10271 Repositories
Python Thresholding-and-masking-using-OpenCV Libraries
Python script that takes an Impulse response .wav and a input .wav to demonstrate audio convolution.
convolver Python script that takes an Impulse response .wav and a input .wav to demonstrate audio convolution. Created by Sean Higley s_higley@u.pacif
Its a simple and fun to use application. You can make your own quizes and send the lik of the quiz to your friends.
Quiz Application Its a simple and fun to use application. You can make your own quizes and send the lik of the quiz to your friends. When they would a
Linking data between GBIF, Biodiverse, and Open Tree of Life
GBIF-biodiverse-OpenTree Linking data between GBIF, Biodiverse, and Open Tree of Life The python scripts will rely on opentree and Dendropy. To set up
A Telegram bot to download posts, videos, reels, IGTV and a user profile picture from Instagram!
Telegram Bot A telegram bot to download media from Instagram! No API Key or Login Needed! Requirements You must have python installed (of course) You
Live Corona statistics and information site with flask.
Flask Live Corona Info Live Corona statistics and information site with flask. Tools Flask Scrapy Matplotlib How to Run Project Download Codes git clo
A Python module to encrypt and decrypt data with AES-128 CFB mode.
cryptocfb A Python module to encrypt and decrypt data with AES-128 CFB mode. This module supports 8/64/128-bit CFB mode. It can encrypt and decrypt la
Jupyter notebooks showing best practices for using cx_Oracle, the Python DB API for Oracle Database
Python cx_Oracle Notebooks, 2022 The repository contains Jupyter notebooks showing best practices for using cx_Oracle, the Python DB API for Oracle Da
'Our Drowsinessdetector detects drivers eyes if they are closed for more than 2 seconds and alerts driver'
Data analysis Document here the project: DriverDrowsinessDetector Description: Project Description Data Source: Type of analysis: Please document the
Unofficial Playdate reverse-engineering notes/tools - covers file formats, server API and USB commands
Unofficial Playdate reverse-engineering notes/tools - covers file formats, server API and USB commands ⚠️ This documentation is unofficial and is not
Experimental Python implementation of OpenVINO Inference Engine (very slow, limited functionality). All codes are written in Python. Easy to read and modify.
PyOpenVINO - An Experimental Python Implementation of OpenVINO Inference Engine (minimum-set) Description The PyOpenVINO is a spin-off product from my
More than 130 check plugins for Icinga and other Nagios-compatible monitoring applications. Each plugin is a standalone command line tool (written in Python) that provides a specific type of check.
Python-based Monitoring Check Plugins Collection This Enterprise Class Check Plugin Collection offers a package of more than 130 Python-based, Nagios-
The Begin button and menu for the Meadows operating system. The start button for UNIX/Linux.
By: Seanpm2001, Meadows Et; Al. Top README.md Read this article in a different language Sorted by: A-Z Sorting options unavailable ( af Afrikaans Afri
The purpose of this bot is to take soundcloud track requests, that are posted in the stream-requests channel, and add them to a playlist, to make the process of scrolling through the requests easier for Root
Discord Song Collector Dont know if anyone is actually going to read this, but the purpose of this bot is to check every message in the stream-request
wsvuls - website vulnerability scanner detect issues [ outdated server software and insecure HTTP headers.]
WSVuls Website vulnerability scanner detect issues [ outdated server software and insecure HTTP headers.] What's WSVuls? WSVuls is a simple and powerf
Tensorflow 1.13.X implementation for our NN paper: Wei Xia, Sen Wang, Ming Yang, Quanxue Gao, Jungong Han, Xinbo Gao: Multi-view graph embedding clustering network: Joint self-supervision and block diagonal representation. Neural Networks 145: 1-9 (2022)
Multi-view graph embedding clustering network: Joint self-supervision and block diagonal representation Simple implementation of our paper MVGC. The d
MAU: A Motion-Aware Unit for Video Prediction and Beyond, NeurIPS2021
MAU (NeurIPS2021) Zheng Chang, Xinfeng Zhang, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma, Yan Ye, Xinguang Xiang, Wen GAo. Official PyTorch Code for "MAU: A Motion-Aware
Image Lowpoly based on Centroid Voronoi Diagram via python-opencv and taichi
CVTLowpoly: Image Lowpoly via Centroid Voronoi Diagram Image Sharp Feature Extraction using Guide Filter's Local Linear Theory via opencv-python. The
a simple, efficient, and intuitive text editor
Oxygen beta a simple, efficient, and intuitive text editor Overview oxygen is a simple, efficient, and intuitive text editor designed as more featured
This program generates a random 12 digit/character password (upper and lowercase) and stores it in a file along with your username and app/website.
