1707 Repositories
Python SIMPLE Libraries
Simple Python interface for Graphviz
Graphviz This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in the DOT language of the Graphviz graph drawing software (master
Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
Authomatic Authomatic is a framework agnostic library for Python web applications with a minimalistic but powerful interface which simplifies authenti
Strong, Simple, and Precise security for Flask APIs (using jwt)
flask-praetorian Strong, Simple, and Precise security for Flask APIs API security should be strong, simple, and precise like a Roman Legionary. This p
Simple extension that provides Basic, Digest and Token HTTP authentication for Flask routes
Flask-HTTPAuth Simple extension that provides Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes. Installation The easiest way to install this is t
Quick and simple security for Flask applications
Note This project is non maintained anymore. Consider the Flask-Security-Too project as an alternative. Flask-Security It quickly adds security featur
NO LONGER MAINTAINED - A Flask extension for creating simple ReSTful JSON APIs from SQLAlchemy models.
NO LONGER MAINTAINED This repository is no longer maintained due to lack of time. You might check out the fork https://github.com/mrevutskyi/flask-res
FastAPI simple cache
FastAPI Cache Implements simple lightweight cache system as dependencies in FastAPI. Installation pip install fastapi-cache Usage example from fastapi
Pattern Matching for Python 3.7+ in a simple, yet powerful, extensible manner.
Awesome Pattern Matching (apm) for Python pip install awesome-pattern-matching Simple Powerful Extensible Composable Functional Python 3.7+, PyPy3.7+
Simple reimplemetation experiments about FcaNet
FcaNet-CIFAR An implementation of the paper FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks on CIFAR10/CIFAR100 dataset. how to run Code: python Cifar.py
Simple SDF mesh generation in Python
Generate 3D meshes based on SDFs (signed distance functions) with a dirt simple Python API.
Selfplay In MultiPlayer Environments
This project allows you to train AI agents on custom-built multiplayer environments, through self-play reinforcement learning.
A flexible free and unlimited python tool to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple translators.
deep-translator Translation for humans A flexible FREE and UNLIMITED tool to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple tran
Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
TextBlob: Simplified Text Processing Homepage: https://textblob.readthedocs.io/ TextBlob is a Python (2 and 3) library for processing textual data. It
A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP)
A very simple framework for state-of-the-art NLP. Developed by Humboldt University of Berlin and friends. IMPORTANT: (30.08.2020) We moved our models
Simple Python interface for Graphviz
Graphviz This package facilitates the creation and rendering of graph descriptions in the DOT language of the Graphviz graph drawing software (master
Quick and simple security for Flask applications
Note This project is non maintained anymore. Consider the Flask-Security-Too project as an alternative. Flask-Security It quickly adds security featur
NO LONGER MAINTAINED - A Flask extension for creating simple ReSTful JSON APIs from SQLAlchemy models.
NO LONGER MAINTAINED This repository is no longer maintained due to lack of time. You might check out the fork https://github.com/mrevutskyi/flask-res
Simple assertion library for unit testing in python with a fluent API
assertpy Simple assertions library for unit testing in Python with a nice fluent API. Supports both Python 2 and 3. Usage Just import the assert_that
Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting
airspeed velocity airspeed velocity (asv) is a tool for benchmarking Python packages over their lifetime. It is primarily designed to benchmark a sing
A simple program which checks Python source files for errors
Pyflakes A simple program which checks Python source files for errors. Pyflakes analyzes programs and detects various errors. It works by parsing the
Simple Python style checker in one Python file
pycodestyle (formerly called pep8) - Python style guide checker pycodestyle is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions
Simple cross-platform colored terminal text in Python
Colorama Makes ANSI escape character sequences (for producing colored terminal text and cursor positioning) work under MS Windows. PyPI for releases |
Typical: Fast, simple, & correct data-validation using Python 3 typing.
typical: Python's Typing Toolkit Introduction Typical is a library devoted to runtime analysis, inference, validation, and enforcement of Python types
A simple, fast, extensible python library for data validation.
