1982 Repositories
Python Discord-Economy-Bot Libraries
Savecontentbot - Telegram Save Content Bot With Same more Features
Save Restricted Content Bot A simple telegram bot to save restricted content wit
Slash util - A simple script to add application command support to discord.py v2.0
slash_util is a simple wrapper around slash commands for discord.py This is writ
Innocent-Bot - A Discord client self-bot for destroying, nuking and causing mischief in servers
Innocent-bot A Discord client self-bot for destroying, nuking and causing mischi
Twitter bot that uses NLP models to summarize news articles referenced in a user's twitter timeline
Twitter-News-Summarizer Twitter bot that uses NLP models to summarize news articles referenced in a user's twitter timeline 1.) Extracts all tweets fr
This is a simple telegram bot for the game Pyal, a word guessing game inspired by Wordle
Pyal Telegram Bot This is a simple telegram bot for the game Pyal, a word guessing game inspired by Wordle. How does it work? Differently from the ori
A simple telegram bot to save restricted content with custom thumbmail support by Mahesh Chauhan
Save Restricted Content Bot A simple telegram bot to save restricted content with custom thumbmail support by Mahesh Chauhan. Variables API_ID API_HAS
Visionary-OS: open source discord bot
Visionary-OS Our Visionary open source discord bot. Our goal is to create a discord bot, which is hosted by us, but every member of our community can
KaydyPurge - Python Purge Script for Discord made by Kaydy Cain#0001
How to Install Open terminal Execute "git clone https://github.com/apolo1337/Kay
This is to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon.
BeaconNotifier-Discord This is to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon. Make sure you have python3 installed Steps: Create a Discord
Asca - Antiscam Discord Bot With Python
asca Antiscam Discord Bot Asca moderates scammers and deletes scam messages Opti
MemeBot - A discord bot that tracks how good people's memes are
MemeBot A discord Meme "Karma" Tracking bot Dependancies Make sure you have pymongo installed and a mongodb cluster setup with two collections. pip in
Discord Bot that can translate your text, count and reply to your messages with a personalised text
Discord Bot that can translate your text, count and reply to your messages with a personalised text
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions.
Ultimate Logger - A Discord bot that logs lots of events in a channel written in python
Ultimate Logger - A Discord bot that logs lots of events in a channel written in python
Python Telegram Bot Template
Python Telegram Bot Template Concepts Customizable python-telegram-bot template implementing code refactoring to streamline development process: handl
A client that allows a user, specifiy their discord token, to send images remotely to discord
ImageBot_for_Discord A client that allows a user, specifiy their discord token, to send images remotely to discord. Can select images using a file dia
Bot by image recognition simulating (random) human clicks
bbbot22 bot por reconhecimento de imagem simulando cliques humanos (aleatórios) inb4: sim, esse é basicamente o mesmo bot de 2021 porque a Globo não t
A simple Discord bot that notifies users of new Abitti versions
A simple Discord bot that notifies users of new Abitti versions. New features might be added later on. If you have good ideas, feel free to do a PR.
Flask-Discord-Bot-Dashboard - A simple discord Bot dashboard created in Flask Python
Flask-Discord-Bot-Dashboard A simple discord Bot dashboard created in Flask Pyth
Cities bot - A simple example of using aiogram and the wikipedia package
Cities game A simple example of using aiogram and the wikipedia package. The bot
This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images.
Welcome This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images. Installation There are curren
Bot made with Microsoft Azure' cloud service
IttenWearBot Autori: Antonio Zizzari Simone Giglio IttenWearBot è un bot intelligente dotato di sofisticate tecniche di machile learning che aiuta gli
Saturne best tools pour baiser tout le système de discord
Installation | Important | Discord 🌟 Comme Saturne est gratuit, les dons sont vraiment appréciables et maintiennent le développement! Caractéristique
A discord bot that can detect Nitro Scam Links and delete them to protect other users
A discord bot that can detect Nitro Scam Links and delete them to protect other users. Add it to your server from here.
