12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Dungeons and Dragons randomized content generator
Component based Dungeons and Dragons generator Supports Entity/Monster Generation NPC Generation Weapon Generation Encounter Generation Environment Ge
Snake game made in python with the pygame library.
Pygame snake Snake game made in python with the pygame library. Requirements pip pygame Pygame Installation On the command line, type: pip install pyg
AUES Student Management System Developed for laboratory works №9 Purpose using Python (Django).
AUES Student Management System (L M S ) AUES Student Management System Developed for laboratory works №9 Purpose using Python (Django). I've created t
Brief idea about our project is mentioned in project presentation file.
Brief idea about our project is mentioned in project presentation file. You just have to run attendance.py file in your suitable IDE but we prefer jupyter lab.
Never get booted from a game for inactivity ever again
Anti AFK Bot Never get booted from a game for inactivity ever again! Built With Python Installation Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/lippie
Simple, high-school-leveled sequence library written in Python / 간단한 고등학교 수준 수열 라이브러리 (Python)
Simple, high-school-leveled sequence library written in Python
Collatz Sanısını Test Eden Ve Kanıtlayan Bir Python Programı
Collatz Sanısı Collatz Sanısını Test Eden Ve Kanıtlayan Bir Python Programı. Kullanım Terminalde: 1- git clone https://github.com/detherminal/Collatz-
A Python library to wrap age and minisign to provide key management, encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionality.
A Python library to wrap age and minisign to provide key management, encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionality.
A Python library for loading data from a SpaceX Starlink satellite.
Starlink Python A Python library for loading data from a SpaceX Starlink satellite. The goal is to be a simple interface for Starlink. It builds upon
A Python Sudoku Game Made with Pygame.
A Python Sudoku Game Made with Pygame. A Begginer Aimed at Learning Git, This Game Uses a Puzzle Generator Made by RutledgePaulV, Link to his Repo:
A simple Python Youtube Wachtime for YTbebot
Simple bot that was development in python 3.7, that automatically watch youtube videos. It can be used to give more views in your channel helping in the spread and increase the followers because your videos begin to gain new positions in research mechanics.
Slientruss3d : Python for stable truss analysis tool
slientruss3d : Python for stable truss analysis tool Desciption slientruss3d is a python package which can solve the resistances, internal forces and
This program can help you to move and rename many files at once
This program can help you to rename and save many files in a folder in seconds, but don't give the same name to files, it can delete both files.
Reference implementation for Deep Unsupervised Learning using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
Diffusion Probabilistic Models This repository provides a reference implementation of the method described in the paper: Deep Unsupervised Learning us
PyTorch Implementation of DSB for Score Based Generative Modeling. Experiments managed using Hydra.
Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge with Applications to Score-Based Generative Modeling This repository contains the implementation for the paper Diffusion
Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting
mlforecast Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting. Install PyPI pip install mlforecast Optional dependencies If you want more functio
OpenCodeBlocks an open-source tool for modular visual programing in python
OpenCodeBlocks OpenCodeBlocks is an open-source tool for modular visual programing in python ! Although for now the tool is in Beta and features are c
PyTorch toolkit for biomedical imaging
farabio is a minimal PyTorch toolkit for out-of-the-box deep learning support in biomedical imaging. For further information, see Wikis and Docs.
Vignette is a face tracking software for characters using osu!framework.
Vignette is a face tracking software for characters using osu!framework. Unlike most solutions, Vignette is: Made with osu!framework, the game framewo
Air Pollution Prediction System using Linear Regression and ANN
AirPollution Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living Publication Link:
Visualize large time-series data in plotly
plotly_resampler enables visualizing large sequential data by adding resampling functionality to Plotly figures. In this Plotly-Resampler demo over 11
MoViNets PyTorch implementation: Mobile Video Networks for Efficient Video Recognition;
MoViNet-pytorch Pytorch unofficial implementation of MoViNets: Mobile Video Networks for Efficient Video Recognition. Authors: Dan Kondratyuk, Liangzh
Mips script decompiles MIPS assembly instructions & bot functionality
mips mips is a python-based script that decodes MIPS instructions. Usage cd into mips and run python decode.py command or open decode.py to run the sc
A Python script which randomly chooses and prints a file from a directory.
___ ____ ____ _ __ ___ / _ \ | _ \ | _ \ ___ _ __ | '__| / _ \ | |_| || | | || | | | / _ \| '__| | | | __/ | _ || |_| || |_| || __
Randomisation-based inference in Python based on data resampling and permutation.
Randomisation-based inference in Python based on data resampling and permutation.
A simple python script using Numpy and Matplotlib library to plot a Mohr's Circle when given a two-dimensional state of stress.
