3863 Repositories
Python YOLOX-train-your-data Libraries
🔥🔥High-Performance Face Recognition Library on PaddlePaddle & PyTorch🔥🔥
face.evoLVe: High-Performance Face Recognition Library based on PaddlePaddle & PyTorch Evolve to be more comprehensive, effective and efficient for fa
A (PyTorch) imbalanced dataset sampler for oversampling low frequent classes and undersampling high frequent ones.
Imbalanced Dataset Sampler Introduction In many machine learning applications, we often come across datasets where some types of data may be seen more
Display Images in your terminal with python
A python library to display images in the terminal
Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
Reimplement of SimSwap training code
SimSwap-train Reimplement of SimSwap training code Instructions 1.Environment Preparation (1)Refer to the README document of SIMSWAP to configure the
Manage your activities as well as possible.
ToDo-List Manage your activities as well as possible. Create workspace Create many boards for different topics Add unlimited tasks About me Full name:
❤️A next gen powerful telegram group manager bot for manage your groups and have fun with other cool modules
Natsuki Based on Python Telegram Bot Contributors Video Tutorial: Complete guide on deploying @TheNatsukiBot's clone on Heroku. ☆ Video by Sadew Jayas
Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 200 universities.
D2L.ai: Interactive Deep Learning Book with Multi-Framework Code, Math, and Discussions Book website | STAT 157 Course at UC Berkeley | Latest version
Using / reproducing ACD from the paper "Hierarchical interpretations for neural network predictions" 🧠 (ICLR 2019)
Hierarchical neural-net interpretations (ACD) 🧠 Produces hierarchical interpretations for a single prediction made by a pytorch neural network. Offic
Implementation of linear CorEx and temporal CorEx.
Correlation Explanation Methods Official implementation of linear correlation explanation (linear CorEx) and temporal correlation explanation (T-CorEx
Quickly and easily create / train a custom DeepDream model
Dream-Creator This project aims to simplify the process of creating a custom DeepDream model by using pretrained GoogleNet models and custom image dat
The source code and data of the paper "Instance-wise Graph-based Framework for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting".
IGMTF The source code and data of the paper "Instance-wise Graph-based Framework for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting". Requirements The framework
WRENCH: Weak supeRvision bENCHmark
🔧 What is it? Wrench is a benchmark platform containing diverse weak supervision tasks. It also provides a common and easy framework for development
Code and data to accompany the camera-ready version of "Cross-Attention is All You Need: Adapting Pretrained Transformers for Machine Translation" in EMNLP 2021
Code and data to accompany the camera-ready version of "Cross-Attention is All You Need: Adapting Pretrained Transformers for Machine Translation" in EMNLP 2021
Pro Football Reference Game Data Webscraper
Pro Football Reference Game Data Webscraper Code Copyright Yeetzsche This is a simple Pro Football Reference Webscraper that can either collect all ga
I can help you convert your images to pdf file.
IMAGE TO PDF CONVERTER BOT Configs TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather API_ID - From my.telegram.org API_HASH - From my.telegram.org Deploy to Herok
A library for using chemistry in your applications
Chemistry in python Resources Used The following items are not made by me! Click the words to go to the original source Periodic Tab Json - Used in -
A Tools that help Data Scientists and ML engineers train and deploy ML models.
Domino Research This repo contains projects under active development by the Domino R&D team. We build tools that help Data Scientists and ML engineers
Add filters (background blur, etc) to your webcam on Linux.
Add filters (background blur, etc) to your webcam on Linux.
fastgradio is a python library to quickly build and share gradio interfaces of your trained fastai models.
fastgradio is a python library to quickly build and share gradio interfaces of your trained fastai models.
Run with one command grafana, prometheus, and a python script to collect and display cryptocurrency prices and track your wallet balance.
