8499 Repositories
Python ball-and-beam Libraries
Implementation of the paper "Language-agnostic representation learning of source code from structure and context".
Code Transformer This is an official PyTorch implementation of the CodeTransformer model proposed in: D. Zügner, T. Kirschstein, M. Catasta, J. Leskov
List of ngrok alternatives and other ngrok-like tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting.
List of ngrok alternatives and other ngrok-like tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting.
git《Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks》(2020) GitHub:
Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks Source code for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Set Prediction Networks. W
Source Code for DialogBERT: Discourse-Aware Response Generation via Learning to Recover and Rank Utterances (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.01775.pdf)
DialogBERT This is a PyTorch implementation of the DialogBERT model described in DialogBERT: Neural Response Generation via Hierarchical BERT with Dis
Leveraging Instance-, Image- and Dataset-Level Information for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation
Leveraging Instance-, Image- and Dataset-Level Information for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation This paper has been accepted and early accessed
Screaming-fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser.
Screaming-fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser.
A Python utility belt containing simple tools, a stdlib like feel, and extra batteries. Hashing, Caching, Timing, Progress, and more made easy!
Ubelt is a small library of robust, tested, documented, and simple functions that extend the Python standard library. It has a flat API that all behav
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe! Features Brings functional programming to Python land Provides a bunch of primitives
A fancy and practical functional tools
Funcy A collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality. Inspired by clojure, underscore and my own abstractions. Keep reading to get an
🔩 Like builtins, but boltons. 250+ constructs, recipes, and snippets which extend (and rely on nothing but) the Python standard library. Nothing like Michael Bolton.
Boltons boltons should be builtins. Boltons is a set of over 230 BSD-licensed, pure-Python utilities in the same spirit as — and yet conspicuously mis
Guide: Finetune GPT2-XL (1.5 Billion Parameters) and GPT-NEO (2.7 B) on a single 16 GB VRAM V100 Google Cloud instance with Huggingface Transformers using DeepSpeed
Guide: Finetune GPT2-XL (1.5 Billion Parameters) and GPT-NEO (2.7 Billion Parameters) on a single 16 GB VRAM V100 Google Cloud instance with Huggingfa
Implementation of STAM (Space Time Attention Model), a pure and simple attention model that reaches SOTA for video classification
STAM - Pytorch Implementation of STAM (Space Time Attention Model), yet another pure and simple SOTA attention model that bests all previous models in
Poisson Surface Reconstruction for LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
Poisson Surface Reconstruction for LiDAR Odometry and Mapping Surfels TSDF Our Approach Table: Qualitative comparison between the different mapping te
Log and View requests made on Django
Django Request Viewer Log and view requests made on your Django App Introduction Recently, @ichtrojan and @toniastro released horus, a request logger
An introduction of Markov decision process (MDP) and two algorithms that solve MDPs (value iteration, policy iteration) along with their Python implementations.
Markov Decision Process A Markov decision process (MDP), by definition, is a sequential decision problem for a fully observable, stochastic environmen
A.I and game for gomoku, working only on windows
Gomoku (A.I of gomoku) The goal of the project is to create an artificial intelligence of gomoku. Goals Beat the opponent. Requirements Python 3.7+ Wo
Framework for abstracting Amiga debuggers and access to AmigaOS libraries and devices.
Framework for abstracting Amiga debuggers. This project provides abstration to control an Amiga remotely using a debugger. The APIs are not yet stable
Python library and cli util for https://www.zerochan.net/
Zerochan Library for Zerochan.net with pics parsing and downloader included! Features CLI utility for pics downloading from zerochan.net Library for c
Your own movie streaming service. Easy to install, easy to use. Download, manage and watch your favorite movies conveniently from your browser or phone. Install it on your server, access it anywhere and enjoy.
Vigilio Your own movie streaming service. Easy to install, easy to use. Download, manage and watch your favorite movies conveniently from your browser
Some ideas and tools to develop Python 3.8 plugins for GIMP 2.99.4
gimp-python-development Some ideas and tools to develop Python 3.8 plugins for GIMP 2.99.4. GIMP 2.99.4 is the latest unstable pre-release of GIMP 3.
