12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Python library to interact with the GCE Electronics IPX800 device
A python library to control a GCE-Electronics IPX800 V4 device through its API.
generate HPC scheduler systems jobs input scripts and submit these scripts to HPC systems and poke until they finish
DPDispatcher DPDispatcher is a python package used to generate HPC(High Performance Computing) scheduler systems (Slurm/PBS/LSF/dpcloudserver) jobs in
nofacedb/faceprocessor is a face recognition engine for NoFaceDB program complex.
faceprocessor nofacedb/faceprocessor is a face recognition engine for NoFaceDB program complex. Tech faceprocessor uses a number of open source projec
Python API client library for phpIPAM installations
phpypam: Python API client library for phpIPAM installation As we started to develop phpipam-ansible-modules we used an existing python library for ph
🌎 The Modern Declarative Data Flow Framework for the AI Empowered Generation.
🌎 JSONClasses JSONClasses is a declarative data flow pipeline and data graph framework. Official Website: https://www.jsonclasses.com Official Docume
🐍Pywork is a Yeoman generator to scaffold a Bare-bone Python Application
Pywork python app yeoman generator Yeoman | Npm Pywork | Home PyWork is a Yeoman generator for a basic python-worker project that makes use of Pipenv,
🚢 Docker images and utilities to power your Python APIs and help you ship faster. With support for Uvicorn, Gunicorn, Starlette, and FastAPI.
🚢 inboard 🐳 Docker images and utilities to power your Python APIs and help you ship faster. Description This repository provides Docker images and a
Training deep models using anime, illustration images.
animeface deep models for anime images. Datasets anime-face-dataset Anime faces collected from Getchu.com. Based on Mckinsey666's dataset. 63.6K image
ChainerRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Chainer.
ChainerRL and PFRL ChainerRL (this repository) is a deep reinforcement learning library that implements various state-of-the-art deep reinforcement al
Feature Store for Machine Learning
Overview Feast is an open source feature store for machine learning. Feast is the fastest path to productionizing analytic data for model training and
tensorflow code for inverse face rendering
InverseFaceRender This is tensorflow code for our project: Learning Inverse Rendering of Faces from Real-world Videos. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.120
Lightweight Cuda Renderer with Python Wrapper.
pyRender Lightweight Cuda Renderer with Python Wrapper. Compile Change compile.sh line 5 to the glm library include path. This library can be download
A simple software for capturing human body movements using the Kinect camera.
KinectMotionCapture A simple software for capturing human body movements using the Kinect camera. The software can seamlessly save joints and bones po
Efficient 3D human pose estimation in video using 2D keypoint trajectories
3D human pose estimation in video with temporal convolutions and semi-supervised training This is the implementation of the approach described in the
Tools for the Cleveland State Human Motion and Control Lab
Introduction This is a collection of tools that are helpful for gait analysis. Some are specific to the needs of the Human Motion and Control Lab at C
The code written during my Bachelor Thesis "Classification of Human Whole-Body Motion using Hidden Markov Models".
This code was written during the course of my Bachelor thesis Classification of Human Whole-Body Motion using Hidden Markov Models. Some things might
A motion detection system with RaspberryPi, OpenCV, Python
Human Detection System using Raspberry Pi Functionality Activates a relay on detecting motion. You may need following components to get the expected R
A Python Scanner for log4j
log4j-Scanner scanner for log4j cat web-urls.txt | python3 log4j.py ID.burpcollaborator.net web-urls.txt https://www.google.c
A telegram bot for generate fake details. Written in python using telethon
FakeDataGenerator A telegram bot for generate fake details. Written in python using telethon. Mandatory variables API_HASH Get it from my telegram.org
A game developed while learning python
Alien_Invasion a game developed while learning python you must have python-3 installed in your computer. and pygame module is also required for this.