PasswordGeneratorAndVault This program generates a random 12 digit/character password (upper and lowercase) and stores it in a file along with your us
Universal Adversarial Examples in Remote Sensing: Methodology and Benchmark
Universal Adversarial Examples in Remote Sensing: Methodology and Benchmark Yong
E2e music remastering system - End-to-end Music Remastering System Using Self-supervised and Adversarial Training
End-to-end Music Remastering System This repository includes source code and pre
Wordle-textual - Play Wordle from the CLI, using Textual
Wordle, playable from the CLI This project seeks to emulate Wordle in your shell
Game-of-life - A simple python program to simulate and visualise the Conway's Game of life
Conway's game of life A simple python program to simulate and visualise the Conw
Pydf: A modular Telegram Bot which provides Pdf Tools using PyPdf2
pyDF-Bot 🌍 Pydf - Pyrogram Document File Bot, a modular Telegram Bot which prov
Django-react-firebase-auth - A web app showcasing OAuth2.0 + OpenID Connect using Firebase, Django-Rest-Framework and React
Demo app to show Django Rest Framework working with Firebase for authentication
Securetar - A streaming wrapper around python tarfile and allow secure handling files and support encryption
Secure Tar Secure Tarfile library It's a streaming wrapper around python tarfile
Data Structures and Algorithms Python - Practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects
Data Structures and Algorithms All the essential resources and template code nee
PyTorch Implementation of DiffGAN-TTS: High-Fidelity and Efficient Text-to-Speech with Denoising Diffusion GANs
DiffGAN-TTS - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch implementation of DiffGAN-TTS: High
Roblox-Account-Gen - A simple account generator not using paid solving services
Roblox Account Generator Star this if it helped to spread awareness! No 2captcha
Django-Text-to-HTML-converter - The simple Text to HTML Converter using Django framework
Django-Text-to-HTML-converter This is the simple Text to HTML Converter using Dj
Youtube-downloader-using-Python - Youtube downloader using Python
Youtube-downloader-using-Python Hii guys !! Fancy to see here Welcome! built by
WebScraping - Scrapes Job website for python developer jobs and exports the data to a csv file
WebScraping Web scraping Pyton program that scrapes Job website for python devel
Imgrerite - A command-line tool to hide and reveal information inside images
ImgReRite A command line tool to hide and reveal information inside images (work
Alpha-Zero - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ Alpha Zero Bot ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using
Hl classification bc - A Network-Based High-Level Data Classification Algorithm Using Betweenness Centrality
A Network-Based High-Level Data Classification Algorithm Using Betweenness Centr
Prompts - Read a textfile of prompts and import into anki via ankiconnect
prompts read a textfile of prompts and import into anki via ankiconnect Usage In
Url-check-migration-python - A python script using Apica API's to migrate URL checks between environments
url-check-migration-python A python script using Apica API's to migrate URL chec
Spacecrypto-bombcrypto-bot - SpaceCrypto And Bombcrypto Bot - MultiScreen
SpaceCrypto And Bombcrypto Bot - MultiScreen This is a open source project inspi
Programmers-quest - Programmer's Quest! An open source MMO built on top of the Panda3D game engine and Astron server
Programmer's Quest! Programmer's Quest! The open source Python 3 2D MMORPG showc
Covid19-Forecasting - An interactive website that tracks, models and predicts COVID-19 Cases
Covid-Tracker This is an interactive website that tracks, models and predicts CO
Django-discord-bot - Framework for creating Discord bots using Django
django-discord-bot Framework for creating Discord bots using Django Uses ASGI fo
Gridlock - Encryption and decryption python project
Gridlock Encryption Encryption and decryption of plain text messages inspired by
I3-master-layout - Simple master and stack layout script
Simple master and stack layout script | ------ | ----- | | | | | Ma
Frbmclust - Clusterize FRB profiles using hierarchical clustering, plot corresponding parameters distributions
frbmclust Getting Started Clusterize FRB profiles using hierarchical clustering,
Autolfads-tf2 - A TensorFlow 2.0 implementation of Latent Factor Analysis via Dynamical Systems (LFADS) and AutoLFADS
autolfads-tf2 A TensorFlow 2.0 implementation of LFADS and AutoLFADS. Installati
Event sourced bank - A wide-and-shallow example using the Python event sourcing library
Event Sourced Bank A "wide but shallow" example of using the Python event sourci
Crypto-trading-simulator - Cryptocurrency trading simulator using Python, Streamlit
Crypto Trading Simulator Run streamlit run main.py Dependency Python 3 streamli
VoiceMaster-Discord-Bot - Fork from original Discord bot with max channel limit, staff role and more
