12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
A python server markup language
PSML - Python server markup language How to install: python install.py
MogFace: Towards a Deeper Appreciation on Face Detection
MogFace: Towards a Deeper Appreciation on Face Detection Introduction In this repo, we propose a promising face detector, termed as MogFace. Our MogFa
Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file.
Attendance-System-based-on-Facial-recognition-Attendance-data-stored-in-csv-file- Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer tools for hacking. The theme of this repository is to bring some ready-made open-source tools for anyone new to the world of hacking. This
Projeto Flappy Bird temática doom, projeto python e pygame
Doom-Bird Tecnologias usadas Requisitos para inicializar o jogo: Python faça o download em: https://www.python.org/downloads/ Após instalar o Python d
Convert PDF/Image to TXT using EasyOcr - the best OCR engine available!
PDFImage2TXT - DOWNLOAD INSTALLER HERE What can you do with it? Convert scanned PDFs to TXT. Convert scanned Documents to TXT. No coding required!! In
Enchpyter, is able to encrypt and decrypt words as you determine, of course, according to the alphabet.
Enchpyter is a program do encrypt and decrypt any word you want (just letters). You enter how many letters jumps and write the word, so, the program encrypt for you in seconds.
Two factor authentication system using azure services and python language and its api's
Very Simple Zoom Spam Pinger!
Very Simple Zoom Spam Pinger!
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
The robot is an autonomous small scale racing car using NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
The robot is an autonomous small scale racing car using NVIDIA Jetson Nano. This project utilizes deep learning neural network framework Keras/Tensorflow, together with computer vision library OpenCV, to achieve self driving. The robot has camera and he is using computer vision to detect the road and follow it. The robot also can be controled by joystick or cellphone for driving.
Генератор отчетов на Python с использованием библиотеки docx для работы с word-файлами и запросов к сервису
Генератор отчетов на Python с использованием библиотеки docx для работы с word-файлами и запросов к сервису
This repo explains in details about buffer overflow exploit development for windows executable.
Buffer Overflow Exploit Development For Beginner Introduction I am beginner in security community and as my fellow beginner, I spend some of my time a
The best Python Backdoor👌
Backdoor The best Python Backdoor Files Server file is used in all of cases If client is Windows, the client need execute EXE file If client is Linux,
POC using subprocess lib in Python 🐍
POC subprocess ☞ POC using the subprocess library with Python. References: https://github.com/GuillaumeFalourd/poc-subprocess https://geekflare.com/le
Portfolio project for Code Institute Full Stack software development course.
Comic Sales tracker This project is the third milestone project for the Code Institute Diploma in Full Stack Software Development. You can see the fin
Become a virtual character with just your webcam!
Become a virtual character with just your webcam!
Pytorch code for "Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks".
:speaker: Deep Learning & 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Speaker Verification
A comprensive software collection for nmea manipulation
nmeatoolkit A comprensive software collection for nmea manipulation; it includes a library and a collections of command line tools. Library pipes: con
Nested Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Biomedical Text
CBio-NAMER CBioNAMER (Nested nAMed Entity Recognition for Chinese Biomedical Text) is our method used in CBLUE (Chinese Biomedical Language Understand
A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
deepface Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid
Template for new OSINT command-line tools
OSINT cli tool skeleton Template for new OSINT command-line tools. Press button "Use this template" to generate your own tool repository. See INSTALL.
Make low level API wrapper in fast, easy.
The lowrapper is a library for quickly and easily creating an environment for tapping the API without implementation.
Massively parallel Monte Carlo diffusion MR simulator written in Python.
Disimpy Disimpy is a Python package for generating simulated diffusion-weighted MR signals that can be useful in the development and validation of dat
Python Client for Yandex Cloud Logging
Python Client for Yandex Cloud Logging Installation pip3 install python-yandex-cloud-logging Creating a Yandex Cloud Logging Group yc logging group c
Python Multilingual Ucrel Semantic Analysis System
PymUSAS Python Multilingual Ucrel Semantic Analysis System, it currently is a rule based token level semantic tagger which can be added to any spaCy p
Functions to analyze Cell-ID single-cell cytometry data using python language.
PyCellID (building...) Functions to analyze Cell-ID single-cell cytometry data using python language. Dependecies for this project. attrs(=21.1.0) fo
Basic auth for Django.
