915 Repositories
Python Attention-CLX-stock-prediction Libraries
This project uses reinforcement learning on stock market and agent tries to learn trading. The goal is to check if the agent can learn to read tape. The project is dedicated to hero in life great Jesse Livermore.
Reinforcement-trading This project uses Reinforcement learning on stock market and agent tries to learn trading. The goal is to check if the agent can
This project provides a stock market environment using OpenGym with Deep Q-learning and Policy Gradient.
Stock Trading Market OpenAI Gym Environment with Deep Reinforcement Learning using Keras Overview This project provides a general environment for stoc
Predict stock movement with Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms
Project Overview Stock market movement prediction using LSTM Deep Neural Networks and machine learning algorithms Software and Library Requirements Th
Technical experimentations to beat the stock market using deep learning :chart_with_upwards_trend:
DeepStock Technical experimentations to beat the stock market using deep learning. Experimentations Deep Learning Stock Prediction with Daily News Hea
Use deep learning, genetic programming and other methods to predict stock and market movements
StockPredictions Use classic tricks, neural networks, deep learning, genetic programming and other methods to predict stock and market movements. Both
Algorithmic trading using machine learning.
Algorithmic Trading This machine learning algorithm was built using Python 3 and scikit-learn with a Decision Tree Classifier. The program gathers sto
OHLC Average Prediction of Apple Inc. Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network
Stock Price Prediction of Apple Inc. Using Recurrent Neural Network OHLC Average Prediction of Apple Inc. Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network Dataset:
Introducing neural networks to predict stock prices
IntroNeuralNetworks in Python: A Template Project IntroNeuralNetworks is a project that introduces neural networks and illustrates an example of how o
Use unsupervised and supervised learning to predict stocks
AIAlpha: Multilayer neural network architecture for stock return prediction This project is meant to be an advanced implementation of stacked neural n
Using python and scikit-learn to make stock predictions
MachineLearningStocks in python: a starter project and guide EDIT as of Feb 2021: MachineLearningStocks is no longer actively maintained MachineLearni
Tool for visualizing attention in the Transformer model (BERT, GPT-2, Albert, XLNet, RoBERTa, CTRL, etc.)
Tool for visualizing attention in the Transformer model (BERT, GPT-2, Albert, XLNet, RoBERTa, CTRL, etc.)
Implementation of TransGanFormer, an all-attention GAN that combines the finding from the recent GanFormer and TransGan paper
TransGanFormer (wip) Implementation of TransGanFormer, an all-attention GAN that combines the finding from the recent GansFormer and TransGan paper. I
Official implementation for NIPS'17 paper: PredRNN: Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Learning Using Spatiotemporal LSTMs.
PredRNN: A Recurrent Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning The predictive learning of spatiotemporal sequences aims to generate future
PyTorch implementation for COMPLETER: Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Contrastive Prediction (CVPR 2021)
Completer: Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Contrastive Prediction This repo contains the code and data of the following paper accepted by CVPR 20
Official PyTorch implementation for Generic Attention-model Explainability for Interpreting Bi-Modal and Encoder-Decoder Transformers, a novel method to visualize any Transformer-based network. Including examples for DETR, VQA.
PyTorch Implementation of Generic Attention-model Explainability for Interpreting Bi-Modal and Encoder-Decoder Transformers 1 Using Colab Please notic
Code for the paper "Graph Attention Tracking". (CVPR2021)
SiamGAT 1. Environment setup This code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Python 3.5, Pytorch 1.2.0, CUDA 9.0. Please install related libraries before r
git《Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks》(2020) GitHub:
Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks Source code for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks. W
Implementation of the Swin Transformer in PyTorch.
