11276 Repositories
Python Python-Text-editor Libraries
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media organisations. Great for writing better English.
A sentence search engine that fetches examples from trusted news/media websites. Great for improving writing & speaking better English.
A python based library to help you create unique generative images based on Rarity for your next NFT Project
Generative-NFT Generate Unique Images based on Rarity A python based library to help you create unique generative images based on Rarity for your next
This project calculates current internet upload and download speeds.
Internet-Speed-Calculator Project Description: In this project, are creating an internet speed calculator. Requirements: Following modules need to be
OpenEmu Discord Rich Presence provided with Python!
A simple application that provides your current OpenEmu game as an RPC state in Discord via PyPresence. How to use Unzip and open the latest x86_64 ve
A simple Python program which uses youtube-dl for downloading YouTube videos as mp3 files.
yt-mp3 converter This is a simple Python program which uses youtube-dl for downloading YouTube videos as mp3 files. This program is for you if you are
Open-source Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction of large data in python.
Fast Laplacian Eigenmaps in python Open-source Laplacian Eigenmaps for dimensionality reduction of large data in python. Comes with an wrapper for NMS
A simple password generator using Python Tkinter.
Password-Generator-using-Python A simple password generator that generates password for you. User can Copy the password to Clipboard. Project made usi
🧑💼 Python wrapper for the Seek API
seek-com-au-api 🧑💼 Python wrapper for the seek.com.au API (unofficial) Installation Using Python = 3.6: pip install -e git+https://github.com/tomq
RollerScanner — Fast Port Scanner Written On Python
RollerScanner RollerScanner — Fast Port Scanner Written On Python Installation You should clone this repository using: git clone https://github.com/Ma
Parser for RISC OS Font control characters in Python
RISC OS Font control parsing in Python This repository contains a class (FontControlParser) for parsing font control codes from a byte squence, in Pyt
System Information Utility With Python
System-Information-Utility This is a simple utility, for the terminal, which allows you to find out information about your PC. It's very easy to run t
Combine the power of FastAPI and Django to build a production-ready application capable of utilizing all of the best features of both worlds.
FastAPI and Django Combo This projects aims to combine FastAPI and Django to build a Production ready application capable of utilizing all of the feat
A python package that allows you to place automated trades using the TD Ameritrade API.
Template Repo Table of Contents Overview Setup Usage Support These Projects Overview Setup Setup - Requirements Install:* For this particular project,
YouTube Spam Detection with python
YouTube Spam Detection This code deletes spam comment on youtube videos based on two characteristics (currently) If the author of the comment has a se
Python script for transferring data between three drives in two separate stages
Waterlock Waterlock is a Python script meant for incrementally transferring data between three folder locations in two separate stages. It performs ha
All you need to understand CRUD and MVP in DRF
Book-Store-API This an API which has been put in place just to make you order for books, upload books with price, image and all, pay and automtically
Python Excuse Generator
Excuse Generator Python Excuse Generator This project is an excuse generator that provides the user with an excuse as to why they weren't paying atten
This Django app will be used to host Source.Python plugins, sub-plugins, and custom packages.
Source.Python Project Manager This Django app will be used to host Source.Python plugins, sub-plugins, and custom packages. Want to help develop this
IEEE ITU bunyesinde komitelere verilen Python3 egitiminin dokumanlastirilmis versiyonlari bu repository altinda tutulmaktadir.
IEEE ITU Python Egitimi Nasil Faydalanmaliyim? Dersleri izledikten sonra dokumanlardaki kodlari yorum satirlari isaretlerini kaldirarak deneyebilirsin
strbind - lapidary text converter for translate an text file to the C-style string
strbind strbind - lapidary text converter for translate an text file to the C-style string. My motivation is fast adding large text chunks to the C co
Trading bot rienforcement with python
Trading_bot_rienforcement System: Ubuntu 16.04 GPU (GeForce GTX 1080 Ti) Instructions: In order to run the code: Make sure to clone the stable baselin
Collections of pydantic models
pydantic-collections The pydantic-collections package provides BaseCollectionModel class that allows you to manipulate collections of pydantic models
Python Screen Recorder using Python
PY-Screen-Recorder Python Screen Recorder using Python Requirement: pip install cv2 pip install pyautogui pip install numpy How to reach me? You can r
A python library for anti-captcha.com
AntiCaptcha A python library for anti-captcha.com Documentation for the API Requirements git Install git clone https://github.com/ShayBox/AntiCaptcha.
