984 Repositories
Python bitbucket-server-pat-generator Libraries
CC-GENERATOR - A python script for generating CC
CC-GENERATOR A python script for generating CC NOTE: This tool is for Educationa
This Docker container is build to run on a server an provide an easy to use interface for every student to vote for their councilors
This Docker container is build to run on a server and provide an easy to use interface for every student to vote for their councilors.
ChromiumJniGenerator - Jni Generator module extracted from Chromium project
ChromiumJniGenerator - Jni Generator module extracted from Chromium project
Mmdb-server - An open source fast API server to lookup IP addresses for their geographic location
mmdb-server mmdb-server is an open source fast API server to lookup IP addresses
♻️ Password Generator (PSG) 📚 This plugin is made for more familiarity with Python, but can also be used to create passwords
About Tool This plugin is made for more familiarity with Python, but can also be used to create passwords.
FastAPI Server Session is a dependency-based extension for FastAPI that adds support for server-sided session management
FastAPI Server-sided Session FastAPI Server Session is a dependency-based extension for FastAPI that adds support for server-sided session management.
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences. Copula and functional Principle Component Analysis (fPCA) are statistical models that allow these properties to be simulated (Joe 2014). As such, copula generated data have shown potential to improve the generalization of machine learning (ML) emulators (Meyer et al. 2021) or anonymize real-data datasets (Patki et al. 2016).
Semi-hash-based Image Generator
pixel-planet Semi-hash-based Image Generator Utilizable for NFTs Generation Process Input is salted and hashed Colors (background, planet, stars) are
An curated collection of awesome resources about networking in cybersecurity
An ongoing curated collection of awesome software, libraries, frameworks, talks & videos, best practices, learning tutorials and important practical resources about networking in cybersecurity
🚩 A simple and clean python banner generator - Banners
🚩 A simple and clean python banner generator - Banners
WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community
WallAlley.bot About WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community. All data a
A secure and customizable bot for controlling cross-server announcements and interactions within Discord
DiscordBot A secure and customizable bot for controlling cross-server announcements and interactions within Discord. Within the code of the bot, you c
A server and client for passing data between computercraft computers/turtles across dimensions or even servers.
ccserver A server and client for passing data between computercraft computers/turtles across dimensions or even servers. pastebin get zUnE5N0v client
Python Client for MLflow Tracking Server
Python Client for MLflow Python client for MLflow REST API. Features: Unlike MLflow Tracking client all REST API methods are exposed to user. All clas
A Dm Bot, also knows as Mass DM bot which can send one message to All of the Users in a Specific Server!
Discord DM Bot discord.py 1.7.2 python 3.9.5 asyncio 3.4.3 Installation Cloud Host Tutorial uploaded in YouTube, watch it by clicking here. Local Host
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator Contents About Quick Start Download Pre-Built Binary Run from Source Configuration Command-Line Options F
A python script fetches all your starred repositories from your GitHub account and clones them to your server so you will never lose important resources
A python script fetches all your starred repositories from your GitHub account and clones them to your server so you will never lose important resources
A Discord Server Cloner Which Can Clone Any Discord Server In Just Few Minutes
A Discord Server Cloner Which Can Clone Any Discord Server In Just Few Minutes.
Random Number Generator Analysis With Python
Random-Number-Generator-Analysis Governor's Honors Program Project to determine
Proof of concept of CVE-2022-21907 Double Free in http.sys driver, triggering a kernel crash on IIS servers
CVE-2022-21907 - Double Free in http.sys driver Summary An unauthenticated attacker can send an HTTP request with an "Accept-Encoding" HTTP request he
Automated Changelog/release note generation
Quickly generate changelogs and release notes by analysing your git history. A tool written in python, but works on any language.
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
⛤Keylogger Generator for Windows written in Python⛤
Irenedao-nft-generator - Original scripts used to generate IreneDAO NFTs
IreneDAO NFT Generator Scripts to generate IreneDAO NFT. Make sure you have Pill
A stock generator that assess a list of stocks and returns the best stocks for investing and money allocations based on users choices of volatility, duration and number of stocks
Stock-Generator Please visit "Stock Generator.ipynb" for a clearer view and "Stock Generator.py" for scripts. The stock generator is designed to allow
QR Code Generator
In this project, we'll be using some libraries to instantly generate authentic QR Codes and export them in various formats
This is new discord nitro generator for discord
Hello! This is new discord nitro generator for discord. If you want use it, To generator i added checker for no seraching generator and checker. This tool maked by .
leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ haha
Discord-Token-Generator-Leaked leaking paid token generator that was a shit lmao for 100$ he selling it for 100$ wth here the code enjoy don't forget
An email generator code in python language
An email generator code in python language. I have done it in the simplest way possible and with no link to an SMTP server. Generating infinite emails until CTRL+C . It is a code that can be used in hash generators like MD-5,password generators, random affiliate links generation and many other related necessities.
