9138 Repositories
Python Rename-Resize-and-convert-multiple-images Libraries
Flightfare-Prediction - It is a Flightfare Prediction Web Application Using Machine learning,Python and flask
Flight_fare-Prediction It is a Flight_fare Prediction Web Application Using Machine learning,Python and flask Using Machine leaning i have created a F
The Master's in Data Science Program run by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
The Master's in Data Science Program run by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science is among the first European programs in Data Science and is fully focused on data engineering and data analytics.
LinearRegression2 Tvads and CarSales
LinearRegression2_Tvads_and_CarSales This project infers the insight that how the TV ads for cars and car Sales are being linked with each other. It i
UltraGraphQL - a GraphQL interface for querying and modifying RDF data on the Web.
UltraGraphQL - cloned from https://git.rwth-aachen.de/i5/ultragraphql Updated or extended files: build.gradle: updated maven to use maven {url "https:
Tracks twitter spaces and sends it to a discord webhook.
Tracks twitter spaces and sends it to a discord webhook. Uses the twitter api to find twitter spaces and then the m3u8 url for the space is found using selenium and will have it posted using a discord webhook. Optionally It can also download the twitter space after it ends.
Linescanning - Package for (pre)processing of anatomical and (linescanning) fMRI data
line scanning repository This repository contains all of the tools used during the acquisition and postprocessing of line scanning data at the Spinoza
AWBW Replay Parser - a Python package to open and step through AWBW game replays.
AWBW Replay Parser This repository is home to the AWBW Replay Parser, a Python package to open and step through AWBW game replays. This project is una
Proquabet - Convert your prose into proquints and then you essentially have Vogon poetry
Proquabet Turn your prose into a constant stream of encrypted and meaningless-so
Control-Robot-Arm-using-PS4-Controller - A Robotic Arm based on Raspberry Pi and Arduino that controlled by PS4 Controller
Control-Robot-Arm-using-PS4-Controller You can see all details about this Robot
Bigdata - This Scrapy project uses Redis and Kafka to create a distributed on demand scraping cluster
Scrapy Cluster This Scrapy project uses Redis and Kafka to create a distributed
Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model - In this repo i am gonna show you how i did cancer/tumor detection in lungs using deep neural networks, specifically here the Inception model by google.
Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model In this repo i am gonna show you how i did cancer/tumor detection in lungs using deep neural networks
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities. This is aimed at those looking to get into the field of Data Science or those who are already in the field and looking to solve a real-world project with python.
Patient-Survival - Using Python, I developed a Machine Learning model using classification techniques such as Random Forest and SVM classifiers to predict a patient's survival status that have undergone breast cancer surgery.
Patient-Survival - Using Python, I developed a Machine Learning model using classification techniques such as Random Forest and SVM classifiers to predict a patient's survival status that have undergone breast cancer surgery.
Omdena-abuja-anpd - Automatic Number Plate Detection for the security of lives and properties using Computer Vision.
Omdena-abuja-anpd - Automatic Number Plate Detection for the security of lives and properties using Computer Vision.
Using SQLite within Python to create database and analyze Starcraft 2 units data (Pandas also used)
SQLite python Starcraft 2 English This project shows the usage of SQLite with python. To create, modify and communicate with the SQLite database from
Planner_backend - Academic planner application designed for students and counselors.
Planner (backend) Academic planner application designed for students and advisors.
Time-series-deep-learning - Developing Deep learning LSTM, BiLSTM models, and NeuralProphet for multi-step time-series forecasting of stock price.
Stock Price Prediction Using Deep Learning Univariate Time Series Predicting stock price using historical data of a company using Neural networks for
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Advanced_Data_Visualization_Tools - The present hands-on lab mainly uses Immigration to Canada dataset and employs advanced visualization tools such as word cloud, and waffle plot to display relations between features within the dataset.