Validr A simple, fast, extensible python library for data validation. Simple and readable schema 10X faster than jsonschema, 40X faster than schematic
A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
marshmallow: simplified object serialization marshmallow is an ORM/ODM/framework-agnostic library for converting complex datatypes, such as objects, t
simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
simplejson simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON http://json.org encoder and decoder for Python 3.3+ with legacy suppo
Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site.
Django Blog Zinnia Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site. Zinnia has been made for pub
A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
Django-RQ Django integration with RQ, a Redis based Python queuing library. Django-RQ is a simple app that allows you to configure your queues in djan
Store model history and view/revert changes from admin site.
django-simple-history django-simple-history stores Django model state on every create/update/delete. This app supports the following combinations of D
Simple tagging for django
django-taggit This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines. django-tagg
FastAPI simple cache
FastAPI Cache Implements simple lightweight cache system as dependencies in FastAPI. Installation pip install fastapi-cache Usage example from fastapi
Adds simple SQLAlchemy support to FastAPI
FastAPI-SQLAlchemy FastAPI-SQLAlchemy provides a simple integration between FastAPI and SQLAlchemy in your application. It gives access to useful help
Quick and simple security for Flask applications
Note This project is non maintained anymore. Consider the Flask-Security-Too project as an alternative. Flask-Security It quickly adds security featur
Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask
Flask-Admin The project was recently moved into its own organization. Please update your references to [email protected]:flask-admin/flask-admin.git. Int
🥫 The simple, fast, and modern web scraping library
About gazpacho is a simple, fast, and modern web scraping library. The library is stable, actively maintained, and installed with zero dependencies. I
A very simple Salesforce.com REST API client for Python
Simple Salesforce Simple Salesforce is a basic Salesforce.com REST API client built for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. The goal is to provide a very lo
PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
PRAW: The Python Reddit API Wrapper PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a Python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's AP
A command-line tool and Python library and Pytest plugin for automated testing of RESTful APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax
1.0 Release See here for details about breaking changes with the upcoming 1.0 release: https://github.com/taverntesting/tavern/issues/495 Easier API t
It's a simple tool for test vulnerability shellshock
Shellshock, also known as Bashdoor, is a family of security bugs in the Unix Bash shell, the first of which was disclosed on 24 September 2014. Shellshock could enable an attacker to cause Bash to execute arbitrary commands and gain unauthorized access to many Internet-facing services, such as web servers, that use Bash to process requests.
This is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by
This is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by "SQLite as a document database".
Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask - maintainer @cuducos
Login Extension for Flask The simplest way to add login to flask! Top Contributors Add yourself, send a PR! How it works First install it from PyPI. p
Strong, Simple, and Precise security for Flask APIs (using jwt)
flask-praetorian Strong, Simple, and Precise security for Flask APIs API security should be strong, simple, and precise like a Roman Legionary. This p
Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
Authomatic Authomatic is a framework agnostic library for Python web applications with a minimalistic but powerful interface which simplifies authenti
Simple extension that provides Basic, Digest and Token HTTP authentication for Flask routes
Flask-HTTPAuth Simple extension that provides Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes. Installation The easiest way to install this is t
curl statistics made simple
httpstat httpstat visualizes curl(1) statistics in a way of beauty and clarity. It is a single file 🌟 Python script that has no dependency 👏 and is
Python Simple SOAP Library
PySimpleSOAP / soap2py Python simple and lightweight SOAP library for client and server webservices interfaces, aimed to be as small and easy as possi
Embrace the APIs of the future. Hug aims to make developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Read Latest Documentation - Browse GitHub Code Repository hug aims to make developing Python driven APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler. As a r
web.py is a web framework for python that is as simple as it is powerful.
web.py is a web framework for Python that is as simple as it is powerful. Visit http://webpy.org/ for more information. The latest stable release 0.62
Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welcome) - http://flaskappbuilder.pythonanywhere.com/
Flask App Builder Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your
bottle.py is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
Bottle: Python Web Framework Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is distributed as a single file module a
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)
Deep Daze mist over green hills shattered plates on the grass cosmic love and attention a time traveler in the crowd life during the plague meditative
A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN
artificial intelligence cosmic love and attention fire in the sky a pyramid made of ice a lonely house in the woods marriage in the mountains lantern
A simple discord slash command handler for for discord.py.