The project is an official implementation of our paper "3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers".
3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers This repo is the official implementation for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and
Prototypical Pseudo Label Denoising and Target Structure Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (CVPR 2021)
Prototypical Pseudo Label Denoising and Target Structure Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (CVPR 2021, official Pytorch implementatio
A fast and durable Pub/Sub channel over Websockets. FastAPI + WebSockets + PubSub == ⚡ 💪 ❤️
⚡ 🗞️ FastAPI Websocket Pub/Sub A fast and durable Pub/Sub channel over Websockets. The easiest way to create a live publish / subscribe multi-cast ov
A bot for FaucetCrypto a cryptocurrency faucet. The bot can currently claim PTC ads, main reward and all the shortlinks except exe.io and fc.lc.
A bot for the high paying popular cryptocurrency faucet Faucet Crypto. The bot is built using Python and Selenium, currently it is under active develo
MultiPy lets you conveniently keep track of your python scripts for personal use or showcase by loading and grouping them into categories. It allows you to either run each script individually or together with just one click.
MultiPy About MultiPy is a graphical user interface built using Dear PyGui Python GUI Framework that lets you conveniently keep track of your python s
Automated Machine Learning Pipeline with Feature Engineering and Hyper-Parameters Tuning
The mljar-supervised is an Automated Machine Learning Python package that works with tabular data. I
A Python package for Bayesian forecasting with object-oriented design and probabilistic models under the hood.
Disclaimer This project is stable and being incubated for long-term support. It may contain new experimental code, for which APIs are subject to chang
pyhsmm MITpyhsmm - Bayesian inference in HSMMs and HMMs. MIT
Bayesian inference in HSMMs and HMMs This is a Python library for approximate unsupervised inference in Bayesian Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and expli
Sensitivity Analysis Library in Python (Numpy). Contains Sobol, Morris, Fractional Factorial and FAST methods.
Sensitivity Analysis Library (SALib) Python implementations of commonly used sensitivity analysis methods. Useful in systems modeling to calculate the
Python Library for learning (Structure and Parameter) and inference (Statistical and Causal) in Bayesian Networks.
pgmpy pgmpy is a python library for working with Probabilistic Graphical Models. Documentation and list of algorithms supported is at our official sit
Python Kalman filtering and optimal estimation library. Implements Kalman filter, particle filter, Extended Kalman filter, Unscented Kalman filter, g-h (alpha-beta), least squares, H Infinity, smoothers, and more. Has companion book 'Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python'.
FilterPy - Kalman filters and other optimal and non-optimal estimation filters in Python. NOTE: Imminent drop of support of Python 2.7, 3.4. See secti
Fast, flexible and easy to use probabilistic modelling in Python.
Please consider citing the JMLR-MLOSS Manuscript if you've used pomegranate in your academic work! pomegranate is a package for building probabilistic
A highly efficient and modular implementation of Gaussian Processes in PyTorch
GPyTorch GPyTorch is a Gaussian process library implemented using PyTorch. GPyTorch is designed for creating scalable, flexible, and modular Gaussian
Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
Getting Started | Documentation | Community | Contributing Pyro is a flexible, scalable deep probabilistic programming library built on PyTorch. Notab
Probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in TensorFlow
TensorFlow Probability TensorFlow Probability is a library for probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in TensorFlow. As part of the TensorFl
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python
Freqtrade is a free and open source crypto trading bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges and be controlled via Telegram. It contains backtesting, plotting and money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.
A Python library for dynamic classifier and ensemble selection
DESlib DESlib is an easy-to-use ensemble learning library focused on the implementation of the state-of-the-art techniques for dynamic classifier and
Multivariate imputation and matrix completion algorithms implemented in Python
A variety of matrix completion and imputation algorithms implemented in Python 3.6. To install: pip install fancyimpute Do not use conda. We don't sup
Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm,Immune Algorithm, Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm, Differential Evolution and TSP(Traveling salesman)
scikit-opt Swarm Intelligence in Python (Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Algorithm, Immune Algorithm,A
Large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking in Python
lightning lightning is a library for large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking in Python. Highlights: follows the scikit-learn API con
A library of extension and helper modules for Python's data analysis and machine learning libraries.