Hands-on Practice Learning Lab for Data Science Overview This hands on practice lab is a part of Data Visualization with Python course offered by Cour
Cvdl-hw2 - Find Contour, Camera Calibration, Augmented Reality and Stereo Disparity Map
opevcvdl-hw2 This project uses openCV and Qt to achieve the requirements. Version Python 3.7 opencv-contrib-python Matplotlib 3.1.1 pyqt5 5.1
House_prices_kaggle - Predict sales prices and practice feature engineering, RFs, and gradient boosting
House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques Predicting House Prices with Machine Learning This project is build to enhance my knowledge about machin
BRNet - code for Automated assessment of BI-RADS categories for ultrasound images using multi-scale neural networks with an order-constrained loss function
BRNet code for "Automated assessment of BI-RADS categories for ultrasound images using multi-scale neural networks with an order-constrained loss func
TinyAPI - 🔹 A fast & easy and lightweight WSGI Framework for Python
TinyAPI - 🔹 A fast & easy and lightweight WSGI Framework for Python
Newsscraper - A simple Python 3 module to get crypto or news articles and their content from various RSS feeds.
NewsScraper A simple Python 3 module to get crypto or news articles and their content from various RSS feeds. 🔧 Installation Clone the repo locally.
Python-Course-V1 - This Repo contains a series of Python Jupyter Notebooks and assignments
This Repo contains a series of Python Jupyter Notebooks and assignments. The assignments are taken from Python Crash Course book by Eric Matthes.
PS3API - PS3 API for TMAPI and CCAPI in python.
PS3API PS3 API for TMAPI and CCAPI in python. Examples Connecting and Attaching from ps3api import PS3API PS3 = PS3API(PS3API.API_TMAPI) if PS3.Conn
Optimizers-visualized - Visualization of different optimizers on local minimas and saddle points.
Optimizers Visualized Visualization of how different optimizers handle mathematical functions for optimization. Contents Installation Usage Functions
Ghdl-interactive-sim - Interactive GHDL simulation of a VHDL adder using Python, Cocotb, and pygame
GHDL Interactive Simulation This is an interactive test bench for a simple VHDL adder. It uses GHDL to elaborate/run the simulation. It is coded in Py
CS5242_2021 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning, NUS CS5242, 2021
CS5242_2021 Neural Networks and Deep Learning, NUS CS5242, 2021 Cloud Machine #1 : Google Colab (Free GPU) Follow this Notebook installation : https:/
VQMIVC - Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion
VQMIVC: Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion (Interspeech
ShadowMusic - A Telegram Music Bot with proper functions written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls.
⭐️ Shadow Music ⭐️ A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls Ready to use method A Support Group, Updates Channel and ready
Jenkins-AWS-CICD - Implement Jenkins CI/CD with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy, build a python flask web application.
Jenkins-AWS-CICD - Implement Jenkins CI/CD with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy, build a python flask web application.
Password-Manager - This app can generate ,save , find and delete passwords.
Password-Manager This app can generate ,save , find and delete passwords. In the StartUp() Function , there are three buttons to choose from : Generat
Product-Review-Summarizer - Created a product review summarizer which clustered thousands of product reviews and summarized them into a maximum of 500 characters, saving precious time of customers and helping them make a wise buying decision.
Product-Review-Summarizer - Created a product review summarizer which clustered thousands of product reviews and summarized them into a maximum of 500 characters, saving precious time of customers and helping them make a wise buying decision.
Generating .npy dataset and labels out of given image, containing numbers from 0 to 9, using opencv
basic-dataset-generator-from-image-of-numbers generating .npy dataset and labels out of given image, containing numbers from 0 to 9, using opencv inpu
Word-Generator - Generates meaningful words from dictionary with given no. of letters and words.
Meaningful Word Generator Generates meaningful words from dictionary with given no. of letters and words. This might be useful for generating short li
CIFAR-10_train-test - training and testing codes for dataset CIFAR-10
CIFAR-10_train-test - training and testing codes for dataset CIFAR-10
Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning
Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning English | 中文 ❗ Now we provide inferencing code and pre-training models
A project consists in a set of assignements corresponding to a BI process: data integration, construction of an OLAP cube, qurying of a OPLAP cube and reporting.
