12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Simple python module to get the information regarding battery in python.
Battery Stats A python3 module created for easily reading the current parameters of Battery in realtime. It reads battery stats from /sys/class/power_
Automatic Attendance marker for LMS Practice School Division, BITS Pilani
LMS Attendance Marker Automatic script for lazy people to mark attendance on LMS for Practice School 1. Setup Add your LMS credentials and time slot t
Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma API REST
Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma API REST 🧑💻 Tecnologias Esse projeto utilizará as seguintes tecnologias: Git Python Flask DBeaver Vscode SQLite 🎯
AI that plays Flappy Bird Game using the python module NEAT.
Flappy Bird AI [NEAT] AI that plays Flappy Bird Game using the python module NEAT. Instructions Install Python Modules: pip3 install -r requirements.t
JAX + dataclasses
jax_dataclasses jax_dataclasses provides a wrapper around dataclasses.dataclass for use in JAX, which enables automatic support for: Pytree registrati
Open-Source Toolkit for End-to-End Speech Recognition leveraging PyTorch-Lightning and Hydra.
OpenSpeech provides reference implementations of various ASR modeling papers and three languages recipe to perform tasks on automatic speech recogniti
Analyze FnO trends by using NSE Bhav copy
BhavFnO Analyze FnO trends by using NSE Bhav copy Download entire BhavFnO folder and unzip it In that folder open command window
A python implementation of differentiable quality diversity.
Differentiable Quality Diversity This repository is the official implementation of Differentiable Quality Diversity.
Benachrichtigungs-Bot für das niedersächische Impfportal / Notification bot for the lower saxony vaccination portal
Ein kleines Wochenend-Projekt von mir. Der Bot überwacht die REST-API des niedersächsischen Impfportals auf freie Impfslots und sendet eine Benachrichtigung mit deinem bevorzugtem Service. Ab da gilt leider: der Schnellste gewinnt. Bitte missbraucht den Bot nicht und verwendet moderate Intervalle.
Python API for working with RESQML models
resqpy: Python API for working with RESQML models Introduction resqpy is a pure python package which provides a programming interface (API) for readin
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts that will make you go wow. This repository will help you in getting those green squares. Hop in and enjoy the journey of open source. 🚀
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM off-line HTR dataset. This Neural Network (NN) model recognizes the text contained in the images of segmented words.
Handwritten-Text-Recognition Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM off-line HTR dataset. T
Deep Learning Package based on TensorFlow
White-Box-Layer is a Python module for deep learning built on top of TensorFlow and is distributed under the MIT license. The project was started in M
HackerNews digest using GitHub actions
HackerNews Digest This script makes use of GitHub actions to send daily newsletters with the top 10 posts from HackerNews of the previous day. How to
A simple in-process python scheduler library, designed to be integrated seamlessly with the `datetime` standard library.
scheduler A simple in-process python scheduler library, designed to be integrated seamlessly with the datetime standard library. Due to the support of
Streamlit component for Let's-Plot visualization library
streamlit-letsplot This is a work-in-progress, providing a convenience function to plot charts from the Lets-Plot visualization library. Example usage
One Ansible Module for using LINE notify API to send notification. It can be required in the collection list.
Ansible Collection - hazel_shen.line_notify Documentation for the collection. ansible-galaxy collection install hazel_shen.line_notify --ignore-certs
Unofficial TensorFlow implementation of Protein Interface Prediction using Graph Convolutional Networks.
[TensorFlow] Protein Interface Prediction using Graph Convolutional Networks Unofficial TensorFlow implementation of Protein Interface Prediction usin
Open-Source Toolkit for End-to-End Speech Recognition leveraging PyTorch-Lightning and Hydra.
OpenSpeech provides reference implementations of various ASR modeling papers and three languages recipe to perform tasks on automatic speech recogniti
A simple multi-threaded distributed SSH brute-forcing tool written in Python.
