3796 Repositories
Python Reference-Based-Sketch-Image-Colorization-ImageNet Libraries
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper: DeepSIM: Image Shape Manipulation from a Single Augmented Training Sample
DeepSIM: Image Shape Manipulation from a Single Augmented Training Sample (ICCV 2021 Oral) Project | Paper Official PyTorch implementation of the pape
SAVI2I: Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
SAVI2I: Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors [Paper] [Project Website] Pytorch implementation for SAVI2I. We
GAN-STEM-Conv2MultiSlice - Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation in STEM Simulation
GAN-STEM-Conv2MultiSlice GAN method to help covert lower resolution STEM images generated by convolution methods to higher resolution STEM images gene
UI2I via StyleGAN2 - Unsupervised image-to-image translation method via pre-trained StyleGAN2 network
We proposed an unsupervised image-to-image translation method via pre-trained StyleGAN2 network. paper: Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation via Pr
Linear image-to-image translation
Linear (Un)supervised Image-to-Image Translation Examples for linear orthogonal transformations in PCA domain, learned without pairing supervision. Tr
CLADE - Efficient Semantic Image Synthesis via Class-Adaptive Normalization (TPAMI 2021)
Efficient Semantic Image Synthesis via Class-Adaptive Normalization (Accepted by TPAMI)
CDGAN: Cyclic Discriminative Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Transformation
CDGAN CDGAN: Cyclic Discriminative Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Transformation CDGAN Implementation in PyTorch This is the imple
ZUNIT - Toward Zero-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
ZUNIT Dependencies you can install all the dependencies by pip install -r requirements.txt Datasets Download CUB dataset. Unzip the birds.zip at ./da
DeepI2I: Enabling Deep Hierarchical Image-to-Image Translation by Transferring from GANs
DeepI2I: Enabling Deep Hierarchical Image-to-Image Translation by Transferring from GANs Abstract: Image-to-image translation has recently achieved re
Official PyTorch implementation of U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation
U-GAT-IT — Official PyTorch Implementation : Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Imag
ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation
ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of ADSPM. Requirements Pyth
HomoInterpGAN - Homomorphic Latent Space Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
HomoInterpGAN Homomorphic Latent Space Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation (CVPR 2019, oral) Installation The implementation is base
Official PyTorch implementation of GDWCT (CVPR 2019, oral)
This repository provides the official code of GDWCT, and it is written in PyTorch. Paper Image-to-Image Translation via Group-wise Deep Whitening-and-
PyTorch implementation of InstaGAN: Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation
InstaGAN: Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation Warning: This repo contains a model which has potential ethical concerns. Remark that the task of
PyTorch Implementation of Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation.
DosGAN-PyTorch PyTorch Implementation of Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
AsymmetricGAN - Dual Generator Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation
AsymmetricGAN for Image-to-Image Translation AsymmetricGAN Framework for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation AsymmetricGAN Framework for Hand Gest
Pytorch implemenation of Stochastic Multi-Label Image-to-image Translation (SMIT)
SMIT: Stochastic Multi-Label Image-to-image Translation This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of SMIT. SMIT can stochastically translate a
[ACM MM 2019 Oral] Cycle In Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Keypoint-Guided Image Generation
Contents Cycle-In-Cycle GANs Installation Dataset Preparation Generating Images Using Pretrained Model Train and Test New Models Acknowledgments Relat
RL-GAN: Transfer Learning for Related Reinforcement Learning Tasks via Image-to-Image Translation
RL-GAN: Transfer Learning for Related Reinforcement Learning Tasks via Image-to-Image Translation RL-GAN is an official implementation of the paper: T
AttentionGAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation & Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation
AttentionGAN-v2 for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation AttentionGAN-v2 Framework The proposed generator learns both foreground and background attenti
PyTorch implementation of Histogram Layers from DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation
deep-hist PyTorch implementation of Histogram Layers from DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation PyT
TensorFlow Implementation of Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation
Domain Transfer Network (DTN) TensorFlow implementation of Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation. Requirements Python 2.7 TensorFlow 0.12 Pickle
DualGAN-tensorflow: tensorflow implementation of DualGAN
ICCV paper of DualGAN DualGAN: unsupervised dual learning for image-to-image translation please cite the paper, if the codes has been used for your re
Automatic caption evaluation metric based on typicality analysis.
SeMantic and linguistic UndeRstanding Fusion (SMURF) Automatic caption evaluation metric described in the paper "SMURF: SeMantic and linguistic UndeRs
Official pytorch implementation of paper Dual-Level Collaborative Transformer for Image Captioning (AAAI 2021).
Dual-Level Collaborative Transformer for Image Captioning This repository contains the reference code for the paper Dual-Level Collaborative Transform
LaBERT - A length-controllable and non-autoregressive image captioning model.