TennisBusinessIntelligenceProject - A project consists in a set of assignements corresponding to a BI process: data integration, construction of an OLAP cube, qurying of a OPLAP cube and reporting.
Words_And_Phrases - Just a repo for useful words and phrases that might come handy in some scenarios. Feel free to add yours
Words_And_Phrases Just a repo for useful words and phrases that might come handy in some scenarios. Feel free to add yours Abbreviations Abbreviation
Houseprices - Predict sales prices and practice feature engineering, RFs, and gradient boosting
House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques Predicting House Prices with Machine Learning This project is build to enhance my knowledge about machin
🐾 Semantic segmentation of paws from cute pet images (PyTorch)
🐾 paw-segmentation 🐾 Semantic segmentation of paws from cute pet images 🐾 Semantic segmentation of paws from cute pet images (PyTorch) 🐾 Paw Segme
Find-Lane-Line - Use openCV library and Python to detect the road-lane-line
Find-Lane-Line This project is to use openCV library and Python to detect the road-lane-line. Data Pipeline Step one : Color Selection Step two : Cann
Image Processing, Image Smoothing, Edge Detection and Transforms
opevcvdl-hw1 This project uses openCV and Qt to achieve the requirements. Version Python 3.7 opencv-contrib-python Matplotlib 3.1.1 pyqt5 5.1
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using CmdStanPy and Plotnine
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using CmdStanPy and Plotnine Intro This repo contains the python/stan version of the Statistical Rethinking
Deltaspy - an advanced keylogger that can send keylogs and screenshots to gmail
Deltaspy Deltaspy is a advanced keylogger which sends keylogs and screenshot to
Ceaser-Cipher - The Caesar Cipher technique is one of the earliest and simplest method of encryption technique
Ceaser-Cipher The Caesar Cipher technique is one of the earliest and simplest me
City-seeds - A random generator of cultural characteristics intended to spark ideas and help draw threads
City Seeds This is a random generator of cultural characteristics intended to sp
FileGuard - File crypter and packing utility
FILEGUARD FILEGUARD is a file crypter and packing utility. This project was orig
Apriori - An algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rule learning over relational databases
Apriori Apriori is an algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rul
Izy - Python functions and classes that make python even easier than it is
izy Python functions and classes that make it even easier! You will wonder why t
This Scrapy project uses Redis and Kafka to create a distributed on demand scraping cluster
This Scrapy project uses Redis and Kafka to create a distributed on demand scraping cluster.
Hyperopt for solving CIFAR-100 with a convolutional neural network (CNN) built with Keras and TensorFlow, GPU backend
Hyperopt for solving CIFAR-100 with a convolutional neural network (CNN) built with Keras and TensorFlow, GPU backend This project acts as both a tuto
Metrics-advisor - Analyze reshaped metrics from TiDB cluster Prometheus and give some advice about anomalies and correlation.
metrics-advisor Analyze reshaped metrics from TiDB cluster Prometheus and give some advice about anomalies and correlation. Team freedeaths mashenjun
Ukiyo - A simple, minimalist and efficient discord vanity URL sniper
Ukiyo - a simple, minimalist and efficient discord vanity URL sniper. Ukiyo is easy to use, has a very visually pleasing interface, and has great spee
SpecAugmentPyTorch - A Pytorch (support batch and channel) implementation of GoogleBrain's SpecAugment: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for Automatic Speech Recognition
SpecAugment An implementation of SpecAugment for Pytorch How to use Install pytorch, version=1.9.0 (new feature (torch.Tensor.take_along_dim) is used
Fake news detector filters - Smart filter project allow to classify the quality of information and web pages
fake-news-detector-1.0 Lists, lists and more lists... Spam filter list, quality keyword list, stoplist list, top-domains urls list, news agencies webs
Gbs-image-colorizer - A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds.
