11423 Repositories
Python Python-GTPS-Status-bot Libraries
A python library for face detection and features extraction based on mediapipe library
FaceAnalyzer A python library for face detection and features extraction based on mediapipe library Introduction FaceAnalyzer is a library based on me
python DroneCAN code generation, interface and utilities
UAVCAN v0 stack in Python Python implementation of the UAVCAN v0 protocol stack. UAVCAN is a lightweight protocol designed for reliable communication
This is a sorting visualizer made with Tkinter.
Sorting-Visualizer This is a sorting visualizer made with Tkinter. Make sure you've installed tkinter in your system to use this visualizer pip instal
A small C compiler written in Python for learning purposes
A small C compiler written in Python. Generates x64 Intel-format assembly, which is then assembled and linked by nasm and ld.
A module for account creation with python
A module for account creation with python
Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile created using streamlit and BeautifulSoup python packages
Github Scraper Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile. Github scraper app gets a github profile name and check whether
This python program will display all SSID usernames and SSID passwords you once connected to your laptop
Windows-Wifi-password-extractor This python program will display all SSID usernames and SSID passwords you once connected to your laptop How to run th
A minimal Python package that produces slice plots through h5m DAGMC geometry files
A minimal Python package that produces slice plots through h5m DAGMC geometry files Installation pip install dagmc_geometry_slice_plotter Python API U
A python implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm
Photometric-Stereo A python implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm Result Usage run Photometric_Stereo.py Code Tree |data #原始数据,tga格
A simple Python script for toggling Philips Hue Lights by clapping
LightsClap A simple Python script for toggling Philips Hue Lights by clapping Usage pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 main.py and press the Ent
IOP Support for Python (Experimental)
TAGS Experimental IOP Framework for Python WARNING: Currently, this project has NO EXCEPTION HANDLING. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I. Introduction to Interf
An Open Source ALL-In-One Telegram RoBot, that can do lot of things.
An Open Source ALL-In-One Telegram RoBot, that can do lot of things.
A telegram mirror bot with an integrated RSS feed reader.
About What is this repo? This is a slightly modified fork which includes some extra features & memes added to my liking. How's this different from the
a translator bot for discord
TranslatorBOT it is a simple and powerful discord bot, it been used for translating includes more than 100 language, it has a lot of integrated comman
Simplify getting and using cookies from the browser to use in Python.
CookieCache Simplify getting and using cookies from the browser to use in Python. NOTE: All the logic to interface with the browsers is done by the Br
A Discord Bot for rendering Markdown
Markdown to PDF Bot A discord bot that accepts markdown files (or messages) and displays them as images. Prerequisite To install, you must have have :
alien.py - Python interface to websocket endpoint of ALICE Grid Services
alien.py - Python interface to websocket endpoint of ALICE Grid Services Quick containerized testing: singularity
Tetri5 - Multiplayer Websocket Backend
Tetri5 - Multiplayer Websocket Backend This repository is the backend of the multiplayer portion of the Tetri5 game client. It uses the python websock
Connects microservices through a mesh of websockets
WebMesh WebMesh is a WebSocket based communication library for microservices. It uses a WebSocket server based on wsproto that distributes clients on
A simple texts communication platform using pygame and sockets.
Python Tchat A simple texts communication platform using pygame and sockets. How to install ? You need a python 3.8.6 server with at least one opened
Library for easily creating and managing websockets.
