11906 Repositories
Python aoc-2021-in-python Libraries
Illuminated3D This project participates in the Nasa Space Apps Challenge 2021.
Illuminated3D This project participates in the Nasa Space Apps Challenge 2021.
Michelle is a Discord Bot coded in Python with Discord.py by Mudit07.
Michelle is a Discord Bot coded in Python with Discord.py by Mudit07.
Python wrapper for Gmailnator
Python wrapper for Gmailnator
A python module to update the console without flashing.
A python module to update the console without flashing.
django Filer is a file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze.
django Filer is a file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze.
Code for ICCV 2021 paper "HuMoR: 3D Human Motion Model for Robust Pose Estimation"
Code for ICCV 2021 paper "HuMoR: 3D Human Motion Model for Robust Pose Estimation"
Image Detector and Convertor App created using python's Pillow, OpenCV, cvlib, numpy and streamlit packages.
Image Detector and Convertor App created using python's Pillow, OpenCV, cvlib, numpy and streamlit packages.
An easy-to-use Python module that helps you to extract the BERT embeddings for a large text dataset (Bengali/English) efficiently.
An easy-to-use Python module that helps you to extract the BERT embeddings for a large text dataset (Bengali/English) efficiently.
A lightweight REST miniframework for Python.
restless A lightweight REST miniframework for Python. Documentation is at https://restless.readthedocs.io/. Works great with Django, Flask, Pyramid, T
A ultra-lightweight 3D renderer of the Tensorflow/Keras neural network architectures
A ultra-lightweight 3D renderer of the Tensorflow/Keras neural network architectures
Python SCript to scrape members from a selected Telegram group.
A python script to scrape all the members in a telegram group anad save in a CSV file. REGESTRING Go to this link https://core.telegram.org/api/obtain
Programmatically access the physical and chemical properties of elements in modern periodic table.
API to fetch elements of the periodic table in JSON format. Uses Pandas for dumping .csv data to .json and Flask for API Integration. Deployed on "pyt
An OSINT tool that searches for devices directly connected to the internet (IoT) with a user specified query. It returns results for Webcams, Traffic lights, Refridgerators, Smart TVs etc.
An OSINT tool that searches for devices directly connected to the internet (IoT) with a user specified query. It returns results for Webcams, Traffic
AutomaTik is an automation system for MikroTik devices with simplicity and security in mind.
AutomaTik Installation AutomaTik is an automation system for MikroTik devices with simplicity and security in mind. Winbox is the main tool for MikroT
PyQaver is a PHP like WebServer for Python.
PyQaver is a PHP like WebServer for Python.
A python wrapper for REAPER
pyreaper A python wrapper for REAPER (Robust Epoch And Pitch EstimatoR) Installation pip install pyreaper Demonstration notebnook http://nbviewer.jupy
Float2Binary - A simple python class which finds the binary representation of a floating-point number.
Float2Binary A simple python class which finds the binary representation of a floating-point number. You can find a class in IEEE754.py file with the
A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy, redislab, mongo database, telethon, and pyrogram.
Zeldris Robot A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy, redislab, mongo database, telethon, and pyrogram. How to set up/depl
HeatNet is a python package that provides tools to build, train and evaluate neural networks designed to predict extreme heat wave events globally on daily to subseasonal timescales.
HeatNet HeatNet is a python package that provides tools to build, train and evaluate neural networks designed to predict extreme heat wave events glob
Built with Python programming language and QT library and Guess the number in three easy, medium and hard rolls
password-generator Built with Python programming language and QT library and Guess the number in three easy, medium and hard rolls Password generator
Build a translation program similar to Google Translate with Python programming language and QT library
google-translate Build a translation program similar to Google Translate with Python programming language and QT library Different parts of the progra
Python bytecode manipulation and import process customization to do evil stuff with format strings. Nasty!
formathack Python bytecode manipulation and import process customization to do evil stuff with format strings. Nasty! This is an answer to a StackOver
Nanosensor Image Processor (NanoImgPro), a python-based image analysis tool for dopamine nanosensors
NanoImgPro Nanosensor Image Processor (NanoImgPro), a python-based image analysis tool for dopamine nanosensors NanoImgPro.py contains the main class
Open-Source Python CLI package for copying DynamoDB tables and items in parallel batch processing + query natural & Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs)
Python Command-Line Interface Package to copy Dynamodb data in parallel batch processing + query natural & Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs).
Turtle graphics || Python
turtle Turtle graphics || Python Rainbow (রংধনু) : Rainbow.using.Python.--.Python.Turtle.graphics.mp4 Human robot (মানব রোবট) : Draw.a.human.robot.usi
Built with Python programming language and QT library and Guess the number in three easy, medium and hard rolls
guess-the-numbers Built with Python programming language and QT library and Guess the number in three easy, medium and hard rolls Number guessing game
Python Markov Chain chatbot running on Telegram
Hanasubot Hanasubot (Japanese 話すボット, talking bot) is a Python chatbot running on Telegram. The bot is based on Markov Chains so it can learn your word
Pydantic-ish YAML configuration management.