CryptoWatch Track your favorite crypto coin price and your wallet balance. Install Create .env: ADMIN_USER=admin ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin Configure you
Code and data form the paper BERT Got a Date: Introducing Transformers to Temporal Tagging
BERT Got a Date: Introducing Transformers to Temporal Tagging Satya Almasian*, Dennis Aumiller*, and Michael Gertz Heidelberg University Contact us vi
Python library which makes it possible to dynamically mask/anonymize data using JSON string or python dict rules in a PySpark environment.
pyspark-anonymizer Python library which makes it possible to dynamically mask/anonymize data using JSON string or python dict rules in a PySpark envir
Know your customer pipeline in apache air flow
KYC_pipline Know your customer pipeline in apache air flow For a successful pipeline run take these steps: Run you Airflow server Admin - connection
This Web App lets you convert your Normal Image to a SKETCHED one within a minute
This Web App lets you convert your Normal Image to a SKETCHED one within a minute
📢 Video Chat Stream Telegram Bot. Can ⏳ Stream Live Videos, Radios, YouTube Videos & Telegram Video Files On Your Video Chat Of Channels & Groups !
Telegram Video Chat Bot (Beta) 📢 Video Chat Stream Telegram Bot 🤖 Can Stream Live Videos, Radios, YouTube Videos & Telegram Video Files On Your Vide
Meli Data Challenge 2021 - First Place Solution
My solution for the Meli Data Challenge 2021
The PASS dataset: pretrained models and how to get the data - PASS: Pictures without humAns for Self-Supervised Pretraining
The PASS dataset: pretrained models and how to get the data - PASS: Pictures without humAns for Self-Supervised Pretraining
Transformers4Rec is a flexible and efficient library for sequential and session-based recommendation, available for both PyTorch and Tensorflow.
Transformers4Rec is a flexible and efficient library for sequential and session-based recommendation, available for both PyTorch and Tensorflow.
Rerun pytest when your code changes
A simple watcher for pytest Overview pytest-watcher is a tool to automatically rerun pytest when your code changes. It looks for the following events:
Statically typed BNF with semantic actions; A frontend of frontend frameworks; Use your grammar everywhere.
Statically typed BNF with semantic actions; A frontend of frontend frameworks; Use your grammar everywhere.
Find your desired product in Digikala using this app.
Digikala Search Find your desired product in Digikala using this app. با این برنامه محصول مورد نظر خود را در دیجیکالا پیدا کنید. About me Full name: M
An esoteric data type built entirely of NaNs.
NaNsAreNumbers An esoteric data type built entirely of NaNs. Installation pip install nans_are_numbers Explanation A floating point number is just co
Labelling platform for text using distant supervision
With DataQA, you can label unstructured text documents using rule-based distant supervision.
Train a deep learning net with OpenStreetMap features and satellite imagery.
DeepOSM Classify roads and features in satellite imagery, by training neural networks with OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. DeepOSM can: Download a chunk of
Implementation of Squeezenet in pytorch, pretrained models on Cifar 10 data to come
Pytorch Squeeznet Pytorch implementation of Squeezenet model as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07360 on cifar-10 Data. The definition of Sque
Recurrent Variational Autoencoder that generates sequential data implemented with pytorch
Pytorch Recurrent Variational Autoencoder Model: This is the implementation of Samuel Bowman's Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space with Kim's
Hierarchical unsupervised and semi-supervised topic models for sparse count data with CorEx
Anchored CorEx: Hierarchical Topic Modeling with Minimal Domain Knowledge Correlation Explanation (CorEx) is a topic model that yields rich topics tha
TextAttack 🐙 is a Python framework for adversarial attacks, data augmentation, and model training in NLP
TextAttack 🐙 Generating adversarial examples for NLP models [TextAttack Documentation on ReadTheDocs] About • Setup • Usage • Design About TextAttack
Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in yo
Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django views default login_required
Stronghold Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django views default login_required Stronghold is a very small and easy to use django app that
Model Agnostic Confidence Estimator (MACEST) - A Python library for calibrating Machine Learning models' confidence scores
Model Agnostic Confidence Estimator (MACEST) - A Python library for calibrating Machine Learning models' confidence scores
PySpark Cheat Sheet - learn PySpark and develop apps faster
This cheat sheet will help you learn PySpark and write PySpark apps faster. Everything in here is fully functional PySpark code you can run or adapt to your programs.