Pgen is the best brute force password generator and it is improved from the cupp.py
pgen Pgen is the best brute force password generator and it is improved from the cupp.py The pgen tool is dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci -Time stays l
Fixed Version Of Blender Low Poly Rock Generator For Blender 3.0.0
Blender (3.0.0) - Low Poly Rock Generator This is an addon for Blender 3.0.0 to generate low poly rocks. It was based on an addon that unfortunately h
Cweqgen - The CW Equation Generator
The CW Equation Generator The cweqgen (pronouced like "Queck-Jen") package provi
Get a list of all offline/online members in a discord server
Discord server insights Get a list of all offline/online members in a discord server. Uses Selenium to crawl invite links. Config Download Chrome driv
This is a discord token generator(requests) which works and makes 200 tokens per minute
Discord Email verified token generator Creates email verified discord accounts (unlocked) Report Bug · Discord server Features Profile pictures and na
POC of CVE-2021-26084, which is Atlassian Confluence Server OGNL Pre-Auth RCE Injection Vulneralibity.
CVE-2021-26084 Description POC of CVE-2021-26084, which is Atlassian Confluence Server OGNL(Object-Graph Navigation Language) Pre-Auth RCE Injection V
Crosschat - A bot for cross-server communication
CrossChat A bot for cross-server communication. Running the bot To run the bot y
A wide AOI generator tool.
Dark Generator A wide AOI generator tool. Information Installation To Install you have to have python 3.x and pip installed on your system. If you hav
Tron Wallet (TRX) Crack Finder With Python Just 64 Line
TRXGEN Tron Wallet Finder and Crack With Python Tron Wallet (TRX) Crack Finder With Python Just 64 Line My tools [pycharm + anaconda3 + python3.8 + vi
Statistical Random Number Generator Attack Against The Kirchhoff-law-johnson-noise (Kljn) Secure Key Exchange Protocol
Statistical Random Number Generator Attack Against The Kirchhoff-law-johnson-noise (Kljn) Secure Key Exchange Protocol
Synci - Learning project to create a websocket based client server messaging application
Synci Learning project to create a websocket based client server messaging appli
A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption.
password-manager A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption. Screenshot Pre-requis
Video stream recording dockerized server using python/ffmpeg.
Stream Recording Server Video stream recording dockerized server using python/ffmpeg. Usage Configuration Prepare .env file, check .env.example for th
FileGenerator - File Generator for sites that accepts documents
File Generator for sites that accepts documents This code generates files as per
PlexAutoSkip - Automatically skip content in Plex
PlexAutoSkip Automatically skip tagged content in Plex A background python scrip
VCC-Generator is a python script that generate VCC for testing purposes only
VCC-Generator is a python script that generate VCC for testing purposes only
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python. I wrote an automated script which generates more than 5k+ unique nfts with 0 hassle in less time.
Image Recognition Model Generator
Takes a user-inputted query and generates a machine learning image recognition model that determines if an inputted image is or isn't their query
This Server Cloner can clone the server you want with all the perms of roles in every particular channel.
Server-Cloner-with-perms 🚀 This Server Cloner can clone the server you want with all the perms of roles in every particular channel. Features Clone C
EchoDNS - Analyze your DNS traffic super easy, shows all requested DNS traffic
EchoDNS - Analyze your DNS traffic super easy, shows all requested DNS traffic
Deep motion generator collections
GenMotion GenMotion (/gen’motion/) is a Python library for making skeletal animations. It enables easy dataset loading and experiment sharing for synt
An ansible playbook to set up wireguard server.
Poor man's VPN (pay for only what you need) An ansible playbook to quickly set up Wireguard server for occasional personal use. It takes around five m
Secure Tunnel Manager
Making life easy of those who are in need of OpenSource alternative of AWS Secure Tunnel.