A simple discord slash command handler for discord.py About ⦿ Installation ⦿ Disclaimer ⦿ Examples ⦿ Documentation ⦿ Discussions Note that master bran
A simple static site generator with deployment to S3/Cloudfront.
Stasis A simple static site generator with deployment to S3/Cloudfront. Features Stasis is a static website generator written in Python, using Pandoc
The algorithm performs a simple user registration (Name, CPF, E-mail and Telephone) in an Amazon RDS database and also performs the storage, training and facial recognition of the user's face to identify the users already registered in the system in a next time the user is seen.
Registration form with RDS AWS database and facial recognition via OpenCV The algorithm performs a simple user registration (Name, CPF, E-mail and Tel
A simple telegram bot to download from Zee5 links
Zee5 Downloader If you find any bugs, report at @TroJanzSupport My Features: 👉 Upload as file/video from any NON-DRM Zee5 link 👉 Permanent thumbnail
A simple script that will watch a stream for you and earn the channel points.
Credits Main idea: https://github.com/gottagofaster236/Twitch-Channel-Points-Miner Bet system (Selenium): https://github.com/ClementRoyer/TwitchAutoCo
A simple asynchronous TCP/IP Connect Port Scanner in Python 3
Python 3 Asynchronous TCP/IP Connect Port Scanner A simple pure-Python TCP Connect port scanner. This application leverages the use of Python's Standa
Jarvis is a simple Chatbot with a GUI capable of chatting and retrieving information and daily news from the internet for it's user.
J.A.R.V.I.S Kindly consider starring this repository if you like the program :-) What/Who is J.A.R.V.I.S? J.A.R.V.I.S is an chatbot written that is bu
A simple terminal Christmas tree made with Python
Python Christmas Tree A simple CLI Christmas tree made with Python Installation Just clone the repository and run $ python terminal_tree.py More opti
A PyTorch re-implementation of the paper 'Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning'. Reproduced the 67.8% Top1 Acc on ImageNet.
Exploring simple siamese representation learning This is a PyTorch re-implementation of the SimSiam paper on ImageNet dataset. The results match that
A very simple asynchronous wrapper that allows you to get access to the Oracle database in asyncio programs.
cx_Oracle_async A very simple asynchronous wrapper that allows you to get access to the Oracle database in asyncio programs. Easy to use , buy may not
Implementation of Geometric Vector Perceptron, a simple circuit for 3d rotation equivariance for learning over large biomolecules, in Pytorch. Idea proposed and accepted at ICLR 2021
Geometric Vector Perceptron Implementation of Geometric Vector Perceptron, a simple circuit with 3d rotation equivariance for learning over large biom
A simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components
Name Parser A simple Python (3.2+ & 2.6+) module for parsing human names into their individual components. hn.title hn.first hn.middle hn.last hn.suff
Simple integrate of API udemy.com with python
Pyudemy Simple integrate of API udemy.com with python Quick start $ pip install pyudemy or $ python setup.py install Authentication To make any calls
PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
PRAW: The Python Reddit API Wrapper PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a Python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's AP
Simple integrate of API musixmatch.com with python
Python Musixmatch Simple integrate of API musixmatch.com with python Quick start $ pip install pymusixmatch or $ python setup.py install Authenticatio
Simple library for logging to Loggly
#Hoover A python wrapper used to hit the Loggly. API For more information on Hoover see http://wiki.loggly.com/hooverguide ##Install With this git rep
:snake: A simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API made for Python = 3.5
itunespy itunespy is a simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API made for Python 3.5 and beyond. Important: Since version 1.6 itunespy no
The simple way of using Imgur.
PyImgur The simple way of using Imgur. You can upload images, download images, read comments, update your albums, message people and more. In fact, yo
Simple Craigslist wrapper
python-craigslist A simple Craigslist wrapper. License: MIT-Zero. Disclaimer I don't work for or have any affiliation with Craigslist. This module was
A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service
archiveis A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service. Installation pipenv install archiveis Python Usage Import it. import archi
A simple library for interacting with Amazon S3.
BucketStore is a very simple Amazon S3 client, written in Python. It aims to be much more straight-forward to use than boto3, and specializes only in
A simple Python wrapper for the Amazon.com Product Advertising API ⛺
Amazon Simple Product API A simple Python wrapper for the Amazon.com Product Advertising API. Features An object oriented interface to Amazon products
A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation.
purl - A simple Python URL class A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation. Supports Pythons 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.