A git extension for seeing your Cloud Build deployment
A git extension for seeing your Cloud Build deployment
Display your calendar on the wallpaper.
wallCal Have your calendar appear as the wallpaper. disclaimer Use at your own risk. Don't blame me if you miss a meeting :-) Some parts of the script
Snack Rice - A Rice University servery finder, customized for your needs!
Snack Rice - A Rice University servery finder, customized for your needs!
Instagram Story View Bot Unencrypted Story Views is a helpful tool that allows thousands of people to watch your posts. It is completely free, source is visible for anyone to modify Type your username, wait for the bot to Automate the Task.
Ιnstagram Story Viewer Bot Usage I made this script under 10 minutes, the idea is to get Unlimited Story Views by Looping the "Submit Button" Update x
TorchGeo is a PyTorch domain library, similar to torchvision, that provides datasets, transforms, samplers, and pre-trained models specific to geospatial data.
TorchGeo is a PyTorch domain library, similar to torchvision, that provides datasets, transforms, samplers, and pre-trained models specific to geospatial data.
Monetize your apps with KivAds using Google AdMob api.
KivAds(WIP) Monetize your apps with KivAds using Google AdMob api. KivAds uses the latest version of Google AdMob sdk(version 20.0.0). KivAds exposes
A collection of scripts to steal BTC from Lightning Network enabled custodial services. Only for educational purpose! Share your findings only when design flaws are fixed.
Lightning Network Fee Siphoning Attack LN-fee-siphoning is a collection of scripts to subtract BTC from Lightning Network enabled custodial services b
The project is investigating methods to extract human-marked data from document forms such as surveys and tests.
The project is investigating methods to extract human-marked data from document forms such as surveys and tests. They can read questions, multiple-choice exam papers, and grade.
This project converts your human voice input to its text transcript and to an automated voice too.
Human Voice to Automated Voice & Text Introduction: In this project, whenever you'll speak, it will turn your voice into a robot voice and furthermore
Python reader for Linked Data in HDF5 files
Linked Data are becoming more popular for user-created metadata in HDF5 files.
Key Cast - Cast your key presses and mouse clicks on the screen, while casting your favorite application on the screen. Better than the rest.
Key Cast Screen cast your keyboard and mouse clicks in style Project Homepage » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Introductio
A collection of scripts to steal BTC from Lightning Network enabled custodial services. Only for educational purpose! Share your findings only when design flaws are fixed.
Lightning Network Fee Siphoning Attack LN-fee-siphoning is a collection of scripts to subtract BTC from Lightning Network enabled custodial services b
Django-Audiofield is a simple app that allows Audio files upload, management and conversion to different audio format (mp3, wav & ogg), which also makes it easy to play audio files into your Django application.
Django-Audiofield Description: Django Audio Management Tools Maintainer: Areski Contributors: list of contributors Django-Audiofield is a simple app t
Generate Views, Serializers, and Urls for your Django Rest Framework application
DRF Generators Writing APIs can be boring and repetitive work. Don't write another CRUDdy view in Django Rest Framework. With DRF Generators, one simp
Web app to find your chance of winning at Texas Hold 'Em
poker_mc Web app to find your chance of winning at Texas Hold 'Em A working version of this project is deployed at poker-mc.ue.r.appspot.com. It's run
👻 Ghoul is an easy to use information service, allowing you to get/add information on someone or something directly from your terminal.