GB Studio Image Colorizer A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds. Made by NalaFala/Yousurname/Y0UR-U5ERNAME
Snowfall - helpful image handling utils - abstracts various file and opencv and pil features into result oriented functions
snowfall helpful image handling utils - abstracts various file and opencv and pil features into result oriented functions usage examples: from image_h
Image-Stitching - Panorama composition using SIFT Features and a custom implementaion of RANSAC algorithm
About The Project Panorama composition using SIFT Features and a custom implementaion of RANSAC algorithm (Random Sample Consensus). Author: Andreas P
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker - Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished! Any contributing is welcome. How to use: Move all .mcpa
Random-Word-Generator - Generates meaningful words from dictionary with given no. of letters and words.
Random Word Generator Generates meaningful words from dictionary with given no. of letters and words. This might be useful for generating short links
Wakatime Response In javascript and python
Project Title Wakatime Response In javascript and python Description just for refrence Getting Started Dependencies For Python: requests json For Java
StringSessionGenerator - A Telegram bot to generate pyrogram and telethon string session
⭐️ String Session Generator ⭐️ Genrate String Session Using this bot. Made by TeamUltronX 🔥 String Session Demo Bot: Environment Variables Mandatory
Instagram_scrapper - This project allow you to scrape the list of followers, following or both from a public Instagram account, and create a csv or excel file easily.
Instagram_scrapper This project allow you to scrape the list of followers, following or both from a public Instagram account, and create a csv or exce
Iris-Heroku - Putting a Machine Learning Model into Production with Flask and Heroku
Puesta en Producción de un modelo de aprendizaje automático con Flask y Heroku L
Covid-19-Trends - A project that me and my friends created as the CSC110 Final Project at UofT
Covid-19-Trends Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe financial s
Face_mosaic - Mosaic blur processing is applied to multiple faces appearing in the video
動機 face_recognitionを使用して得られる顔座標は長方形であり、この座標をそのまま用いてぼかし処理を行った場合得られる画像は醜い。 それに対してモ
Xmas-Tree-GIF-Tool - Convert any given animated gif file into an animation in GIFT CSV format
This repo is made to participate in Matt Parker's XmasTree 2021 event. Convert a
Chronocalc - Calculates the dates and times when the sun or moon is in a given position in the sky
Chronocalc I wrote this script after I was busy updating my article on chronoloc
42-event-notifier - 42 Event notifier using 42API and Github Actions
42 Event Notifier 42서울 Agenda에 새로운 이벤트가 등록되면 알려드립니다! 현재는 Github Issue로 등록되므로 상단
Minimal diffusion models - Minimal code and simple experiments to play with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)
Minimal code and simple experiments to play with Denoising Diffusion Probabilist
Class-imbalanced / Long-tailed ensemble learning in Python. Modular, flexible, and extensible
IMBENS: Class-imbalanced Ensemble Learning in Python Language: English | Chinese/中文 Links: Documentation | Gallery | PyPI | Changelog | Source | Downl
streamlit translator is used to detect and translate between languages created using gTTS, googletrans, pillow and streamlit python packages
Streamlit Translator Streamlit Translator is a simple translator app to detect and translate between languages. Streamlit Translator gets text and lan
AI-generated-characters for Learning and Wellbeing
AI-generated-characters for Learning and Wellbeing Click here for the full project page. This repository contains the source code for the paper AI-gen
Aesara is a Python library that allows one to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
Aesara is a Python library that allows one to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
PyTorch Lightning + Hydra. A feature-rich template for rapid, scalable and reproducible ML experimentation with best practices. ⚡🔥⚡
Lightning-Hydra-Template A clean and scalable template to kickstart your deep learning project 🚀 ⚡ 🔥 Click on Use this template to initialize new re
The model is designed to train a single and large neural network in order to predict correct translation by reading the given sentence.
Neural Machine Translation communication system The model is basically direct to convert one source language to another targeted language using encode
Alerts for Western Australian Covid-19 exposure locations via email and Slack
WA Covid Mailer Sends alerts from Healthy WA's Covid19 Exposure Locations via email and slack. Setup Edit the configuration items in wacovidmailer.py
This can be use to convert text in a file to handwritten text.