VoiceMaster VoiceMaster is a discord bot created to change the way servers work,
Spacy-ginza-ner-webapi - Named Entity Recognition API with spaCy and GiNZA
Named Entity Recognition API with spaCy and GiNZA I wrote a blog post about this
LyricsGenerator - A simple GUI made using Python(Tkinter) for generating song lyrics
Lyrics Generator Reference :- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-a-gui-to-extr
Linear algebra python - Number of operations and problems in Linear Algebra and Numerical Linear Algebra
Linear algebra in python Number of operations and problems in Linear Algebra and
GhostVPN - Simple and lightweight TUI application for CyberGhostVPN
GhostVPN Simple and lightweight TUI application for CyberGhostVPN. Screenshot Us
1st-in-MICCAI2020-CPM - Combined Radiology and Pathology Classification
Combined Radiology and Pathology Classification MICCAI 2020 Combined Radiology a
Connexion-faker - Auto-generate mocks from your Connexion API using OpenAPI
Connexion Faker Get Started Install With poetry: poetry add connexion-faker # a
Transformers-regression - Regression Bugs Are In Your Model! Measuring, Reducing and Analyzing Regressions In NLP Model Updates
Regression Free Model Update Code for the paper: Regression Bugs Are In Your Mod
DumpSMBShare - A script to dump files and folders remotely from a Windows SMB share
DumpSMBShare A script to dump files and folders remotely from a Windows SMB shar
PORTSCANNING-IN-PYTHON - A python threaded portscanner to scan websites and ipaddresses
PORTSCANNING-IN-PYTHON This is a python threaded portscanner to scan websites an
OS Algo Visualization - Operating system algorithm visualization using python pygame library
OS_Algo_Visualization Operating system algorithm visualization using python pyga
Logging-monitoring-instrumentation - A brief repository on logging monitoring and instrumentation in Python
logging-monitoring-instrumentation A brief repository on logging monitoring and
Http-proxy-list - A lightweight project that hourly scrapes lots of free-proxy sites, validates if it works, and serves a clean proxy list
Free HTTP Proxy List 🌍 It is a lightweight project that hourly scrapes lots of
SamrSearch - SamrSearch can get user info and group info with MS-SAMR
SamrSearch SamrSearch can get user info and group info with MS-SAMR.like net use
Speed-Test - You can check your intenet speed using this tool
Speed-Test Tool By Hez_X AVAILABLE ON : Termux & Kali linux & Ubuntu (Linux E
Movies-chart - A CLI app gets the top 250 movies of all time from imdb.com and the top 100 movies from rottentomatoes.com
movies-chart This CLI app gets the top 250 movies of all time from imdb.com and
Yo-Snake - A blend of yolov5 and deepsnake
Yo-Snake A blend of yolov5 and deepsnake 结合了yolov5和Deepsnake模型 Deepsnake 模型代码比较复
Backup dc registry - A simple POC that abuses Backup Operator privileges to remote dump SAM, SYSTEM, and SECURITY
Backup Operator Registry Backup to Domain Compromise A simple POC that abuses Ba
SimpleTelegramScraper - A python script scrapes accounts from public groups via Telegram API and saves them in a CSV file
SimpleTelegramScraper - the best scraper on GitHub This simple python script scr
Product-based-recommendation-system - A product based recommendation system which uses Machine learning algorithm such as KNN and cosine similarity
Product-based-recommendation-system A product based recommendation system which
Digitalizing-Prescription-Image - PIRDS - Prescription Image Recognition and Digitalizing System is a OCR make with Tensorflow
Digitalizing-Prescription-Image PIRDS - Prescription Image Recognition and Digit
Breaching - Breaching privacy in federated learning scenarios for vision and text
Breaching - A Framework for Attacks against Privacy in Federated Learning This P
ProjectManagementWebsite - Project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack
ProjectManagementWebsite A minimal project management website for CMSC495 built
Hashcrack: Hash Bruteforse tool using python
HashCrack Hash Bruteforse tool Usage hashcrack.py -n 6 -c lower -l 5 -a md5 -t 3
Federated Learning - Including common test models for federated learning, like CNN, Resnet18 and lstm, controlled by different parser
Federated_Learning 💻 This projest include common test models for federated lear
Wordle-prophecy - The comprehensive list of all Wordle answers, past and future
About This repo contains the comprehensive list of all Wordle answers, past and
Python-Strongest-Encrypter - Transform your text into encrypted symbols using their dictionary
How does the encrypter works? Transform your text into encrypted symbols using t
Keybase-cli - Keybase docker container that exposes the keybase CLI and some common commands such as getting files or loading github action secrets
keybase-cli Keybase docker container that exposes the keybase CLI and some commo
MOT-Tracking-by-Detection-Pipeline - For Tracking-by-Detection format MOT (Multi Object Tracking), is it a framework that separates Detection and Tracking processes?
