12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Another Scheduler is a Kubernetes controller that automatically starts, stops, or restarts pods from a deployment at a specified time using a cron annotation.
Another Scheduler Another Scheduler is a Kubernetes controller that automatically starts, stops, or restarts pods from a deployment at a specified tim
AWS Quick Start Team
EKS CDK Quick Start (in Python) DEVELOPER PREVIEW NOTE: Thise project is currently available as a preview and should not be considered for production
A python library for extracting text from PDFs without losing the formatting of the PDF content.
Multilingual PDF to Text Install Package from Pypi Install it using pip. pip install multilingual-pdf2text The library uses Tesseract which can be ins
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
Introduction to Django Rest Framework
Introduction to Django Rest Framework This is the repository of the video series Introduction to Django Rest Framework published on YouTube. It is a s
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (basic model with few advanced features) using Python programming language
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in Python which includes a basic model along with few advanced features such as updating inertia weight, cognitive, social learning coefficients and maximum velocity of the particle.
Python parser for DTED data.
DTED Parser This is a package written in pure python (with help from numpy) to parse and investigate Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) files. This
Recognize Handwritten Digits using Deep Learning on the browser itself.
MNIST on the Web An attempt to predict MNIST handwritten digits from my PyTorch model from the browser (client-side) and not from the server, with the
Add Chart.js visualizations to your Django admin using a mixin class
django-admincharts Add Chart.js visualizations to your Django admin using a mixin class. Example from django.contrib import admin from .models import
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Automating whatsapp with python
whatsapp-automation Automating whatsapp with python used on this project pyautogui pywhatkit pyttsx3 SpeechRecognition colorama embedded in python tim
A simple pygame dino game which can also be trained and played by a NEAT KI
Dino Game AI Game The game itself was developed with the Pygame module pip install pygame You can also play it yourself by making the dino jump with t
An air quality monitoring service with a Raspberry Pi and a SDS011 sensor.
Raspberry Pi Air Quality Monitor A simple air quality monitoring service for the Raspberry Pi. Installation Clone the repository and run the following
Notion API Database Python Implementation
Python Notion Database Notion API Database Python Implementation created only by database from the official Notion API. Installing / Getting started p
Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst).
Style-Doc Style-Doc is Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst). It can be used to format docstrings (Google docstring format) in Python
A simple Notepad-like editor written in Python
monkepad A simple Notepad-like editor written in Python Since MonkePad is written in one file, all your customization can be done without much trouble
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time.
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time
Install python modules from pypi from a previous date in history
pip-rewind is a command-line tool that can rewind pypi module versions (given as command-line arguments or read from a requirements.txt file) to a previous date in time.
System Tray Icon for PySimpleGUI (the tkinter version). Adds a system tray icon by using pystray and PIL
psgtray Add a System Tray Icon to your tkinter port of PySimpleGUI. Installation via pip Installation is via pip: python -m pip install psgtray or if
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication and Rate Limits
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication and Rate Limits Install You can install this Library with: pip instal
Terminal Bot which will Execute your Commands From telegram bot!
Terminal-Bot see this bot alive: https://t.me/HerokuTerminal_Bot With this bot you can execute system commands on your server. how to config? clone or
cc_sim_crack v.1 An open-source SMS/call bomber for Linux And Termux. Note: Due misusing of cc_sim_crack, several API's died. Don't be afraid if you d
Pure-python PostgreSQL driver
pg-purepy pg-purepy is a pure-Python PostgreSQL wrapper based on the anyio library. A lot of this library was inspired by the pg8000 library. Credits
An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API.
pyaww An API wrapper around the pythonanywhere's API. The name stands for pythonanywherewrapper. 100% api coverage most of the codebase is documented
🕹 An esoteric language designed so that the program looks like the transcript of a Pokémon battle
PokéBattle is an esoteric language designed so that the program looks like the transcript of a Pokémon battle. Original inspiration and specification
Command Line Text-To-Speech using Google TTS
cli-tts Thanks to gTTS by @pndurette! This is an interactive command line text-to-speech tool using Google TTS. Just type text and the voice will be p
News search API developed for the purposes of the ColdCase Project.
Saxion - Cold Case - News Search API Setup Local – Linux/MacOS Make sure you have python 3.9 and pip 21 installed. This project uses a MySQL database,
Python library to decrypt Airtag reports, as well as a InfluxDB/Grafana self-hosted dashboard example
Openhaystack-python This python daemon will allow you to gather your Openhaystack-based airtag reports and display them on a Grafana dashboard. You ca
Classify bird species based on their songs using SIamese Networks and 1D dilated convolutions.