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm Requirements Use any kind of crossover Choose any justifiable rate of mutation Use roulette wheel sele
NFT collection generator. Generates layered images
NFT collection generator Generates layered images, whole collections. Provides additional functionality. Repository includes three scripts generate.py
A repository for 8G server's discord bot
8G Discord-Bot A general-purpose discord bot for the 8G Discord-Server To setup: Create a new file called secrets.py and make it look like this TOKEN=
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications. Based on MVC architectural pattern, WSGI + ASGI. Includes tests, pipeline, base utilities, Helm chart, and script for bootstrapping local Minikube with high available Redis cluster.
A quick random name generator
Random Profile Generator USAGE & CREDITS Any public or priavte demonstrative usage of this project is strictly prohibited, UNLESS WhineyMonkey10 (http
A general-purpose wallet generator, for supported coins only
2gen A general-purpose generator for keys. Designed for all cryptocurrencies supporting the Bitcoin format of keys and addresses. Functions To enable
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components. Total adopt OOD design class, service, and abstract class. OOP implemented this project.
A simple python script to send files into your telegram Bot form your PC, Server etc.
telegramSend A simple python script to send files into your telegram Bot form your PC, Server etc. How to Use Install requirements.txt pip3 install -r
API Server for VoIP analysis (CDR + Audio CODECs)
Swagger generated server Overview This server was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can ea
A Telegram bot written in python.
telegram_bot This bot is currently a beta project. Features A telegram bot which can: Send current COVID-19 cases/stats of Germany Send current worth
A self-bot for discord, written in Python, which will send you notifications to your desktop if it detects an intruder on your discord server
A self-bot for discord, written in Python, which will send you notifications to your desktop if it detects an intruder on your discord server
Dyalog-apl-docset - Dyalog APL Dash Docset Generator
Dyalog APL Dash Docset Generator o alasa e kili sona kepeken tenpo lili a A Dash
KivyPassword - A password generator using both Kivy framework and SQL in order to create a local database for users to generate strong passwords and store them
KivyPassword A password generator using both Kivy framework and SQL in order t
The self-hostable proxy tunnel
TTUN Server The self-hostable proxy tunnel. Running Running: docker run -e TUNNEL_DOMAIN=Your tunnel domain -e SECURE=True if using SSL ghcr.io/to
BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data.
BSDotPy BSDotPy, A module to get a bombsquad player's account data from bombsquad's servers. Badges Provided By: shields.io Acknowledgements Issues Pu
Genpass - A Passwors Generator App With Python3
Genpass Welcom again into another python3 App this is simply an Passwors Generat
Qrgenerator - A qr generator app using python3
qrgenerator by Mal4D Hi welcome into qr code generator using python by Mal4d Lin
Avatar Generator Python
This is a simple avatar generator project which uses your webcam to take pictures and saves five different types of your images into your device including the original image.
An NUS timetable generator which uses a genetic algorithm to optimise timetables to suit the needs of NUS students.
A timetable optimiser for NUS which uses an evolutionary algorithm to "breed" a timetable suited to your needs.
An all-purpose Discord bot written in Python featuring a diverse collection of practical utilities.
GlazeGlopBot Table of Contents About Setup Usage Commands Command Errors Cog Management Local Sound Files Cogs Mod QR RNG VC Weather Proposed Features
A SMTP server for use as a pytest fixture that implements encryption and authentication.
SMTPDFix: Test email, locally A simple SMTP server based on aiosmtpd for use as a fixture with pytest that supports encryption and authentication. All
Official implementation of our neural-network-based fast diffuse room impulse response generator (FAST-RIR)
This is the official implementation of our neural-network-based fast diffuse room impulse response generator (FAST-RIR) for generating room impulse responses (RIRs) for a given acoustic environment.
A simple application builder. Made with python.
Python Flask Server Template Check the Github Repository for updates Flask is an application builder. It is very common in Python but can also be used
The OUCH Project - OUCH Server/Client
This software simulates OUCH Server/Client communication through a script which initialises a central server and another script which simulates clients connecting to the server.