Swin Transformer - PyTorch Implementation of the Swin Transformer architecture. This paper presents a new vision Transformer, called Swin Transformer,
Implementation of STAM (Space Time Attention Model), a pure and simple attention model that reaches SOTA for video classification
STAM - Pytorch Implementation of STAM (Space Time Attention Model), yet another pure and simple SOTA attention model that bests all previous models in
Code for Transformers Solve Limited Receptive Field for Monocular Depth Prediction
Official PyTorch code for Transformers Solve Limited Receptive Field for Monocular Depth Prediction. Guanglei Yang, Hao Tang, Mingli Ding, Nicu Sebe,
A scikit-learn based module for multi-label et. al. classification
scikit-multilearn scikit-multilearn is a Python module capable of performing multi-label learning tasks. It is built on-top of various scientific Pyth
A Python library for dynamic classifier and ensemble selection
DESlib DESlib is an easy-to-use ensemble learning library focused on the implementation of the state-of-the-art techniques for dynamic classifier and
Fast, general, and tested differentiable structured prediction in PyTorch
Torch-Struct: Structured Prediction Library A library of tested, GPU implementations of core structured prediction algorithms for deep learning applic
Implementation of LambdaNetworks, a new approach to image recognition that reaches SOTA with less compute
Lambda Networks - Pytorch Implementation of λ Networks, a new approach to image recognition that reaches SOTA on ImageNet. The new method utilizes λ l
An implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based transformer, in Pytorch
Performer - Pytorch An implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based transformer variant with a Fast Attention Via positive Orthogonal Random
Reformer, the efficient Transformer, in Pytorch
Reformer, the Efficient Transformer, in Pytorch This is a Pytorch implementation of Reformer https://openreview.net/pdf?id=rkgNKkHtvB It includes LSH
Probabilistic time series modeling in Python
GluonTS - Probabilistic Time Series Modeling in Python GluonTS is a Python toolkit for probabilistic time series modeling, built around Apache MXNet (
Find big moving stocks before they move using machine learning and anomaly detection
Surpriver - Find High Moving Stocks before they Move Find high moving stocks before they move using anomaly detection and machine learning. Surpriver
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. With Qlib, you can easily try your ideas to create better Quant investment strategies.
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technol
Supply a wrapper ``StockDataFrame`` based on the ``pandas.DataFrame`` with inline stock statistics/indicators support.
Stock Statistics/Indicators Calculation Helper VERSION: 0.3.2 Introduction Supply a wrapper StockDataFrame based on the pandas.DataFrame with inline s
Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
Alphalens Alphalens is a Python Library for performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors. Alphalens works great with the Zipline open sour
A python wrapper for Alpha Vantage API for financial data.
alpha_vantage Python module to get stock data/cryptocurrencies from the Alpha Vantage API Alpha Vantage delivers a free API for real time financial da
Yahoo! Finance market data downloader (+faster Pandas Datareader)
Yahoo! Finance market data downloader Ever since Yahoo! finance decommissioned their historical data API, many programs that relied on it to stop work
git《Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer》(AAAI 2021) GitHub:
Self-Attention Attribution This repository contains the implementation for AAAI-2021 paper Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Intera
The open source code of SA-UNet: Spatial Attention U-Net for Retinal Vessel Segmentation.
SA-UNet: Spatial Attention U-Net for Retinal Vessel Segmentation(ICPR 2020) Overview This code is for the paper: Spatial Attention U-Net for Retinal V
[arXiv] What-If Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving ❓🚗💨
WIMP - What If Motion Predictor Reference PyTorch Implementation for What If Motion Prediction [PDF] [Dynamic Visualizations] Setup Requirements The W
[ECCVW2020] Robust Long-Term Object Tracking via Improved Discriminative Model Prediction (RLT-DiMP)
Feel free to visit my homepage Robust Long-Term Object Tracking via Improved Discriminative Model Prediction (RLT-DIMP) [ECCVW2020 paper] Presentation
[ICML 2020] Prediction-Guided Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Robot Control
PG-MORL This repository contains the implementation for the paper Prediction-Guided Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Robot Contro
Dense Prediction Transformers
Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction This repository contains code and models for our paper: Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction René Ranftl,
Implementation of the 😇 Attention layer from the paper, Scaling Local Self-Attention For Parameter Efficient Visual Backbones
HaloNet - Pytorch Implementation of the Attention layer from the paper, Scaling Local Self-Attention For Parameter Efficient Visual Backbones. This re
Linear Prediction Coefficients estimation from mel-spectrogram implemented in Python based on Levinson-Durbin algorithm.