Pydantic-ish YAML configuration management.
The Main Pythonic Version Of Twig Using Nextcord
The Main Pythonic Version Of Twig Using Nextcord
Python library to remotely extract credentials on a set of hosts.
Python library to remotely extract credentials on a set of hosts.
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
OptaPy is an AI constraint solver for Python to optimize planning and scheduling problems.
OptaPy is an AI constraint solver for Python to optimize the Vehicle Routing Problem, Employee Rostering, Maintenance Scheduling, Task Assignment, School Timetabling, Cloud Optimization, Conference Scheduling, Job Shop Scheduling, Bin Packing and many more planning problems.
Graphsignal is a machine learning model monitoring platform.
Graphsignal is a machine learning model monitoring platform. It helps ML engineers, MLOps teams and data scientists to quickly address issues with data and models as well as proactively analyze model performance and availability.
This is a public repo where code samples are stored for the book Practical MLOps.
[Book-2021] Practical MLOps O'Reilly Book
Inykcal is a software written in python for selected E-Paper displays.
Inykcal is a software written in python for selected E-Paper displays. It converts these displays into useful information dashboards. It's open-source, free for personal use, fully modular and user-friendly. Despite all this, Inkycal can run well even on the Raspberry Pi Zero W. Oh, and it's open for third-party modules! Hooray!
Neural-Pull: Learning Signed Distance Functions from Point Clouds by Learning to Pull Space onto Surfaces(ICML 2021)
Neural-Pull: Learning Signed Distance Functions from Point Clouds by Learning to Pull Space onto Surfaces(ICML 2021) This repository contains the code
Certipy is a Python tool to enumerate and abuse misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).
Certipy Certipy is a Python tool to enumerate and abuse misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). Based on the C# variant Ce
Python HTTP Server
Python HTTP Server Preview Languange and Code Editor: How to run? Download the zip first. Open the http.py and wait 1-2 seconds. You will see __pycach
Manage AWS Secrets the easy way
AWStanding Easily load variables from AWS Parameter store into environment variables. Why to AWStanding? Because it handles AWS pagination so the amou
user friendly python script who is able to catch fish in the game New World
new-world-fishing-bot release 1.1.1 click img for demonstration Download guide Click at latest release: Download and extract bot.zip: When you run fil
Host your Python Discord Bot 24/7 for free. POC
🐉 Pandore 🐉 The easiest and fastest way to host your Python3 Discord Bot 24/7 for free! 📚 Documentation 📚 If you encounter any problem while using
Repositori untuk belajar pemrograman Python dalam bahasa Indonesia
Python Repositori ini berisi kumpulan dari berbagai macam contoh struktur data, algoritma dan komputasi matematika yang diimplementasikan dengan mengg
Code generation and code search for Python and Javascript.
Codeon Code generation and code search for Python and Javascript. Similar to GitHub Copilot with one major difference: Code search is leveraged to mak
lazy_table - a python-tabulate wrapper for producing tables from generators
A python-tabulate wrapper for producing tables from generators. Motivation lazy_table is useful when (i) each row of your table is generated by a poss
Zappa makes it super easy to build and deploy server-less, event-driven Python applications on AWS Lambda + API Gateway.
Zappa makes it super easy to build and deploy server-less, event-driven Python applications (including, but not limited to, WSGI web apps) on AWS Lambda + API Gateway. Think of it as "serverless" web hosting for your Python apps. That means infinite scaling, zero downtime, zero maintenance - and at a fraction of the cost of your current deployments!
Eland is a Python Elasticsearch client for exploring and analyzing data in Elasticsearch with a familiar Pandas-compatible API.
Python Client and Toolkit for DataFrames, Big Data, Machine Learning and ETL in Elasticsearch
This program is written in python. It will help you find a valid solution for a sudoku puzzle.
Sudoku-Solver-Using-Tkinter This program is written in python. It will help you find a valid solution for a sudoku puzzle. Requirements: Python3 IDLE
TRREASURE_IMAGE is python lib by which you can hide anything in a .jpg image with Command-Line Interface[cli] feature
TRREASURE_IMAGE TRREASURE_IMAGE is a python third-party library with Command-Line Interface[cli] feature. Table of Contents General Info Python librar
A Python library for choreographing your machine learning research.
A Python library for choreographing your machine learning research.
Work with the AWS IP address ranges in native Python.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) publishes its current IP address ranges in JSON format. Python v3 provides an ipaddress module in the standard library that allows you to create, manipulate, and perform operations on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks. Wouldn't it be nice if you could work with the AWS IP address ranges like native Python objects?
