11276 Repositories
Python Python-Text-editor Libraries
Cross-platform command-line AV1 / VP9 / HEVC / H264 encoding framework with per scene quality encoding
Av1an A cross-platform framework to streamline encoding Easy, Fast, Efficient and Feature Rich An easy way to start using AV1 / HEVC / H264 / VP9 / VP
A microservice written in Python detecting nudity in images/videos
py-nudec py-nudec (python nude detector) is a microservice, which scans all the images and videos from the multipart/form-data request payload and sen
A python program which converts images and video into excel spreadsheets.
image2excel A program which converts images and video into Excel spreadsheets. Usage examples can be found in examples Videos can take a long time to
An implementation of Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Separable Convolution using PyTorch
This work has now been superseded by: https://github.com/sniklaus/revisiting-sepconv sepconv-slomo This is a reference implementation of Video Frame I
Python Simple Mass Video Clipper (PSMVC)
Python Simple Mass Video Clipper (PSMVC) PSMVC é um gerador de cortes via terminal construído em python. Uso Basta abrir o arquivo start.py Dependenci
Convert Lecture Videos to PDF
Convert Lecture Videos to PDF Description Want to go through lecture videos faster without missing any information? Wish you can read the lecture vide
PyAV is a Pythonic binding for the FFmpeg libraries.
PyAV is a Pythonic binding for the FFmpeg libraries. We aim to provide all of the power and control of the underlying library, but manage the gritty details as much as possible.
AutoSub is a CLI application to generate subtitle files (.srt, .vtt, and .txt transcript) for any video file using Mozilla DeepSpeech.
AutoSub About Motivation Installation Docker How-to example How it works TO-DO Contributing References About AutoSub is a CLI application to generate
Youtube Video Downloader Using Python Gui Appliction with progress Bar
Youtube-Video-Downloader Youtube Video Downloader Using Python Gui Appliction with progress Bar Module Used Pytube Tkinter Pil Urllib Bytes Io LICENSE
Youtube Downloader is a Graphic User Interface(GUI) that lets users download a Youtube Video or Audio through a URL
Youtube Downloader This Python and Tkinter based GUI allows users to directly download the Best Resolution Videos and Audios from Youtube. Pa-fy Insta
an implementation of Revisiting Adaptive Convolutions for Video Frame Interpolation using PyTorch
revisiting-sepconv This is a reference implementation of Revisiting Adaptive Convolutions for Video Frame Interpolation [1] using PyTorch. Given two f
Python implementation of image filters (such as brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.)
PyPhotoshop Python implementation of image filters Use Python to adjust brightness and contrast, add blur, and detect edges! Follow along tutorial: ht
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
aiohttp admin is generator for admin interface based on aiohttp
aiohttp admin is generator for admin interface based on aiohttp
Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private and public repos
Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private and public repos
DataPrep — The easiest way to prepare data in Python
DataPrep — The easiest way to prepare data in Python
A Python Tkinter based Inventory managment System
Inventory Management System Using Python Tkinter Introduction Inventory managemrnt system is an open source platform for manage business. It has a com
Discord Rpc With Python And 2 Buttons
Discord-RPC-With-Python- Discord Rpc With Python And 2 Buttons Packages pypresence time Required Programs Python Latest Version Random IDE Discord :P
LibreLingo🐢 🌎 📚 a community-owned language-learning platform
LibreLingo's mission is to create a modern language-learning platform that is owned by the community of its users. All software is licensed under AGPLv3, which guarantees the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Course authors are encouraged to release their courses with free licenses.
Python Library for Signal/Image Data Analysis with Transport Methods
PyTransKit Python Transport Based Signal Processing Toolkit Website and documentation: https://pytranskit.readthedocs.io/ Installation The library cou
GraPE is a Rust/Python library for high-performance Graph Processing and Embedding.