A Multipurpose Library for Synthetic Time Series Generation in Python
TimeSynth Multipurpose Library for Synthetic Time Series Please cite as: J. R. Maat, A. Malali, and P. Protopapas, “TimeSynth: A Multipurpose Library
Where-Got-Time - An NUS timetable generator which uses a genetic algorithm to optimise timetables to suit the needs of NUS students
Where Got Time(table)? A timetable optimsier which uses an evolutionary algorith
For Help/Questions Join in discord
Simple-Nitro-Generator-Source Must have installed python! Discord: $MartoBossX#7777 Server: https://discord.gg/ErynDxTV5Y DONATE: (Crypto) BTC: bc1qg8
A generator of point clouds dataset for PyPipes.
CloudPipesGenerator Documentation | Colab Notebooks | Video Tutorials | Master Degree website A generator of point clouds dataset for PyPipes. TODO Us
a web-remote minecraft server wrapper with some unique features
Canceled here, continued as Semoxy MCWeb - a Minecraft Server Web Interface MCWeb is a web-remote Minecraft Server Wrapper for controlling your Minecr
Generate code from JSON schema files
json-schema-codegen Generate code from JSON schema files. Table of contents Introduction Currently supported languages Requirements Installation Usage
Easy to use reaction role Discord bot written in Python.
Reaction Light - Discord Role Bot Light yet powerful reaction role bot coded in Python. Key Features Create multiple custom embedded messages with cus
A component of BuzzUtilityBot that allows for inter-server communication
A component of BuzzUtilityBot that allows for inter-server communication! Separated due to privacy and ease of inspection concerns
Setup and customize deep learning environment in seconds.
Deepo is a series of Docker images that allows you to quickly set up your deep learning research environment supports almost all commonly used deep le
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites.
Jekyll Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS,
BTC-Generator - BTC Generator With Python
Что такое BTC-Generator? Это генератор чеков всеми любимого @BTC_BANKER_BOT Для
The GNS3 server manages emulators such as Dynamips, VirtualBox or Qemu/KVM
GNS3-server This is the GNS3 server repository. The GNS3 server manages emulators such as Dynamips, VirtualBox or Qemu/KVM. Clients like the GNS3 GUI
A Demo server serving Bert through ONNX with GPU written in Rust with 3
Demo BERT ONNX server written in rust This demo showcase the use of onnxruntime-rs on BERT with a GPU on CUDA 11 served by actix-web and tokenized wit
Django server for Travel Mate (Project: nomad)
Travel Mate Server (Project: Nomad) Django 2.0 server for Travel Mate Contribute For new feature request in the app, open a new feature request on the
An open-source Discord bot that alerts your server when it's Funky Monkey Friday!
Funky-Monkey-Friday-Bot An open-source Discord bot that alerts your server when it's Funky Monkey Friday! Add it to your server here! https://discord.
MongoDB-Injection - This challenge-script is custom-made for web-server running MongoDB which is vulnerable to No-SQL injection
MongoDB-Injection Cheesy Multi-threaded script for NoSQL Injection This challeng
Configure your linux server and check for vulnerabilities with serverlla
serverlla Configure your linux server and check for vulnerabilities with serverlla. Serverlla has a menu with options and allows you to configure your
A simple, yet powerful web GUI to manage your Wireguard server, powered by Flask.
Linguard Linguard aims to provide a clean, simple yet powerful web GUI to manage your WireGuard server, and it's powered by Flask. Read the docs for f
Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁
TGCLOUD 🪁 Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁 Features Easy to Deploy Heroku Supp
🤖 The bot that runs the official Fairfield Programming Association Discord server.
🤖 The bot that runs the official Fairfield Programming Association Discord server.
Kent - Fake Sentry server for local development, debugging, and integration testing
Kent is a service for debugging and integration testing Sentry.
QR2Pass-project - A proof of concept for an alternative (passwordless) authentication system to a web server
QR2Pass This is a proof of concept for an alternative (passwordless) authenticat
Busty - A bot for the Busty Discord server
Busty Discord bot used for the Busty server. Install You'll need at least Python
pyDuinoCoin is a simple python integration for the DuinoCoin REST API, that allows developers to communicate with DuinoCoin Master Server
PyDuinoCoin PyDuinoCoin is a simple python integration for the DuinoCoin REST API, that allows developers to communicate with DuinoCoin Main Server. I
MTA:SA Server Configer.
MTAConfiger MTA:SA Server Configer. Hi 👋 , I'm Alireza A Python Developer Boy 🔭 I’m currently working on my C# projects 🌱 I’m currently Learning CS