11276 Repositories
Python Python-Text-editor Libraries
Auto-Rollnumber-sender - Auto Rollnumber sender with python
Auto-Rollnumber-sender The above code fits better on my system but it can vary s
DCA - Official Python implementation of Delaunay Component Analysis algorithm
Delaunay Component Analysis (DCA) Official Python implementation of the Delaunay
Checking-For-Fibonacci-Syquence-In-Python - Checking For Fibonacci Syquence In Python
Checking-For-Fibonacci-Syquence-In-Python The Fibonacci sequence is a set of num
GUIOfTemperatureConverterUsingPython - GUI Of Temperature Converter Using Python
Fahrenheit To Celcius GUI Of Temperature Converter Below Video is the Output Of
Yolox-bytetrack-sample - Python sample of MOT (Multiple Object Tracking) using YOLOX and ByteTrack
yolox-bytetrack-sample YOLOXとByteTrackを用いたMOT(Multiple Object Tracking)のPythonサン
Signals-backend - A suite of card games written in Python
Card game A suite of card games written in the Python language. Features coming
Synthetik Python Mod - A save editor tool for the game Synthetik written in python
Synthetik_Python_Mod A save editor tool for the game Synthetik written in python
🎡 Build Python wheels for all the platforms on CI with minimal configuration.
cibuildwheel Documentation Python wheels are great. Building them across Mac, Linux, Windows, on multiple versions of Python, is not. cibuildwheel is
Fastapi-ml-template - Fastapi ml template with python
FastAPI ML Template Run Web API Local $ sh run.sh # poetry run uvicorn app.mai
EmailAll - a powerful Email Collect tool
EmailAll A powerful Email Collect tool 0x1 介绍 😲 EmailAll is a powerful Email Co
Expense-manager - Expense manager with python
Expense_manager TO-DO Source extractor: Credit Card, Wallet Destination extracto
Python-Kite: Simple python code to make kite pattern
Python-Kite Simple python code to make kite pattern. Getting Started These instr
hydrotoolbox is a Python script for hydrologic calculations and analysis or by function calls within Python.
hydrotoolbox is a Python script for hydrologic calculations and analysis or by function calls within Python.
Python DNS Lookup: The Domain Name System (DNS) is basically the phonebook of the Internet
-Python-DNS-Lookup- ✨ 🌟 Python DNS Lookup ✨ 🌟 The Domain Name System (DNS) is
Multiple-requests-poster - A tool to send multiple requests to a particular website written in Python
Multiple-requests-poster - A tool to send multiple requests to a particular website written in Python
Python-samples - This project is to help someone need some practices when learning python language
Python-samples - This project is to help someone need some practices when learning python language
Explore-bikeshare-data - GitHub project as part of the Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree from Udacity
Date created February 10, 2022 Project Title Explore US Bikeshare Data Descripti
Assignments from Launch X's python introduction course
Launch X - On Boarding Assignments from Launch X's Python Introduction Course Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About
This program automatically logs you into a Zoom session at your alloted time
This program automatically logs you into a Zoom session at your alloted time. Optionally you can choose to have end the session at your allotted time.
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
Source code to accompany Defunctland's video "FASTPASS: A Complicated Legacy"
Shapeland Simulator Source code to accompany Defunctland's video "FASTPASS: A Complicated Legacy" Download the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb. You can define your access patterns in a json file and can use dynamic method names to make operations.
Object detection evaluation metrics using Python.
Object detection evaluation metrics using Python.
Python Command Line Application (CLI) using Typer, SQLModel, Async-PostgrSQL, and FastAPI
pyflycli is a command-line interface application built with Typer that allows you to view flights above your location.
Small Python script to generate a calendar (.ics) file from SIMASTER courses schedule.
simaster.ics Small Python script to generate a calendar (.ics) file from SIMASTER courses schedule. Usage Getting the events.json file from SIMASTER O
The LaTeX and Python code for generating the paper, experiments' results and visualizations reported in each paper is available (whenever possible) in the paper's directory
This repository contains the software implementation of most algorithms used or developed in my research. The LaTeX and Python code for generating the
Python wrapper to simplify calls to AncestryDNA API.
AncestryDNA API wrapper Ancestry exposes an undocumented REST API for its DNA features. This Python wrapper inventories the available calls, and expos
Create Basic ERC20 token with Solidity, Brownie and Python
Create Basic ERC20 token with Solidity, Brownie and Python Demo Check out Cornell Token on Rinnkeby network with Etherscan. Installation Install brown
An ascii art generator that's actually good. Does edge detection and selects the most appropriate characters.