GraPE GraPE (Graph Processing and Embedding) is a fast graph processing and embedding library, designed to scale with big graphs and to run on both of
FG-transformer-TTS Fine-grained style control in transformer-based text-to-speech synthesis
LST-TTS Official implementation for the paper Fine-grained style control in transformer-based text-to-speech synthesis. Submitted to ICASSP 2022. Audi
CAMoE + Dual SoftMax Loss (DSL): Improving Video-Text Retrieval by Multi-Stream Corpus Alignment and Dual Softmax Loss
CAMoE + Dual SoftMax Loss (DSL): Improving Video-Text Retrieval by Multi-Stream Corpus Alignment and Dual Softmax Loss This is official implement of "
A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing
lambeq About lambeq is a toolkit for quantum natural language processing (QNLP). Documentation: https://cqcl.github.io/lambeq/ Getting started Prerequ
Very basic but functional Kakuro solver written in Python.
kakuro.py Very basic but functional Kakuro solver written in Python. It uses a reduction to exact set cover and Ali Assaf's elegant implementation of
Web-Scrapper using Python and Flask
Web-Scrapper "[초급]Python으로 웹 스크래퍼 만들기" 코스 -NomadCoders 기초적인 Python 문법강의부터 시작하여 웹사이트의 html파일에서 원하는 내용을 Scrapping해서 출력, csv 파일로 저장, flask를 이용한 간단한 웹페이지
buX Course Enrollment Automation
buX automation BRACU - buX course enrollment automation Features: Automatically enroll into multiple courses at a time. Find courses just entering cou
DoSer.py - Simple DoSer in Python
DoSer.py - Simple DoSer in Python What is DoSer? DoSer is basically an HTTP Denial of Service attack that affects threaded servers. It works like this
Obfuscate your Python scripts better, faster.
⚜️ Berserker ⚜️ An unique Python3 obfuscator using Kyrie Eleison's encryption protocol, written in Python3. 📋 Examples 📋 Unobfuscated: input("Hello
Playing with python imports and inducing those pesky errors.
super-duper-python-imports In this repository we are playing with python imports and inducing those pesky ImportErrors. File Organization project │
Python implementation of Newton's Fractal
Newton's Fractal Animates Newton's fractal between two polynomials of the same order. Inspired by this video by 3Blue1Brown. Example fractals can be f
this is demo of tool dosploit for test and dos in network with python
this tool for dos and pentest vul SKILLS: syn flood udp flood $ git clone https://github.com/amicheh/demo_dosploit/ $ cd demo_dosploit $ python3 -m pi
Crawler job that scrapes comments from social media posts and saves them in a S3 bucket.
Toxicity comments crawler Crawler job that scrapes comments from social media posts and saves them in a S3 bucket. Twitter Tweets and replies are scra
Scraping news from Ucsal portal with Scrapy.
NewsScraping Esse é um projeto de raspagem das últimas noticias, de 2021, do portal da universidade Ucsal http://noosfero.ucsal.br/institucional Tecno
API to parse tibia.com content into python objects.
Tibia.py An API to parse Tibia.com content into object oriented data. No fetching is done by this module, you must provide the html content. Features:
download NCERT books using scrapy
download_ncert_books download NCERT books using scrapy Downloading Books: You can either use the spider by cloning this repo and following the instruc
This is a simple grabber written in Python which helps you to grab products from Willhaben.at
Willhaben Grabber This is a simple grabber written in Python which helps you to grab products from Willhaben.at General info The tool generates a sear
Audio media crawler for lbry.
Audio media crawler for lbry. Requirements Python 3.8 Poetry 1.1.7 Elasticsearch 7.14.0 Lbry-sdk 0.99.0 Development This project uses poetry as a depe
A Python package that scrapes Google News article data while remaining undetected by Google.
A Python package that scrapes Google News article data while remaining undetected by Google. Our scraper can scrape page data up until the last page and never trigger a CAPTCHA (download stats: https://pepy.tech/project/GoogleNewsScraper)
Using Selenium with Python to Web Scrap Popular Youtube Tech Channels.