The goal is to classify different birds species based on their songs/calls. Spectrograms have been extracted from the audio samples and used as features for classification.
A bot that connects your guild chat to a Discord channel, written in Python.
Guild Chat Bot A bot that connects your guild chat to a discord channel. Uses discord.py and pyCraft Deploy on Railway Railway is a cloud development
a small simple library for generating documentation from docstrings
inkpot a small simple library for generating documentation from docstrings inkpot is available on pip. Please give it a star if you like it! To know m
PyArmor is a command line tool used to obfuscate python scripts
PyArmor is a command line tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts.
Simple Python / ImageMagick script to package images into WAD3s for use as GoldSrc textures.
WADs Out For [The] Ladies Simple Python / ImageMagick script to package images into WAD3s for use as GoldSrc textures. Development mostly focused on L
A Python Discord bot project generator
Heater Heat up a Discord bot in a blink What is Heater? Heater is a Command Line Interface tool which allows you to generate a barebones Python Discor
A Prometheus exporter for monitoring & analyzing Grafana Labs' technical documentation
grafana-docs-exporter A Prometheus exporter for monitoring & analyzing Grafana Labs' technical documentation Here is the public endpoint.
A GETTR API client written in Python.
GUTTR A GETTR client library written in Python. I rushed to get this out so it's a bit janky. Open an issue if something is broken or missing. Getting
Yata is a fast, simple and easy Data Visulaization tool, running on python dash
Yata is a fast, simple and easy Data Visulaization tool, running on python dash. The main goal of Yata is to provide a easy way for persons with little programming knowledge to visualize their data easily.
Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library
Datargsing What is It? Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library which is currently in deving Why this library is good? This Pyt
imbalanced-DL: Deep Imbalanced Learning in Python
imbalanced-DL: Deep Imbalanced Learning in Python Overview imbalanced-DL (imported as imbalanceddl) is a Python package designed to make deep imbalanc
(BionicLambda Universal SHell) A simple shell made in Python. Docs and possible C port incoming.
blush 😳 (BionicLambda Universal SHell) A simple shell made in Python. Docs and possible C port incoming. Note: The Linux executables were made on Ubu
This is my reading list for my PhD in AI, NLP, Deep Learning and more.
This is my reading list for my PhD in AI, NLP, Deep Learning and more.
TensorRT examples (Jetson, Python/C++)(object detection)
TensorRT examples (Jetson, Python/C++)(object detection)
Visual Python is a GUI-based Python code generator, developed on the Jupyter Notebook environment as an extension.
Visual Python is a GUI-based Python code generator, developed on the Jupyter Notebook environment as an extension.
mlscraper: Scrape data from HTML pages automatically with Machine Learning
🤖 Scrape data from HTML websites automatically with Machine Learning
A toolbox of scene text detection and recognition
FudanOCR This toolbox contains the implementations of the following papers: Scene Text Telescope: Text-Focused Scene Image Super-Resolution [Chen et a
A trusty face recognition research platform developed by Tencent Youtu Lab
Introduction TFace: A trusty face recognition research platform developed by Tencent Youtu Lab. It provides a high-performance distributed training fr
Tomli is a Python library for parsing TOML
Tomli A lil' TOML parser Table of Contents generated with mdformat-toc Intro Installation Usage Parse a TOML string Parse a TOML file Handle invalid T
Official ProtonVPN Linux app
ProtonVPN Linux App Copyright (c) 2021 Proton Technologies AG This repository holds the ProtonVPN Linux App. For licensing information see COPYING. Fo
Paper backup of files using QR codes
Generate paper backups for Linux. Currently command-linux Linux only. Takes any file, and outputs a "paper backup": a printable black-and-white pdf fu
Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about Machine Learning
Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about Machine Learning
Global Filter Networks for Image Classification
Global Filter Networks for Image Classification Created by Yongming Rao, Wenliang Zhao, Zheng Zhu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou This repository contains PyTorch
a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
fastapi-tortoise-orm-url-shortener a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
Drone detection using YOLOv5
This drone detection system uses YOLOv5 which is a family of object detection architectures and we have trained the model on Drone Dataset. Overview I
A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API
Timbre Dissimilarity Metrics A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API Installation pip install -e . Usag
A tool to make dumpy among us GIFS
Among Us Dumpy Gif Maker Made by ThatOneCalculator & Pixer415 With help from Telk, karl-police, and auguwu! Please credit this repository when you use
QPT-Quick packaging tool 前项式Python环境快捷封装工具
QPT - Quick packaging tool 快捷封装工具 GitHub主页 | Gitee主页 QPT是一款可以“模拟”开发环境的多功能封装工具,一行命令即可将普通的Python脚本打包成EXE可执行程序,与此同时还可轻松引入CUDA等深度学习加速库, 尽可能在用户使用时复现您的开发环境。
Exploiting Linksys WRT54G using a vulnerability I found.