Simple Python Library to display text with color in Python Terminal
pyTextColor v1.0 Introduction pyTextColor is a simple Python Library to display colorful outputs in Terminal, etc. Note: Your Terminal or any software
Backend code to use MCPI's python API to make infinite worlds with custom generation
inf-mcpi Backend code to use MCPI's python API to make infinite worlds with custom generation Does not save player-placed blocks! Generation is still
Numerai tournament example scripts using NN and optuna
numerai_NN_example Numerai tournament example scripts using pytorch NN, lightGBM and optuna https://numer.ai/tournament Performance of my model based
DSL for matching Python ASTs
py-ast-rule-engine This library provides a DSL (domain-specific language) to match a pattern inside a Python AST (abstract syntax tree). The library i
A web scraping using Selenium Webdriver
Savee - Images Downloader Project using Selenium Webdriver to download images from someone's profile on https:www.savee.it website. Usage The project
Improved version calculator, now using while True and etc
CalcuPython_2.0 Olá! Calculadora versão melhorada, agora usando while True e etc... melhorei o design e os carai tudo (rode no terminal, pra melhor ex
A wordwolf bot with python
ワードウルフBot requirements.txtから依存ライブラリをインストールしてください discordのトークン/Google spread sheetのキー/Sheetの名前を.envに書き込んでください DISCORD_TOKEN SHEET_KEY SHEET_NAME また、.sh
Pastekan adalah website paste kode / teks sederhana
Pastekan pastekan adalah website paste kode / teks sederhana. install pip install pastekan penggunaan pastekan myfile.txt atau echo "hi" | pastekan
OpenAPI for Todolist RESTful API
swagger-client OpenAPI for Todolist RESTful API This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project: API version: 1 Package
Official Python implementation of the FuzionCoin protocol
PyFuzc Official Python implementation of the FuzionCoin protocol WARNING: Under construction. Use at your own risk. Some functions may not work. Setup
Create standalone, installable R Shiny apps using Electron
Create standalone, installable R Shiny apps using Electron
dragmap-meth: Fast and accurate aligner for bisulfite sequencing reads using dragmap
dragmap_meth (dragmap_meth.py) Alignment of BS-Seq reads using dragmap. Intro This works for single-end reads and for paired-end reads from the direct
Computer vision - fun segmentation experience using classic and deep tools :)
Computer_Vision_Segmentation_Fun Segmentation of Images and Video. Tools: pytorch Models: Classic model - GrabCut Deep model - Deeplabv3_resnet101 Flo
Python Cryptocurrency with stealth addresses
Python Cryptocurrency with stealth addresses. Goal is to have create a cryptocurency that hides transactions totally. I.E. Cant see ammount sent, to who, or from who.
Based on falcondai and fenhl's Python snowflake tool, but with documentation and simliarities to Discord.
python-snowflake-2 Based on falcondai and fenhl's Python snowflake tool, but with documentation and simliarities to Discord. Docs make_snowflake This
The program for obtaining a horoscope in Python using API from rapidapi.com site.
Python horoscope The program allows you to get a horoscope for your zodiac sign and immediately translate it into almost any language. Step 1 The firs
[CoRL 21'] TANDEM: Tracking and Dense Mapping in Real-time using Deep Multi-view Stereo
TANDEM: Tracking and Dense Mapping in Real-time using Deep Multi-view Stereo Lukas Koestler1* Nan Yang1,2*,† Niclas Zeller2,3 Daniel Cremers1
Healthsea is a spaCy pipeline for analyzing user reviews of supplementary products for their effects on health.
Welcome to Healthsea ✨ Create better access to health with spaCy. Healthsea is a pipeline for analyzing user reviews to supplement products by extract
✨ 🐍 Python SDK for StarkNet.
✨ 🐍 starknet.py StarkNet SDK for Python 📘 Documentation Installation Quickstart Guide API Installation To install this package run pip install stark
Yuno is context based search engine for anime.
Yuno yuno.mp4 Table of Contents Introduction Power Of Yuno Try Yuno How Yuno was created? References Introduction Yuno is a context based search engin
An open-source tool for visual and modular block programing in python
PyFlow PyFlow is an open-source tool for modular visual programing in python ! Although for now the tool is in Beta and features are coming in bit by
DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques
DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques, based in France Only. The particularity of this program is its ability to find your target's e-mail adresses.
I hacked my own webcam from a Kali Linux VM in my local network, using Ettercap to do the MiTM ARP poisoning attack, sniffing with Wireshark, and using metasploit
plan I - Linux Fundamentals Les utilisateurs et les droits Installer des programmes avec apt-get Surveiller l'activité du système Exécuter des program
Python package for analyzing sensor-collected human motion data
Python package for analyzing sensor-collected human motion data
Tensorflow Implementation of ECCV'18 paper: Multimodal Human Motion Synthesis
MT-VAE for Multimodal Human Motion Synthesis This is the code for ECCV 2018 paper MT-VAE: Learning Motion Transformations to Generate Multimodal Human
Human motion synthesis using Unity3D
Human motion synthesis using Unity3D Prerequisite: Software: amc2bvh.exe, Unity 2017, Blender. Unity: RockVR (Video Capture), scenes, character models
A Python script to organize your files in a given directory.
File-Organizer A Python script to organize your files in a given directory. It organizes your files based on the file extension and moves them into sp
demir.ai Dataset Operations
demir.ai Dataset Operations With this application, you can have the empty values (nan/null) deleted or filled before giving your dataset to machine le
A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube.