Web Scrapping Popular Youtube Tech Channels with Selenium Data Mining, Data Wrangling, and Exploratory Data Analysis About the Data Web scrapi
Console application for downloading images from Reddit in Python
RedditImageScraper Console application for downloading images from Reddit in Python Introduction This short Python script was created for the mass-dow
👁️ Tool for Data Extraction and Web Requests.
httpmapper 👁️ Project • Technologies • Installation • How it works • License Project 🚧 For educational purposes. This is a project that I developed,
Crawler in Python 3.7, 3.8. 3.9. Pypy3
Description Python Crawler written Python 3. (Supports major Python releases Python3.6, Python3.7 and Python 3.8) Installation and Use Setup VirtualEn
The core packages of security analyzer web crawler
Security Analyzer 🐍 A large scale web crawler (considered also as vulnerability scanner tool) to take an overview about security of Moroccan sites Cu
The open-source web scrapers that feed the Los Angeles Times California coronavirus tracker.
The open-source web scrapers that feed the Los Angeles Times' California coronavirus tracker. Processed data ready for analysis is available at datade
A fast and expressive Craigslist API wrapper
pycraigslist A fast and expressive Craigslist API wrapper. ⚠ As of September 2021, it is believed that Craigslist added a rate-limiter. It is advised
Current Antarctic large iceberg positions derived from ASCAT and OSCAT-2
Iceberg Locations Antarctic large iceberg positions derived from ASCAT and OSCAT-2. All data collected here are from the NASA SCP website Overview Thi
A tool for scraping and organizing data from NewsBank API searches
nbscraper Overview This simple tool automates the process of copying, pasting, and organizing data from NewsBank API searches. Curerntly, nbscrape onl
A web scraping pipeline project that retrieves TV and movie data from two sources, then transforms and stores data in a MySQL database.
New to Streaming Scraper An in-progress web scraping project built with Python, R, and SQL. The scraped data are movie and TV show information. The go
A tool to easily scrape youtube data using the Google API
YouTube data scraper To easily scrape any data from the youtube homepage, a youtube channel/user, search results, playlists, and a single video itself
A social networking service scraper in Python
snscrape snscrape is a scraper for social networking services (SNS). It scrapes things like user profiles, hashtags, or searches and returns the disco
Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.
Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.
quote is a python wrapper for the Goodreads Quote API, powered by gazpacho.
About quote is a python wrapper for the Goodreads Quote API, powered by gazpacho.
Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server.
Leon Your open-source personal assistant. Website :: Documentation :: Roadmap :: Contributing :: Story 👋 Introduction Leon is an open-source personal
Python SDK for working with Voicegain Speech-to-Text
Voicegain Speech-to-Text Python SDK Python SDK for the Voicegain Speech-to-Text API. This API allows for large vocabulary speech-to-text transcription
A PyTorch implementation of paper "Learning Shared Semantic Space for Speech-to-Text Translation", ACL (Findings) 2021
Chimera: Learning Shared Semantic Space for Speech-to-Text Translation This is a Pytorch implementation for the "Chimera" paper Learning Shared Semant
African language Speech Recognition - Speech-to-Text
Swahili-Speech-To-Text Table of Contents Swahili-Speech-To-Text Overview Scenario Approach Project Structure data: models: notebooks: scripts tests: l
Recommendations from Cramer: On the show Mad-Money (CNBC) Jim Cramer picks stocks which he recommends to buy. We will use this data to build a portfolio
Backtesting the "Cramer Effect" & Recommendations from Cramer Recommendations from Cramer: On the show Mad-Money (CNBC) Jim Cramer picks stocks which
DaDRA (day-druh) is a Python library for Data-Driven Reachability Analysis.
DaDRA (day-druh) is a Python library for Data-Driven Reachability Analysis. The main goal of the package is to accelerate the process of computing estimates of forward reachable sets for nonlinear dynamical systems.
