9831 Repositories
Python Pancakeswap-and-uniswap-trading-bot Libraries
An advanced telegram country information finder bot.
Country-Info-Bot-V2 An advanced telegram country information finder bot Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License Lic
Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model in ONNX
ONNX msg_chn_wacv20 depth completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20 model in
Telegram Group Management Bot based on Pyrogram
Komi-San Telegram Group Management Bot based on Pyrogram More updates coming soon Support Group Open a Pull request if you wana contribute Example for
Simple Telegram webscrap bot
webscrap-bot Simple Telegram webscrap bot Configs TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather API_ID - From my.telegram.org API_HASH - From my.telegram.org
Run ISP speed tests and save results
SpeedMon Automatically run periodic internet speed tests and save results to a variety of storage backends. Supported Backends InfluxDB v1 InfluxDB v2
a python package that lets you add custom colors and text formatting to your scripts in a very easy way!
colormate Python script text formatting package What is colormate? colormate is a python library that lets you add text formatting to your scripts, it
This project contains an implemented version of Face Detection using OpenCV and Mediapipe. This is a code snippet and can be used in projects.
Live-Face-Detection Project Description: In this project, we will be using the live video feed from the camera to detect Faces. It will also detect so
Command Line (CLI) Application to automate creation of tasks in Redmine, issues on Github and the sync process of them.
Task Manager Automation Tool (TMAT) CLI Command Line (CLI) Application to automate creation of tasks in Redmine, issues on Github and the sync process
customer churn prediction prevention in telecom industry using machine learning and survival analysis
Telco Customer Churn Prediction - Plotly Dash Application Description This dash application allows you to predict telco customer churn using machine l
Code for 'Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning', ICCV 2021
CMIC-Retrieval Code for Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning. ICCV 2021. Introduction In this wo
GTPS Status Bot
Python GTPS Status Bot (BETA) Python GTPS Status Bot Require Python How To Use Download This Source Extract The Zip File Install the requirements (Mod
ARTEMIS: Real-Time Detection and Automatic Mitigation for BGP Prefix Hijacking.
ARTEMIS: Real-Time Detection and Automatic Mitigation for BGP Prefix Hijacking. This is the main ARTEMIS repository that composes artemis-frontend, artemis-backend, artemis-monitor and other needed containers.
A real-time motion capture system that estimates poses and global translations using only 6 inertial measurement units
TransPose Code for our SIGGRAPH 2021 paper "TransPose: Real-time 3D Human Translation and Pose Estimation with Six Inertial Sensors". This repository
Tickergram is a Telegram bot to look up quotes, charts, general market sentiment and more.
Tickergram is a Telegram bot to look up quotes, charts, general market sentiment and more.
Extract data from ThousandEyes REST API and visualize it on your customized Grafana Dashboard.
ThousandEyes Grafana Dashboard Extract data from the ThousandEyes REST API and visualize it on your customized Grafana Dashboard. Deploy Grafana, Infl
Fast⚡, simple and light💡weight ASGI micro🔬 web🌏-framework for Python🐍.
NanoASGI Asynchronous Python Web Framework NanoASGI is a fast ⚡ , simple and light 💡 weight ASGI micro 🔬 web 🌏 -framework for Python 🐍 . It is dis
An esoteric programming language that supports concurrency, regex, and web requests.
The Hofstadter Esoteric Programming Language Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's La
Music bot because Octave is down and I can : )
Chords On a mission to build the best Discord Music Bot View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Gettin
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python Examples. The beyonic APIs Doc Reference: https://apidocs.beyonic.com/ To start using the Beyonic API Python API, you need to start
How to Create a YouTube Bot that Increases Views using Python Programming Language
YouTube-Bot-in-Python-Selenium How to Create a YouTube Bot that Increases Views using Python Programming Language. The app is for educational purpose
A repository containing several general purpose Python scripts to automate daily and common tasks.