This is a python table of data implementation with styles, colors
Table This is a python table of data implementation with styles, colors Example Table adapts to the lack of data Lambda color features Full power of l
Python SDK for 42DI
42di Python SDK Install pip install git+https://github.com/42di/python-sdk import import di #42di import pandas_datareader as pdr Init SDK project =
Python module for drawing and rendering beautiful atoms and molecules using Blender.
Batoms is a Python package for editing and rendering atoms and molecules objects using blender. A Python interface that allows for automating workflows.
A use of the python MCPI to enhance the multiplayer and singleplayer gameplay.
Morpheus 2.0 A use of the python MCPI to enhance the multiplayer and singleplayer gameplay. To Use: You will need to install the keyboard, pysimplegui
SmsSender v3.0.0 - the script is designed to send free SMS to any number and with any text.
SmsSender v3.0.0 - скрипт предназначен для бесплатной отправки SMS на любой номер и с любым текстом. Возможны небольшие баги, в скором времени исправл
Python program that handles the creation, encryption and storage of log/journal files. Kinda works like a diary of sorts.
LucaSoft J.O.U.R.N.A.L The J.O.U.R.N.A.L (Just anOther User Redaction & Navigation Assistant by Lucaspec72) is a Python program that handles the creat
A lightweight Python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. Uses a cell-based congestion model. Calculates risk, loudness and battery capacities of the agents. Suitable for 3D network optimization tasks.
AMAZ3DSim AMAZ3DSim is a lightweight python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. It uses a cell-based congestion model. It calculates risk, battery
🦩 A Python tool to create comment-free Jupyter notebooks.
Pelikan Pelikan lets you convert notebooks to comment-free notebooks. In other words, It removes Python block and inline comments from source cells in
A TCP Backdoor made in python
Tracey-Backdoor A Reverse Shell Backdoor made in python OOP. It supposed to work in Windows and Linux OS Functions: Reverse Connection Send Reverse TC
A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
waldo-anticheat A project that aims to use optical flow and machine learning to visually detect cheating or hacking in video clips from fps games. Che
A small discord bot to interface with python-discord's snekbox.
A small discord bot to interface with python-discord's snekbox.
Python sandbox runners for executing code in isolation aka snekbox.
Python sandbox runners for executing code in isolation aka snekbox.
A short non 100% Accurate Solar System in pygame
solar-system-pygame Controls UP/DOWN for Emulation Speed Control ESC for Pause/Unpause q to Quit c or ESC again to Continue LEFT CLICK to Add an orbit
Simple Discord bot for snekbox (sandboxed Python code execution), self-host or use a global instance
snakeboxed Simple Discord bot for snekbox (sandboxed Python code execution), self-host or use a global instance
A simple Blog Using Django Framework and Used IBM Cloud Services for Text Analysis and Text to Speech
ElhamBlog Cloud Computing Course first assignment. A simple Blog Using Django Framework and Used IBM Cloud Services for Text Analysis and Text to Spee
Python Encryption Name Game
Python 3.9.7 Encryption Name Game Encrypt a name with numbers using a Caesar cipher! You can choose different numbers to encrypt your name from 1 to o
Ackermann Line Follower Robot Simulation.
Ackermann Line Follower Robot This is a simulation of a line follower robot that works with steering control based on Stanley: The Robot That Won the
Huggingface transformers for discord
disformers Huggingface transformers for discord base source butyr/huggingface-transformer-chatbots install pip install -U disformers example see examp
A very simple Editor.js parser written in pure Python
pyEditor.js A very simple Editor.js parser written in pure Python. Soon-to-be published on PyPI. Features: Automatically convert Editor.js's JSON outp
Task dispatcher for Postgres
Features a task being ran as an OS process supports task queue with priority and process limit per node fully database driven (a worker and task can b
This tutorial will guide you through the process of self-hosting Polygon
Hosting guide This tutorial will guide you through the process of self-hosting Polygon Before starting Make sure you have the following tools installe
Macro recording and metaprogramming in Python
macro-kit is a package for efficient macro recording and metaprogramming in Python using abstract syntax tree (AST).
A string extractor module for python
A string extractor module for python
Neural Lexicon Reader: Reduce Pronunciation Errors in End-to-end TTS by Leveraging External Textual Knowledge
Neural Lexicon Reader: Reduce Pronunciation Errors in End-to-end TTS by Leveraging External Textual Knowledge This is an implementation of the paper,
simple python keylogger
CRUD database for python discord bot developers that stores data on discord text channels
Discord Database A CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) database for python Discord bot developers. All data is stored in key-value pairs directly on disc
Example of a discord bot in Python
discordbot.py Example of a discord bot in Python Requirements Python 3.8 or higher Discord Bot Setting Up Clone this repo or download the files Rename
Retail-Sim is python package to easily create synthetic dataset of retaile store.