👻 Ghoul is an easy to use information service, allowing you to get/add information on someone or something directly from your terminal. It c
Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet extensible break reminder
Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet extensible break reminder
Django package to log request values such as device, IP address, user CPU time, system CPU time, No of queries, SQL time, no of cache calls, missing, setting data cache calls for a particular URL with a basic UI.
django-web-profiler's documentation: Introduction: django-web-profiler is a django profiling tool which logs, stores debug toolbar statistics and also
Get your Pixiv token (for running upbit/pixivpy)
gppt: get-pixivpy-token Get your Pixiv token (for running upbit/pixivpy) Refine pixiv_auth.py + its fork Install ❭ pip install gppt Run Note: In advan
Data from popular CS:GO website hltv.org
Welcome to hltv-data 👋 🎮 Data from popular CS:GO website hltv.org Install pip install hltv-data Usage The public methods can be reached using HLTVCl
Obsidian tools - a Python package for analysing an Obsidian.md vault
obsidiantools is a Python package for getting structured metadata about your Obsidian.md notes and analysing your vault.
A demo of a data science project using Kedro
iris Overview This is your new Kedro project, which was generated using Kedro 0.17.4. Take a look at the Kedro documentation to get started. Rules and
Build your own Etherscan with web3.py
Build your own Etherscan with web3.py Video Tutorial: Run it pip3 install -r requirements.txt export FLASK_APP=app export FLASK_ENV=development flask
django-dashing is a customisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django to visualize interesting data about your project. Inspired in the dashboard framework Dashing
django-dashing django-dashing is a customisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django to visualize interesting data about your project.
Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site.
Django Blog Zinnia Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site. Zinnia has been made for pub
Provide OAuth2 access to your app
django-oauth2-provider django-oauth2-provider is a Django application that provides customizable OAuth2-authentication for your Django projects. Docum
A django compressor tool that bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with webpack and updates your html files with respective css, js file path.
django-webpacker's documentation: Introduction: django-webpacker is a django compressor tool which bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with
A Django admin theme using Twitter Bootstrap. It doesn't need any kind of modification on your side, just add it to the installed apps.
django-admin-bootstrapped A Django admin theme using Bootstrap. It doesn't need any kind of modification on your side, just add it to the installed ap
Produces a summary CSV report of an Amber Electric customer's energy consumption and cost data.
Amber Electric Usage Summary This is a command line tool that produces a summary CSV report of an Amber Electric customer's energy consumption and cos
Rafael Project- Classifying rockets to different types using data science algorithms.
Rocket-Classify Rafael Project- Classifying rockets to different types using data science algorithms. In this project we received data base with data
[ArXiv 2021] Data-Efficient Instance Generation from Instance Discrimination
InsGen - Data-Efficient Instance Generation from Instance Discrimination Data-Efficient Instance Generation from Instance Discrimination Ceyuan Yang,
Simple discord token generator good for memberboosting your server! Uses Hcaptcha bypass
discord-tokens-generator INFO This is a Simple Discord Token Generator which creates unverified discord accounts These accounts are good for member bo
Download YOUR files, documents from vk.
vk-documents-downloader Кароч эта симпл херня качает все ВАШИ документы с вк. Или я еблан, но в гх и тмб гугле я подобного не нашел. py main.py Login:
Shape Matching of Real 3D Object Data to Synthetic 3D CADs (3DV project @ ETHZ)
Real2CAD-3DV Shape Matching of Real 3D Object Data to Synthetic 3D CADs (3DV project @ ETHZ) Group Member: Yue Pan, Yuanwen Yue, Bingxin Ke, Yujie He
A daily updated JSON dataset of all the Open House London venues, events, and metadata
Open House London listings data All of it. Automatically scraped hourly with updates committed to git, autogenerated per-day CSV's, and autogenerated
A set of tools for converting a darknet dataset to COCO format working with YOLOX
darknet格式数据→COCO darknet训练数据目录结构(详情参见dataset/darknet): darknet ├── class.names ├── gen_config.data ├── gen_train.txt ├── gen_valid.txt └── images
lightweight, fast and robust columnar dataframe for data analytics with online update
streamdf Streamdf is a lightweight data frame library built on top of the dictionary of numpy array, developed for Kaggle's time-series code competiti
Watch your Docker registry project size, then monitor it with Grafana.
Watch your Docker registry project size, then monitor it with Grafana.