LPC_for_TTS Linear Prediction Coefficients estimation from mel-spectrogram implemented in Python based on Levinson-Durbin algorithm. 基于Levinson-Durbin
Monocular Depth Estimation - Weighted-average prediction from multiple pre-trained depth estimation models
merged_depth runs (1) AdaBins, (2) DiverseDepth, (3) MiDaS, (4) SGDepth, and (5) Monodepth2, and calculates a weighted-average per-pixel absolute dept
Simple stock price analytics
mune · Mune is an open source python web application built to analyze stocks, named after Homma Munehisa. Currently, the forecasting component is powe
Visual Attention based OCR
Attention-OCR Authours: Qi Guo and Yuntian Deng Visual Attention based OCR. The model first runs a sliding CNN on the image (images are resized to hei
A Tensorflow model for text recognition (CNN + seq2seq with visual attention) available as a Python package and compatible with Google Cloud ML Engine.
Attention-based OCR Visual attention-based OCR model for image recognition with additional tools for creating TFRecords datasets and exporting the tra
🖺 OCR using tensorflow with attention
tensorflow-ocr 🖺 OCR using tensorflow with attention, batteries included Installation git clone --recursive http://github.com/pannous/tensorflow-ocr
Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention
Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention Introduction SSTD is initially described in our ICCV 2017 spotlight paper. A third-party implementat
Implement 'Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention, ICCV 2017 Spotlight'
SSTDNet Implement 'Single Shot Text Detector with Regional Attention, ICCV 2017 Spotlight' using pytorch. This code is work for general object detecti
textspotter - An End-to-End TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention
An End-to-End TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention This is initially described in our CVPR 2018 paper. Getting Started Installation Clone
Pytorch implementation of PSEnet with Pyramid Attention Network as feature extractor
Scene Text-Spotting based on PSEnet+CRNN Pytorch implementation of an end to end Text-Spotter with a PSEnet text detector and CRNN text recognizer. We
Lightning Fast Language Prediction 🚀
whatthelang Lightning Fast Language Prediction 🚀 Dependencies The dependencies can be installed using the requirements.txt file: $ pip install -r req
MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition Python 2.7 Python 3.6 MORAN is a network with rectification mechanism for
Adaptive Attention Span for Reinforcement Learning
Adaptive Transformers in RL Official implementation of Adaptive Transformers in RL In this work we replicate several results from Stabilizing Transfor
CVPR 2021: "Generating Diverse Structure for Image Inpainting With Hierarchical VQ-VAE"
Diverse Structure Inpainting ArXiv | Papar | Supplementary Material | BibTex This repository is for the CVPR 2021 paper, "Generating Diverse Structure
[CIKM 2019] Code and dataset for "Fi-GNN: Modeling Feature Interactions via Graph Neural Networks for CTR Prediction"
FiGNN for CTR prediction The code and data for our paper in CIKM2019: Fi-GNN: Modeling Feature Interactions via Graph Neural Networks for CTR Predicti
[ICLR 2021] Is Attention Better Than Matrix Decomposition?
Enjoy-Hamburger 🍔 Official implementation of Hamburger, Is Attention Better Than Matrix Decomposition? (ICLR 2021) Under construction. Introduction T
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
To be a next-generation DL-based phenotype prediction from genome mutations.
Sequence -----------+-- 3D_structure -- 3D_module --+ +-- ? | |
Baselines for TrajNet++
TrajNet++ : The Trajectory Forecasting Framework PyTorch implementation of Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds: A Deep Learning Perspective TrajNet
FLAVR is a fast, flow-free frame interpolation method capable of single shot multi-frame prediction
FLAVR is a fast, flow-free frame interpolation method capable of single shot multi-frame prediction. It uses a customized encoder decoder architecture with spatio-temporal convolutions and channel gating to capture and interpolate complex motion trajectories between frames to generate realistic high frame rate videos. This repository contains original source code for the paper accepted to CVPR 2021.