A simple Python library that allows you to customize your CLI based output on Linux
Terminal-Colored-Print About A small module that allows to simply decorate strings on Linux terminals. I personally use it for multi-threaded project,
Provide error messages for Python exceptions, even if the original message is empty
errortext is a Python package to provide error messages for Python exceptions, even if the original message is empty.
Cash in on Expressed Barcode Tags (EBTs) from NGS Sequencing Data with Python
Cash in on Expressed Barcode Tags (EBTs) from NGS Sequencing Data with Python Cashier is a tool developed by Russell Durrett for the analysis and extr
Authware API wrapper for Python 3.5+
AuthwarePy Asynchronous wrapper for Authware in Python 3.5+ View our documentation 📲 Installation Run this to install the library via pip: pip instal
A Yahtzee-solving python package and command line tool.
yahtzee A Yahtzee-solving python package and command line tool. The algorithm is mathematically guaranteed to have the best strategy. That is, it maxi
A simple Python TDLib wrapper
Telegram Forwarder App Description pywtdlib (Python Wrapper TDLib) is a simple synchronous Python wrapper that makes you easy to create new Python Tel
✨️🐍 SPARQL endpoint built with RDFLib to serve machine learning models, or any other logic implemented in Python
✨ SPARQL endpoint for RDFLib rdflib-endpoint is a SPARQL endpoint based on a RDFLib Graph to easily serve machine learning models, or any other logic
A time series processing library
Timeseria Timeseria is a time series processing library which aims at making it easy to handle time series data and to build statistical and machine l
A very simple OpenContest command line client written in Python
OpenContest Client A very simple OpenContest command line client written in Python. The only dependency is the requests library. Tested with Linux onl
Python library to connect to Firebots API
This is a firebot library to connect to Firebots API. https://firebot.app/ From Firebots Website: "Firebot is a fully featured open-source bot that c
Python Elasticsearch handler for the standard python logging framework
Python Elasticsearch Log handler This library provides an Elasticsearch logging appender compatible with the python standard logging library. This lib
A Python package for handling free proxies from sslproxies.org
SSLProxies Get free working proxy from https://www.sslproxies.org/ and use it in your script This is a port/rewrite of free-proxy with additional feat
An Web Scraping API for MDL(My Drama List) for Python.
PyMDL An API for MyDramaList(MDL) based on webscraping for python. Description An API for MDL to make your life easier in retriving and working on dat
Generative Handwriting using LSTM Mixture Density Network with TensorFlow
Generative Handwriting Demo using TensorFlow An attempt to implement the random handwriting generation portion of Alex Graves' paper. See my blog post
Chatbot in 200 lines of code using TensorLayer
Seq2Seq Chatbot This is a 200 lines implementation of Twitter/Cornell-Movie Chatbot, please read the following references before you read the code: Pr
Dynamic Capacity Networks using Tensorflow
Dynamic Capacity Networks using Tensorflow Dynamic Capacity Networks (DCN; http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07838) implementation using Tensorflow. DCN reduc
End-To-End Memory Network using Tensorflow
MemN2N Implementation of End-To-End Memory Networks with sklearn-like interface using Tensorflow. Tasks are from the bAbl dataset. Get Started git clo
Translate darknet to tensorflow. Load trained weights, retrain/fine-tune using tensorflow, export constant graph def to mobile devices
Intro Real-time object detection and classification. Paper: version 1, version 2. Read more about YOLO (in darknet) and download weight files here. In
A TensorFlow implementation of the Mnemonic Descent Method.
MDM A Tensorflow implementation of the Mnemonic Descent Method. Mnemonic Descent Method: A recurrent process applied for end-to-end face alignment G.
Deep Learning & 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Speaker Verification
TensorFlow implementation of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Speaker Verification - Official Project Page - Pytorch Implementation This repositor
Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks - Official Project Page This repository contains the code develope
Classify music genre from a 10 second sound stream using a Neural Network.
MusicGenreClassification Academic research in the field of Deep Learning (Deep Neural Networks) and Sound Processing, Tel Aviv University. Featured in
Sarus implementation of classical ML models. The models are implemented using the Keras API of tensorflow 2. Vizualization are implemented and can be seen in tensorboard.
Sarus published models Sarus implementation of classical ML models. The models are implemented using the Keras API of tensorflow 2. Vizualization are
Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network with TensorFlow
TensorFlow YOLO object detection on Android Source project android-yolo is the first implementation of YOLO for TensorFlow on an Android device. It is
Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL
**This project is no longer active. Please check out TensorFlow.js.** The Keras.js demos still work but is no longer updated. Run Keras models in the
Book search Django web project that uses requests python library and openlibrary API.