Statistical Analysis 📈 focused on statistical analysis and exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional projects.
Statistical Analysis 📈 This repository focuses on statistical analysis and the exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional pr
pyETT: Python library for Eleven VR Table Tennis data
pyETT: Python library for Eleven VR Table Tennis data Documentation Documentation for pyETT is located at https://pyett.readthedocs.io/. Installation
A collection of learning outcomes data analysis using Python and SQL, from DQLab.
Data Analyst with PYTHON Data Analyst berperan dalam menghasilkan analisa data serta mempresentasikan insight untuk membantu proses pengambilan keputu
PyNHD is a part of HyRiver software stack that is designed to aid in watershed analysis through web services.
A part of HyRiver software stack that provides access to NHD+ V2 data through NLDI and WaterData web services
Python Package for DataHerb: create, search, and load datasets.
The Python Package for DataHerb A DataHerb Core Service to Create and Load Datasets.
PyPSA: Python for Power System Analysis
1 Python for Power System Analysis Contents 1 Python for Power System Analysis 1.1 About 1.2 Documentation 1.3 Functionality 1.4 Example scripts as Ju
A powerful data analysis package based on mathematical step functions. Strongly aligned with pandas.
The leading use-case for the staircase package is for the creation and analysis of step functions. Pretty exciting huh. But don't hit the close button
HyperSpy is an open source Python library for the interactive analysis of multidimensional datasets
HyperSpy is an open source Python library for the interactive analysis of multidimensional datasets that can be described as multidimensional arrays o
Additional tools for particle accelerator data analysis and machine information
PyLHC Tools This package is a collection of useful scripts and tools for the Optics Measurements and Corrections group (OMC) at CERN. Documentation Au
GWpy is a collaboration-driven Python package providing tools for studying data from ground-based gravitational-wave detectors
GWpy is a collaboration-driven Python package providing tools for studying data from ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. GWpy provides a user-f
Open Data Cube analyses continental scale Earth Observation data through time
Open Data Cube Core Overview The Open Data Cube Core provides an integrated gridded data analysis environment for decades of analysis ready earth obse
Toolchest provides APIs for scientific and bioinformatic data analysis.
Toolchest Python Client Toolchest provides APIs for scientific and bioinformatic data analysis. It allows you to abstract away the costliness of runni
A data analysis using python and pandas to showcase trends in school performance.
A data analysis using python and pandas to showcase trends in school performance. A data analysis to showcase trends in school performance using Panda
An end-to-end regression problem of predicting the price of properties in Bangalore.
Bangalore-House-Price-Prediction An end-to-end regression problem of predicting the price of properties in Bangalore. Deployed in Heroku using Flask.
Repositori untuk menyimpan material Long Course STMKGxHMGI tentang Geophysical Python for Seismic Data Analysis
Long Course "Geophysical Python for Seismic Data Analysis" Instruktur: Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, M.Si Dipersiapkan oleh: Anang Sahroni Waktu: Sesi 1
The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases.
The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases.
Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. (Using AWS EC2 instance as the server)
Server-and-Client-File-Transfer Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. I will be using an AWS EC2 instance as the
Neural text generators like the GPT models promise a general-purpose means of manipulating texts.
Boolean Prompting for Neural Text Generators Neural text generators like the GPT models promise a general-purpose means of manipulating texts. These m
Basic Clojure REPL for Sublime Text
Basic Clojure REPL for Sublime Text Goals: Decomplected: just REPL, nothing more Zero dependencies: works directly with pREPL Compact: Display code ev
Simple Library Management made with Python
Installation pip install mysql-connector-python NOTE: You must make a database (library) & and table (books, student) to hold all data. Languange and
A hack for writing switch statements with type annotations in Python.