A Telegram Bot with(Forwarder Bot + User Bot + More Features )
A Telegram Bot with(Forwarder Bot + User Bot + More Features )
A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place
A simple Discord Bot A simple discord bot written in python which can surf subreddits, send a random meme, jokes and also weather of a given place. We
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot 5sim.net is a service, that offer you temp phonenumbers for otp verification. It include a lot
BlueMoonVampireBot - A Telegram Antispam Based Bot
Blue Moon Vampire Bot An Telegram Antispam Based Bot A Pyogram Bot to make banne
IdeasBot - Funny telegram bot to generate ideas for a project
Repository of PIdeas_bot About Funny telegram bot for generating projects ideas.
Eclipse-grabber - Generate Discord Token Grabbers for both Windows and MacOS
Eclipse Grabber Eclipse Discord Token Grabber What is Eclipse? Eclipse is an ope
TetrisAI - Tetris AI Bot using computer vision to play game automatically
Tetris AI Tetris AI Bot using computer vision to play game automatically bot.py
Simple Text-To-Speech Bot For Discord
Simple Text-To-Speech Bot For Discord This is a very simple TTS bot for discord made with python. For this bot you need FFMPEG, see installation to se
The easiest way to deploy this Bot
How To Host The easiest way to deploy this Bot Update Channe
A simple bot which using an API , detects reported discord scams and kicks the user if possible while deleting the message
A simple bot which using an API , detects reported discord scams and kicks the user if possible while deleting the message
Telegram Url Upload Bot With Same more Features ✨
Telegram Url Upload Bot With Same more Features ✨
Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
──「𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐅𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚」── Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram. Deploy To Heroku NOTE: I'm making this note to whoever
WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community
WallAlley.bot About WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community. All data a
Coinbase Listing Sniper
Coinbase Listing Sniper Script that listens to the @CoinbaseAssets twitter to find information about new Coinbase listings, and automatically buys 100
A secure and customizable bot for controlling cross-server announcements and interactions within Discord
DiscordBot A secure and customizable bot for controlling cross-server announcements and interactions within Discord. Within the code of the bot, you c
Autofilterv5 With Same more Features
Autofilterv5 With Same more Features ✨ Imbd + Index +.....
Python script that reads Aliexpress offers urls from a Excel filename (.csv) and post then in a Telegram channel using a bot
Aliexpress to telegram post Python script that reads Aliexpress offers urls from a Excel filename (.csv) and post then in a Telegram channel using a b
A Dm Bot, also knows as Mass DM bot which can send one message to All of the Users in a Specific Server!
Discord DM Bot discord.py 1.7.2 python 3.9.5 asyncio 3.4.3 Installation Cloud Host Tutorial uploaded in YouTube, watch it by clicking here. Local Host
Some Discord bot block bad words, with this simple hacking tool you will be able to bypass blacklisted words
Just another Shiny and Greninja-ash killing preventor for Myuu
Myuu-Anti-Shiny-Discord-Bot Why I made it? Since, I was legit fed up of NebbyBot's lag (not criticising it), I decided to make my own but in python an
Discord bot template.py
discord_bot_template.py A minimal and open-source discord.py boilerplate for kick-starting bot projects. I spend a lot of time developing bots for dif
Discord E-Store Bot
A delivery bot for Discord, works like Amazon where real users can pack & deliver orders in different servers!
Discord Unverified Token Gen
Discord-Unverified-Token-Gen This is a token gen that was made in an hour and just generates unverified tokens, most will be locked. Usage: in cmd jus
Wordle-bot: A Discord bot to track you and your friends' Wordle scores.
wordle-bot A Discord bot to track you and your friends' Wordle scores, so you can see who's the best! To submit a score to wordle-bot, just paste the
SI_EXPLAINER_tg_bot: This bot is an assistant for medical professionals in interpreting the results of patient clustering.