Length-Controllable Image Captioning (ECCV2020) This repo provides the implemetation of the paper Length-Controllable Image Captioning. Install conda
Moer Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model
Moer Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model Requirements Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.2 Prepare data Please use git clone --recurse
Show, Edit and Tell: A Framework for Editing Image Captions, CVPR 2020
Show, Edit and Tell: A Framework for Editing Image Captions | arXiv This contains the source code for Show, Edit and Tell: A Framework for Editing Ima
Code accompanying the paper Say As You Wish: Fine-grained Control of Image Caption Generation with Abstract Scene Graphs (Chen et al., CVPR 2020, Oral).
Say As You Wish: Fine-grained Control of Image Caption Generation with Abstract Scene Graphs This repository contains PyTorch implementation of our pa
Meshed-Memory Transformer for Image Captioning. CVPR 2020
M²: Meshed-Memory Transformer This repository contains the reference code for the paper Meshed-Memory Transformer for Image Captioning (CVPR 2020). Pl
Implementation of 'X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning' [CVPR 2020]
Introduction This repository is for X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning (CVPR 2020). The original paper can be found here. Please cite wi
[CVPR 2020] Transform and Tell: Entity-Aware News Image Captioning
Transform and Tell: Entity-Aware News Image Captioning This repository contains the code to reproduce the results in our CVPR 2020 paper Transform and
WeakVRD-Captioning - Implementation of paper Improving Image Captioning with Better Use of Caption
WeakVRD-Captioning - Implementation of paper Improving Image Captioning with Better Use of Caption
Code for paper Adaptively Aligned Image Captioning via Adaptive Attention Time
Adaptively Aligned Image Captioning via Adaptive Attention Time This repository includes the implementation for Adaptively Aligned Image Captioning vi
Implementation of the Object Relation Transformer for Image Captioning
Object Relation Transformer This is a PyTorch implementation of the Object Relation Transformer published in NeurIPS 2019. You can find the paper here
Unsupervised captioning - Code for Unsupervised Image Captioning
Unsupervised Image Captioning by Yang Feng, Lin Ma, Wei Liu, and Jiebo Luo Introduction Most image captioning models are trained using paired image-se
This repository focus on Image Captioning & Video Captioning & Seq-to-Seq Learning & NLP
Awesome-Visual-Captioning Table of Contents ACL-2021 CVPR-2021 AAAI-2021 ACMMM-2020 NeurIPS-2020 ECCV-2020 CVPR-2020 ACL-2020 AAAI-2020 ACL-2019 NeurI
A collection of awesome resources image-to-image translation.
awesome image-to-image translation A collection of resources on image-to-image translation. Contributing If you think I have missed out on something (
Book Item Based Collaborative Filtering
Book-Item-Based-Collaborative-Filtering Collaborative filtering methods are used
Streamlit-template - A streamlit app template based on streamlit-option-menu
streamlit-template A streamlit app template for geospatial applications based on
Image segmentation with private İstanbul Dataset
Image Segmentation This repo was created for academic research and test result. Repo will update after academic article online. This repo contains wei
RetinaNet-PyTorch - A RetinaNet Pytorch Implementation on remote sensing images and has the similar mAP result with RetinaNet in MMdetection
🚀 RetinaNet Horizontal Detector Based PyTorch This is a horizontal detector Ret
Stinky ID - A stable pluggable Telegram userbot + Voice & Video Call music bot, based on Telethon
Ultroid - UserBot A stable pluggable Telegram userbot + Voice & Video Call music
AaPanel - Simple but Powerful web-based Control Panel
Introduction: aaPanel is the International version for BAOTA panel(www.bt.cn) There have millions servers had installed BAOTA panel since 2014 in Chin
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition This is a Torch implementation of "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition",Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhan
OverFeat is a Convolutional Network-based image classifier and feature extractor.
OverFeat OverFeat is a Convolutional Network-based image classifier and feature extractor. OverFeat was trained on the ImageNet dataset and participat
Show-attend-and-tell - TensorFlow Implementation of "Show, Attend and Tell"
Show, Attend and Tell Update (December 2, 2016) TensorFlow implementation of Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attent
Deep-Learning-Image-Captioning - Implementing convolutional and recurrent neural networks in Keras to generate sentence descriptions of images
Deep Learning - Image Captioning with Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Nets ========================================================================
Image captioning - Tensorflow implementation of Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention
Introduction This neural system for image captioning is roughly based on the paper "Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual
Preprossing-loan-data-with-NumPy - In this project, I have cleaned and pre-processed the loan data that belongs to an affiliate bank based in the United States.