OrbitalDump A simple multi-threaded distributed SSH brute-forcing tool written in Python. How it Works When the script is executed without the --proxi
A Telegram Message Manager Bot by @AbirHasan2005
Messages-Manager-Bot A Telegram Message Manager Bot by @AbirHasan2005. This Bot can delete specific type of messages from Group. I specially use for @
Reference implementation of sentinels for the Python stdlib
Sentinels This is a reference implementation of a utility for the definition of sentinel values in Python. This also includes a draft PEP for the incl
This package is for running the semantic SLAM algorithm using extracted planar surfaces from the received detection
Semantic SLAM This package can perform optimization of pose estimated from VO/VIO methods which tend to drift over time. It uses planar surfaces extra
This is the official Pytorch implementation of "Lung Segmentation from Chest X-rays using Variational Data Imputation", Raghavendra Selvan et al. 2020
README This is the official Pytorch implementation of "Lung Segmentation from Chest X-rays using Variational Data Imputation", Raghavendra Selvan et a
Official PyTorch implementation of "Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition"
Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition Official PyTorch implementation of "Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Se
Synthetic Humans for Action Recognition, IJCV 2021
SURREACT: Synthetic Humans for Action Recognition from Unseen Viewpoints Gül Varol, Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid, Andrew Zisserman, Synthetic Human
[CVPR 2021] Monocular depth estimation using wavelets for efficiency
Single Image Depth Prediction with Wavelet Decomposition Michaël Ramamonjisoa, Michael Firman, Jamie Watson, Vincent Lepetit and Daniyar Turmukhambeto
DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition (CVPR 2021)
DeepLM DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition (CVPR 2021) Run Please install th
Learn Blockchains by Building One, A simple Blockchain in Python using Flask as a micro web framework.
Blockchain ✨ Learn Blockchains by Building One Yourself Installation Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed. Install Flask Web Framework. Clone this repos
To solve games using AI, we will introduce the concept of a game tree followed by minimax algorithm.
To solve games using AI, we will introduce the concept of a game tree followed by minimax algorithm.
You can share your Chegg account for answers using this bot with your friends without getting your account blocked/flagged
Chegg-Answer-Bot You can share your Chegg account for answers using this bot with your friends without getting your account blocked/flagged Reuirement
Implemented page rank program
Page Rank Implemented page rank program based on fact that a website is more important if it is linked to by other important websites using recursive
Ecommerce product title recognition package
revizor This package solves task of splitting product title string into components, like type, brand, model and article (or SKU or product code or you
Artificial Intelligence playing minesweeper 🤖
AI playing Minesweeper ✨ Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle video game. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden
Wordplay, an artificial Intelligence based crossword puzzle solver.
Wordplay, AI based crossword puzzle solver A crossword is a word puzzle that usually takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white- and bl
SysInfo is an app developed in python which gives Basic System Info , and some detailed graphs of system performance .
SysInfo SysInfo is an app developed in python which gives Basic System Info , and some detailed graphs of system performance . Installation Download t
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer.
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer. The end goal is to be able to rapidly create rich termin
✨ Un générateur de lien raccourcis en fonction d'un lien totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Shorter Link ❗ Un générateur de lien raccourcis en fonction d'un lien totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. Dépendences : pip install pys
✨ Un pierre feuille ciseaux totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Pierre Feuille Ciseaux ❗ Un pierre feuille ciseaux totalement fait en Python par moi. 🔮 Avec l'utilisation du module "random", j'ai pu faire un choix
✨ Voici un code en Python par moi, et en français qui permet de générer du texte Lorem.
Lorem Gen ❗ Voici un code en Python par moi, et en français qui permet de générer du texte Lorem. Dépendences : pip install lorem_text 💖 Enjoy 🎫 Mon
✨ Un générateur d'adresse IP aléatoire totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
IP Generateur ❗ Un générateur d'adresse IP aléatoire totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Avec l'utilisation du module "random", j'ai
✨ Un bot Twitter totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Twitter Bot ❗ Un bot Twitter totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. Il faut remplacer auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_se
✨ Voici un code en Python par moi, et en français qui permet d'exécuter du Javascript en Python.
JavaScript In Python ❗ Voici un code en Python par moi, et en français qui permet d'exécuter du Javascript en Python. 🔮 Une vidéo pour vous expliquer
✨ Un code pour voir les disponibilités des vaccins contre le covid totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Vaccine Notifier ❗ Un chois aléatoire d'un article sur Wikipedia totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Grâce a une requète API, on peu
✨ Un générateur de mot de passe aléatoire totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Password Generator ❗ Un générateur de mot de passe aléatoire totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Grâce a une au module random et str
A powerful password generator utility which utilizes the slot technique to generate strong passwords of required length having combinations of lower and upper characters, digits and symbols.
Bitpass Password Generator Installation Make sure Python 3+ is installed
Super Fast Telegram UserBot Made With Python.
Description Super Fast Telegram UserBot Made With Python. LOGO Made With Support of All Userbots Dev's Dark-Venom is a Light-Weight Userbot. It's unde
✨ Un DNS Resolver totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français
DNS Resolver ❗ Un DNS Resolver totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Grâce a une adresse (url) vous pourrez avoir l'ip ainsi que le DN
✨ Un chois aléatoire d'un article sur Wikipedia totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Wikipedia Random Article ❗ Un chois aléatoire d'un article sur Wikipedia totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Grâce a une requète a w
✨ Un juste prix totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français.