Retailer's Sale Data Simulation Retail-Sim is python package to easily create synthetic dataset of retaile store. Simulation Model Simulator consists
Show how the redis works with Python (Django).
Redis Leaderboard Python (Django) Show how the redis works with Python (Django). Try it out deploying on Heroku (See notes: How to run on Google Cloud
Minimal GUI for accessing the Watson Text to Speech service.
Description Minimal graphical application for accessing the Watson Text to Speech service. Requirements Python 3 plus all dependencies listed in requi
An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition
CRNN paper:An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition 1. create your ow
How to access and display MyEnergi data
MyEnergi-Python-Example How to access and display MyEnergi data Windows PC Install a version of Python typically 3.10 The Python code here needs addit
A simple python script to reveal the contents of a proof of vaccination QR code.
vaxidecoder A simple python script to reveal the contents of a proof of vaccination QR code. It takes a QR code image as input, and returns JSon data.
A Python 3 script that uploads a tasks.pickle file that enables RCE in MotionEye
MotionEye/MotionEyeOS Authenticated RCE A Python 3 script that uploads a tasks.pickle file that enables RCE in MotionEye. You need administrator crede
Integarting Celery with Django to asynchronous tasks 📃
Integrating 🔗 Celery with Django via Redis server ,To-Do asynchronously 👀task without stopping the main-flow 📃 of Django-project . It increase your speed 🚀 and user experience 🤵 of website
A lightweight and unlocked launcher for Lunar Client made in Python.
LCLPy LCL's Python Port of Lunar Client Lite. Releases: https://github.com/Aetopia/LCLPy/releases Build Install PyInstaller. pip install PyInstaller
topalias - Linux alias generator from bash/zsh command history with statistics, written on Python.
topalias topalias - Linux alias generator from bash/zsh command history with statistics, written on Python. Features Generate short alias for popular
API Simples com python utilizando a biblioteca FastApi
api-fastapi-python API Simples com python utilizando a biblioteca FastApi Para rodar esse script são necessárias duas bibliotecas: Fastapi: Comando de
Candlestick Pattern Recognition with Python and TA-Lib
Candlestick-Pattern-Recognition-with-Python-and-TA-Lib Goal Look at the S&P500 to try and get a better understanding of these candlestick patterns and
A FastAPI Plug-In to support authentication authorization using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
FastAPI/MSAL - MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) plugin for FastAPI FastAPI - https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi FastAPI is a modern, fast (hig
A full Rest-API With Oauth2 and JWT for request & response a JSON file Using FastAPI and SQLAlchemy 🔑
Pexon-Rest-API A full Rest-API for request & response a JSON file, Building a Simple WorkFlow that help you to Request a JSON File Format and Handling
Github timeline htmx based web app rewritten from Common Lisp to Python FastAPI
python-fastapi-github-timeline Rewrite of Common Lisp htmx app _cl-github-timeline into Python using FastAPI. This project tries to prove, that with h
MeiliSearch FastAPI provides FastAPI routes for interacting with MeiliSearch.
MeiliSearch FastAPI MeiliSearch FastAPI provides FastAPI routes for interacting with MeiliSearch. Installation Using a virtual environmnet is recommen
LuSyringe is a documentation injection tool for your classes when using Fast API
LuSyringe LuSyringe is a documentation injection tool for your classes when using Fast API Benefits The main benefit is being able to separate your bu
This is REST-API for Indonesian Text Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for the algorithm to summarize documents and FastAPI for the framework.
Indonesian Text Summarization Using FastAPI This is REST-API for Indonesian Text Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for the algorit
The ibet-Prime security token management system for ibet network.
ibet-Prime The ibet-Prime security token management system for ibet network. Features ibet-Prime is an API service that enables the issuance and manag
HTTP API for FGO game data. Transform the raw game data into something a bit more manageable.
FGO game data API HTTP API for FGO game data. Transform the raw game data into something a bit more manageable. View the API documentation here: https
An abstract and extensible framework in python for building client SDKs and CLI tools for a RESTful API.
django-rest-client An abstract and extensible framework in python for building client SDKs and CLI tools for a RESTful API. Suitable for APIs made wit
A web application to search for input products across several supermarkets' e-commerce to return price, detail of products running on Python.