SI_EXPLAINER_tg_bot This bot is an assistant for medical professionals in interpreting the results of patient clustering. ABOUT This chatbot was devel
Vladilena Mirize Music - Bot Music Telegram By @zenfrans
Vladilena Mirize Music - Bot Music Telegram By @zenfrans
💣 Bomb Crypto Bot 💣
💣 Bomb Crypto Bot 💣 ⚠️ Warning I am not responsible for any penalties incurred by those who use the bot, use it at your own risk. 📄 Documentation -
A python library created to make life easier for Telegram API Developers.
opentele A python library created to make life easier for Telegram API Developers. Read the documentation Features Convert Telegram Desktop tdata sess
Bot playing "mathbattle" game from Telegram messenger
mathbattlebot Bot playing mathbattle game from Telegram messenger Installing: run in command line pip3 install -r requirements.txt Running: Example c
A bot which is a ghost and you can make friends with it
This is a bot which is a ghost and you can make friends with it. It will haunt your friends. Explore and test the bot in replit !
Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3.
DiscordRAT Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3. This is a RAT controlled over Discord with over 50 post exploitation modules.
Xbot-Music - Bot Play Music and Video in Voice Chat Group Telegram
XBOT-MUSIC A Telegram Music+video Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tg
Tsar-Bot - Crypto auto trade bot that use sentiment analysis from twitter
Tsar Bot - Crypto Sentiment Bot Tsar Bot is a Twitter Crypto Sentiment Bot that
A Discord Server Cloner Which Can Clone Any Discord Server In Just Few Minutes
A Discord Server Cloner Which Can Clone Any Discord Server In Just Few Minutes.
SEMID - OSINT module with lots of discord functions
SEMID Framework About Semid is a framework with different Discord functions and
A Simple Telegram Inline Torrent Search Bot by @infotechIT
Torrent-Search-RoBot A Simple Telegram Inline Torrent Search Bot by @infotechIT. Torrent API Using api.infotech.wtf API Host Bot Deploy to Heroku Clic
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse We have a vibrant community of developers helping each other in our Telegram group. Join us! Stay tuned fo
TikTok - TikTok Bot to download video or audio from TikTok
TikTok - TikTok Bot to download video or audio from TikTok
Morpy Bot Linux - Morpy Bot Linux With Python
Morpy_Bot_Linux Guide to using the robot : 🔸 Lsmod = to identify admins and st
Catinthebox - Awesome bot for Mastodon
Cat In The Box :3 Description Awesome bot for Mastodon Requirements python pip g
Scraper pour les offres de stage Tesla et les notes sur Oasis (Polytech Paris-Saclay) sous forme de bot Discord
Scraper pour les offres de stage Tesla et les notes sur Oasis (Polytech Paris-Saclay) sous forme de bot Discord
Unlimited Filter Bot
Unlimited Filter Bot The Orginel Owner Of This Repo Is ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ An advanced Filter Bot with nearly unlimitted filters! Features Nearly unlimite
Customizable and open-sourced bot for a few private servers
MarlBot A private bot for controlling monkeys and turtles. Why does this bot exist? The bot exists as a general-purpose community bot for a select few
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Acc-discord-rpc - Assetto Corsa Competizione Discord Rich Presence Client
A simple Assetto Corsa Competizione Rich Presence client. This app only works in
A Multipurpose bot with many Commands made using Pycord
This repo has all of the commands you will ever need in a discord bot. a Multipurpose discord bot
Message commands extension for discord-py-interactions
interactions-message-commands Message commands extension for discord-py-interactions README IS NOT FINISHED YET BUT IT IS A GOOD START Installation pi
A Discord bot for viewing any currency you want comfortably.
Dost Dost is a Discord bot for viewing currencies. Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local
Simple Discord Nuke Bot.
Discord-Nuke-Bot Simple Discord Nuke Bot. Simple Discord Nuke Bot Python 3.6 - 3.8 Features Delete Channels Ban All Members Delete Roles Create Channe
Discord group chat spammer concept.
GC Spammer [Concept] GC-Spammer for https://discord.com/ Warning: This is purely a concept. In the past the script worked, however, Discord ratelimite
Ein Bot, der Dokumente bei Studydrive möglichst immer online hält
studydrive-altklausuren-bot Ein Bot, der Dokumente bei Studydrive möglichst immer online hält geplante Features: Multiaccount supprt: Es gibt mehrere
🎵 A music bot for discord servers!
music bot A music bot for Discord Servers Features Play songs in your discord server Get the lyrics without going on a web explorer Commands Command P
A powerful discord bot for forming team.