Book Search API Developer: Vladimir Vojtenko Book search Django web project that uses requests python library and openlibrary API. #requests #openlibr
DeepStochlog Package For Python
DeepStochLog Installation Installing SWI Prolog DeepStochLog requires SWI Prolog to run. Run the following commands to install: sudo apt-add-repositor
A python base script from which you can hack or clone any person's facebook friendlist or followers accounts which have simple password
Hcoder This is a python base script from which you can hack or clone any person's facebook friendlist or followers accounts which have simple password
This project was created using Python technology and flask tools to scrape a music site
python-scrapping This project was created using Python technology and flask tools to scrape a music site You need to install the following packages to
Send embeds using your discord personal account
Welcome to Embed Sender 👋 Send embeds using your discord personal account Install pip install -r requirements.txt Usage Put your discord token in ./
Forza painter app with python
forza-painter Discord: A-Dawg#0001 (AE) Supports: Forza Horizon 5 Offically (OTHER v1.405.2.0, MS STORE v3.414.967.0, STEAM v1.414.967.0) Unofficially
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple commands.
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple com
Python-easy-pack For Linux/Unix, Changed by laman28
Python-easy-pack For Linux/Unix, Changed by laman28
Train custom VR face tracking parameters
Pal Buddy Guy: The anipal's best friend This is a small script to improve upon the tracking capabilities of the Vive Pro Eye and facial tracker. You c
Active Offline Policy Selection With Python
Active Offline Policy Selection This is supporting example code for NeurIPS 2021 paper Active Offline Policy Selection by Ksenia Konyushkova*, Yutian
A variant caller for the GBA gene using WGS data
Gauchian: WGS-based GBA variant caller Gauchian is a targeted variant caller for the GBA gene based on a whole-genome sequencing (WGS) BAM file. Gauch
Airplane reservation system python 2
airplane-reservation-system-python-2 Announcement 🔊 : 🔴 IMPORTANT 🔴 : Few new things have been added into the code [16/05/2021] different names is
A python script for extracting/removing exif data from images by @AbirHasan2005
Image-Exif A Python script for extracting exif metadata from images. How to use? Using this script you can extract exif data from image and save in .c
Web Scraping OLX with Python and Bsoup.
webScrap WebScraping first step. Authors: Paulo, Claudio M. First steps in Web Scraping. Project carried out for training in Web Scrapping. The export
Simple python crypto bot to trade crypto on Binance based on RSI. Utilizing web sockets to get real-time prices
Py Crypto Bot Using Binance WebSocket API to get real-time price data for cryptocurrencies. Using the TA-Lib library to calculate the RSI and execute
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer reverse shell tool python. Este programa é para apenas estudo e conhecimento. Não use isso em outra pessoas. Não me responsabilizo por uso
Block Telegram's new
Telegram Channel Blocker Bot Channel go away! This bot is used to delete and ban message sent by channel How this appears? The reason this appears ple
Basic auth for Django.
Basic auth for Django.
MeshToGeotiff - A fast Python algorithm to convert a 3D mesh into a GeoTIFF
MeshToGeotiff - A fast Python algorithm to convert a 3D mesh into a GeoTIFF Python class for converting (very fast) 3D Meshes/Surfaces to Raster DEMs
A web shell client written in python.
Webshell client A webshell client written in python. Only works well for linux for the time being. Why? Because there are too many heavy webshells. So
The EscapePod Python SDK for Cyb3rVector's EscapePod Extension Proxy
EscapePod Extension SDK for Python by cyb3rdog This is the EscapePod Python SDK for Cyb3rVector's EscapePod Extension Proxy. With this SDK, you can: m
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
DG - A(n) (unusual) programming language
DG - A(n) (unusual) programming language General structure There are no infix-operators (i.e. 1 + 1) Each operator takes 2 parameters When there are m
Django Persistent Filters is a Python package which provide a django middleware that take care to persist the querystring in the browser cookies.
Django Persistent Filters Django Persistent Filters is a Python package which provide a django middleware that take care to persist the querystring in
Monitoring of lake dynamics
Monitoring of lake dynamics This is a program that uses multi-source remote sensing data to monitor the dynamic changes of lakes. The detailed introdu
Pytorch code for paper "Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-local Neural Network" TMM 2021.