General Purpose Scripts Introduction This repository holds a curated list of Python scripts which aim to help us automate daily and common tasks. You
Certificate generating and mailing system
skylab-certificate-system Through the this system, you can generate personalized certificates for people with name-surname-mail information in an exce
Python virtual filesystem for SQLite to read from and write to S3
Python virtual filesystem for SQLite to read from and write to S3
Training vision models with full-batch gradient descent and regularization
Stochastic Training is Not Necessary for Generalization -- Training competitive vision models without stochasticity This repository implements trainin
This program can encrypt and decrypt your files so that they can no longer be identified.
File_Cryptographer Table of Contents: About the Program Features Requirements Preview Credits Reach Me See Also About the Program: with this program,
This is the remake of the program PYOBD. It works on Python3 and all new libraries. It was tested on Linux, Windows, and it should work on MAC too.
This is the remake of the program PYOBD. It works on Python3 and all new libraries. It was tested on Linux, Windows, and it should work on MAC too. You just need an ELM327 USB or bluetooth device and a PC(laptop preferably).
This is a no-bullshit file hosting and URL shortening service that also runs 0x0.st. Use with uWSGI.
This is a no-bullshit file hosting and URL shortening service that also runs 0x0.st. Use with uWSGI.
Analyse a forensic target (such as a directory) to find and report files found and not found from CIRCL hashlookup public service
Analyse a forensic target (such as a directory) to find and report files found and not found from CIRCL hashlookup public service. This tool can help a digital forensic investigator to know the context, origin of specific files during a digital forensic investigation.
googler is a power tool to Google (web, news, videos and site search) from the command-line.
googler is a power tool to Google (web, news, videos and site search) from the command-line.
Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance
Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance Project Page | Paper | Data This repository contains an implementatio
GRF: Learning a General Radiance Field for 3D Representation and Rendering
GRF: Learning a General Radiance Field for 3D Representation and Rendering [Paper] [Video] GRF: Learning a General Radiance Field for 3D Representatio
Efficient Python Tricks and Tools for Data Scientists
Why efficient Python? Because using Python more efficiently will make your code more readable and run more efficiently.
Python Image Morpher (PIM) is a program that can take two images and blend them to whatever extent or precision that you like
Python Image Morpher (PIM) is a program that can take two images and blend them to whatever extent or precision that you like! It is designed to emulate some of Python's OpenCV image processing from scratch without reference.
Pytorch implementation of "Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network Models for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling"
RNN-for-Joint-NLU Pytorch implementation of "Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network Models for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling"
LSTM and QRNN Language Model Toolkit for PyTorch
LSTM and QRNN Language Model Toolkit This repository contains the code used for two Salesforce Research papers: Regularizing and Optimizing LSTM Langu
TorchXRayVision: A library of chest X-ray datasets and models.
torchxrayvision A library for chest X-ray datasets and models. Including pre-trained models. ( 🎬 promo video about the project) Motivation: While the
This repository is for adding codes of data structures and algorithms, leetCode, hackerrank etc solutions in different languages
DSA-Code-Snippet This repository is for adding codes of data structures and algorithms, leetCode, hackerrank etc solutions in different languages Cont
First and foremost, we want dbt documentation to retain a DRY principle. Every time we repeat ourselves, we waste our time. Second, we want to understand column level lineage and automate impact analysis.
dbt-osmosis First and foremost, we want dbt documentation to retain a DRY principle. Every time we repeat ourselves, we waste our time. Second, we wan
Scientific Computation Methods in C and Python (Open for Hacktoberfest 2021)
Sci - cpy README is a stub. Do expand it. Objective This repository is meant to be a ready reference for scientific computation methods. Do ⭐ it if yo
Python code to generate and store certificates automatically , using names from a csv file
WOC-certificate-generator Python code to generate and store certificates automatically , using names from a csv file IMPORTANT In order to make the co
Aria/qBittorrent Telegram mirror/leech bot
This Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our Google Drive or Telegram. Based on python-aria-mirror-bot Features: qBi
This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python.
Python DSA 🐍 This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python. Please make seperate folders for different
[IROS'21] SurRoL: An Open-source Reinforcement Learning Centered and dVRK Compatible Platform for Surgical Robot Learning
SurRoL IROS 2021 SurRoL: An Open-source Reinforcement Learning Centered and dVRK Compatible Platform for Surgical Robot Learning Features dVRK compati
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 Single- and multi-tenant support.