Mohr's Circle Calculator This is a really small personal project done for Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (formerly, D
A Python script that creates subtitles of a given length from text paragraphs that can be easily imported into any Video Editing software such as FinalCut Pro for further adjustments.
Text to Subtitles - Python This python file creates subtitles of a given length from text paragraphs that can be easily imported into any Video Editin
Define requirements inside your python code and scriptenv makes them ready to import.
scriptenv Define requirements inside your python code and scriptenv makes them ready to import. Getting Started Install scriptenv $ pip install script
Python script to like all posts from a selected Anilist profile
AniLiker: A python autoliker What's the point of this project? This project was a way to learn GraphQL, and also create a project that I've been inter
Python code for working with NFL play by play data.
nfl_data_py nfl_data_py is a Python library for interacting with NFL data sourced from nflfastR, nfldata, dynastyprocess, and Draft Scout. Includes im
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
A cookiecutter to start a Python package with flawless practices and a magical workflow 🧙🏼♂️
PyPackage Cookiecutter This repository is a cookiecutter to quickly start a Python package. It contains a ton of very useful features 🐳 : Package man
voice assistant made with python that search for covid19 data(like total cases, deaths and etc) in a specific country
covid19-voice-assistant voice assistant made with python that search for covid19 data(like total cases, deaths and etc) in a specific country installi
A python script for practicing Toki Pona.
toki.py A python script for practicing Toki Pona. Modified from a hirigana script by ~vilmibm. Example of the script running: $ ./toki.py This script
PreviewGram is for users that wants get a more private experience with the Telegram's Channel.
PreviewGram is for users that wants get a more private experience with the Telegram's Channel.
Python package used on Hardfight projects to make building, testing and deploying easy.
Hardfight Devtools Build, test and deploy Hardfight projects easly 💡 What is it Devtools is a Python tool to make building, testing and deploying int
WMIC Serial Checker For Python
WMIC Serial Checker Follow me here: Discord | Github FR: A but éducatif seulement. EN: For educational purposes only. ❓ Informations FR: WMIC Serial C
A python program to hack instagram
hackinsta a program to hack instagram Yokoback_(instahack) is the file to open, you need libraries write on import. You run that file in the same fold
A Python package for searching journal publications and researchers
scholarpy A python package for searching journal publications and researchers Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://giswqs.github.io/schol
Basic cryptography done in Python for study purposes
criptografia Criptografia básica feita em Python para fins de estudo Converte letras em numeros partindo do indice 0 e vice-versa A criptografia é fei
IDA Pro Python plugin to analyze and annotate Linux kernel alternatives
About This is an IDA Pro (Interactive Disassembler) plugin allowing to automatically analyze and annotate Linux kernel alternatives (content of .altin
Parse Any Text With Python
ParseAnyText A small package to parse strings. What is the work of it? Well It's a module to creates parser that helps to parse a text easily with les
Aqui está disponível GRATUITAMENTE, um bot de discord feito em python, saiba que, terá que criar seu bot como aplicação, e utilizar seu próprio token, e lembrando, é um bot básico, não se utiliza Cogs nem slash commands nele!
BotDiscordPython Aqui está disponível GRATUITAMENTE, um bot de discord feito em python, saiba que, terá que criar seu bot como aplicação, e utilizar s
Quick program made to generate alpha and delta tables for Hidden Markov Models
HMM_Calc Functions for generating Alpha and Delta tables from a Hidden Markov Model. Parameters: a: Matrix of transition probabilities. a[i][j] = a_{i
Time ranges with python
timeranges Time ranges. Read the Docs Installation pip timeranges is available on pip: pip install timeranges GitHub You can also install the latest v
Nmap automated port scanner written in Python
port-scanner Nmap automated port scanner written in Python. USE: Clone the module Import the module: from portscanModule import portscanner Use: ports
Demo of patching a python context manager
patch-demo-20211203 demo of patching a python context manager poetry install poetry run python -m my_great_app to run the code poetry run pytest to te
FaceDetection-Anti-Spoof-Demo なりすまし検出(anti-spoof-mn3)のWebカメラ向けデモです。 モデルはPINTO_model_zoo/191_anti-spoof-mn3からONNX形式のモデルを使用しています。 Requirement mediapipe
Automatic links from code examples to reference documentation
sphinx-codeautolink Automatic links from Python code examples to reference documentation at the flick of a switch! sphinx-codeautolink analyses the co
Simple ssh overlay for easy, remote server management written in Python GTK with paramiko
Simple "ssh" overlay for easy, remote server management written in Python GTK with paramiko
🌌A Python library to exhaustively enumerate a combinatorial space represented by a function
exhaust A Python library to exhaustively enumerate a combinatorial space represented by a function. The API is modelled after Python's random module a
Repositório para registro de estudo da biblioteca opencv (Python)
OpenCV (Python) Objetivo do Repositório: Registrar avanços no estudo da biblioteca opencv. O repositório estará aberto a qualquer pessoa e há tambem u
Flappy Bird clone utilizing facial recognition to move the
Flappy Face Flappy Bird clone utilizing facial recognition to move the "bird" How it works Flappy Face uses Facial Recognition to detect your face's p
Advanced Developing of Python Apps Final Exercise
Advanced-Developing-of-Python-Apps-Final-Exercise This is an exercise that I did for a python advanced learning course. The exercise is divided into t
sudoku solver using CSP forward-tracking algorithms.