Preprossing-loan-data-with-NumPy In this project, I have cleaned and pre-processed the loan data that belongs to an affiliate bank based in the United
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews - Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes. Jonathan Choi 2021 50+ Papers across Computer Visio
Mmr image postbot - Бот для создания изображений с новыми релизами в сообщество ВК MMR Aggregator
Mmr image postbot - Бот для создания изображений с новыми релизами в сообщество ВК MMR Aggregator
A python project based on a TV show Wheel of Fortune
Wheel-of-Fortune-using-Python Wheel of Fortune in python this game is the hands-on project in Python 3 Programming Specialization offered By Universit
[3DV 2021] Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation This is the official implementation for the method described in Ch
Change the image one color channel at a time.
Building-a-Contact-Sheet This hands-on Project is in Python 3 Programming Specialization offered by University of Michigan via Coursera. change the im
SimpleDepthEstimation - An unified codebase for NN-based monocular depth estimation methods
SimpleDepthEstimation Introduction This is an unified codebase for NN-based monocular depth estimation methods, the framework is based on detectron2 (
Automaton - python script to execute bash command based on changes in size of a file.
automaton python script to execute given command = everytime size of a given file changes,hence everytime a file is modified.(almost) download automa
LightningFSL: Pytorch-Lightning implementations of Few-Shot Learning models.
LightningFSL: Few-Shot Learning with Pytorch-Lightning In this repo, a number of pytorch-lightning implementations of FSL algorithms are provided, inc
DIP-football - A football video analyse system based on Yolov5, alphapose, Qt6
足球视频分析系统 作者 陆徐东 [email protected] 方天宬 [email protected] 简介 本项目是SJTU 21-22学年CS386 数字图像处理课程的大作业,本文是足球视频分析系统的参考文档。我们主要实现了以下功能: 基于Yolo v5和PastaNet搭建了足球视频的
LSTM based Sentiment Classification using Tensorflow - Amazon Reviews Rating
LSTM based Sentiment Classification using Tensorflow - Amazon Reviews Rating (Dataset) The dataset is from Amazon Review Data (2018)
PenguinSpeciesPredictionML - Basic model to predict Penguin species based on beak size and sex.
Penguin Species Prediction (ML) 🐧 👨🏽💻 What? 💻 This project is a basic model using sklearn methods to predict Penguin species based on beak size
A web-based analysis toolkit for the System Usability Scale providing calculation, plotting, interpretation and contextualization utility
System Usability Scale Analysis Toolkit The System Usability Scale (SUS) Analysis Toolkit is a web-based python application that provides a compilatio
Markov bot - A Writing bot based on Markov Chain for Data Structure Lab
基于马尔可夫链的写作机器人 前端 用html/css完成 Demo展示(已给出文本的相应展示) 用户提供相关的语料库后训练的成果 后端 要完成的几个接口 解析文
Control-Raspberry-Pi-Robot-using-Hand-Gestures - A 4WD Robot car based on Raspberry Pi that controlled by hand gestures(using openCV and mediapipe)
Control-Raspberry-Pi-Robot-using-Hand-Gestures you can see all details about thi
Enigma-Plus - Python based Enigma machine simulator with some extra features
Enigma-Plus Python based Enigma machine simulator with some extra features Examp
Augmented CLIP - Training simple models to predict CLIP image embeddings from text embeddings, and vice versa.
Train aug_clip against laion400m-embeddings found here: https://laion.ai/laion-400-open-dataset/ - note that this used the base ViT-B/32 CLIP model. S
Simple-Image-Classification - Simple Image Classification Code (PyTorch)
Simple-Image-Classification Simple Image Classification Code (PyTorch) Yechan Kim This repository contains: Python3 / Pytorch code for multi-class ima
Ascify-Art - An easy to use, GUI based and user-friendly colored ASCII art generator from images!
Ascify-Art This is a python based colored ASCII art generator for free! How to Install? You can download and use the python version if you want, modul
Image Compression GUI APP Python: PyQt5
Image Compression GUI APP Image Compression GUI APP Python: PyQt5 Use : f5 or debug or simply run it on your ids(vscode , pycham, anaconda etc.) socia
Png-to-stl - Converts PNG and text to SVG, and then extrudes that based on parameters
have ansible installed locally run ansible-playbook setup_application.yml this sets up directories, installs system packages, and sets up python envir
Python-random-quote - A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
Video stream image stacking -- live version
video stream image stacking v2 -- live version A very simple streamed video image stacking code! Version 2.1 left mouse click to select a small region
A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use.
udemy-dl A cross-platform python based utility to download courses from udemy for personal offline use. Warning Udemy has started to encrypt many of t
Tautulli - A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.
Tautulli A python based web application for monitoring, analytics and notifications for Plex Media Server. This project is based on code from Headphon
Present - A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects.
present A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects. You can also play a codio (pre-recorded code block) on a slide. present is built o
AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in yo
Imutils - A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
imutils A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing functions such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displ
Imagededup - 😎 Finding duplicate images made easy
imagededup is a python package that simplifies the task of finding exact and near duplicates in an image collection.