MOT-Tracking-by-Detection-Pipeline Tracking-by-Detection形式のMOT(Multi Object Trac
Connect-4-AI - AI that plays Connect-4 using the minimax algorithm
Connect-4-AI Brief overview I coded up the Connect-4 (or four-in-a-row) game in
Transcript-Extractor-Bot - Yet another Telegram Voice Recognition bot but using vosk and supports 20+ languages
transcript extractor Yet another Telegram Voice Recognition bot but using vosk a
Uploader-Bot - A Modified Telegram Url Uploader Bot With Mongodb, Zee5, Sonyliv Support and Many Other Yt-dlp Sites
Some simple programs built in Python: webcam with cv2 that detects eyes and face, with grayscale filter
Programas en Python Algunos programas simples creados en Python: 📹 Webcam con c
Text-Summarization-using-NLP - Text Summarization using NLP to fetch BBC News Article and summarize its text and also it includes custom article Summarization
Text-Summarization-using-NLP Text Summarization using NLP to fetch BBC News Arti
Adversarial-Information-Bottleneck - Distilling Robust and Non-Robust Features in Adversarial Examples by Information Bottleneck (NeurIPS21)
NeurIPS 2021 Title: Distilling Robust and Non-Robust Features in Adversarial Exa
GUIOfTemperatureConverterUsingPython - GUI Of Temperature Converter Using Python
Fahrenheit To Celcius GUI Of Temperature Converter Below Video is the Output Of
Yolox-bytetrack-sample - Python sample of MOT (Multiple Object Tracking) using YOLOX and ByteTrack
yolox-bytetrack-sample YOLOXとByteTrackを用いたMOT(Multiple Object Tracking)のPythonサン
Point-NeRF: Point-based Neural Radiance Fields
Point-NeRF: Point-based Neural Radiance Fields Project Sites | Paper | Primary c
Notflix - Notion / Netflix and IMDb to organise your movie dates. Happy Valentine 3 from 0x1za
Welcome to notflix 👋 This is a project to help organise shows to watch with my
VHub - An API that permits uploading of vulnerability datasets and return of the serialized data
VHub - An API that permits uploading of vulnerability datasets and return of the serialized data
GeoTransformer - Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration
Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration PyTorch imple
Ma2tl - macOS forensic timeline generator using the analysis result DBs of mac apt
ma2tl (mac_apt to timeline) This is a DFIR tool for generating a macOS forensic
Repo-cloner - Script takes user public liked repos and clone it to a local folder
Liked repos cloner Script takes user public liked repos and clone it to a local
Blender-3D-SH-Dma-plugin - Import and export Sonic Heroes Delta Morph animations (.anm) into Blender 3D
io_scene_sonic_heroes_dma This plugin for Blender 3D allows you to import and ex
hydrotoolbox is a Python script for hydrologic calculations and analysis or by function calls within Python.
hydrotoolbox is a Python script for hydrologic calculations and analysis or by function calls within Python.
FAMIE is a comprehensive and efficient active learning (AL) toolkit for multilingual information extraction (IE)
FAMIE: A Fast Active Learning Framework for Multilingual Information Extraction
Using PyTorch Perform intent classification using three different models to see which one is better for this task
Using PyTorch Perform intent classification using three different models to see which one is better for this task
fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group.
☑️ FAIR test fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group. I
Detecting drunk people through thermal images using Deep Learning (CNN)
Drunk Detection CNN Detecting drunk people through thermal images using Deep Learning (CNN) Dataset We used thermal images provided by Electronics Lab
Social Distancing Detector
Computer vision has opened up a lot of opportunities to explore into AI domain that were earlier highly limited. Here is an application of haarcascade classifier and OpenCV to develop a social distancing violation detector. I am passing the algo through a video feed where it first detects people using 'haarcascade_fullbody.xml' classifier algo. OpenCV and some mathematical operations then allow us to make code the social distancing violation logic
Multi Account Generator Minecraft/NordVPN/Hulu/Origin And ...
Multi Account Generator Minecraft/NordVPN/Hulu/Origin And ...
Object detection evaluation metrics using Python.
Object detection evaluation metrics using Python.
Python Command Line Application (CLI) using Typer, SQLModel, Async-PostgrSQL, and FastAPI
pyflycli is a command-line interface application built with Typer that allows you to view flights above your location.