9831 Repositories
Python Pancakeswap-and-uniswap-trading-bot Libraries
A library for Deep Learning Implementations and utils
deeply A Deep Learning library Table of Contents Features Quick Start Usage License Features Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+ compatible. Quick Start $ pip
Implementation of EMNLP 2017 Paper "Natural Language Does Not Emerge 'Naturally' in Multi-Agent Dialog" using PyTorch and ParlAI
Language Emergence in Multi Agent Dialog Code for the Paper Natural Language Does Not Emerge 'Naturally' in Multi-Agent Dialog Satwik Kottur, José M.
A multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. Simplifies Model Building, API development, and Model Deployment.
chitra What is chitra? chitra (चित्र) is a multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. It simplifies Model Building, API development, and M
A plug-and-play library for neural networks written in Python
A plug-and-play library for neural networks written in Python!
If you are in allot of groups or channel and you would like to leave them at once use this
Telegram-auto-leave-groups If you are in allot of groups or channel and you would like to leave them at once use this USER GUIDE 👣 Insert your telegr
Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis
Reddit Bot Project 2: Neural Network Boogaloo Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis from NLTK.VADER WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP Link to test subreddit:
A course-planning, course-map rendering and GPA-calculation web service, designed for the SFU (Simon Fraser University) student.
SFU Course Planner What is the overall goal of the project (i.e. what does it do, or what problem is it solving)? As the title suggests, this project
Council Data Project is an open-source project dedicated to providing journalists, activists, researchers, and all members of each community we serve with the tools they need to stay informed and hold their Council Members accountable.
CDP - Self Council Data Project Council Data Project is an open-source project dedicated to providing journalists, activists, researchers, and all mem
Yet another random discord bot.
YARDB (r!) Yet another fully functional and random discord bot. I might add more features if I'm bored also don't criticize on my code. Commands: 4 Di
A telegram bot providing recon and research functions for bug bounty research
Bug Bounty Bot A telegram bot with commands to simplify bug bounty tasks Installation Use Road Map Installation BugBountyBot is open-source so you can
Simple CLI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo.
stock-graph-python Simple CLI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo. Tiingo API Key You will need to add your
Rhythm bot clone for discord written in Python and uses YouTube to get media files.
Tunebot About Rhythm bot clone for discord written in Python and uses YouTube to get media files. Usage You need a .env file within the same directory
This repository contains a lot of short scripting programs implemented both in Python (Flask) and TypeScript (NodeJS).
fast-scripts This repository contains a lot of short scripting programs implemented both in Python (Flask) and TypeScript (NodeJS). In python These wi
A simple example of ML classification, cross validation, and visualization of feature importances
Simple-Classifier This is a basic example of how to use several different libraries for classification and ensembling, mostly with sklearn. Example as
The official source code for Ghost Discord selfbot.
👻 Ghost Selfbot The official code for Ghost which was recently discontinued and released to the public. Feel free to use any of the code found in thi
Zeus is an open source flight intellingence tool which supports more than 13,000+ airlines and 250+ countries.
Zeus Zeus is an open source flight intellingence tool which supports more than 13,000+ airlines and 250+ countries. Any flight worldwide, at your fing
OliviaV2: danger bot with python
🎶 OLIVIA V2 🎵 Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS nodesource.com Python 3.7 or higher PyTgCalls 🧪 Get SESSION_NAME from below: Pyrogram 🎖 History Featur
A quick and dirty QT Statusbar implementation for grabbing GIFs from Tenor, since there is no offical or unofficial one I found. This was intended for use under Linux, however it was also functional enough on MacOS.
Statusbar-TenorGIF App for Linux A quick and dirty QT Statusbar implementation for grabbing GIFs from Tenor, since there is no offical one and I didnt
Python Knots and Crosses game, with customizable markers and more!
Knot-and-Crosses Python Knots and Crosses game, with customizable markers and more! Features: Ability to change your marker Ability to change how many
Train a state-of-the-art yolov3 object detector from scratch!