Ascii Artist An ascii art generator that's actually good. Does edge detection and selects the most appropriate characters. Installing Installing with
This is a simple bot for running Python code through Discord
Python Code Runner Discord Bot This is a simple bot for running Python code through Discord. It was originally developed for the Beginner.Codes Discor
Casefy (/keɪsfaɪ/) is a lightweight Python package to convert the casing of strings
Casefy (/keɪsfaɪ/) is a lightweight Python package to convert the casing of strings. It has no third-party dependencies and supports Unicode.
SHAS: Approaching optimal Segmentation for End-to-End Speech Translation
SHAS: Approaching optimal Segmentation for End-to-End Speech Translation In this repo you can find the code of the Supervised Hybrid Audio Segmentatio
Python Business Transactions Library - ContractsPY
Python Business Transactions Library - ContractsPY Declare and define business transactions in Python. Use the contracts library to validate business
Python Create Your Own Tool Series
Python Create Your Own Tool Series Hey there! This is an additional Github repository that contains the final product files for each video in my Youtu
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters. It also works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API (pipelines, CatBoost, LightGBM, XGBoost, Ranger...).
DALL-Eval: Probing the Reasoning Skills and Social Biases of Text-to-Image Generative Transformers
DALL-Eval: Probing the Reasoning Skills and Social Biases of Text-to-Image Generative Transformers Authors: Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, and Mohit Bansal (
Unifying Architectures, Tasks, and Modalities Through a Simple Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Framework
Official repository of OFA. Paper: Unifying Architectures, Tasks, and Modalities Through a Simple Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Framework
Kglab - an abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs
Graph Data Science: an abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs, integrated with popular graph libraries – atop Pandas, RDFlib, pySHACL, RAPIDS, NetworkX, iGraph, PyVis, pslpython, pyarrow, etc.
Yamale (ya·ma·lē) - A schema and validator for YAML.
Yamale (ya·ma·lē) ⚠️ Ensure that your schema definitions come from internal or trusted sources. Yamale does not protect against intentionally maliciou
PyTorch implementation of NATSpeech: A Non-Autoregressive Text-to-Speech Framework
A Non-Autoregressive Text-to-Speech (NAR-TTS) framework, including official PyTorch implementation of PortaSpeech (NeurIPS 2021) and DiffSpeech (AAAI 2022)
ONNX-PackNet-SfM: Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the PackNet-SfM model in ONNX
Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the PackNet-SfM model in ONNX
Python based Web Scraper which can discover javascript files and parse them for juicy information (API keys, IP's, Hidden Paths etc)
Python based Web Scraper which can discover javascript files and parse them for juicy information (API keys, IP's, Hidden Paths etc).
An simple python script for remove rockstar account for fivem, very useful for cheating or change account for unban from an server, remember change steam account.
This tool is used for be unbanned from servers, u need disconnect the discord, use other steam account and uninstall xbox for be unbanned 100%, it only work for unban in server, not global
Predict the income for each percentile of the population (Python) - FRENCH
05.income-prediction Predict the income for each percentile of the population (Python) - FRENCH Effectuez une prédiction de revenus Prérequis Pour ce
Vaex library for Big Data Analytics of an Airline dataset
Vaex-Big-Data-Analytics-for-Airline-data A Python notebook (ipynb) created in Jupyter Notebook, which utilizes the Vaex library for Big Data Analytics
Using Python to derive insights on particular Pokemon, Types, Generations, and Stats
Pokémon Analysis Andreas Nikolaidis February 2022 Introduction Exploratory Analysis Correlations & Descriptive Statistics Principal Component Analysis
A simple Python code that takes input from a csv file and makes it into a vcf file.
Contacts-Maker A simple Python code that takes input from a csv file and makes it into a vcf file. Imagine a college or a large community where each y
Automatic game data translator for RPGMaker-MV
RPGMaker-MV Translator 🕹️ 🎮 Use AI to translate all the dialogs and texts of your RPGMaker automatically. 👊 You worked hard to make your game, now
Interact remotely with the computer using Python and MQTT protocol 💻
Comandos_Remotos Interagir remotamento com o computador através do Python e protocolo MQTT. 💻 Status: em desenvolvimento 🚦 Objetivo: Interagir com o
GVT is a generic translation tool for parts of text on the PC screen with Text to Speak functionality.
GVT is a generic translation tool for parts of text on the PC screen with Text to Speech functionality. I wanted to create it because the existing tools that I experimented with did not satisfy me in ease-to-use experience and configuration. Personally I used it with Lost Ark (example included generated by 2k monitor) to translate simple dialogues of quests in Italian.
DAMPP (gui) is a Python based program to run simple webservers using MySQL, Php, Apache and PhpMyAdmin inside of Docker containers.