Sudoku sudoku solver using CSP forward-tracking algorithms. Description Sudoku is a logic-based game that consists of 9 3x3 grids that create one larg
Minimalistic generic chess variant GUI using pyffish and PySimpleGUI, based on the PySimpleGUI Chess Demo
FairyFishGUI Minimalistic generic chess variant GUI using pyffish and PySimpleGUI, based on the PySimpleGUI Chess Demo. Supports all chess variants su
Artificial intelligence based on 5-dimensional quantum selection
Deep Thought An artificial intelligence based on 5-dimensional quantum selection. Algorithm The payload Make an random bit array (e.g. 1101...) Conver
Simple API for UCI Machine Learning Dataset Repository (search, download, analyze)
A simple API for working with University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning (ML) repository Table of Contents Introduction About Page of the
Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python
Gin Config Authors: Dan Holtmann-Rice, Sergio Guadarrama, Nathan Silberman Contributors: Oscar Ramirez, Marek Fiser Gin provides a lightweight configu
Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (ST-GCN) for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition in PyTorch
Reminder ST-GCN has transferred to MMSkeleton, and keep on developing as an flexible open source toolbox for skeleton-based human understanding. You a
An Integrated Experimental Platform for time series data anomaly detection.
Curve Sorry to tell contributors and users. We decided to archive the project temporarily due to the employee work plan of collaborators. There are no
A Discord bot written in Python that can be used to control event management on a server.
Event Management Discord Bot A Discord bot written in Python that can be used to control event management on a Discord server. Made originally for GDS
My solutions to Advent of Code 2021 (written in Python)
Advent of Code 2021 This repository contains my solutions for the 2021 edition of Advent of Code. Please do not expect perfectly polished solutions, m
A pure python media player that can be used in AI media API development.
A pure python media player that can be used in AI media API development.
PyTorch implementation of the Pose Residual Network (PRN)
Pose Residual Network This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of the Pose Residual Network (PRN) presented in our ECCV 2018 paper: Muhammed
A project to make Amazon Echo respond to sign language using your webcam
Making Alexa respond to Sign Language using Tensorflow.js Try the live demo Read the Blog Post on Tensorflow's Blog Coming Soon Watch the video This p
FB-tCNN for SSVEP Recognition
FB-tCNN for SSVEP Recognition Here are the codes of the tCNN and FB-tCNN in the paper "Filter Bank Convolutional Neural Network for Short Time-Window
Python script to tabulate data formats like json, csv, html, etc
pyT PyT is a a command line tool and as well a library for visualising various data formats like: JSON HTML Table CSV XML, etc. Features Print table o
I automated the lumberjack game on telegram, by recognising pixels and using pyautogui module
Lumberjack Automated: @gamebot According to the official documentation, @gamebot is a demo bot for the Telegram Gaming Platform.` It provides some sam
A voice recognition assistant similar to amazon alexa, siri and google assistant.
kenyan-Siri Build an Artificial Assistant Full tutorial (video) To watch the tutorial, click on the image below Installation For windows users (run th
Grow Function: Generate 3D Stacked Bifurcating Double Deep Cellular Automata based organisms which differentiate using a Genetic Algorithm...
Grow Function: A 3D Stacked Bifurcating Double Deep Cellular Automata which differentiates using a Genetic Algorithm... TLDR;High Def Trees that you can mint as NFTs on Solana
An automated bot for twitter using Tweepy!
Tweeby An automated bot for twitter using Tweepy! About This bot will look for tweets that contain certain hashtags, if found. It'll send them a messa
A python bot that will allow you to have maximum luck during Veve drops.
VeveBot You can follow me here Github | Twitter Features: - Click on the purchase at the time of the drop. - Be able to choose to do more than one tes
Simple GUI where you can enter an article and get a crisp summarized version.
Text-Summarization-using-TextRank-BART Simple GUI where you can enter an article and get a crisp summarized version. How to run: Clone the repo Instal
Pipeline for training LSA models using Scikit-Learn.