NL-CSNet-Pytorch Pytorch code for paper "Image Compressed Sensing Using Non-local Neural Network" TMM 2021. Note: this repo only shows the strategy of
A Python library that simplifies working with video from soccer matches.
Match Video This is a Python library that simplifies working with video from soccer matches. It allows match video to be selected intuitively by perio
MLflow App Using React, Hooks, RabbitMQ, FastAPI Server, Celery, Microservices
Katana ML Skipper This is a simple and flexible ML workflow engine. It helps to orchestrate events across a set of microservices and create executable
Python based YouTube video Downloader GUI Application.
Youtube video Downloader Python based Youtube video Downloader GUI Application. Installation Python Dependencies Import pytube pip install pytube Im
Face Detection with DLIB
Face Detection with DLIB In this project, we have detected our face with dlib and opencv libraries. Setup This Project Install DLIB & OpenCV You can i
Predicting Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Early Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning on Primary Tumor Biopsy Slides
Predicting Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Early Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning on Primary Tumor Biopsy Slides Project | This repo is the officia
Deconfounding Temporal Autoencoder: Estimating Treatment Effects over Time Using Noisy Proxies
Deconfounding Temporal Autoencoder (DTA) This is a repository for the paper "Deconfounding Temporal Autoencoder: Estimating Treatment Effects over Tim
Code for generating Tiktok X-Gorgon, X-Khronos and etc. parameters
TikTok-Algorithm I found this python file from a source which was later deleted. Although the test api functions no longer seem to work, surprisingly
Dart Version Manager CLI implemented with Python and Typer.
Dart Version Manager Dart Version Manager CLI implemented with Python and Typer Usage: $ dvm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: --install-completion
Automate saving your Discover Weekly Playlist using Python.
SpotWeekly Automate saving your Discover Weekly Playlist using Python. Made with 3 and FastAPI. The saved playlist link is sent to my discord server
GUI Pancakeswap V2 and Uniswap V3 trading client (and bot)MOST ADVANCE TRADING BOT SUPPORT WINDOWS LINUX MAC
Python implementation of Spotify's authorization flow.
Spotify API Apps 🎷 🎶 🎼 This repository consists of many strange codes that make you think why the hell this guy doing this. Well... I got some reas
Convert shellcode into :sparkles: different :sparkles: formats!
Bluffy Convert shellcode into ✨ different ✨ formats! Bluffy is a utility which was used in experiments to bypass Anti-Virus products (statically) by f
Custom Python code for calculating the Probability of Profit (POP) for options trading strategies using Monte Carlo Simulations.
Custom Python code for calculating the Probability of Profit (POP) for options trading strategies using Monte Carlo Simulations.
Fully automated YouTube Channel. Using Reddit and YouTube API.
Fully Automated YouTube Shorts Channel This code will show you how to setup and fully autmated YouTube Channel. Content is gathered from Reddit using
Simple bots or Simbots is a library designed to create simple bots using the power of python. This library utilises Intent, Entity, Relation and Context model to create bots .
Simple bots or Simbots is a library designed to create simple chat bots using the power of python. This library utilises Intent, Entity, Relation and
QMagFace: Simple and Accurate Quality-Aware Face Recognition
Quality-Aware Face Recognition 26.11.2021 start readme QMagFace: Simple and Accurate Quality-Aware Face Recognition Research Paper Implementation - To
My solutions to the Advent of Code 2021 problems in Go and Python 🎄
🎄 Advent of Code 2021 🎄 Summary Advent of Code is an annual Advent calendar of programming puzzles. This year I am doing it in Go and Python. Runnin
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API
Self-adjusting, auto-compounding multi-pair DCA crypto trading bot using Python, AWS Lambda & 3Commas API The following code describes how we can leve
This github repo is for Neurips 2021 paper, NORESQA A Framework for Speech Quality Assessment using Non-Matching References.
NORESQA: Speech Quality Assessment using Non-Matching References This is a Pytorch implementation for using NORESQA. It contains minimal code to predi
Tutorials on advanced python topics, and literate programming framework to write them.
Advanced course on Python3 This course covers several topics Python decorators The python object system / meta classes Also see my text on Python impo
BDD base project: Python + Behave
BDD base project: Python + Behave Basic example of using Python with Behave (BDD). This Gherkin example includes: Basic Scenario Scenario Outline Tagg