TextToHandwriting This can be used to convert text to handwriting. Clone this project or download the code. Run TextToImage.py give the filename of th
Writing and posting code throughout my new journey into python!
bootleg-productions consider this account to be a journal for me to record my progress throughout my python journey feel free to copy codes from this
Code for "Retrieving Black-box Optimal Images from External Databases" (WSDM 2022)
Retrieving Black-box Optimal Images from External Databases (WSDM 2022) We propose how a user retreives an optimal image from external databases of we
Ladder network is a deep learning algorithm that combines supervised and unsupervised learning
This repository contains source code for the experiments in a paper titled Semi-Supervised Learning with Ladder Networks by A Rasmus, H Valpola, M Hon
Semi-supevised Semantic Segmentation with High- and Low-level Consistency
Semi-supevised Semantic Segmentation with High- and Low-level Consistency This Pytorch repository contains the code for our work Semi-supervised Seman
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation (ECCV18)
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation by Qizhu Li*, Anurag Arnab*, Philip H.S. Torr This repository demonstrates the weakly supervised gro
Reduce end to end training time from days to hours (or hours to minutes), and energy requirements/costs by an order of magnitude using coresets and data selection.
COResets and Data Subset selection Reduce end to end training time from days to hours (or hours to minutes), and energy requirements/costs by an order
PyTorch implementation of Neural View Synthesis and Matching for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning of 3D Pose
Neural View Synthesis and Matching for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning of 3D Pose Release Notes The official PyTorch implementation of Neural View S
Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model
Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model Baris Gecer 1, Binod Bhattarai 1
Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering
Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering
Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
FAIR Self-Supervision Benchmark is deprecated. Please see VISSL, a ground-up rewrite of benchmark in PyTorch. FAIR Self-Supervision Benchmark This cod
Joint Unsupervised Learning (JULE) of Deep Representations and Image Clusters.
Joint Unsupervised Learning (JULE) of Deep Representations and Image Clusters. Overview This project is a Torch implementation for our CVPR 2016 paper
Cleaning-utils - a collection of small Python functions and classes which make cleaning pipelines shorter and easier
cleaning-utils [] [] [] cleaning-utils is a collection of small Python functions
Discord-account-generator - Creates Discord accounts and verifies by email & phone verification. Supports proxies. Uses sms-activate, kopeechka and anti captcha
Created in about 4.5 hours discord-account-generator Creates accounts and verifi
Img-process-manual - Utilize Python Numpy and Matplotlib to realize OpenCV baisc image processing function
Img-process-manual - Opencv Library basic graphic processing algorithm coding reproduction based on Numpy and Matplotlib library
PeGuard - Windows PE crypter and packing utility
PEGUARD PEGUARD is a file crypter and packing utility. This project was original
Get-web-images - A python code that get images from any site
image retrieval This is a python code to retrieve an image from the internet, a
This is a scalable system that reads messages from public Telegram channels using Telethon and stores the data in a PostgreSQL database.
This is a scalable system that reads messages from public Telegram channels using Telethon and stores the data in a PostgreSQL database. Its original intention is to monitor cryptocurrency related channels, but it can be configured to read any Telegram data that is accessible through the API.
Memory-efficient optimum einsum using opt_einsum planning and PyTorch kernels.
opt-einsum-torch There have been many implementations of Einstein's summation. numpy's numpy.einsum is the least efficient one as it only runs in sing
A tool can scrape product in aliexpress: Title, Price, and URL Product.
Scrape-Product-Aliexpress A tool can scrape product in aliexpress: Title, Price, and URL Product. Usage: 1. Install Python 3.8 3.9 padahal halaman ins
An example which streams RGB-D images over spout.
Spout RGB-D Example An example which streams RGB-D images over spout with visiongraph. Due to the spout dependency this currently only works on Window