Mlxtend (machine learning extensions) is a Python library of useful tools for the day-to-day data science tasks. Sebastian Raschka 2014-2021 Links Doc
pip install antialiased-cnns to improve stability and accuracy
Antialiased CNNs [Project Page] [Paper] [Talk] Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again Richard Zhang. In ICML, 2019. Quick & easy start Ru
An optimizer that trains as fast as Adam and as good as SGD.
AdaBound An optimizer that trains as fast as Adam and as good as SGD, for developing state-of-the-art deep learning models on a wide variety of popula
A simplified framework and utilities for PyTorch
Here is Poutyne. Poutyne is a simplified framework for PyTorch and handles much of the boilerplating code needed to train neural networks. Use Poutyne
A tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net library on top of it with PyTorch-like API
micrograd A tiny Autograd engine (with a bite! :)). Implements backpropagation (reverse-mode autodiff) over a dynamically built DAG and a small neural
Tez is a super-simple and lightweight Trainer for PyTorch. It also comes with many utils that you can use to tackle over 90% of deep learning projects in PyTorch.
Tez: a simple pytorch trainer NOTE: Currently, we are not accepting any pull requests! All PRs will be closed. If you want a feature or something does
Differentiable SDE solvers with GPU support and efficient sensitivity analysis.
PyTorch Implementation of Differentiable SDE Solvers This library provides stochastic differential equation (SDE) solvers with GPU support and efficie
Fast, general, and tested differentiable structured prediction in PyTorch
Torch-Struct: Structured Prediction Library A library of tested, GPU implementations of core structured prediction algorithms for deep learning applic
PyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming
Pytorch-toolbelt A pytorch-toolbelt is a Python library with a set of bells and whistles for PyTorch for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming: What
Pretrained EfficientNet, EfficientNet-Lite, MixNet, MobileNetV3 / V2, MNASNet A1 and B1, FBNet, Single-Path NAS
(Generic) EfficientNets for PyTorch A 'generic' implementation of EfficientNet, MixNet, MobileNetV3, etc. that covers most of the compute/parameter ef
A collection of extensions and data-loaders for few-shot learning & meta-learning in PyTorch
Torchmeta A collection of extensions and data-loaders for few-shot learning & meta-learning in PyTorch. Torchmeta contains popular meta-learning bench
The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch.
News March 3: v0.9.97 has various bug fixes and improvements: Bug fixes for NTXentLoss Efficiency improvement for AccuracyCalculator, by using torch i
Differentiable ODE solvers with full GPU support and O(1)-memory backpropagation.
PyTorch Implementation of Differentiable ODE Solvers This library provides ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers implemented in PyTorch. Backpr
jupyter/ipython experiment containers for GPU and general RAM re-use
ipyexperiments jupyter/ipython experiment containers and utils for profiling and reclaiming GPU and general RAM, and detecting memory leaks. About Thi
General purpose GPU compute framework for cross vendor graphics cards (AMD, Qualcomm, NVIDIA & friends). Blazing fast, mobile-enabled, asynchronous and optimized for advanced GPU data processing usecases.
Vulkan Kompute The general purpose GPU compute framework for cross vendor graphics cards (AMD, Qualcomm, NVIDIA & friends). Blazing fast, mobile-enabl
A GPU-accelerated library containing highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data processing to accelerate deep learning training and inference applications.
NVIDIA DALI The NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) is a library for data loading and pre-processing to accelerate deep learning applications. It provi
A PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch
Introduction This repository holds NVIDIA-maintained utilities to streamline mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch. Some of the code her
📊 A simple command-line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status
gpustat Just less than nvidia-smi? NOTE: This works with NVIDIA Graphics Devices only, no AMD support as of now. Contributions are welcome! Self-Promo
Massively parallel self-organizing maps: accelerate training on multicore CPUs, GPUs, and clusters
Somoclu Somoclu is a massively parallel implementation of self-organizing maps. It exploits multicore CPUs, it is able to rely on MPI for distributing
A high performance and generic framework for distributed DNN training
BytePS BytePS is a high performance and general distributed training framework. It supports TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and MXNet, and can run on eith
PyTorch extensions for high performance and large scale training.