Documentation coming in version 0.1.4 GitHub PyPI Discord Features Easy to use with object oriented syntax. Intellisense support with typehints and do
TeslaPy - A Python implementation based on unofficial documentation of the client side interface to the Tesla Motors Owner API
TeslaPy - A Python implementation based on unofficial documentation of the client side interface to the Tesla Motors Owner API, which provides functiona
A simple python script to convert Rubber Ducky payloads into AutoHotKey scripts
AHKDuckyReplacer A simple python script to convert Rubber Ducky payloads into AutoHotKey scripts. I have also added a sample payload for testing. I wi
Twitter bot code can be found in twitterBotAPI.py
NN Twitter Bot This github repository is BASED and is yanderedev levels of spaghetti Neural net code can be found in alexnet.py. Despite the name, it
Powerful Url uploader bot With Mongodb support 🔥
Uploader X Bot Telegram RoBot to Upload Links. Features: 👉 Upload YouTube-dl Supported Links to Telegram. 👉 Upload HTTP/HTTPS as File/Video to Teleg
A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware
A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware
A TikTok-like recommender system for GitHub repositories based on Gorse
GitRec GitRec is the missing recommender system for GitHub repositories based on Gorse. Architecture The trending crawler crawls trending repositories
A Python/Pytorch app for easily synthesising human voices
Voice Cloning App A Python/Pytorch app for easily synthesising human voices Documentation Discord Server Video guide Voice Sharing Hub FAQ's System Re
PyGMT - A Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools
PyGMT A Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools Documentation (development version) | Contact | Try Online Why PyGMT? A beautiful map is worth
A bunch of random PyTorch models using PyTorch's C++ frontend
PyTorch Deep Learning Models using the C++ frontend Gettting started Clone the repo 1. https://github.com/mrdvince/pytorchcpp 2. cd fashionmnist or
Hippocampal segmentation using the UNet network for each axis
Hipposeg Hippocampal segmentation using the UNet network for each axis, inspired by https://github.com/MICLab-Unicamp/e2dhipseg Red: False Positive Gr
Blue Brain text mining toolbox for semantic search and structured information extraction
Blue Brain Search Source Code DOI Data & Models DOI Documentation Latest Release Python Versions License Build Status Static Typing Code Style Securit
ml4ir: Machine Learning for Information Retrieval
ml4ir: Machine Learning for Information Retrieval | changelog Quickstart → ml4ir Read the Docs | ml4ir pypi | python ReadMe ml4ir is an open source li
A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
pyribs Website Source PyPI Conda CI/CD Docs Docs Status Twitter pyribs.org GitHub docs.pyribs.org A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity op
A Word Level Transformer layer based on PyTorch and 🤗 Transformers.
Transformer Embedder A Word Level Transformer layer based on PyTorch and 🤗 Transformers. How to use Install the library from PyPI: pip install transf
Urban mobility simulations with Python3, RLlib (Deep Reinforcement Learning) and Mesa (Agent-based modeling)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smart Cities Documentation RLlib: https://docs.ray.io/en/master/rllib.html Mesa: https://mesa.readthedocs.io/en/stable
A library for preparing, training, and evaluating scalable deep learning hybrid recommender systems using PyTorch.
collie Collie is a library for preparing, training, and evaluating implicit deep learning hybrid recommender systems, named after the Border Collie do
A library for Deep Learning Implementations and utils
deeply A Deep Learning library Table of Contents Features Quick Start Usage License Features Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+ compatible. Quick Start $ pip
automated systems to assist guarding corona Virus precautions for Closed Rooms (e.g. Halls, offices, etc..)
Automatic-precautionary-guard automated systems to assist guarding corona Virus precautions for Closed Rooms (e.g. Halls, offices, etc..) what is this
Website which uses Deep Learning to generate horror stories.
Creepypasta - Text Generator Website which uses Deep Learning to generate horror stories. View Demo · View Website Repo · Report Bug · Request Feature
a reimplementation of Holistically-Nested Edge Detection in PyTorch
pytorch-hed This is a personal reimplementation of Holistically-Nested Edge Detection [1] using PyTorch. Should you be making use of this work, please
a reimplementation of LiteFlowNet in PyTorch that matches the official Caffe version
pytorch-liteflownet This is a personal reimplementation of LiteFlowNet [1] using PyTorch. Should you be making use of this work, please cite the paper
a reimplementation of UnFlow in PyTorch that matches the official TensorFlow version
pytorch-unflow This is a personal reimplementation of UnFlow [1] using PyTorch. Should you be making use of this work, please cite the paper according
an implementation of softmax splatting for differentiable forward warping using PyTorch
softmax-splatting This is a reference implementation of the softmax splatting operator, which has been proposed in Softmax Splatting for Video Frame I
an implementation of 3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image using PyTorch
3d-ken-burns This is a reference implementation of 3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image [1] using PyTorch. Given a single input image, it animates
LWCC: A LightWeight Crowd Counting library for Python that includes several pretrained state-of-the-art models.
LWCC: A LightWeight Crowd Counting library for Python LWCC is a lightweight crowd counting framework for Python. It wraps four state-of-the-art models
Deepparse is a state-of-the-art library for parsing multinational street addresses using deep learning
Here is deepparse. Deepparse is a state-of-the-art library for parsing multinational street addresses using deep learning. Use deepparse to Use the pr
The end-to-end platform for building voice products at scale
Picovoice Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Picovoice is the end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms. Unlike Alexa and Goog
A multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. Simplifies Model Building, API development, and Model Deployment.
chitra What is chitra? chitra (चित्र) is a multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. It simplifies Model Building, API development, and M
On-device speech-to-intent engine powered by deep learning
Rhino Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Rhino is Picovoice's Speech-to-Intent engine. It directly infers intent from spoken commands within a giv
Vision Deep-Learning using Tensorflow, Keras.