Dynamic Realtime Animation Control
Our project is targeted at making an application that dynamically detects the user’s expressions and gestures and projects it onto an animation software which then renders a 2D/3D animation realtime that gets broadcasted live.
PipeCat - A command line Youtube music player written in python.
A command line Youtube music player written in python. It's an app written for Linux. It also supports offline playlists that are stored in a
Tweet stream in OBS browser source
Tweetron TweetronはOBSブラウザーソースを使用してツイートを画面上に表示するツールソフトです Windowsのみ対応 (Windows10動作確認済) ダウンロード こちらから最新版をダウンロードしてください (現在ベータテスト版を配布しています) Download ver0.0.
Aim of the project is to reduce phishing victims. 😇
Sites: For more details visit our Blog. How to use 😀 : You just have to paste the url in the ENTER THE SUSPECTED URL section and SELECT THE RESEMBELI
A Virtual Desktop Assistant Written in Python
DesktopAssitant A Virtual Desktop Assistant Written in Python. It's generally a basic virtual assistant The basic purpose of this is to make work easi
Cisco RV110w UPnP stack overflow
Cisco RV110W UPnP 0day 分析 前言 最近UPnP比较火,恰好手里有一台Cisco RV110W,在2021年8月份思科官方公布了一个Cisco RV系列关于UPnP的0day,但是具体的细节并没有公布出来。于是想要用手中的设备调试挖掘一下这个漏洞,漏洞的公告可以在官网看到。 准
This is Pdisk Upload Bot made using Python with Pyrogram Framework. Its capable of uploading direct download link with thumbnail or without thumbnail & with Title Support.
Pdisk-Upload-Bot Introduction This Is PDisk Upload Bot Used To Upload Direct Link To Pdisk With Thumb Support Deploy Heroku Deploy Local Deploy pip in
Python module for controlling Broadlink RM2/3 (Pro) remote controls, A1 sensor platforms and SP2/3 smartplugs
Python module for controlling Broadlink RM2/3 (Pro) remote controls, A1 sensor platforms and SP2/3 smartplugs
Sync Toolbox - Python package with reference implementations for efficient, robust, and accurate music synchronization based on dynamic time warping (DTW)
Sync Toolbox - Python package with reference implementations for efficient, robust, and accurate music synchronization based on dynamic time warping (DTW)
Tablexplore is an application for data analysis and plotting built in Python using the PySide2/Qt toolkit.
Tablexplore is an application for data analysis and plotting built in Python using the PySide2/Qt toolkit.
MaryJane is a simple MJPEG server written in Python.
MaryJane is a simple MJPEG server written in Python.
Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model in ONNX
ONNX msg_chn_wacv20 depth completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20 model in
The official Discord Python framework for thenewboston blockchain.
Project Setup Follow the steps below to set up the project on your environment. Mac Setup Homebrew requires the Xcode command-line tools from Apple's
wyscoutapi is an extremely basic API client for the Wyscout API (v2 & v3) for Python
wyscoutapi wyscoutapi is an extremely basic API client for the Wyscout API (v2 & v3). Usage Install with pip install wyscoutapi. To connect to the Wys
a python package that lets you add custom colors and text formatting to your scripts in a very easy way!
colormate Python script text formatting package What is colormate? colormate is a python library that lets you add text formatting to your scripts, it
This project contains an implemented version of Face Detection using OpenCV and Mediapipe. This is a code snippet and can be used in projects.
Live-Face-Detection Project Description: In this project, we will be using the live video feed from the camera to detect Faces. It will also detect so
Code for 'Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning', ICCV 2021
CMIC-Retrieval Code for Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Instance and Category Contrastive Learning. ICCV 2021. Introduction In this wo
GTPS Status Bot
Python GTPS Status Bot (BETA) Python GTPS Status Bot Require Python How To Use Download This Source Extract The Zip File Install the requirements (Mod
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper "Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes", ICCV 2021.
Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes Official PyTorch Implementation of paper "Deep 3D Mask Volume for View Synthesis of Dynamic S
A Python-based RPC-like toolkit for interfacing with QuestDB.
pykit A Python-based RPC-like toolkit for interfacing with QuestDB. Requirements Python 3.9 Java Azul
PyTorch implementation of the WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space (ICCV 2021)
Authors official PyTorch implementation of the "WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space" [ICCV 2021].