Exploiting Linksys WRT54G Exploit # Install the requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt ROUTER_HOST= ROUTER_USERNAME=admin ROUTER_P
Unofficial implementation of "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.14030)
Swin-Transformer-Tensorflow A direct translation of the official PyTorch implementation of "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Sh
Code for Two-stage Identifier: "Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition"
Code for Two-stage Identifier: "Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition", accepted at ACL 2021. For details of the model and experiments, please see our paper.
Tuplex is a parallel big data processing framework that runs data science pipelines written in Python at the speed of compiled code
Tuplex is a parallel big data processing framework that runs data science pipelines written in Python at the speed of compiled code. Tuplex has similar Python APIs to Apache Spark or Dask, but rather than invoking the Python interpreter, Tuplex generates optimized LLVM bytecode for the given pipeline and input data set.
A terminal UI dashboard to monitor requests for code review across Github and Gitlab repositories.
A terminal UI dashboard to monitor requests for code review across Github and Gitlab repositories.
pure-predict: Machine learning prediction in pure Python
pure-predict speeds up and slims down machine learning prediction applications. It is a foundational tool for serverless inference or small batch prediction with popular machine learning frameworks like scikit-learn and fasttext. It implements the predict methods of these frameworks in pure Python.
Flexible interface for high-performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra.
Flexible interface for high performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra. What is Lightning Tran
This script is written with Python for selling steam community items automatically.
SteamCommunityItemAutoSell Description This script is written with Python for selling steam community items automatically. Install git clone https://g
CoWIN Vaccination slot booking telegram bot with auto captcha resolver & alerting feature.Now, never miss a slot.
COWIN VACCINATION SLOT AUTO BOOKING (Bot with captcha solving & alerting capabilities. Never miss the vaccine slot.) June-10-2021/ 0030 hrs: 23 succes
Simplified diarization pipeline using some pretrained models - audio file to diarized segments in a few lines of code
simple_diarizer Simplified diarization pipeline using some pretrained models. Made to be a simple as possible to go from an input audio file to diariz
Python wrapper for WhatsApp web-based on selenium
alright Python wrapper for WhatsApp web made with selenium inspired by PyWhatsApp Why alright ? I was looking for a way to control and automate WhatsA
💥 Share files easily over your local network from the terminal!
Fileshare 📨 Share files easily over your local network from the terminal! 📨 Installation # clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/dopevog/fil
Exemplo de implementação do padrão circuit breaker em python
fast-circuit-breaker Circuit breakers existem para permitir que uma parte do seu sistema falhe sem destruir todo seu ecossistema de serviços. Michael
A simple Python app that generates semi-random chord progressions.
chords-generator A simple Python app that generates semi-random chord progressions.
This is a method to build your own qgis configuration packages using osgeo4W.
This is a method to build your own qgis configuration packages using osgeo4W. Then you can automate deployment in your organization with a controled and trusted environnement.
Daily knowledge pills to get better in Python.
Python daily pills Daily knowledge pills to get better Python code. Why Does your Python code suffers of any of this symptoms? Incorrect Indentation I
Reference python implementation of Chia pool operations for pool operators
This repository provides a sample server written in python, which is meant to server as a basis for a Chia Pool. While this is a fully functional implementation, it requires some work in scalability and security to run in production.
Tracing instruction in lldb debugger.Just a python-script for lldb.
lldb-trace Tracing instruction in lldb debugger. just a python-script for lldb. How to use it? Break at an address where you want to begin tracing. Im
PyUnity is a Python implementation of the Unity Engine, written in C++
PyUnity is a Python implementation of the Unity Engine, written in C++. This is just a fun project and many features have been taken out to make it as easy as possible to create a scene and run it.
A python library to build Model Trees with Linear Models at the leaves.
A python library to build Model Trees with Linear Models at the leaves.
Python library to download bulk of images from Bing.com
Python library to download bulk of images form Bing.com. This package uses async url, which makes it very fast while downloading.
ToR[e]cSys is a PyTorch Framework to implement recommendation system algorithms
ToR[e]cSys is a PyTorch Framework to implement recommendation system algorithms, including but not limited to click-through-rate (CTR) prediction, learning-to-ranking (LTR), and Matrix/Tensor Embedding. The project objective is to develop a ecosystem to experiment, share, reproduce, and deploy in real world in a smooth and easy way (Hope it can be done).