DAMPP (gui) is a Python based program to run simple webservers using MySQL, Php, Apache and PhpMyAdmin inside of Docker containers.
Vitrix is an open-source FPS video game coded in python
Vitrix is an open-source FPS video game coded in python Table of contents Usage Game Server Installing Requirements Hardware Requirements Software Req
Minimal reproducible example for `mkdocstrings` Python handler issue
Minimal reproducible example for `mkdocstrings` Python handler issue
A working (ish) python script to convert text to a gradient.
verticle-horiontal-gradient-script A working (ish) python script to convert text to a gradient. This script is poorly made with the well known python
This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib
Cormen Lib Sample Problems Description This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib. These problems were made for the pu
A very simple python script to encode and decode PowerShell one-liners.
PowerShell Encoder A very simple python script to encode and decode PowerShell one-liners. I used Raikia's PowerShell encoder ALOT, but one day it wen
Simple Email Sender using Python 3.
Email Sender 使用 Python 3 实现的简单邮件发送工具。 Version: 0.1.2 (Beta) 主要功能 使用 SMTP 协议发送邮件 支持 SSL/TLS 、 STARTTLS 加密(为保证安全,强制加密发送) 支持邮件模板与邮件生成 支持向多人群发邮件 日志记录 脚本执行
Speech Recognition is an important feature in several applications used such as home automation, artificial intelligence
Speech Recognition is an important feature in several applications used such as home automation, artificial intelligence, etc. This article aims to provide an introduction on how to make use of the SpeechRecognition and pyttsx3 library of Python.
An Advance Discord Generator Written in python Verified Email and Phone Number For Free!
Intro An Advance Discord Generator Written in python It can generate nearly fully verified tokens USAGE put server invite code inside ( invitecode = "
Image2scan - a python program that can be applied on an image in order to get a scan of it back
image2scan Purpose image2scan is a python program that can be applied on an image in order to get a scan of it back. For this purpose, it searches for
An interactive document scanner built in Python using OpenCV
The scanner takes a poorly scanned image, finds the corners of the document, applies the perspective transformation to get a top-down view of the document, sharpens the image, and applies an adaptive color threshold to clean up the image.
Program that uses Python to monitor grade updates in the Genesis Platform
Genesis-Grade-Monitor Program that uses Python to monitor grade updates in the Genesis Platform Guide: Install by either cloning the repo or downloadi
Redlines produces a Markdown text showing the differences between two strings/text
Redlines Redlines produces a Markdown text showing the differences between two strings/text. The changes are represented with strike-throughs and unde
Indicator divergence library for python
Indicator divergence library This module aims to help to find bullish/bearish divergences (regular or hidden) between two indicators using argrelextre
GUI based app made in python using tkinter
Virtual Keyboard A GUI application made in python using tkinter This is my first ever proper GUI based application project after learning tkinter rece
Token Logger with python
Oxy Token Stealer Features Grabs discord tokens Grabs chrome passwords Grabs edge passwords Nothing else, I don't feel like releasing full on malware
Nonton anime subtitle Indonesia tanpa iklan. Dengan GUI berbasis PyQt5 dan spaghetti code yang sangat tidak terstruktur
Nonton anime subtitle Indonesia tanpa iklan. Dengan GUI berbasis PyQt5 dan spaghetti code yang sangat tidak terstruktur
A python script that can send notifications to your phone via SMS text
Discord SMS Notification A python script that help you send text message to your phone one of your desire discord channel have a new message. The proj
A Python extension that provides bindings to WebRTC M92
This project follows the W3C specification with some modifications and additions to make it work better with Python applications, with useful APIs like programmatic audio and video.
The python source code sorter
Sorts the contents of python modules so that statements are placed after the things they depend on, but leaves grouping to the programmer. Groups class members by type and enforces topological sorting of methods.
A python package to fine-tune transformer-based models for named entity recognition (NER).
nerblackbox A python package to fine-tune transformer-based language models for named entity recognition (NER). Resources Source Code: https://github.
OMLT: Optimization and Machine Learning Toolkit
OMLT is a Python package for representing machine learning models (neural networks and gradient-boosted trees) within the Pyomo optimization environment.
Python implementation of NARS (Non-Axiomatic-Reasoning-System)
Python implementation of NARS (Non-Axiomatic-Reasoning-System)
This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game built with Python.
This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game built with Python.