CS 506 - Computational Tools for Data Science
CS 506 - Computational Tools for Data Science Code, slides, and notes for Boston University CS506 Fall 2021 The Final Project Repository can be found
An all-inclusive Python framework for the Riot Games League of Legends API. We focus on making the data easy and fun to work with, while providing all the tools necessary to create a website or do data analysis.
Cassiopeia A Python adaptation of the Riot Games League of Legends API (https://developer.riotgames.com/). Cassiopeia is the sister library to Orianna
Learn how to responsibly deliver value with ML.
Made With ML Applied ML · MLOps · Production Join 30K+ developers in learning how to responsibly deliver value with ML. 🔥 Among the top MLOps reposit
Visions provides an extensible suite of tools to support common data analysis operations
Visions And these visions of data types, they kept us up past the dawn. Visions provides an extensible suite of tools to support common data analysis
Print a directory tree structure in your Python code.
directory-structure Print a directory tree structure in your Python code. Download You can simply: pip install directory-structure Or you can also: Cl
An open-source Python project series where beginners can contribute and practice coding.
Python Mini Projects A collection of easy Python small projects to help you improve your programming skills. Table Of Contents Aim Of The Project Cont
This code renames subtitle file names to your video files names, so you don't need to rename them manually.
Rename Subtitle This code renames your subtitle file names to your video file names so you don't need to do it manually Note: It only works for series
⏰ Shutdown Timer is an application that you can shutdown, restart, logoff, and hibernate your computer with a timer.
Shutdown Timer is a an application that you can shutdown, restart, logoff, and hibernate your computer with a timer. After choosing an action from the
An unofficial python API for trading on the DeGiro platform, with the ability to get real time data and historical data.
DegiroAPI An unofficial API for the trading platform Degiro written in Python with the ability to get real time data and historical data for products.
jsoooooooon derulo - Make sure your 'jason derulo' is featured as the first part of your json data
jsonderulo Make sure your 'jason derulo' is featured as the first part of your json data Install: # python pip install jsonderulo poetry add jsonderul
Tools to help record data from Qiskit jobs
archiver4qiskit Tools to help record data from Qiskit jobs. Install with pip install git+https://github.com/NCCR-SPIN/archiver4qiskit.git Import the
This reporistory contains the test-dev data of the paper "xGQA: Cross-lingual Visual Question Answering".
This reporistory contains the test-dev data of the paper "xGQA: Cross-lingual Visual Question Answering".
Encrypt your code without a worry. Stark utilizes the base64, hashlib and Crypto lib to encrypt your code which cannot be decrypted with any online tools.
Stark Encrypt your code without a worry. Stark utilizes the base64, hashlib and Crypto lib to encrypt your code which cannot be decrypted with any onl
NLPIR tutorial: pretrain for IR. pre-train on raw textual corpus, fine-tune on MS MARCO Document Ranking
pretrain4ir_tutorial NLPIR tutorial: pretrain for IR. pre-train on raw textual corpus, fine-tune on MS MARCO Document Ranking 用作NLPIR实验室, Pre-training
Make your Discord Account Online 24/7!
Online-Forever Make your Discord Account Online 24/7! A Code written in Python that helps you to keep your account 24/7. The main.py is the main file.
“Data Augmentation for Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition” (EMNLP 2021)
Data Augmentation for Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition Authors: Shuguang Chen, Gustavo Aguilar, Leonardo Neves and Thamar Solorio This repository
It's a Discord bot to control your PC using your Discord Channel or using Reco: Discord PC Remote Controller App.
Reco PC Server Reco PC Server is a cross platform PC Controller Discord Bot which is a modified and improved version of Chimera for Reco-Discord PC Re
Python solutions to Codeforces problems
CodeForces This repository is dedicated to my Python solutions for CodeForces problems. Feel free to copy, contribute and/or comment. If you find any
Python code written to utilize the Korlan usb2can hardware to send and receive data over the can-bus on a 2008 Nissan 350z
nissan_ecu_hacking Python code written to utilize the Korlan usb2can hardware to send and receive data over the can-bus on a 2008 Nissan 350z My goal