YouTube-Video-Downloader A python program to download one or multiple videos from YouTube. Quick Start guide First Clone The Project git clone https:/
Python SDK for Thepeer
Python SDK for Thepeer
To send an Instagram message using Python
To send an Instagram message using Python, you must have an Instagram account and install the Instabot library in your Python virtual environment.
Creating a virtual tv using opencv in python3.
Virtual-TV Creating a virtual tv using opencv in python3. In order to run the code follow the below given steps: Make sure the desired videos which ar
That is a example of a Book app on Python, made with support of all JS libraries on React framework
React+Python Books App You can use this repository whenever you want Used for a video Create the database: python -m dbutils Start the web server: pyt
A ch341dll Wrap is for using in Python 32bits windows to access I2C SPI and MDIO (by GPIO), and Demo with display PC sreen on OLED by i2c or SPI .
ch341dll_wrap_typcal_app A ch341dll Wrap is for using in Python 32bits windows to access I2C SPI and MDIO (by GPIO). In addition, I provided 3 Demo. I
An API wrapper for the file.io web service.
🗃️ File.io An API wrapper for the file.io web service. Install $ pip3 install fileio or
A Python tool to check ASS subtitles for common mistakes and errors.
A Python tool to check ASS subtitles for common mistakes and errors.
A python script based on OpenCV-Python, you can automatically hang up the Destiny 2 Throne to get the Dawning Essence.
A python script based on OpenCV-Python, you can automatically hang up the Destiny 2 Throne to get the Dawning Essence.
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
A ShareX alternative for Mac OS built in Python.
Clipboard Uploader A ShareX alternative for Mac OS built in Python. Install and setup Download the latest release and put it in your applications fold
A Python library for rendering ASS subtitle file format using libass.
ass_renderer A Python library for rendering ASS subtitle file format using libass. Installation pip install --user ass-renderer Contributing # Clone
Bot inspirado no Baidu Antivírus
Baidu Bot Bot inspirado no lendário Baidu Antivírus Informações O programa foi inteiramente feito em Python, sinta-se livre para fazer qualquer altera
Google Developer Profile Badge Scraper
Google Developer Profile Badge Scraper It is a Google Developer Profile Web Scraper which scrapes for specific badges in a user's Google Developer Pro
scikit-learn models hyperparameters tuning and feature selection, using evolutionary algorithms.
Sklearn-genetic-opt scikit-learn models hyperparameters tuning and feature selection, using evolutionary algorithms. This is meant to be an alternativ
Python dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
from box import Box movie_box = Box({ "Robin Hood: Men in Tights": { "imdb stars": 6.7, "length": 104 } }) movie_box.Robin_Hood_Men_in_Tights.imdb_s
pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation.
pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation.
Black-hat with python
black-hat_python Advantages - More advance tool Easy to use allows updating tool update - run bash update.sh Here -: Command to install tool main- clo
HTTP graph database built in Python 3
KiwiDB HTTP graph database built in Python 3. Reference Format References are strings in the format: {refIDENTIFIER@GROUP} Authentication Currently, t
Discord.py Bot Series With Python
Discord.py Bot Series YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nZZVP3OGOAx2S75YdBkrIbVpiSL5oc5 Installation pip install -r requireme
Agile SVG maker for python
Agile SVG Maker Need to draw hundreds of frames for a GIF? Need to change the style of all pictures in a PPT? Need to draw similar images with differe
Itchio Downloader Tool with python
Itchio Downloader Tool Install pip install git+https://github.com/emersont1/itchio Download All Games in library from account python -m itchio.downloa
Aoc 2021 kedro playground with python
AOC 2021 Overview This is your new Kedro project, which was generated using Kedro 0.17.5. Take a look at the Kedro documentation to get started. Rules
Python client and API for monitoring and controling energy diversion devices from MyEnergi
Python client and API for monitoring and controling energy diversion devices from MyEnergi A set of library functions and objects for interfacing with
Using python libraries to track hands
Python-HandTracking Using python libraries to track hands on a camera Uses cv2 and mediapipe libraries custom hand tracking module PyCharm IDE Final E
GoSearch for anything from your terminal
GoSearch for anything from your terminal Requirements pip install beautifulsoup4
barely is a lightweight, but highly extensible static site generator written in pure python.
barely is a lightweight, but highly extensible static site generator. Explore the docs » Quickstart · See available Plugins · Report Bug · Request Fea
Chatbot construido com o framework Rasa para responder dúvidas referentes ao COVID-19.