Description FairScale is a PyTorch extension library for high performance and large scale training on one or multiple machines/nodes. This library ext
Distributed Tensorflow, Keras and PyTorch on Apache Spark/Flink & Ray
A unified Data Analytics and AI platform for distributed TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch on Apache Spark/Flink & Ray What is Analytics Zoo? Analytics Zo
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective. 10x Larger Models 10x Faster Trainin
Petastorm library enables single machine or distributed training and evaluation of deep learning models from datasets in Apache Parquet format. It supports ML frameworks such as Tensorflow, Pytorch, and PySpark and can be used from pure Python code.
Petastorm Contents Petastorm Installation Generating a dataset Plain Python API Tensorflow API Pytorch API Spark Dataset Converter API Analyzing petas
Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
Horovod Horovod is a distributed deep learning training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet. The goal of Horovod is to make dis
An open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library.
Ray provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with the following libraries for accelerating machine lear
Automatically build ARIMA, SARIMAX, VAR, FB Prophet and XGBoost Models on Time Series data sets with a Single Line of Code. Now updated with Dask to handle millions of rows.
Auto_TS: Auto_TimeSeries Automatically build multiple Time Series models using a Single Line of Code. Now updated with Dask. Auto_timeseries is a comp
A Python library for detecting patterns and anomalies in massive datasets using the Matrix Profile
matrixprofile-ts matrixprofile-ts is a Python 2 and 3 library for evaluating time series data using the Matrix Profile algorithms developed by the Keo
STUMPY is a powerful and scalable Python library for computing a Matrix Profile, which can be used for a variety of time series data mining tasks
STUMPY STUMPY is a powerful and scalable library that efficiently computes something called the matrix profile, which can be used for a variety of tim
A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
Time Series Made Easy in Python darts is a python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series. It contains a variety of models, from
Find big moving stocks before they move using machine learning and anomaly detection
Surpriver - Find High Moving Stocks before they Move Find high moving stocks before they move using anomaly detection and machine learning. Surpriver
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. With Qlib, you can easily try your ideas to create better Quant investment strategies.
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technol
An open source reinforcement learning framework for training, evaluating, and deploying robust trading agents.
TensorTrade: Trade Efficiently with Reinforcement Learning TensorTrade is still in Beta, meaning it should be used very cautiously if used in producti
Common financial risk and performance metrics. Used by zipline and pyfolio.
empyrical Common financial risk metrics. Table of Contents Installation Usage Support Contributing Testing Installation pip install empyrical Usage S
Portfolio and risk analytics in Python
pyfolio pyfolio is a Python library for performance and risk analysis of financial portfolios developed by Quantopian Inc. It works well with the Zipl
Technical Analysis Library using Pandas and Numpy
Technical Analysis Library in Python It is a Technical Analysis library useful to do feature engineering from financial time series datasets (Open, Cl
python toolbox for visualizing geographical data and making maps
geoplotlib is a python toolbox for visualizing geographical data and making maps data = read_csv('data/bus.csv') geoplotlib.dot(data) geoplotlib.show(
Search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
sentinelsat Sentinelsat makes searching, downloading and retrieving the metadata of Sentinel satellite images from the Copernicus Open Access Hub easy
Documentation and samples for ArcGIS API for Python
ArcGIS API for Python ArcGIS API for Python is a Python library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS. It provides simple and
Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
geojson This Python library contains: Functions for encoding and decoding GeoJSON formatted data Classes for all GeoJSON Objects An implementation of
Fiona reads and writes geographic data files
Fiona Fiona reads and writes geographic data files and thereby helps Python programmers integrate geographic information systems with other computer s
Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets
Rasterio Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster data. Geographic information systems use GeoTIFF and other formats to organize and store gridded,
Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library)
pyproj Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library). Documentation Stable: http://pyproj4.github.io/pypr
Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects
Shapely Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane. Shapely is a BSD-licensed Python package for manipulation and analysis
Source code, datasets and trained models for the paper Learning Advanced Mathematical Computations from Examples (ICLR 2021), by François Charton, Amaury Hayat (ENPC-Rutgers) and Guillaume Lample
Maths from examples - Learning advanced mathematical computations from examples This is the source code and data sets relevant to the paper Learning a
A code repository associated with the paper A Benchmark for Rough Sketch Cleanup by Chuan Yan, David Vanderhaeghe, and Yotam Gingold from SIGGRAPH Asia 2020.