PyMedPhys is an open-source Medical Physics python library
PyMedPhys is an open-source Medical Physics python library built by an open community that values and prioritises code sharing, review, improvement, and learning from each other. I
Attention mechanism with MNIST dataset
[TensorFlow] Attention mechanism with MNIST dataset Usage $ python run.py Result Training Loss graph. Test Each figure shows input digit, attention ma
Splunk Add-On to collect audit log events from Github Enterprise Cloud
GitHub Enterprise Audit Log Monitoring Splunk modular input plugin to fetch the enterprise audit log from GitHub Enterprise Support for modular inputs
Bifrost C2. Open-source post-exploitation using Discord API
Bifrost Command and Control What's Bifrost? Bifrost is an open-source Discord BOT that works as Command and Control (C2). This C2 uses Discord API for
😊 Python module for face feature changing
PyWarping Python module for face feature changing Installation pip install pywarping If you get an error: No such file or directory: 'cmake': 'cmake',
Learning To Have An Ear For Face Super-Resolution
Learning To Have An Ear For Face Super-Resolution [Project Page] This repository contains demo code of our CVPR2020 paper. Training and evaluation on
[CVPR 2020] Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs for Semantic Face Editing
InterFaceGAN - Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs for Semantic Face Editing Figure: High-quality facial attributes editing results with InterFaceGA
Motion detector, Full body detection, Upper body detection, Cat face detection, Smile detection, Face detection (haar cascade), Silverware detection, Face detection (lbp), and Sending email notifications
Security camera running OpenCV for object and motion detection. The camera will send email with image of any objects it detects. It also runs a server that provides web interface with live stream video.
Blender Python - Node-based multi-line text and image flowchart
MindMapper v0.8 Node-based text and image flowchart for Blender Mindmap with shortcuts visible: Mindmap with shortcuts hidden: Notes This was requeste
An forensics tool to help aid in the investigation of spoofed emails based off the email headers.
A forensic tool to make analysis of email headers easy to aid in the quick discovery of the attacker. Table of Contents About mailMeta Installation Us
Transpiles some Python into human-readable Golang.
pytago Transpiles some Python into human-readable Golang. Try out the web demo Installation and usage There are two "officially" supported ways to use
A Python Module That Uses ANN To Predict A Stocks Price And Also Provides Accurate Technical Analysis With Many High Potential Implementations!
Stox ⚡ A Python Module For The Stock Market ⚡ A Module to predict the "close price" for the next day and give "technical analysis". It uses a Neural N
Some Boring Research About Products Recognition 、Duplicate Img Detection、Img Stitch、OCR
Products Recognition 介绍 商品识别,围绕在复杂的商场零售场景中,识别出货架图像中的商品信息。主要组成部分: 重复图像检测。【更新进度 4/10】 图像拼接。【更新进度 0/10】 目标检测。【更新进度 0/10】 商品识别。【更新进度 1/10】 OCR。【更新进度 1/10】
Gamestonk Terminal is an awesome stock and crypto market terminal
Gamestonk Terminal is an awesome stock and crypto market terminal. A FOSS alternative to Bloomberg Terminal.
30 Days Of Machine Learning Using Pytorch
Objective of the repository is to learn and build machine learning models using Pytorch. 30DaysofML Using Pytorch
Matplotlib tutorial for beginner
matplotlib is probably the single most used Python package for 2D-graphics. It provides both a very quick way to visualize data from Python and publication-quality figures in many formats. We are going to explore matplotlib in interactive mode covering most common cases.
🎀 First and most powerfull open source clicktune botter
CTB 🖤 Follow me here: Discord | YouTube | Twitter | Github 🐺 Features: /* *- The first *- Fast *- Proxy support: http/s, socks4/5, premieum (w
Auto Join: A GitHub action script to automatically invite everyone to the organization who star your repository.
Auto Invite To The Organization By Star A GitHub Action script to automatically invite everyone to your organization that stars your repository. What
Pytorch implementation of Nueral Style transfer
Nueral Style Transfer Pytorch implementation of Nueral style transfer algorithm , it is used to apply artistic styles to content images . Content is t
Restful Api developed with Flask using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and containerization with Docker :rocket:
Hephaestus 🚀 In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was either the son of Zeus and Hera or he was Hera's parthenogenous child. ... As a smithing god, Hephaes
Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App
privalise Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App The Main Idea: We`ve seen social media web apps that focuse
A python generator that converts youtube videos to ascii art in your console.
Video To ASCII A python generator that converts youtube videos to ascii art in your console. This has not been tested for windows! Example Normal mode