Racom Chatbot Chatbot construido com o framework Rasa. Como executar Necessário instalar Docker e Docker Compose. Para inicializar a aplicação, basta
Annotate with anyone, anywhere.
h h is the web app that serves most of the https://hypothes.is/ website, including the web annotations API at https://hypothes.is/api/. The Hypothesis
SIMD-accelerated bitwise hamming distance Python module for hexidecimal strings
hexhamming What does it do? This module performs a fast bitwise hamming distance of two hexadecimal strings. This looks like: DEADBEEF = 1101111010101
Source code for backpainfree.org - a Q&A platform similar to StackOverFlow
Source code for backpainfree.org - a Q&A platform similar to StackOverFlow, which is designed specifically for people with back pain problems. Users can ask questions, post answers and comments, vote on other posts.
Fused multiply-add (with a single rounding) for Python.
pyfma Fused multiply-add for Python. Fused multiply-add computes (x*y) + z with a single rounding. Useful for dot products, matrix multiplications, po
Sanic integration with Webargs
webargs-sanic Sanic integration with Webargs. Parsing and validating request arguments: headers, arguments, cookies, files, json, etc. IMPORTANT: From
Thread-safe Python RabbitMQ Client & Management library
AMQPStorm Thread-safe Python RabbitMQ Client & Management library. Introduction AMQPStorm is a library designed to be consistent, stable and thread-sa
Python wrappers to the C++ library SymEngine, a fast C++ symbolic manipulation library.
SymEngine Python Wrappers Python wrappers to the C++ library SymEngine, a fast C++ symbolic manipulation library. Installation Pip See License section
Process RunGap output file of a workout and load data into Apple Numbers Spreadsheet and my website with API calls
BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2020, Mike Bromberek All rights reserved. ProcessWorkout Exercise data is exported in JSON format to iCloud using
Howell County, Missouri, COVID-19 data and (unofficial) estimates
COVID-19 in Howell County, Missouri This repository contains the daily data files used to generate my COVID-19 dashboard for Howell County, Missouri,
Package to provide translation methods for pyramid, and means to reload translations without stopping the application
Package to provide translation methods for pyramid, and means to reload translations without stopping the application
Expression interpreter written in Python
Calc Interpreter An interpreter modeled after a calculator implemented in Python 3. The program currently only supports basic mathematical expressions
Global base classes for Pyramid SQLAlchemy applications.
pyramid_basemodel pyramid_basemodel is a thin, low level package that provides an SQLAlchemy declarative Base and a thread local scoped Session that c
Projects using the Tkinter module in Python!
Tkinter projects This repository includes some Tkinter projects made by me. All of these are simple to understand. I create apps with good functionali
Sentiment Analysis application created with Python and Dash, hosted at socialsentiment.net
Social Sentiment Dash Application Live-streaming sentiment analysis application created with Python and Dash, hosted at SocialSentiment.net. Dash Tuto
Standardized plots and visualizations in Python
Standardized plots and visualizations in Python pltviz is a Python package for standardized visualization. Routine and novel plotting approaches are f
Political elections, appointment, analysis and visualization in Python
Political elections, appointment, analysis and visualization in Python poli-sci-kit is a Python package for political science appointment and election
BERT, LDA, and TFIDF based keyword extraction in Python
BERT, LDA, and TFIDF based keyword extraction in Python kwx is a toolkit for multilingual keyword extraction based on Google's BERT and Latent Dirichl
Functions for easily making publication-quality figures with matplotlib.
Data-viz utils 📈 Functions for data visualization in matplotlib 📚 API Can be installed using pip install dvu and then imported with import dvu. You
Robotics with GPU computing
Robotics with GPU computing Cupoch is a library that implements rapid 3D data processing for robotics using CUDA. The goal of this library is to imple
Maximum Covariance Analysis in Python
xMCA | Maximum Covariance Analysis in Python The aim of this package is to provide a flexible tool for the climate science community to perform Maximu
Python version of the TerminusDB client - for TerminusDB API and WOQLpy
TerminusDB Client Python Development status ⚙️ Python Package status 📦 Python version of the TerminusDB client - for TerminusDB API and WOQLpy Requir
build GUIs from python functions, using magic.
magicgui: build GUIs from functions, using magic. 📖 Docs Installation magicgui uses qtpy to support both pyside2 and pyqt5 backends. However, you mus
Computational Methods Course at UdeA. Forked and size reduced from:
Computational Methods for Physics & Astronomy Book version at: https://restrepo.github.io/ComputationalMethods by: Sebastian Bustamante 2014/2015 Dieg
Testbed of AI Systems Quality Management
qunomon Description A testbed for testing and managing AI system qualities. Demo Sorry. Not deployment public server at alpha version. Requirement Ins