A GUI based CRUD database management system built using mysql and python
A GUI based CRUD database management system built using mysql and python
A command line tool to hide and reveal information inside images (works for both PNGs and JPGs)
Imgrerite A command line tool to hide and reveal information inside images (works for both PNGs and JPGs) Dependencies Python 3 Git Most of the Linux
Python script to automate the change of desktop background
wallomator Python script to automate the change of desktop background A python script that automates the process of changing the desktop background. I
A sage package for working with circular genomes represented by signed or unsigned permutations
Circular genome tools (cgt) A sage package for working with circular genomes represented by signed or unsigned permutations. It includes tools for con
LightGBM + Optuna: no brainer
AutoLGBM LightGBM + Optuna: no brainer auto train lightgbm directly from CSV files auto tune lightgbm using optuna auto serve best lightgbm model usin
A type based dependency injection framework for Python 3.9+
Alluka A type based dependency injection framework for Python 3.9+. Installation You can install Alluka from PyPI using the following command in any P
This repository contains some analysis of possible nerdle answers
Nerdle Analysis https://nerdlegame.com/ This repository contains some analysis of possible nerdle answers. Here's a quick overview: nerdle.py contains
A lane detection integrated Real-time Instance Segmentation based on YOLACT (You Only Look At CoefficienTs)
Real-time Instance Segmentation and Lane Detection This is a lane detection integrated Real-time Instance Segmentation based on YOLACT (You Only Look
VG-Scraper is a python program using the module called BeautifulSoup which allows anyone to scrape something off an website. This program lets you put in a number trough an input and a number is 1 news article.
VG-Scraper VG-Scraper is a convinient program where you can find all the news articles instead of finding one yourself. Installing [Linux] Open a term
A TODO-list tool written in Python
PyTD A TODO-list tool written in Python. Its goal is to provide a stable posibility to get a good view over all your TODOs motivate you to actually fi
This is an implementation of NeuronJ work with python.
NeuronJ This is an implementation of NeuronJ work with python. NeuronJ is a plug-in for ImageJ that allows you to create and edit neurons masks. Image
Uses OpenCV and Python Code to detect a face on the screen
Simple-Face-Detection This code uses OpenCV and Python Code to detect a face on the screen. This serves as an example program. Important prerequisites
Student Result Management System Project in tkinter created based on python, tkinter, and SQLITE3 Database
Student-Result-Management-System This Student Result Management System Project in tkinter created based on python, tkinter, and SQLITE3 Database. The
Copy only text-like files from the folder
copy-only-text-like-files-from-folder-python copy only text-like files from the folder This project is for those who want to copy only source code or
OceanScript is an Esoteric language used to encode and decode text into a formulation of characters
OceanScript is an Esoteric language used to encode and decode text into a formulation of characters - where the final result looks like waves in the ocean.
A Python implementation of a Youtube Subscription manager & feed viewer, also does thumbnails
BUILDING Building requires python3.10, and the build package, which can be installed via pip: python3.10 -m pip install build To install, run python3.
AI Games and its programming solution with Python.
Problem: Save the princess: Problem defination on Hackerrank: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/saveprincess About problem: Princess Peach is trap
Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregation methods for crowdsourced annotation and offers the relevant metrics and datasets
Crowd-Kit: Computational Quality Control for Crowdsourcing Documentation Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregat
Loopy belief propagation for factor graphs on discrete variables, in JAX!
PGMax implements general factor graphs for discrete probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), and hardware-accelerated differentiable loopy belief propagation (LBP) in JAX.
BROS: A Pre-trained Language Model Focusing on Text and Layout for Better Key Information Extraction from Documents
BROS (BERT Relying On Spatiality) is a pre-trained language model focusing on text and layout for better key information extraction from documents. Given the OCR results of the document image, which are text and bounding box pairs, it can perform various key information extraction tasks, such as extracting an ordered item list from receipts
Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates.
Simple Static Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates. Simple Static has four pieces: A build command that renders jinja templ
Customizing Visual Styles in Plotly
Customizing Visual Styles in Plotly Code for a workshop originally developed for an Unconference session during the Outlier Conference hosted by Data
Dashboard to view a stock's basic information, RSI, Bollinger bands, EMA, SMA, sentiment analysis via Python
Your One And Only Trading Bot No seriously, we mean it! Contributors Jihad Al-Hussain John Gaffney Shanel Kuchera Kazuki Takehashi Patrick Thornquist
NCAR/UCAR virtual Python Tutorial Seminar Series lesson on MetPy.
The Project Pythia Python Tutorial Seminar Series continues with a lesson on MetPy on Wednesday, 2 February 2022 at 1 PM Mountain Standard Time.
DALL-Eval: Probing the Reasoning Skills and Social Biases of Text-to-Image Generative Transformers
DALL-Eval: Probing the Reasoning Skills and Social Biases of Text-to-Image Generative Transformers Authors: Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, and Mohit Bansal (
Price Prediction model is used to develop an LSTM model to predict the future market price of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Price Prediction model is used to develop an LSTM model to predict the future market price of Bitcoin and Ethereum.