Discord_SquadBot A powerful discord bot for forming team. Pre-requirement Python 3.7 and latest Discord.py module is required. Installation guideline
This is Instagram reposter that repost TikTok videos.
from-tiktok-to-instagram-reposter This script reposts videos from Tik Tok to your Instagram account. You must enter the username and password and slee
DShell, a tool that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to present to you, shell channels.
Discord shell or dshell for short is a Python package that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to transform an ordinary Discord channel into one capable of running bash commands using a Discord bot.
2b2t Priority queue discord bot announcer
2b2t Priority queue discord bot announcer Commands !prioq - Checks the priority queue length and sends it. !start - Starts a loop that sends the sta
Neko is An Anime themed advance Telegram group management bot.
NekoRobot A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy, mongodb database. ╒═══「 Status 」 Maintained Support Group Included Free
Auxiliator is telegram bot for basic web-application analysis
Auxiliator Auxiliator is telegram bot for basic web-application analysis What for? Sometimes there is no access to your main PC, where you can scan we
BOT para o BombCrypto para infinitas contas em simultâneo!!!
BOT - MultiContas para BombCrypto - v 0.4.0 Funções extras: Envios de notificações via Telegram: Aviso de Inicialização do Bot Aviso de Conclusão de M
A Discord/Xenforo bot!
telathbot A Discord/Xenforo bot! Pre-requisites pyenv (via installer) poetry Docker (with Go version of docker compose enabled) Local development Crea
a little project to make custom discord invites over a url
custom-dc-invite a little project to make custom discord invites over a url how it works you create a account for
Telegram-Discord Bridge
imperial-toilet Скрипт, пересылающий сообщения из нескольких каналов Telegram в один/несколько каналов Discord. Технически это Telegram-юзербот и Disc
This is new discord nitro generator for discord
Hello! This is new discord nitro generator for discord. If you want use it, To generator i added checker for no seraching generator and checker. This tool maked by .
An anime themed telegram bot that can convert telegram media.
ShoukoKomiRobot • 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕟 Python3 • 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕌𝕤𝕖𝕕 Pyrogram • 𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕌𝕤𝕖𝕕 Ebook-convert Deploy 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕣
Harmony, a discord clone, allows users to chat with other users in real time via servers, channels, and direct messages
Harmony, a discord clone, allows users to chat with other users in real time via servers, channels, and direct messages
TikTok 4L and 4C checker that doesn't count banned usernames as available
TikTok 4L and 4C checker that doesn't count banned usernames as available. Once a username is available, it will send it to your Discord Webhook.
This is a bot that interacts with you over voice and sends mail.Uses speech_recognition,pyttsx3 and smtplib
AutoMail This is a bot that interacts with you over voice and sends mail Before you run the bot , go to mail.py and put your respective email address
leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ haha
Discord-Token-Generator-Leaked leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ he selling it for 100$ wth here the code enjoy don't forget
Kanata Bot - a modular bot running on python3 with anime theme and have a lot features
Kanata Bot Kanata Bot is a modular bot running on python3 with anime theme and have a lot features. Easiest Way To Deploy On Heroku This Bot is Create
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear
Telegram Bot Repo Capable of fetching the following Info via Anilist API inspired from AniFluid and Nepgear Anime Airing Manga Character Scheduled Top
An optional component handler for hikari, inspired by discord.py's views.
hikari-miru An optional component handler for hikari, inspired by discord.py's views.
A simple python bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack.
github alerts slack bot 🤖 What is it? 🔍 This is a simple bot that serves to send some notifications about GitHub events to Slack channels. These are
A Discord bot to scrape textfiles from messages and put them to Hastebin
A Discord bot to scrape textfiles from messages and put them to Hastebin. Intended to use on support servers to help users read textfiles on mobile.
A Python3 discord trojan, utilizing discord webhooks for sending information.
Vape-Lite-RAT A Python3 discord trojan, utilizing discord webhooks for sending information. What you do with this code / project / idea is non of my b
Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call.
Discord_Meme_Bot 🤣 Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call. Add the bot