Easy and secure implementation of Azure AD for your FastAPI APIs 🔒 Single- and multi-tenant support.
deep-table implements various state-of-the-art deep learning and self-supervised learning algorithms for tabular data using PyTorch.
deep-table implements various state-of-the-art deep learning and self-supervised learning algorithms for tabular data using PyTorch.
Supercharge your NFTs with new behaviours and superpowers!
WrapX Supercharge your NFTs with new behaviours and superpowers! WrapX is a collection of Wrappers (currently one - WrapXSet) to decorate your NTFs ad
Advanced telegram link in a message attach bot
Attach-Bot-V2 An advanced telegram attach bot Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com
Utility to play with ADCS, allows to request tickets and collect information about related objects.
certi Utility to play with ADCS, allows to request tickets and collect information about related objects. Basically, it's the impacket copy of Certify
Phoenix Framework is an environment for writing, testing and using exploit code.
Phoenix-Framework Phoenix Framework is an environment for writing, testing and using exploit code. 🖼 Screenshots 🎪 Community PwnWiki Forums 🔑 Licen
KonomiTV: Kind and Optimized Next brOadcast watching systeM Infrastructure for TV
備考・注意事項 現在 α 版で、まだ実験的なプロダクトです。通常利用には耐えないでしょうし、サポートもできません。 安定しているとは到底言いがたい品質ですが、それでも構わない方のみ導入してください。 使い方などの説明も用意できていないため、自力でトラブルに対処できるエンジニアの方以外には現状おすすめ
Python desktop application to create, distribute, discover, and run codegames
Python desktop application to create, distribute, discover, and run codegames
Google and Stanford University released a new pre-trained model called ELECTRA
Google and Stanford University released a new pre-trained model called ELECTRA, which has a much compact model size and relatively competitive performance compared to BERT and its variants. For further accelerating the research of the Chinese pre-trained model, the Joint Laboratory of HIT and iFLYTEK Research (HFL) has released the Chinese ELECTRA models based on the official code of ELECTRA. ELECTRA-small could reach similar or even higher scores on several NLP tasks with only 1/10 parameters compared to BERT and its variants.
Transfer-Learn is an open-source and well-documented library for Transfer Learning.
Transfer-Learn is an open-source and well-documented library for Transfer Learning. It is based on pure PyTorch with high performance and friendly API. Our code is pythonic, and the design is consistent with torchvision. You can easily develop new algorithms, or readily apply existing algorithms.
A Simple Telegram Bot that can Download Files From Mega.nz and Upload It to Telegram
MegaDL-Bot A Simple Telegram Bot By @mrkpbots to Download Files From Mega.nz and Upload It to Telegram Features No Login Required All Mega.nz File Lin
AryaBota: An app to teach Python coding via gradual programming and visual output
AryaBota An app to teach Python coding, that gradually allows students to transition from using commands similar to natural language, to more Pythonic
pcnaDeep integrates cutting-edge detection techniques with tracking and cell cycle resolving models.
pcnaDeep: a deep-learning based single-cell cycle profiler with PCNA signal Welcome! pcnaDeep integrates cutting-edge detection techniques with tracki
Allows you to easily share bookmarks from Raindrop.io in Telegram chats.
Allows you to easily share bookmarks from Raindrop.io in Telegram chats. As well as save links/photos/longreads from Telegram right into Raindrop.io. Join us, we have a nice 'reader mode' :)
A pdisk uploader bot written in Python
Pdisk Uploader Bot 🔥 Upload on Pdisk by Url, File and also by direct forward post from other channel... Features Post to Post Conversion Url Upload D
This bot is created by AJTimePyro and It accepts direct downloading url & then return file as telegram file.
URL Uploader Bot This is the source code of URL Uploader Bot. And the developer of this bot is AJTimePyro, His Telegram Channel & Group. You can use t
Pytorch implementation of four neural network based domain adaptation techniques: DeepCORAL, DDC, CDAN and CDAN+E. Evaluated on benchmark dataset Office31.