ICLR 2021: Pre-Training for Context Representation in Conversational Semantic Parsing
SCoRe: Pre-Training for Context Representation in Conversational Semantic Parsing This repository contains code for the ICLR 2021 paper "SCoRE: Pre-Tr
BabelCalib: A Universal Approach to Calibrating Central Cameras. In ICCV (2021)
BabelCalib: A Universal Approach to Calibrating Central Cameras This repository contains the MATLAB implementation of the BabelCalib calibration frame
EMNLP 2021: Single-dataset Experts for Multi-dataset Question-Answering
MADE (Multi-Adapter Dataset Experts) This repository contains the implementation of MADE (Multi-adapter dataset experts), which is described in the pa
Tickergram is a Telegram bot to look up quotes, charts, general market sentiment and more.
Tickergram is a Telegram bot to look up quotes, charts, general market sentiment and more.
Samila is a generative art generator written in Python
Samila is a generative art generator written in Python, Samila let's you create arts based on many thousand points. The position of every single point is calculated by a formula, which has random parameters. Because of the random numbers, every image looks different.
Generic template for python service
Cookie cutter template example Technology stack Flask Gevent UWSGI Poetry Docker Docker-compose Installation pip install cookiecutter cookiecutter git
pylunasvg - Python bindings for lunasvg
pylunasvg - Python bindings for lunasvg Pylunasvg is a simple wrapper around lunasvg that uses pybind11 to create python bindings. All public API of t
a lite weight photo editor written in python for day to day photo editing!
GNU-PhotoShop A lite weight Photo editing Program (currently CLI only) written in python3 for day to day photo editing. Disclaimer : Currently we don'
Fast⚡, simple and light💡weight ASGI micro🔬 web🌏-framework for Python🐍.
NanoASGI Asynchronous Python Web Framework NanoASGI is a fast ⚡ , simple and light 💡 weight ASGI micro 🔬 web 🌏 -framework for Python 🐍 . It is dis
2021 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition
2021 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition This repository contains code samples for the 2021 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition. P
Music bot because Octave is down and I can : )
Chords On a mission to build the best Discord Music Bot View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Gettin
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python Examples. The beyonic APIs Doc Reference: https://apidocs.beyonic.com/ To start using the Beyonic API Python API, you need to start
Demo of a WAM Prolog implementation in Python
Prol: WAM demo This is a simplified Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) implementation for Prolog, that showcases the main instructions, compiling, register
How to Create a YouTube Bot that Increases Views using Python Programming Language
YouTube-Bot-in-Python-Selenium How to Create a YouTube Bot that Increases Views using Python Programming Language. The app is for educational purpose
A repository containing several general purpose Python scripts to automate daily and common tasks.
General Purpose Scripts Introduction This repository holds a curated list of Python scripts which aim to help us automate daily and common tasks. You
Python tutorial for implementing Oxylabs' Residential Proxies with AIOHTTP
Integrating Oxylabs' Residential Proxies with AIOHTTP Requirements for the Integration For the integration to work you'll need to install aiohttp libr
Tutorial for integrating Oxylabs' Residential Proxies with Selenium
Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies integration with Selenium Requirements For the integration to work, you'll need to install Selenium on your system. You c
BETCOIN BET is a digital currency system created with python
BETCOIN BET is a digital currency created with python and flask with features of a centralized bank, wallet system, and open transaction history of al
Python virtual filesystem for SQLite to read from and write to S3
Python virtual filesystem for SQLite to read from and write to S3
A python implementation of Physics-informed Spline Learning for nonlinear dynamics discovery
PiSL A python implementation of Physics-informed Spline Learning for nonlinear dynamics discovery. Sun, F., Liu, Y. and Sun, H., 2021. Physics-informe
This program can encrypt and decrypt your files so that they can no longer be identified.
File_Cryptographer Table of Contents: About the Program Features Requirements Preview Credits Reach Me See Also About the Program: with this program,
Timeouts for popular Python packages
Python Timeouts An unresponsive service can be worse than a down one. It can tie up your entire system if not handled properly. All network requests s
Change your Windows background with this program safely & easily!
Background_Changer Table of Contents: About the Program Features Requirements Preview Credits Reach Me See Also About the Program: You can change your
Pyxel is a retro game engine for Python.
Pyxel is open source and free to use. Let's start making a retro game with Pyxel!
Make Python datetime formatting human readable
Make Python datetime formatting human readable
This repository contains the code for the CVPR 2021 paper "GIRAFFE: Representing Scenes as Compositional Generative Neural Feature Fields"
GIRAFFE: Representing Scenes as Compositional Generative Neural Feature Fields Project Page | Paper | Supplementary | Video | Slides | Blog | Talk If
PyTorch implementation of paper "IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering", CVPR 2021.
IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering PyTorch implementation of paper "IBRNet: Learning Multi-View Image-Based Rendering", CVPR 2021. IBRN
A library to create multi-page Streamlit applications with ease.
A library to create multi-page Streamlit applications with ease.
Efficient Python Tricks and Tools for Data Scientists
Why efficient Python? Because using Python more efficiently will make your code more readable and run more efficiently.