py_annotation_switch A hack for writing switch statements in type annotations for Python. Why should I use this? You most definitely should not use th
PetrickScanner is a simple Python OOP TCP Port Scanner
PetrickScanner PetrickScanner is a simple Python OOP TCP Port Scanner Functions Python TCP Port Scanner DNS Resolver Random Scanner PLEASE ANY PROBLEM
Neural Motion Learner With Python
Neural Motion Learner Introduction This work is to extract skeletal structure from volumetric observations and to learn motion dynamics from the detec
A python socket.io client for Roboteur
Roboteur Client Example TODO Basic setup Install the requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Run the application: $ python -m roboteur_client
A simple hangman game for beginners trying to learn python
Hangman Game This is a simple hangman game for beginners trying to learn python. I have tried to keep it as simply as possible. Sample output Here is
This is an interactive MiniMap made with Python, PyQT5 & Pytesseract for the game
NWMM-New-World-MiniMap Features: Automatically grabs position from "New World" Instance Live visualisation of player position on MiniMap Circular & re
Basic Discord python bot
#How to Create a Discord Bot Account In order to work with the Python library and the Discord API, we must first create a Discord Bot account. Here ar
Python example making use of best practice file structure and multithreading.
Python example making use of best practice file structure and multithreading.
Code Jam for creating a text-based adventure game engine and custom worlds
Text Based Adventure Jam Author: Devin McIntyre Our goal is two-fold: Create a text based adventure game engine that can parse a standard file format
A Python package to easily create APIs in Python.
API_Easy An Python Package for easily create APIs in Python pip install easy-api-builder Requiremnets: = python 3.6 Required modules -- Flask Docume
A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database
Nao Tomori Robot Found Me On Telegram As Nao Tomori 🌼 A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database. How to setup/deplo
Cobalt Strike Sleep Python Bridge
This project is 'bridge' between the sleep and python language. It allows the control of a Cobalt Strike teamserver through python without the need for for the standard GUI client. NOTE: This project is very much in BETA. The goal is to provide a playground for testing and is in no way an officially support feature. Perhaps this could be something added in the future to the core product.
TCube generates rich and fluent narratives that describes the characteristics, trends, and anomalies of any time-series data (domain-agnostic) using the transfer learning capabilities of PLMs.
TCube: Domain-Agnostic Neural Time series Narration This repository contains the code for the paper: "TCube: Domain-Agnostic Neural Time series Narrat
Python suite to construct benchmark machine learning datasets from the MIMIC-III clinical database.
MIMIC-III Benchmarks Python suite to construct benchmark machine learning datasets from the MIMIC-III clinical database. Currently, the benchmark data
HODEmu, is both an executable and a python library that is based on Ragagnin 2021 in prep.
HODEmu HODEmu, is both an executable and a python library that is based on Ragagnin 2021 in prep. and emulates satellite abundance as a function of co
Repository sharing code and the model for the paper "Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes"
Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes Setup virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate pip instal
Source code for the paper "SEPP: Similarity Estimation of Predicted Probabilities for Defending and Detecting Adversarial Text" PACLIC 2021
Adversarial text generator Refer to "adversarial_text_generator"[https://github.com/quocnsh/SEPP_generator] project for generating adversarial texts A
This is a simple bot that can be used to upload images to a third-party cloud (image hosting). Currently, only the imgbb.com website supports the bot. I Will do future updates
TGImageHosting This is a simple bot that can be used to upload images to a third party cloud (image hosting). Currently, only the imgbb.com website su
Sabe is a python framework written for easy web server setup.
Sabe is a python framework written for easy web server setup. Sabe, kolay web sunucusu kurulumu için yazılmış bir python çerçevesidir. Öğrenmesi kola
Download India Stocks Historical Data
Kite Helper - Download Stock Market Data 🌎 Website Simple Application to Download any stock market data in .csv format using Kite 🏃♂️ Running Serve
Command line tool for google dorks
CLI for google dorks This is the command line tool made with pytohn which allows the users to perform Google dorks easily Installation Install google