Deep-Unsupervised-Domain-Adaptation Pytorch implementation of four neural network based domain adaptation techniques: DeepCORAL, DDC, CDAN and CDAN+E.
Fast batch image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images.
imgp is a command line image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images.
Transformers4Rec is a flexible and efficient library for sequential and session-based recommendation, available for both PyTorch and Tensorflow.
Transformers4Rec is a flexible and efficient library for sequential and session-based recommendation, available for both PyTorch and Tensorflow.
Interactive Terraform visualization. State and configuration explorer.
Rover - Terraform Visualizer Rover is a Terraform visualizer. In order to do this, Rover: generates a plan file and parses the configuration in the ro
CLIPort: What and Where Pathways for Robotic Manipulation
CLIPort CLIPort: What and Where Pathways for Robotic Manipulation Mohit Shridhar, Lucas Manuelli, Dieter Fox CoRL 2021 CLIPort is an end-to-end imitat
Pytorch implementation of CVPR2020 paper “VectorNet: Encoding HD Maps and Agent Dynamics from Vectorized Representation”
VectorNet Re-implementation This is the unofficial pytorch implementation of CVPR2020 paper "VectorNet: Encoding HD Maps and Agent Dynamics from Vecto
Free Book about Deep-Learning approaches for Chess (like AlphaZero, Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish NNUE)
Free Book about Deep-Learning approaches for Chess (like AlphaZero, Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish NNUE)
a high-performance, lightweight and human friendly serving engine for scrapy
a high-performance, lightweight and human friendly serving engine for scrapy
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
Imia is an authentication library for Starlette and FastAPI (python 3.8+).
Imia Imia (belarussian for "a name") is an authentication library for Starlette and FastAPI (python 3.8+). Production status The library is considered
Model for recasing and repunctuating ASR transcripts
Recasing and punctuation model based on Bert Benoit Favre 2021 This system converts a sequence of lowercase tokens without punctuation to a sequence o
Telegram bot for making Heroku app.json by @AbirHasan2005
Heroku-app.json A Telegram bot for making Heroku app.json by @AbirHasan2005. Demo Bot Host Bot Deploy to Heroku Click Below Button to Deploy to Heroku
Python based Algo trading bot for Nifty / Banknifty futures and options
Fully automated Alice Blue Algo Trading with Python on NSE and MCX for Nifty / Crude / Banknifty futures and options , absolutely FREE ! This algo tra
A simple recipe for training and inferencing Transformer architecture for Multi-Task Learning on custom datasets. You can find two approaches for achieving this in this repo.
multitask-learning-transformers A simple recipe for training and inferencing Transformer architecture for Multi-Task Learning on custom datasets. You
CCAFNet: Crossflow and Cross-scale Adaptive Fusion Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
Code and result about CCAFNet(IEEE TMM) 'CCAFNet: Crossflow and Cross-scale Adaptive Fusion Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images' IEE
Reinforcement learning framework and algorithms implemented in PyTorch.
Reinforcement learning framework and algorithms implemented in PyTorch.
This is a tool to automate the icons generation from sets of svg files into fonts and atlases.
SVG Icon processing tool for C++
A simple and stupid Miinto API wrapper
miinto-api-wrapper Miinto API Wrapper is a simple python wrapper for Miinto API. Miinto is a fashion luxury marketplace. For more information see the
Pre-trained BERT Models for Ancient and Medieval Greek, and associated code for LaTeCH 2021 paper titled - "A Pilot Study for BERT Language Modelling and Morphological Analysis for Ancient and Medieval Greek"
Ancient Greek BERT The first and only available Ancient Greek sub-word BERT model! State-of-the-art post fine-tuning on Part-of-Speech Tagging and Mor
PyNeuro is designed to connect NeuroSky's MindWave EEG device to Python and provide Callback functionality to provide data to your application in real time.
PyNeuro PyNeuro is designed to connect NeuroSky's MindWave EEG device to Python and provide Callback functionality to provide data to your application
This YoloV5 based model is fit to detect people and different types of land vehicles, and displaying their density on a fitted map, according to their coordinates and detected labels.