Ajenti Core and stock plugins
Ajenti is a Linux & BSD modular server admin panel. Ajenti 2 provides a new interface and a better architecture, developed with Python3 and AngularJS.
Official implementation of Self-supervised Graph Attention Networks (SuperGAT), ICLR 2021.
SuperGAT Official implementation of Self-supervised Graph Attention Networks (SuperGAT). This model is presented at How to Find Your Friendly Neighbor
Object-Centric Learning with Slot Attention
Slot Attention This is a re-implementation of "Object-Centric Learning with Slot Attention" in PyTorch (https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.15055). Requirement
Code for our CVPR2021 paper coordinate attention
Coordinate Attention for Efficient Mobile Network Design (preprint) This repository is a PyTorch implementation of our coordinate attention (will appe
Implementation of Perceiver, General Perception with Iterative Attention, in Pytorch
Perceiver - Pytorch Implementation of Perceiver, General Perception with Iterative Attention, in Pytorch Install $ pip install perceiver-pytorch Usage
Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
Alphalens Alphalens is a Python Library for performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors. Alphalens works great with the Zipline open sour
Supply a wrapper ``StockDataFrame`` based on the ``pandas.DataFrame`` with inline stock statistics/indicators support.
Stock Statistics/Indicators Calculation Helper VERSION: 0.3.2 Introduction Supply a wrapper StockDataFrame based on the pandas.DataFrame with inline s
Supervised domain-agnostic prediction framework for probabilistic modelling
A supervised domain-agnostic framework that allows for probabilistic modelling, namely the prediction of probability distributions for individual data
FairML - is a python toolbox auditing the machine learning models for bias.
======== FairML: Auditing Black-Box Predictive Models FairML is a python toolbox auditing the machine learning models for bias. Description Predictive
Stacked Generalization (Ensemble Learning)
Stacking (stacked generalization) Overview ikki407/stacking - Simple and useful stacking library, written in Python. User can use models of scikit-lea
MLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library.
MLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library. It provides the following features: Fast reading and distributed data preprocessing/cle
A scikit-learn based module for multi-label et. al. classification
scikit-multilearn scikit-multilearn is a Python module capable of performing multi-label learning tasks. It is built on-top of various scientific Pyth
Implementation of OmniNet, Omnidirectional Representations from Transformers, in Pytorch
Omninet - Pytorch Implementation of OmniNet, Omnidirectional Representations from Transformers, in Pytorch. The authors propose that we should be atte
GANsformer: Generative Adversarial Transformers Drew A
GANsformer: Generative Adversarial Transformers Drew A. Hudson* & C. Lawrence Zitnick *I wish to thank Christopher D. Manning for the fruitf
Implementation of Transformer in Transformer, pixel level attention paired with patch level attention for image classification, in Pytorch
Transformer in Transformer Implementation of Transformer in Transformer, pixel level attention paired with patch level attention for image c
An attempt at the implementation of Glom, Geoffrey Hinton's new idea that integrates neural fields, predictive coding, top-down-bottom-up, and attention (consensus between columns)
GLOM - Pytorch (wip) An attempt at the implementation of Glom, Geoffrey Hinton's new idea that integrates neural fields, predictive coding,
Implementation of E(n)-Transformer, which extends the ideas of Welling's E(n)-Equivariant Graph Neural Network to attention
E(n)-Equivariant Transformer (wip) Implementation of E(n)-Equivariant Transformer, which extends the ideas from Welling's E(n)-Equivariant G
Pytorch Code for "Medical Transformer: Gated Axial-Attention for Medical Image Segmentation"
Medical-Transformer Pytorch Code for the paper "Medical Transformer: Gated Axial-Attention for Medical Image Segmentation" About this repo: This repo
Implementation of TimeSformer, a pure attention-based solution for video classification
TimeSformer - Pytorch Implementation of TimeSformer, a pure and simple attention-based solution for reaching SOTA on video classification.