Welcome! I am a computer vision deep learning developer working in Korea. This is my blog, and you can see everything I've studied here. https://www.n
A plug-and-play library for neural networks written in Python
A plug-and-play library for neural networks written in Python!
Deep Learning to Create StepMania SM FIles
StepCOVNet Running Audio to SM File Generator Currently only produces .txt files. Use SMDataTools to convert .txt to .sm python stepmania_note_generat
The Coodesh Python Backend Challenge (2021) written in Flask
Coodesh Back-end Challenge 🏅 2021 ID: 917 The Python Back-end Coodesh Challenge Description This API automatically retrieves users from the RandomUse
Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis
Reddit Bot Project 2: Neural Network Boogaloo Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis from NLTK.VADER WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP Link to test subreddit:
Yet another random discord bot.
YARDB (r!) Yet another fully functional and random discord bot. I might add more features if I'm bored also don't criticize on my code. Commands: 4 Di
A telegram bot providing recon and research functions for bug bounty research
Bug Bounty Bot A telegram bot with commands to simplify bug bounty tasks Installation Use Road Map Installation BugBountyBot is open-source so you can
Yet another Python Implementation of the Elo rating system.
Python Implementation - Elo Rating System Yet another Python Implementation of the Elo rating system (how innovative am I right?). Only supports 1vs1
Simple CLI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo.
stock-graph-python Simple CLI python app to show a stocks graph performance. Made with Matplotlib and Tiingo. Tiingo API Key You will need to add your
Python Advanced --- numpy, decorators, networking
Python Advanced --- numpy, decorators, networking (and more?) Hello everyone 👋 This is the project repo for the "Python Advanced - ..." introductory
Face Recognizer using Opencv Python
Face Recognizer using Opencv Python The first step create your own dataset with file open-cv-create_dataset second step You can put the photo accordin
Rhythm bot clone for discord written in Python and uses YouTube to get media files.
Tunebot About Rhythm bot clone for discord written in Python and uses YouTube to get media files. Usage You need a .env file within the same directory
Use Node JS Keywords In Python!!!
Use Node JS Keywords In Python!!!
peptides.py is a pure-Python package to compute common descriptors for protein sequences
peptides.py Physicochemical properties and indices for amino-acid sequences. 🗺️ Overview peptides.py is a pure-Python package to compute common descr
Reinforcement Learning with Q-Learning Algorithm on gym's frozen lake environment implemented in python
Reinforcement Learning with Q Learning Algorithm Q learning algorithm is trained on the gym's frozen lake environment. Libraries Used gym Numpy tqdm P
A python wrapper for interacting with the LabArchives API.
LabArchives API wrapper for Python A python wrapper for interacting with the LabArchives API. This very simple package makes it easier to make arbitra
This repository contains a lot of short scripting programs implemented both in Python (Flask) and TypeScript (NodeJS).
fast-scripts This repository contains a lot of short scripting programs implemented both in Python (Flask) and TypeScript (NodeJS). In python These wi
Distributed Synchronization for Python
Distributed Synchronization for Python Tutti is a nearly drop-in replacement for python's built-in synchronization primitives that lets you fearlessly
Python logging package for easy reproducible experimenting in research
smilelogging Python logging package for easy reproducible experimenting in research. Why you may need this package This project is meant to provide an
Python type-checker written in Rust
pravda Python type-checker written in Rust Features Fully typed with annotations and checked with mypy, PEP561 compatible Add yours! Installation pip
The official source code for Ghost Discord selfbot.
👻 Ghost Selfbot The official code for Ghost which was recently discontinued and released to the public. Feel free to use any of the code found in thi
Zeus is an open source flight intellingence tool which supports more than 13,000+ airlines and 250+ countries.
Zeus Zeus is an open source flight intellingence tool which supports more than 13,000+ airlines and 250+ countries. Any flight worldwide, at your fing
OliviaV2: danger bot with python
🎶 OLIVIA V2 🎵 Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS nodesource.com Python 3.7 or higher PyTgCalls 🧪 Get SESSION_NAME from below: Pyrogram 🎖 History Featur
Just a shell writed on Python
HIGHSHELL (also hSH or HS) Just a shell writed on Python Send bug report • How to use the shell • Broked features • Licenses How to use the shell Inst
Python Knots and Crosses game, with customizable markers and more!
Knot-and-Crosses Python Knots and Crosses game, with customizable markers and more! Features: Ability to change your marker Ability to change how many
Train a state-of-the-art yolov3 object detector from scratch!