Simple job queues for Python
RQ (Redis Queue) is a simple Python library for queueing jobs and processing them in the background with workers. It is backed by Redis and it is desi
Simple, lightweight, and magic-free static site/blog generator for Python coders
makesite.py Take full control of your static website/blog generation by writing your own simple, lightweight, and magic-free static site generator in
A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
marshmallow: simplified object serialization marshmallow is an ORM/ODM/framework-agnostic library for converting complex datatypes, such as objects, t
Embrace the APIs of the future. Hug aims to make developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Read Latest Documentation - Browse GitHub Code Repository hug aims to make developing Python driven APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler. As a r
A Python Library for Simple Models and Containers Persisted in Redis
Redisco Python Containers and Simple Models for Redis Description Redisco allows you to store objects in Redis. It is inspired by the Ruby library Ohm
The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
Orator The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation. It is inspired by the database part of the Laravel framework, but l
A simple but flexible plugin system for Python.
PluginBase PluginBase is a module for Python that enables the development of flexible plugin systems in Python. Step 1: from pluginbase import PluginB
Simple, realtime visualization of neural network training performance.
pastalog Simple, realtime visualization server for training neural networks. Use with Lasagne, Keras, Tensorflow, Torch, Theano, and basically everyth
Simple plotting for Python. Python wrapper for D3xter - render charts in the browser with simple Python syntax.
PyDexter Simple plotting for Python. Python wrapper for D3xter - render charts in the browser with simple Python syntax. Setup $ pip install PyDexter
Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package
BayesO: A Bayesian optimization framework in Python Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package. http://bayeso.org Online documentation Instal
Simple machine learning library / 簡單易用的機器學習套件
FukuML Simple machine learning library / 簡單易用的機器學習套件 Installation $ pip install FukuML Tutorial Lesson 1: Perceptron Binary Classification Learning Al
Neurolab is a simple and powerful Neural Network Library for Python
Neurolab Neurolab is a simple and powerful Neural Network Library for Python. Contains based neural networks, train algorithms and flexible framework
simple artificial intelligence utilities
Simple AI Project home: http://github.com/simpleai-team/simpleai This lib implements many of the artificial intelligence algorithms described on the b
robobrowser - A simple, Pythonic library for browsing the web without a standalone web browser.
RoboBrowser: Your friendly neighborhood web scraper Homepage: http://robobrowser.readthedocs.org/ RoboBrowser is a simple, Pythonic library for browsi
Python logging made (stupidly) simple
Loguru is a library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python. Did you ever feel lazy about configuring a logger and used print() instead?... I
The ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python
Wand Wand is a ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python, supporting 2.7, 3.3+, and PyPy. All functionalities of MagickWand API are implement
A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard in python that is simple to install and use.
PyUserInput PyUserInput is a group project so we've moved the project over to a group organization: https://github.com/PyUserInput/PyUserInput . That
A simple, yet elegant HTTP library.
Requests Requests is a simple, yet elegant HTTP library. import requests r = requests.get('https://api.github.com/user', auth=('user', 'pass')
A little Python library for making simple Electron-like HTML/JS GUI apps
Eel Eel is a little Python library for making simple Electron-like offline HTML/JS GUI apps, with full access to Python capabilities and libraries. Ee
Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
Coconut Coconut (coconut-lang.org) is a variant of Python that adds on top of Python syntax new features for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional prog
Simple Python version management
Simple Python Version Management: pyenv pyenv lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UN
Mail hosting made simple
Modoboa Modoboa is a mail hosting and management platform including a modern and simplified Web User Interface. It provides useful components such as
AkShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings! 开源财经数据接口库
Overview AkShare requires Python(64 bit) 3.7 or greater, aims to make fetch financial data as convenient as possible. Write less, get more! Documentat
An open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library.
Ray provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with the following libraries for accelerating machine lear
Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
Welcome to Fabric! Fabric is a high level Python (2.7, 3.4+) library designed to execute shell commands remotely over SSH, yielding useful Python obje