A Benchmark for Rough Sketch Cleanup This is the code repository associated with the paper A Benchmark for Rough Sketch Cleanup by Chuan Yan, David Va
Open-L2O: A Comprehensive and Reproducible Benchmark for Learning to Optimize Algorithms
Open-L2O This repository establishes the first comprehensive benchmark efforts of existing learning to optimize (L2O) approaches on a number of proble
CDIoU and CDIoU loss is like a convenient plug-in that can be used in multiple models. CDIoU and CDIoU loss have different excellent performances in several models such as Faster R-CNN, YOLOv4, RetinaNet and . There is a maximum AP improvement of 1.9% and an average AP of 0.8% improvement on MS COCO dataset, compared to traditional evaluation-feedback modules. Here we just use as an example to illustrate the code.
CDIoU-CDIoUloss CDIoU and CDIoU loss is like a convenient plug-in that can be used in multiple models. CDIoU and CDIoU loss have different excellent p
RIDE automatically creates the package and boilerplate OOP Python node scripts as per your needs
RIDE: ROS IDE RIDE automatically creates the package and boilerplate OOP Python code for nodes as per your needs (RIDE is not an IDE, but even ROS isn
Let your friends know when you are online and offline xD
Twitter Last Seen Activity Let your friends know when you are online and offline Laser-light eyes when online Last seen is mentioned in user bio Also
Changes the Telegram bio, profile picture, first and last name to the song that the user is currently listening to.
TGBIOFY - Telegram & Spotify integration Changes the Telegram bio, profile picture, first and last name to the song that the user is currently listeni
An efficient and effective learning to rank algorithm by mining information across ranking candidates. This repository contains the tensorflow implementation of SERank model. The code is developed based on TF-Ranking.
SERank An efficient and effective learning to rank algorithm by mining information across ranking candidates. This repository contains the tensorflow
Understanding and Improving Encoder Layer Fusion in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning (ICLR 2021)
Understanding and Improving Encoder Layer Fusion in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning (ICLR 2021) Citation Please cite as: @inproceedings{liu2020understan
This is a bitcoin bot that will automatically buy bitcoin if Elon Musk Tweets about it. It is a configurable crypto trading bot that listens to Technoking Musk to express his opinions on Bitcoin and buy as soon as he's tweeted.
DESCRIPTION This bot is designed to buy bitcoin every time Elon musk tweets about bitcoin with the following parameters: The bot will open a buy pos
OSINT tool to get information from a Github and Gitlab profile and find user's email addresses leaked on commits.
gitrecon OSINT tool to get information from a Github or Gitlab profile and find user's email addresses leaked on commits. 📚 How does this work? GitHu
Your copilot to studies and work (Pomodoro-timer, Translate and Notes app)
Copylot Your copilot to studies and work (Pomodoro-timer, Translate and Notes app) Copylot are three applications in one: Pomodoro Translate Notes Cop
Automatically Edits Videos and Uploads to Tiktok with 1 line of code.
TiktokAutoUploader - Open to code contributions Automatically Edits Videos and Uploads to Tiktok with 1 line of code. Setup pip install -r requirement
We have implemented shaDow-GNN as a general and powerful pipeline for graph representation learning. For more details, please find our paper titled Deep Graph Neural Networks with Shallow Subgraph Samplers, available on arXiv (https//arxiv.org/abs/2012.01380).
Deep GNN, Shallow Sampling Hanqing Zeng, Muhan Zhang, Yinglong Xia, Ajitesh Srivastava, Andrey Malevich, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor Prasanna, Long Jin, R
Generate discord nitro codes and check them
Discord Nitro Generator and Checker A discord nitro generator and checker for all your nitro needs Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature · J
Telegram Voice Chat UserBot made with Pyrogram and MarshalX/tgcalls with playlist and Heroku support
Telegram Voice Chat UserBot A Telegram UserBot to Play Audio in Voice Chats. This is also the source code of the userbot which is being used for playi