TrainYourOwnYOLO: Building a Custom Object Detector from Scratch This repo let's you train a custom image detector using the state-of-the-art YOLOv3 c
VerSign: Easy Signature Verification in Python
VerSign: Easy Signature Verification in Python versign is a small Python package which can be used to perform verification of offline signatures. It a
Deep learning library for solving differential equations and more
DeepXDE Voting on whether we should have a Slack channel for discussion. DeepXDE is a library for scientific machine learning. Use DeepXDE if you need
On-device wake word detection powered by deep learning.
Porcupine Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. It enables building always-listening
A Real-Time-Strategy game for Deep Learning research
Description DeepRTS is a high-performance Real-TIme strategy game for Reinforcement Learning research. It is written in C++ for performance, but provi
Using machine learning to predict and analyze high and low reader engagement for New York Times articles posted to Facebook.
How The New York Times can increase Engagement on Facebook Using machine learning to understand characteristics of news content that garners "high" Fa
QuakeLabeler is a Python package to create and manage your seismic training data, processes, and visualization in a single place — so you can focus on building the next big thing.
QuakeLabeler Quake Labeler was born from the need for seismologists and developers who are not AI specialists to easily, quickly, and independently bu
NLMpy - A Python package to create neutral landscape models
NLMpy is a Python package for the creation of neutral landscape models that are widely used by landscape ecologists to model ecological patterns
Retentioneering: product analytics, data-driven customer journey map optimization, marketing analytics, web analytics, transaction analytics, graph visualization, and behavioral segmentation with customer segments in Python.
What is Retentioneering? Retentioneering is a Python framework and library to assist product analysts and marketing analysts as it makes it easier to
RSNA Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection with python
RSNA Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection This is the source code for the first place solution to the RSNA2019 Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection Challeng
A fantasy life simulator and role-playing game hybrid distributed as CLI, written in Python 3.
Life is Fantasy Epic (LIFE) A fantasy life simulator and role-playing game hybrid distributed as CLI, written in Python 3. This repository will be pro
A module comment generator for python
Module Comment Generator The comment style is as a tribute to the comment from the RA . The comment generator can parse the ast tree from the python s
Chatbot with Pytorch, Python & Nextjs
Installation Instructions Make sure that you have Python 3, gcc, venv, and pip installed. Clone the repository $ git clone https://github.com/sahr
A python graphql api, which serves ECB currency rates from last 90 days.
Exchange Rate Api using GraphQL Get Code git pull https://github.com/alaturqua/exchangerate-graphql.git Create .env file with following content and s
Karen is a Discord Bot that will check for a list of forbidden words/expressions, removing the message that contains them and replying with another message.
Karen is a Discord Bot that will check for a list of forbidden words/expressions, removing the message that contains them and replying with another message. Everything is highly customizable.
A multipurpose bot designed to make Discord better for everyone, written in Python.
Hadum A multipurpose bot that makes Discord better for everyone Features A Fully Functional Moderation component: manage your staff, members and permi
A simple Facebook Account generator, written in python (needs different Email so Accounts do not get banned)
FacebookAccountGenerator FAB is a Facebook-Account generating script, written in python Installation Use the package manager pip to install selenium p
An Undertale RPG Discord bot to fight monsters, bosses, level up and duel with other players
UNDERTALE-RPG An Undertale RPG Discord bot to fight monsters, bosses, level up and duel with other players!. Explanation you can collect gold which is
PyEmits, a python package for easy manipulation in time-series data.
PyEmits, a python package for easy manipulation in time-series data. Time-series data is very common in real life. Engineering FSI industry (Financial
Syrax Check User Bot Discord.py
Syrax-Check-User-Bot-Discord.py Guida Italiana il bot nasce con lo scopo di poter caricare il proprio nome utente,tag e foto profilo al forum tramite
A fishing bot script written in Python!
A fishing bot script written in Python!
This folder contains the python code of UR5E's advanced forward kinematics model.
This folder contains the python code of UR5E's advanced forward kinematics model. By entering the angle of the joint of UR5e, the detailed coordinates of up to 48 points around the robot arm can be calculated.
Source Code for 'Practical Python Projects' (video) by Sunil Gupta
Apress Source Code This repository accompanies %Practical Python Projects by Sunil Gupta (Apress, 2021). Download the files as a zip using the green b
Python para microcontroladores com MicroPyhton
MicroPython - PyBR2021 Python para microcontroladores com MicroPyhton Repositório de exemplos para tutorial "Python para microcontroladores com MicroP