chat Statistics How to Run First add PYTHONPATH in repository root directory enviroment variable by running: export PYTHONPATH=${PWD}
FastAPI CRUD template using Deta Base
Deta Base FastAPI CRUD FastAPI CRUD template using Deta Base Setup Install the requirements for the CRUD: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Add your D
The official implementation of the Hybrid Self-Attention NEAT algorithm
PUREPLES - Pure Python Library for ES-HyperNEAT About This is a library of evolutionary algorithms with a focus on neuroevolution, implemented in pure
Pyinstrument - a Python profiler. A profiler is a tool to help you optimize your code - make it faster.
Pyinstrument🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
An advanced Filter Bot with nearly unlimitted filters
Telegram MTProto API Framework for Python Documentation • Releases • Community Pyrogram from pyrogram import Client, filters app = Client("my_account
Data 25 Star Wars Project With Python
Data 25 Star Wars Project Instructions The character data in your MongoDB database has been pulled from https://swapi.tech/. As well as 'people', the
A Python web searcher library with different search engines
Robert A simple Python web searcher library with different search engines. Install pip install roberthelper Usage from robert import GoogleSearcher