TrainYourOwnYOLO: Building a Custom Object Detector from Scratch This repo let's you train a custom image detector using the state-of-the-art YOLOv3 c
Deep learning library for solving differential equations and more
DeepXDE Voting on whether we should have a Slack channel for discussion. DeepXDE is a library for scientific machine learning. Use DeepXDE if you need
Using machine learning to predict and analyze high and low reader engagement for New York Times articles posted to Facebook.
How The New York Times can increase Engagement on Facebook Using machine learning to understand characteristics of news content that garners "high" Fa
QuakeLabeler is a Python package to create and manage your seismic training data, processes, and visualization in a single place — so you can focus on building the next big thing.
QuakeLabeler Quake Labeler was born from the need for seismologists and developers who are not AI specialists to easily, quickly, and independently bu
Retentioneering: product analytics, data-driven customer journey map optimization, marketing analytics, web analytics, transaction analytics, graph visualization, and behavioral segmentation with customer segments in Python.
What is Retentioneering? Retentioneering is a Python framework and library to assist product analysts and marketing analysts as it makes it easier to
A deep learning library that makes face recognition efficient and effective
Distributed Arcface Training in Pytorch This is a deep learning library that makes face recognition efficient, and effective, which can train tens of
A fantasy life simulator and role-playing game hybrid distributed as CLI, written in Python 3.
Life is Fantasy Epic (LIFE) A fantasy life simulator and role-playing game hybrid distributed as CLI, written in Python 3. This repository will be pro
Customisable pharmacokinetic model accessible via bash CLI allowing for variable dose calculations as well as intravenous and subcutaneous administration calculations
Pharmacokinetic Modelling Group Project A PharmacoKinetic (PK) modelling function for analysis of injected solute dynamics over time, developed by Gro
Karen is a Discord Bot that will check for a list of forbidden words/expressions, removing the message that contains them and replying with another message.
Karen is a Discord Bot that will check for a list of forbidden words/expressions, removing the message that contains them and replying with another message. Everything is highly customizable.
Small utility to encrypt and decrypt messages
Safe Safe is a small utility to encrypt and decrypt messages using a pair of public and private keys. Installation You need to have GPG installed in y
a Scrapy spider that utilizes Postgres as a DB, Squid as a proxy server, Redis for de-duplication and Splash to render JavaScript. All in a microservices architecture utilizing Docker and Docker Compose
This is George's Scraping Project To get started cd into the theZoo file and run: chmod +x script.sh then: ./script.sh This will spin up a Postgres co
A multipurpose bot designed to make Discord better for everyone, written in Python.
Hadum A multipurpose bot that makes Discord better for everyone Features A Fully Functional Moderation component: manage your staff, members and permi
Data Structures and algorithms package implementation
Documentation Simple and Easy Package --This is package for enabling basic linear and non-linear data structures and algos-- Data Structures Array Sta
Given some test cases, this program automatically queries the oracle and tests your Cshanty compiler!
The Diviner A complement to The Oracle for compilers class. Given some test cases, this program automatically queries the oracle and tests your compil
An Undertale RPG Discord bot to fight monsters, bosses, level up and duel with other players
UNDERTALE-RPG An Undertale RPG Discord bot to fight monsters, bosses, level up and duel with other players!. Explanation you can collect gold which is
A full stack e-learning application, this is the backend using django restframework and docker.
DevsPrime API API Service backing client interfaces Technologies Python 3.9 : Base programming language for development Bash Scripting : Create conven
Syrax Check User Bot Discord.py
Syrax-Check-User-Bot-Discord.py Guida Italiana il bot nasce con lo scopo di poter caricare il proprio nome utente,tag e foto profilo al forum tramite
A fishing bot script written in Python!
A fishing bot script written in Python!
Developed a website to analyze and generate report of students based on the curriculum that represents student’s academic performance.
Developed a website to analyze and generate report of students based on the curriculum that represents student’s academic performance. We have developed the system such that, it will automatically parse data onto the database from excel file, which will in return reduce time consumption of analysis of data.
GWCelery is a simple and reliable package for annotating and orchestrating LIGO/Virgo alerts
GWCelery is a simple and reliable package for annotating and orchestrating LIGO/Virgo alerts, built from widely used open source components.