Implementation of Nyström Self-attention, from the paper Nyströmformer
Nyström Attention Implementation of Nyström Self-attention, from the paper Nyströmformer. Yannic Kilcher video Install $ pip install nystrom-attention
Implementation of self-attention mechanisms for general purpose. Focused on computer vision modules. Ongoing repository.
Self-attention building blocks for computer vision applications in PyTorch Implementation of self attention mechanisms for computer vision in PyTorch
A command line utility for tracking a stock market portfolio. Primarily featuring high resolution braille graphs.
A command line stock market / portfolio tracker originally insipred by Ericm's Stonks program, featuring unicode for incredibly high detailed graphs even in a terminal.
计算机视觉中用到的注意力模块和其他即插即用模块PyTorch Implementation Collection of Attention Module and Plug&Play Module
Sequence-to-sequence framework with a focus on Neural Machine Translation based on Apache MXNet
Sockeye This package contains the Sockeye project, an open-source sequence-to-sequence framework for Neural Machine Translation based on Apache MXNet
text_recognition_toolbox: The reimplementation of a series of classical scene text recognition papers with Pytorch in a uniform way.
text recognition toolbox 1. 项目介绍 该项目是基于pytorch深度学习框架,以统一的改写方式实现了以下6篇经典的文字识别论文,论文的详情如下。该项目会持续进行更新,欢迎大家提出问题以及对代码进行贡献。 模型 论文标题 发表年份 模型方法划分 CRNN 《An End-t
Implementation of TabTransformer, attention network for tabular data, in Pytorch
Tab Transformer Implementation of Tab Transformer, attention network for tabular data, in Pytorch. This simple architecture came within a hair's bread
Code for our ICASSP 2021 paper: SA-Net: Shuffle Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
SA-Net: Shuffle Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (paper) By Qing-Long Zhang and Yu-Bin Yang [State Key Laboratory for Novel Software T
Authors implementation of LieTransformer: Equivariant Self-Attention for Lie Groups
LieTransformer This repository contains the implementation of the LieTransformer used for experiments in the paper LieTransformer: Equivariant self-at
Sequence-to-sequence framework with a focus on Neural Machine Translation based on Apache MXNet
Sockeye This package contains the Sockeye project, an open-source sequence-to-sequence framework for Neural Machine Translation based on Apache MXNet
See trending stock tickers on Reddit and check Stock perfomance
See trending stock tickers on Reddit and check Stock perfomance
TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
TuShare Tushare Pro版已发布,请访问新的官网了解和查询数据接口! https://tushare.pro TuShare是实现对股票/期货等金融数据从数据采集、清洗加工 到 数据存储过程的工具,满足金融量化分析师和学习数据分析的人在数据获取方面的需求,它的特点是数据覆盖范围广,接口
Implementation of Feedback Transformer in Pytorch
Feedback Transformer - Pytorch Simple implementation of Feedback Transformer in Pytorch. They improve on Transformer-XL by having each token have acce
FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks
FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks PyTorch implementation of the paper "FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks". Simplest usage Models
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
DALL-E in Pytorch Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch. It will also contain CLIP for ranking the ge
Implementation of Bottleneck Transformer in Pytorch
Bottleneck Transformer - Pytorch Implementation of Bottleneck Transformer, SotA visual recognition model with convolution + attention that outperforms
This is a database of 180.000+ symbols containing Equities, ETFs, Funds, Indices, Futures, Options, Currencies, Cryptocurrencies and Money Markets.
Finance Database As a private investor, the sheer amount of information that can be found on the internet is rather daunting.
An application that allows you to design and test your own stock trading algorithms in an attempt to beat the market.
StockBot is a Python application for designing and testing your own daily stock trading algorithms. Installation Use the
Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting
Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting This is the origin Pytorch implementation of Informer in the followin
Implementation of the Point Transformer layer, in Pytorch
Point Transformer - Pytorch Implementation of the Point Transformer self-attention layer, in Pytorch. The simple circuit above seemed to have allowed
Graph Transformer Architecture. Source code for
Graph Transformer Architecture Source code for the paper "A Generalization of Transformer Networks to Graphs" by Vijay Prakash Dwivedi and Xavier Bres