This YoloV5 based model is fit to detect people and different types of land vehicles, and displaying their density on a fitted map, according to their
A lightweight python script that can monitor the T-Mobile Home Internet Nokia 5G Gateway for band and connectivity and reboot as needed.
tmo-monitor A lightweight Python 3 script that can monitor the T-Mobile Home Internet Nokia 5G Gateway for band and connectivity and reboot as needed.
A Trading strategy for the Freqtrade crypto bot.
Important Thing to notice 1) Do not use this strategy on live. It is still undergoing dry-run. 2) The Hyperopt is highly optimized towards "shitcoin"
Telegram Group Management Bot based on phython !!!
How to setup/deploy. For easiest way to deploy this Bot click on the below button Mᴀᴅᴇ Bʏ Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Sᴏᴜʀᴄᴇ Find This Bot on Telegram A modular Telegram
A simple python script for rclone. Use multiple Google Service Accounts and cycle through them.
About GSAclone GSAclone is a simple python script for rclone, written with the purpose of using multiple Google service accounts on Google Drive and "
A repository dedicated to IoT(internet of things ) and python scripts
📑 Introduction Week of Learning is a weekly program in which you will get all the necessary knowledge about Circuit-Building, Arduino and Micro-Contr
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
E-Ink Magic Calendar that automatically syncs to Google Calendar and runs off a battery powered Raspberry Pi Zero
A PyTorch repo for data loading and utilities to be shared by the PyTorch domain libraries.
A PyTorch repo for data loading and utilities to be shared by the PyTorch domain libraries.
A lightweight wrapper for PyTorch that provides a simple declarative API for context switching between devices, distributed modes, mixed-precision, and PyTorch extensions.
A lightweight wrapper for PyTorch that provides a simple declarative API for context switching between devices, distributed modes, mixed-precision, and PyTorch extensions.
Differentiable architecture search for convolutional and recurrent networks
Differentiable Architecture Search Code accompanying the paper DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search Hanxiao Liu, Karen Simonyan, Yiming Yang. arX
A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet and EfficientNetV2 (coming soon!)
EfficientNet PyTorch Quickstart Install with pip install efficientnet_pytorch and load a pretrained EfficientNet with: from efficientnet_pytorch impor
A (PyTorch) imbalanced dataset sampler for oversampling low frequent classes and undersampling high frequent ones.
Imbalanced Dataset Sampler Introduction In many machine learning applications, we often come across datasets where some types of data may be seen more
Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
RobustART: Benchmarking Robustness on Architecture Design and Training Techniques
The first comprehensive Robustness investigation benchmark on large-scale dataset ImageNet regarding ARchitecture design and Training techniques towards diverse noises.
(ICCV 2021) Official code of "Dressing in Order: Recurrent Person Image Generation for Pose Transfer, Virtual Try-on and Outfit Editing."
Dressing in Order (DiOr) 👚 [Paper] 👖 [Webpage] 👗 [Running this code] The official implementation of "Dressing in Order: Recurrent Person Image Gene
This is a gentle introductin on how to start using an awesome library called Weights and Biases.
🪄 W&B Minimal PyTorch Tutorial This tutorial is also accompanied with a PyTorch source code, it can be found in src folder. Furthermore, all plots an
Sign Language is detected in realtime using video sequences. Our approach involves MediaPipe Holistic for keypoints extraction and LSTM Model for prediction.
RealTime Sign Language Detection using Action Recognition Approach Real-Time Sign Language is commonly predicted using models whose architecture consi
A fast, stateless http slash commands framework for scale. Built by the Crunchy bot team.
Roid 🤖 A fast, stateless http slash commands framework for scale. Built by the Crunchy bot team. 🚀 Installation You can install roid in it's default
❤️A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot for manage your groups and have fun with other cool modules
Natsuki Based on Python Telegram Bot Contributors Video Tutorial: Complete guide on deploying @TheNatsukiBot's clone on Heroku. ☆ Video by Sadew Jayas
Python Crypto Bot
Python Crypto Bot
A scalable template for PyTorch projects, with examples in Image Segmentation, Object classification, GANs and Reinforcement Learning.
PyTorch Project Template is being sponsored by the following tool; please help to support us by taking a look and signing up to a free trial PyTorch P