Latent Semantic Analysis Pipeline for training LSA models using Scikit-Learn. Usage Instead of writing custom code for latent semantic analysis, you j
This repository is for DSA and CP scripts for reference.
dsa-script-collections This Repo is the collection of DSA and CP scripts for reference. Contents Python Bubble Sort Insertion Sort Merge Sort Quick So
GDSC UIET KUK 📍 , welcomes you all to this amazing event where you will be introduced to the world of coding 💻 .
GDSC UIET KUK 📍 , welcomes you all to this amazing event where you will be introduced to the world of coding 💻 .
A Spotify downloader needing only a python interpreter and ffmpeg.
ZSpotify A Spotify downloader needing only a python interpreter and ffmpeg. Discord Server - Matrix Server - Gitea Mirror - Main Site Requirements: B
A simple python discord bot with commands for moderation and utility.
Discord Bot A simple python discord bot with commands for moderation, utility and fun. Moderation $kick user reason - Kick a user from the server
Python based Discord Bot with a simple music player
C32 Discord Bot Discord bot that plays music Table Of Contents About the Project Built With Acknowledgements About The Project Play music using the !p
Code for using and evaluating SpanBERT.
SpanBERT This repository contains code and models for the paper: SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans. If you prefer
Simple Python library, distributed via binary wheels with few direct dependencies, for easily using wav2vec 2.0 models for speech recognition
Wav2Vec2 STT Python Beta Software Simple Python library, distributed via binary wheels with few direct dependencies, for easily using wav2vec 2.0 mode
Toolkit for developing and maintaining ML models
modelkit Python framework for production ML systems. modelkit is a minimalist yet powerful MLOps library for Python, built for people who want to depl
A library that can print Python objects in human readable format
objprint A library that can print Python objects in human readable format Install pip install objprint Usage op Use op() (or objprint()) to print obj
Learn Python Regular Expressions step by step from beginner to advanced levels
Python re(gex)? Learn Python Regular Expressions step by step from beginner to advanced levels with hundreds of examples and exercises The book also i
Creating predictive checklists from data using integer programming.
Learning Optimal Predictive Checklists A Python package to learn simple predictive checklists from data subject to customizable constraints. For more
A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition
FKD: A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition Official PyTorch implementation of paper A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework f
Research using Cirq!
ReCirq Research using Cirq! This project contains modules for running quantum computing applications and experiments through Cirq and Quantum Engine.
The official implementation of Relative Uncertainty Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
Relative Uncertainty Learning for Facial Expression Recognition The official implementation of the following paper at NeurIPS2021: Title: Relative Unc
A PyTorch Toolbox for Face Recognition
FaceX-Zoo FaceX-Zoo is a PyTorch toolbox for face recognition. It provides a training module with various supervisory heads and backbones towards stat
A selection of a few algorithms used to sort or search an array
Sort and search algorithms This repository has some common search / sort algorithms written in python, I also included the pseudocode of each algorith
A simple algorithm for extracting tree height in sparse scene from point cloud data.
TREE HEIGHT EXTRACTION IN SPARSE SCENES BASED ON UAV REMOTE SENSING This is the offical python implementation of the paper "Tree Height Extraction in
My notes on Data structure and Algos in golang implementation and python
My notes on DS and Algo Table of Contents Arrays LinkedList Trees Types of trees: Tree/Graph Traversal Algorithms Heap Priorty Queue Trie Graphs Graph
Cours d'Algorithmique Appliquée avec Python pour BTS SIO SISR
Course: Introduction to Applied Algorithms with Python (in French) This is the source code of the website for the Applied Algorithms with Python cours
FPE - Format Preserving Encryption with FF3 in Python
ff3 - Format Preserving Encryption in Python An implementation of the NIST approved FF3 and FF3-1 Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) algorithms in Pyt
Minimal pure Python library for working with little-endian list representation of bit strings.
bitlist Minimal Python library for working with bit vectors natively. Purpose This library allows programmers to work with a native representation of
Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix tech interview questions
Algorithm and Data Structures Interview Questions HackerRank | Practice, Tutorials & Interview Preparation Solutions This repository consists of solut
Linear programming solver for paper-reviewer matching and mind-matching
Paper-Reviewer Matcher A python package for paper-reviewer matching algorithm based on topic modeling and linear programming. The algorithm is impleme
A Python library for simulating finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines
Automata Copyright 2016-2021 Caleb Evans Released under the MIT license Automata is a Python 3 library which implements the structures and algorithms
Multiple Imputation with Random Forests in Python
miceforest: Fast, Memory Efficient Imputation with lightgbm Fast, memory efficient Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) with lightgbm. The