Small Python script to parse endlessh's output and print some neat statistics
endlessh_parser endlessh_parser is a small Python script that parses endlessh's output and prints some neat statistics about it Usage Install all the
Code image classification of MNIST dataset using different architectures: simple linear NN, autoencoder, and highway network
Deep Learning for image classification pip install -r http://webia.lip6.fr/~baskiotisn/requirements-amal.txt Train an autoencoder python3 train_auto
YouRefIt: Embodied Reference Understanding with Language and Gesture
YouRefIt: Embodied Reference Understanding with Language and Gesture YouRefIt: Embodied Reference Understanding with Language and Gesture by Yixin Che
It is a system used to detect bone fractures. using techniques deep learning and image processing
MohammedHussiengadalla-Intelligent-Classification-System-for-Bone-Fractures It is a system used to detect bone fractures. using techniques deep learni
This asynchronous telegram bot sells books.
Selling_Books_Bot Description Say, you have a bunch of items you need no more and you want to sell it all out. That's where you're going to have to us
Pytorch implementation of paper "Learning Co-segmentation by Segment Swapping for Retrieval and Discovery"
SegSwap Pytorch implementation of paper "Learning Co-segmentation by Segment Swapping for Retrieval and Discovery" [PDF] [Project page] If our project
A Dungeon and Dragons Toolkit using Python
Pythons-Dungeons A Dungeon and Dragons Toolkit using Python Rules: -When you are commiting please don't delete parts of the code that are important -A
XMRiGUI is free and open-source crypto miner for Linux. It uses XMRig for mining and GTK3 for GUI.
XMRiGUI is free and open-source crypto miner for Linux. It uses XMRig for mining and GTK3 for GUI.
Implementation of Natural Language Code Search in the project CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages.
CodeBERT-Implementation In this repo we have replicated the paper CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages. We are interest
A Partition Filter Network for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction EMNLP 2021
EMNLP 2021 - A Partition Filter Network for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
Watson Natural Language Understanding and Knowledge Studio
Material de demonstração dos serviços: Watson Natural Language Understanding e Knowledge Studio Visão Geral: https://www.ibm.com/br-pt/cloud/watson-na
A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive
No support is going to be provided of any kind, only maintaining this for vps user on request. This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring
KITTI-360 Annotation Tool is a framework that developed based on python(cherrypy + jinja2 + sqlite3) as the server end and javascript + WebGL as the front end.
KITTI-360 Annotation Tool is a framework that developed based on python(cherrypy + jinja2 + sqlite3) as the server end and javascript + WebGL as the front end.
Official PyTorch Implementation of Mask-aware IoU and maYOLACT Detector [BMVC2021]
The official implementation of Mask-aware IoU and maYOLACT detector. Our implementation is based on mmdetection. Mask-aware IoU for Anchor Assignment
A python app which aggregates and splits costs from multiple public cloud providers into a csv
Cloud Billing This project aggregates the costs public cloud resources by accounts, services and tags by importing the invoices from public cloud prov
This python project contains a class FileProcessor which allows one to grab a file and get some meta data and header information from it
This python project contains a class FileProcessor which allows one to grab a file and get some meta data and header information from it. In the current state, it outputs a PrettyTable to txt file as well as the raw data from that table into a csv.
Example of scraping a paginated API endpoint and dumping the data into a DB
Provider API Scraper Example Example of scraping a paginated API endpoint and dumping the data into a DB. Pre-requisits Python = 3.9 Pipenv Setup # i
Extracts dominating colors from an image and presents them as a palette.
ColorPalette A simple web app to extract dominant colors from an image. Demo Live View it live at : https://colorpalettedemo.herokuapp.com/ You can de
Nest - A flexible tool for building and sharing deep learning modules
Nest - A flexible tool for building and sharing deep learning modules Nest is a flexible deep learning module manager, which aims at encouraging code
Pytorch and Torch testing code of CartoonGAN
CartoonGAN-Test-Pytorch-Torch Pytorch and Torch testing code of CartoonGAN [Chen et al., CVPR18]. With the released pretrained models by the authors,
A Diagnostic Dataset for Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning
CLEVR Dataset Generation This is the code used to generate the CLEVR dataset as described in the paper: CLEVR: A Diagnostic Dataset for Compositional
pytorch implementation of "Contrastive Multiview Coding", "Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning", and "Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-Parametric Instance-level Discrimination"
Unofficial implementation: MoCo: Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning (Paper) InsDis: Unsupervised Feature Learning via N
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decoding algorithms: best path, beam search, lexicon search, prefix search, and token passing. Implemented in Python.