Juste Prix ❗ Un juste prix totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Avec l'utilisation du module "random", j'ai pu faire un choix aléatoi
Using context-free grammar formalism to parse English sentences to determine their structure to help computer to better understand the meaning of the sentence.
Sentance Parser Executing the Program Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed. Install requirements $ pip install requirements.txt Run the program:
Python Keylogger for Linux
A keylogger is a program that records your keystrokes, this program saves them in a .txt file on your local computer and, after 30 seconds (or as long as you want), it will close the .txt file and send you an email with everything that has been recorded. once the program is run, this cycle will last infinitely if you don't stop it.
✨ Une calculatrice totalement faite en Python par moi, et en français.
Calculatrice ❗ Une calculatrice totalement faite en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Voici une calculatrice qui vous permet de faire vos additions,
A Python app which can convert normal text to Handwritten text.
Text to HandWritten Text ✍️ Converter Watch Tutorial for this project Usage:- Clone my repository. Open CMD in working directory. Run following comman
Pattern Matching in Python
Pattern Matching finalmente chega no Python 3.10. E daí? "Pattern matching", ou "correspondência de padrões" como é conhecido no Brasil. Algumas pesso
A python script to simplify recompiling, signing and installing reverse engineered android apps.
urszi.py A python script to simplify the Uninstall Recompile Sign Zipalign Install cycle when reverse engineering Android applications. It checks if d
Detection of drones using their thermal signatures from thermal camera through YOLO-V3 based CNN with modifications to encapsulate drone motion
Drone Detection using Thermal Signature This repository highlights the work for night-time drone detection using a using an Optris PI Lightweight ther
A simple python script to execute a command when a YubiKey is disconnected
YubiKeyExecute A python script to execute a command when a YubiKey / YubiKeys are disconnected. How to use: 1. Download the latest release and d
A simple password manager I typed with python using MongoDB .
Python with MongoDB A simple python code example using MongoDB. How do i run this code • First of all you need to have a python on your computer. If y
Password Manager is a simple Python project which helps users in managing their passwords in a easier way
Password Manager is a simple Python project which helps users in managing their passwords in a easier way
Telegram bot that search for the classrooms status of the chosen day and then return all the free classrooms using your preferred time slot
Aule Libere Polimi Since the PoliMi site no longer allows people to search for free classrooms this bot was necessary! It simply search for the classr
AllPairs is an open source test combinations generator written in Python
AllPairs is an open source test combinations generator written in Python
Simple Python application to transform Serial data into OSC messages
SerialToOSC-Bridge Simple Python application to transform Serial data into OSC messages. The current purpose is to be a compatibility layer between ha
Python implementation of the Density Line Chart by Moritz & Fisher.
PyDLC - Density Line Charts with Python Python implementation of the Density Line Chart (Moritz & Fisher, 2018) to visualize large collections of time
A simple Telegram bot that converts a phone number to a direct whatsapp chat link
Open in WhatsApp I was using a great app to open a whatsapp chat with a given number directly without saving that number in my contact list, but I fel
Push Prometheus metrics to VictoriaMetrics or other exporters
Push metrics from your periodic long-running jobs to existing Prometheus/VictoriaMetrics monitoring system.
Enjoyable scripting experience with Python
Enjoyable scripting experience with Python
A project which aims to protect your privacy using inexpensive hardware and easily modifiable software
Protecting your privacy using an ESP32, an IR sensor and a python script This project, which I personally call the "never-gonna-catch-me-in-the-act-ev
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
GNU/Linux'u yeni kurulumu bitirmiş olarak açtığınızda sizi karşılayacak bir uygulama.
Hoş Geldiniz GNU/Linux'u yeni kurulumu bitirmiş olarak açtığınızda sizi karşılayacak bir uygulama.
sawa (ꦱꦮ) is an open source programming language, an interpreter to be precise, where you can write python code using javanese character.
ꦱꦮ sawa (ꦱꦮ) is an open source programming language, an interpreter to be precise, where you can write python code using javanese character. sawa iku
A simple demo of using aiogram + async sqlalchemy 1.4+
aiogram-and-sqlalchemy-demo A simple demo of using aiogram + async sqlalchemy 1.4+ Used tech: aiogram SQLAlchemy 1.4+ PostgreSQL as database asyncpg a
pyRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS), written in Python.
pyRTOS Introduction pyRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS), written in Python. The primary goal of pyRTOS is to provide a pure Python RTOS that
Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
A Python framework for conversational search
Chatty Goose Multi-stage Conversational Passage Retrieval: An Approach to Fusing Term Importance Estimation and Neural Query Rewriting Installation Ma
An Efficient Training Approach for Very Large Scale Face Recognition or F²C for simplicity.