Price Checker A web application to search for input products across several supermarkets' e-commerce to return price, detail of products. Requirements
Small toolkit for python multiprocessing logging to file
Small Toolkit for Python Multiprocessing Logging This is a small toolkit for solving unsafe python mutliprocess logging (file logging and rotation) In
Balsam Python client API & SDK
balsam No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) This Python package is automatically
Stochastic Gradient Trees implementation in Python
Stochastic Gradient Trees - Python Stochastic Gradient Trees1 by Henry Gouk, Bernhard Pfahringer, and Eibe Frank implementation in Python. Based on th
This is Cool Utility tools that you can use in python.
This is Cool Utility tools that you can use in python. There are a few tools that you might find very useful, you can use this on pretty much any project and some utils might help you a lot and save so much time since it’s a simple function.
This is Yt Downloader. Coded with Python (my first repository)
Get Started Download & install Python first before using this software. Download Python Installing Python and Pytube Library (IMPORTANT) Installing Py
An anime themed telegram group management bot based on sqlalchemy database running on python3.
Kazuko Robot A Telegram Python bot running on python3 forked with saitama and DiasyX with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed persona to make
Python client to do LispTick requests
lisptick-python LispTick Python client library It allows to send request and receive result from a LispTick server. Get a socket connection to a LispT
Python Project on Pro Data Analysis Track
Udacity-BikeShare-Project: Python Project on Pro Data Analysis Track Basic Data Exploration with pandas on Bikeshare Data Basic Udacity project using
my own python useful functions
PythonToolKit Motivation This Repo should help save time for data scientists' daily work regarding the Time Series regression task by providing functi
Nook is a simple, concatenative programming language written in Python.
Nook Nook is a simple, concatenative programming language written in Python. Status Nook is currently WIP. It lacks a lot of basic feature, and will n
A basic logging library for Python.
log.py 📖 About: A basic logging library for Python with the capability to: save to files. have custom formats. have custom levels. be used instantiat
Discord bot for user notes.
Noter A discord bot for handling notes for users. Want to keep track of things about your discord users? Then this bot is for you! Links DB Browser fo
A collection of models for image-text generation in ACM MM 2021.
Bi-directional Image and Text Generation UMT-BITG (image & text generator) Unifying Multimodal Transformer for Bi-directional Image and Text Generatio
Extremely simple and fast extreme multi-class and multi-label classifiers.
napkinXC napkinXC is an extremely simple and fast library for extreme multi-class and multi-label classification, that focus of implementing various m
Codebase for BMVC 2021 paper "Text Based Person Search with Limited Data"
Text Based Person Search with Limited Data This is the codebase for our BMVC 2021 paper. Please bear with me refactoring this codebase after CVPR dead
A simple key-based text encryption process that encrypts a string based in a list of characteres pairs.
Simple Cipher Encrypter About | New Features | Exemple | How To Use | License ℹ️ About A simple key-based text encryption process that encrypts a stri
A python library for face detection and features extraction based on mediapipe library
FaceAnalyzer A python library for face detection and features extraction based on mediapipe library Introduction FaceAnalyzer is a library based on me
python DroneCAN code generation, interface and utilities
UAVCAN v0 stack in Python Python implementation of the UAVCAN v0 protocol stack. UAVCAN is a lightweight protocol designed for reliable communication
This is a sorting visualizer made with Tkinter.
Sorting-Visualizer This is a sorting visualizer made with Tkinter. Make sure you've installed tkinter in your system to use this visualizer pip instal
A small C compiler written in Python for learning purposes
A small C compiler written in Python. Generates x64 Intel-format assembly, which is then assembled and linked by nasm and ld.
A module for account creation with python
A module for account creation with python
Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile created using streamlit and BeautifulSoup python packages
Github Scraper Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile. Github scraper app gets a github profile name and check whether
This python program will display all SSID usernames and SSID passwords you once connected to your laptop
Windows-Wifi-password-extractor This python program will display all SSID usernames and SSID passwords you once connected to your laptop How to run th
A minimal Python package that produces slice plots through h5m DAGMC geometry files
A minimal Python package that produces slice plots through h5m DAGMC geometry files Installation pip install dagmc_geometry_slice_plotter Python API U
A python implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm
Photometric-Stereo A python implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm Result Usage run Photometric_Stereo.py Code Tree |data #原始数据,tga格
A simple Python script for toggling Philips Hue Lights by clapping
LightsClap A simple Python script for toggling Philips Hue Lights by clapping Usage pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 main.py and press the Ent
IOP Support for Python (Experimental)
TAGS Experimental IOP Framework for Python WARNING: Currently, this project has NO EXCEPTION HANDLING. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I. Introduction to Interf