CTC Decoding Algorithms Update 2021: installable Python package Python implementation of some common Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decod
Implements the training, testing and editing tools for "Pluralistic Image Completion"
Pluralistic Image Completion ArXiv | Project Page | Online Demo | Video(demo) This repository implements the training, testing and editing tools for "
Ranger - a synergistic optimizer using RAdam (Rectified Adam), Gradient Centralization and LookAhead in one codebase
Ranger-Deep-Learning-Optimizer Ranger - a synergistic optimizer combining RAdam (Rectified Adam) and LookAhead, and now GC (gradient centralization) i
This repository demonstrates the usage of hover to understand and supervise a machine learning task.
Hover Example Apps (works out-of-the-box on Binder) This repository demonstrates the usage of hover to understand and supervise a machine learning tas
Vector AI — A platform for building vector based applications. Encode, query and analyse data using vectors.
Vector AI is a framework designed to make the process of building production grade vector based applications as quickly and easily as possible. Create
Generate your personal 8-bit avatars using Cellular Automata, a mathematical model that simulates life, survival, and extinction
Try the interactive demo here ✨ ✨ Sprites-as-a-Service is an open-source web application that allows you to generate custom 8-bit sprites using Cellul
Using P5.js, Processing and Python to create generative art
Experiments in Generative Art Using Python, Processing, and P5.js Quick Links Daily Sketches March 2021. | Gallery | Repo | Done using P5.js Genuary 2
Rendering color and depth images for ShapeNet models.
Color & Depth Renderer for ShapeNet This library includes the tools for rendering multi-view color and depth images of ShapeNet models. Physically bas
A bot that extract text from images using the Tesseract OCR.
Text from image (OCR) @ocr_text_bot A simple bot to extract text from images. Usage What do I need? A AWS key configured locally, see here. NodeJS. I
A Python package implementing various CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms and related utilities.
Colour - Demosaicing A Python package implementing various CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms and related utilities. It is open source a
Seaborn-image is a Python image visualization library based on matplotlib and provides a high-level API to draw attractive and informative images quickly and effectively.
seaborn-image: image data visualization Description Seaborn-image is a Python image visualization library based on matplotlib and provides a high-leve
Visage Differentiation is a GUI application for outlining and labeling the visages in an image.
Visage Differentiation Visage Differentiation is a GUI application for outlining and labeling the visages in an image. The main functionality is provi
PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV2, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more
PyTorch Image Models Sponsors What's New Introduction Models Features Results Getting Started (Documentation) Train, Validation, Inference Scripts Awe
BackgroundRemover lets you Remove Background from images and video with a simple command line interface
BackgroundRemover BackgroundRemover is a command line tool to remove background from video and image, made by nadermx to power https://BackgroundRemov
10x faster matrix and vector operations
Bolt is an algorithm for compressing vectors of real-valued data and running mathematical operations directly on the compressed representations. If yo
This is a collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These implementations are documented with explanations,
labml.ai Deep Learning Paper Implementations This is a collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These i
An NLP library with Awesome pre-trained Transformer models and easy-to-use interface, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications.
简体中文 | English News [2021-10-12] PaddleNLP 2.1版本已发布!新增开箱即用的NLP任务能力、Prompt Tuning应用示例与生成任务的高性能推理! 🎉 更多详细升级信息请查看Release Note。 [2021-08-22]《千言:面向事实一致性的生
Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit
WeNet 中文版 Discussions | Docs | Papers | Runtime (x86) | Runtime (android) | Pretrained Models We share neural Net together. The main motivation of WeN
DeepMind's software stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MuJoCo.
dm_control: DeepMind Infrastructure for Physics-Based Simulation. DeepMind's software stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning en
High-quality implementations of standard and SOTA methods on a variety of tasks.