Fast Face Classification (F²C) This is the code of our paper An Efficient Training Approach for Very Large Scale Face Recognition or F²C for simplicit
Chinese clinical named entity recognition using pre-trained BERT model
Chinese clinical named entity recognition (CNER) using pre-trained BERT model Introduction Code for paper Chinese clinical named entity recognition wi
This is the research repository for Vid2Doppler: Synthesizing Doppler Radar Data from Videos for Training Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition.
Vid2Doppler: Synthesizing Doppler Radar Data from Videos for Training Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition This is the research repository for Vid2
Inferoxy is a service for quick deploying and using dockerized Computer Vision models.
Inferoxy is a service for quick deploying and using dockerized Computer Vision models. It's a core of EORA's Computer Vision platform Vision Hub that runs on top of AWS EKS.
YOLO5Face: Why Reinventing a Face Detector (https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12931)
Introduction Yolov5-face is a real-time,high accuracy face detection. Performance Single Scale Inference on VGA resolution(max side is equal to 640 an
A standalone package to scrape financial data from listed Vietnamese companies via Vietstock
Scrape Financial Data of Vietnamese Listed Companies - Version 2 A standalone package to scrape financial data from listed Vietnamese companies via Vi
Fine-Tune EleutherAI GPT-Neo to Generate Netflix Movie Descriptions in Only 47 Lines of Code Using Hugginface And DeepSpeed
GPT-Neo-2.7B Fine-Tuning Example Using HuggingFace & DeepSpeed Installation cd venv/bin ./pip install -r ../../requirements.txt ./pip install deepspe
A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance.This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use This Repo To Give Your Dear Subscribers Some Support By Providing Them Response.
Maintenance Bot A Telegram Repo For Devs To Controll The Bots Under Maintenance About This Bot This Bot Is For Developers, If Your Bot Is Down, Use Th
A knockoff social-engineer toolkit
The Python SE Dopp Kit is a social engineering toolkit with many purposes. It contains 5 different modules designed to be of assistance in different s
PyMuPDF is a Python binding with support for MuPDF
PyMuPDF is a Python binding with support for MuPDF (current version 1.18.*), a lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer, renderer, and toolkit, which is maintained and developed by Artifex Software, Inc.
dask-sql is a distributed SQL query engine in python using Dask
dask-sql is a distributed SQL query engine in Python. It allows you to query and transform your data using a mixture of common SQL operations and Python code and also scale up the calculation easily if you need it.
Deep Text Search is an AI-powered multilingual text search and recommendation engine with state-of-the-art transformer-based multilingual text embedding (50+ languages).
Deep Text Search - AI Based Text Search & Recommendation System Deep Text Search is an AI-powered multilingual text search and recommendation engine w
Rich.tui is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer.
rich.tui Rich.tui is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer. The end goal is to be able to rapidly create rich term
existing and custom freqtrade strategies supporting the new hyperstrategy format.
freqtrade-strategies Description Existing and self-developed strategies, rewritten to support the new HyperStrategy format from the freqtrade-develop
Simple dotfile pre-processor with a per-file configuration
ix (eeks) Simple dotfile pre-processor with a per-file configuration Summary (TL;DR) ix.py is all you need config is an ini file. files to be processe
Discord Blogger Integration Using Blogger API
It's a very simple discord bot created in python using blogger api in order to search and send your website articles in your discord chat in form of an embedded message. It's pretty useful for people who are on the blogger platform as there are not much you can do with blogger because of the restrictions.
telnet implementation over TCP socket with python
This a P2P implementation of telnet. This program transfers data on TCP sockets as plain text
Trans is a dependency-free CLI for Google Translate
Trans is a dependency-free CLI for Google Translate
This is the code for our paper DAAIN: Detection of Anomalous and AdversarialInput using Normalizing Flows
Merantix-Labs: DAAIN This is the code for our paper DAAIN: Detection of Anomalous and Adversarial Input using Normalizing Flows which can be found at
Play any song directly into your group voice chat.
Telegram VCPlayer Bot Play any song directly into your group voice chat. Official Bot : VCPlayerBot | Discussion Group : VoiceChat Music Player Suppor
Python bindings for LibreTranslate
Python bindings for LibreTranslate
Button paginator using discord_components
Button Paginator With discord-components Button paginator using discord_components Welcome! It's a paginator for discord-componets! Thanks to the orig
discovering subdomains, hidden paths, extracting unique links
python-website-crawler discovering subdomains, hidden paths, extracting unique links pip install -r requirements.txt discover subdomain: You can give