PConv-Keras - Unofficial implementation of "Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions". Try at: www.fixmyphoto.ai
Partial Convolutions for Image Inpainting using Keras Keras implementation of "Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions", https
Saliency - Framework-agnostic implementation for state-of-the-art saliency methods (XRAI, BlurIG, SmoothGrad, and more).
Saliency Methods 🔴 Now framework-agnostic! (Example core notebook) 🔴 🔗 For further explanation of the methods and more examples of the resulting ma
Captcha-tensorflow - Image Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow and CNN Model. Accuracy 90%+
Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow Introduction Solve captcha using TensorFlow. Learn CNN and TensorFlow by a practical project. Follow the steps, run t
Fewshot-face-translation-GAN - Generative adversarial networks integrating modules from FUNIT and SPADE for face-swapping.
Few-shot face translation A GAN based approach for one model to swap them all. The table below shows our priliminary face-swapping results requiring o
GestureSSD CBAM - A gesture recognition web system based on SSD and CBAM, using pytorch, flask and node.js
GestureSSD_CBAM A gesture recognition web system based on SSD and CBAM, using pytorch, flask and node.js SSD implementation is based on https://github
U-2-Net: U Square Net - Modified for paired image training of style transfer
U2-Net: U Square Net Modified for paired image training of style transfer This is an unofficial repo making use of the code which was made available b
Detectron2-FC a fast construction platform of neural network algorithm based on detectron2
What is Detectron2-FC Detectron2-FC a fast construction platform of neural network algorithm based on detectron2. We have been working hard in two dir
Video2x - A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K, SRMD and RealSR.
Official Discussion Group (Telegram): https://t.me/video2x A Discord server is also available. Please note that most developers are only on Telegram.
A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet based on Geoffrey Hinton's paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
CapsNet-Tensorflow A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet based on Geoffrey Hinton's paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules Notes: The current version
Generate image analogies using neural matching and blending
neural image analogies This is basically an implementation of this "Image Analogies" paper, In our case, we use feature maps from VGG16. The patch mat
Control-Robot-Arm-using-PS4-Controller - A Robotic Arm based on Raspberry Pi and Arduino that controlled by PS4 Controller
Control-Robot-Arm-using-PS4-Controller You can see all details about this Robot
GANSketchingJittor - Implementation of Sketch Your Own GAN in Jittor
GANSketching in Jittor Implementation of (Sketch Your Own GAN) in Jittor(计图). Or
Price-Prediction-For-a-Dream-Home - A machine learning based linear regression trained model for house price prediction.
Price-Prediction-For-a-Dream-Home ROADMAP TO THIS LINEAR REGRESSION BASED HOUSE PRICE PREDICTION PREDICTION MODEL Import all the dependencies of the p
Customer-Transaction-Analysis - This analysis is based on a synthesised transaction dataset containing 3 months worth of transactions for 100 hypothetical customers.
Customer-Transaction-Analysis - This analysis is based on a synthesised transaction dataset containing 3 months worth of transactions for 100 hypothetical customers. It contains purchases, recurring transactions, and salary transactions. The dataset is designed to simulate realistic transaction behaviours that are observed in ANZ’s real transaction data.
Image-popularity-score - A novel deep regression method for image scoring.
Image-popularity-score - A novel deep regression method for image scoring.
Search-Engine - 📖 AI based search engine
Search Engine AI based search engine that was trained on 25000 samples, feel free to train on up to 1.2M sample from kaggle dataset, link below StackS
VQMIVC - Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion
VQMIVC: Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion (Interspeech
Vector space based Information Retrieval System for Text Processing - Information retrieval
Information Retrieval: Text Processing Group 13 Sequence of operations Install Requirements Add given wikipedia files to the corpus directory. Downloa
Generating .npy dataset and labels out of given image, containing numbers from 0 to 9, using opencv
basic-dataset-generator-from-image-of-numbers generating .npy dataset and labels out of given image, containing numbers from 0 to 9, using opencv inpu
Image Processing, Image Smoothing, Edge Detection and Transforms
opevcvdl-hw1 This project uses openCV and Qt to achieve the requirements. Version Python 3.7 opencv-contrib-python Matplotlib 3.1.1 pyqt5 5.1
Img-to-ascii-art - Converter of image to ascii art
img-to-ascii-art Converter of image to ascii art Latest Features. Intoducing Col
Siamese-nn-semantic-text-similarity - A repository containing comprehensive Neural Networks based PyTorch implementations for the semantic text similarity task
Siamese Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Text Similarity PyTorch A repository c