Uncertainty Baselines The goal of Uncertainty Baselines is to provide a template for researchers to build on. The baselines can be a starting point fo
The "breathing k-means" algorithm with datasets and example notebooks
The Breathing K-Means Algorithm (with examples) The Breathing K-Means is an approximation algorithm for the k-means problem that (on average) is bette
This repo contains source code and materials for the TEmporally COherent GAN SIGGRAPH project.
TecoGAN This repository contains source code and materials for the TecoGAN project, i.e. code for a TEmporally COherent GAN for video super-resolution
PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 3+ to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different languages
PyMultiDictionary PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 3+ to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different
3DV 2021: Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry
SynergyNet 3DV 2021: Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry Cho-Ying Wu, Qiangeng Xu, Ulrich Neumann, CGIT Lab at Unive
A new coin listing alert bot using Python, Flask, MongoDB, Telegram API and Binance API
Bzzmans New Coin Listing Detection Bot Architecture About Project Work in progress. This bot basically gets new coin listings from Binance using Binan
Crystal Orb is a discord bot made from discord.py and python
Crystal orb Replacing barbot Overview Crystal Orb is a discord bot made from discord.py and python, Crystal Orb is for anti alt detection and other st
GDB python tool to pretty print and debug c++ xtensor containers
gdb_xt2np GDB python tool to pretty print, examine, and debug c++ Xtensor containers. Xtensor is a c++ library for scientific computing using multidim
pytorch bert intent classification and slot filling
pytorch_bert_intent_classification_and_slot_filling 基于pytorch的中文意图识别和槽位填充 说明 基本思路就是:分类+序列标注(命名实体识别)同时训练。 使用的预训练模型:hugging face上的chinese-bert-wwm-ext 依
this is a simple backend for instagram with python and django
simple_instagram_backend this is a simple backend for instagram with python and django it has simple realations and api in 4 diffrent apps: 1-users: a
unofficial source of the discord bot, “haunting.” created by: vorqz, vert, & Veltz
hauntingSRC unofficial source of the discord bot, “haunting.” created by: vorqz, vert, & Veltz reasoning: creators skidded the most of this bot and do
Criando um Bot com PYAUTOGUI e utilizando o Flask para Interface para Usuário
Criando um Bot com PYAUTOGUI e utilizando o Flask para Interface para Usuário O pyautogui foi escolhido pela possibilidade de fazer a identificação do
A script to parse and display buy_tag and sell_reason for freqtrade backtesting trades
freqtrade-buyreasons A script to parse and display buy_tag and sell_reason for freqtrade backtesting trades Usage Copy the buy_reasons.py script into
NVIDIA Merlin is an open source library providing end-to-end GPU-accelerated recommender systems, from feature engineering and preprocessing to training deep learning models and running inference in production.
NVIDIA Merlin NVIDIA Merlin is an open source library designed to accelerate recommender systems on NVIDIA’s GPUs. It enables data scientists, machine
Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Python
AICSImageIO Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Pure Python Features Supports reading metadata and imaging
HTML2Image is a lightweight Python package that acts as a wrapper around the headless mode of existing web browsers to generate images from URLs and from HTML+CSS strings or files.
A package acting as a wrapper around the headless mode of existing web browsers to generate images from URLs and from HTML+CSS strings or files.
MetaStalk is a tool that can be used to generate graphs from the metadata of JPEG, TIFF, and HEIC images
MetaStalk About MetaStalk is a tool that can be used to generate graphs from the metadata of JPEG, TIFF, and HEIC images, which are tested. More forma
A full-stack clone of Instagram, allowing the user to interact with posts and other users.
This project is a full-stack clone of Instagram, allowing the user to interact with posts and other users
Doosan robotic arm, simulation, control, visualization in Gazebo and ROS2 for Reinforcement Learning.
Robotic Arm Simulation in ROS2 and Gazebo General Overview This repository includes: First, how to simulate a 6DoF Robotic Arm from scratch using GAZE
The description of FMFCC-A (audio track of FMFCC) dataset and Challenge resluts.
FMFCC-A This project is the description of FMFCC-A (audio track of FMFCC) dataset and Challenge resluts. The FMFCC-A dataset is shared through BaiduCl