4471 Repositories
Python data-efficient-image-caption Libraries
Spark-movie-lens - An on-line movie recommender using Spark, Python Flask, and the MovieLens dataset
A scalable on-line movie recommender using Spark and Flask This Apache Spark tutorial will guide you step-by-step into how to use the MovieLens datase
DAT4 - General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC
DAT4 Course Repository Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC (12/15/14 - 3/16/15). Instructors: Sinan Ozdemir
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Saliency - Framework-agnostic implementation for state-of-the-art saliency methods (XRAI, BlurIG, SmoothGrad, and more).
Saliency Methods 🔴 Now framework-agnostic! (Example core notebook) 🔴 🔗 For further explanation of the methods and more examples of the resulting ma
Lolviz - A simple Python data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries; primarily for use in Jupyter notebooks / presentations
lolviz By Terence Parr. See Explained.ai for more stuff. A very nice looking javascript lolviz port with improvements by Adnan M.Sagar. A simple Pytho
Kaggle-titanic - A tutorial for Kaggle's Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster competition. Demonstrates basic data munging, analysis, and visualization techniques. Shows examples of supervised machine learning techniques.
Kaggle-titanic This is a tutorial in an IPython Notebook for the Kaggle competition, Titanic Machine Learning From Disaster. The goal of this reposito
Captcha-tensorflow - Image Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow and CNN Model. Accuracy 90%+
Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow Introduction Solve captcha using TensorFlow. Learn CNN and TensorFlow by a practical project. Follow the steps, run t
Statistical-Rethinking-with-Python-and-PyMC3 - Python/PyMC3 port of the examples in " Statistical Rethinking A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan" by Richard McElreath
Statistical Rethinking with Python and PyMC3 This repository has been deprecated in favour of this one, please check that repository for updates, for
Fewshot-face-translation-GAN - Generative adversarial networks integrating modules from FUNIT and SPADE for face-swapping.
Few-shot face translation A GAN based approach for one model to swap them all. The table below shows our priliminary face-swapping results requiring o
Orbivator AI - To Determine which features of data (measurements) are most important for diagnosing breast cancer and find out if breast cancer occurs or not.
Orbivator_AI Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) GOAL To Determine which features of data (measurements) are most important for diagnosing breast can
U-2-Net: U Square Net - Modified for paired image training of style transfer
U2-Net: U Square Net Modified for paired image training of style transfer This is an unofficial repo making use of the code which was made available b
X-news - Pipeline data use scrapy, kafka, spark streaming, spark ML and elasticsearch, Kibana
X-news - Pipeline data use scrapy, kafka, spark streaming, spark ML and elasticsearch, Kibana
Numerical-computing-is-fun - Learning numerical computing with notebooks for all ages.
As much as this series is to educate aspiring computer programmers and data scientists of all ages and all backgrounds, it is also a reminder to mysel
Video2x - A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K, SRMD and RealSR.
Official Discussion Group (Telegram): https://t.me/video2x A Discord server is also available. Please note that most developers are only on Telegram.
Generate image analogies using neural matching and blending
neural image analogies This is basically an implementation of this "Image Analogies" paper, In our case, we use feature maps from VGG16. The patch mat
50-days-of-Statistics-for-Data-Science - This repository consist of a 50-day program
50-days-of-Statistics-for-Data-Science - This repository consist of a 50-day program. All the statistics required for the complete understanding of data science will be uploaded in this repository.
The Master's in Data Science Program run by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
The Master's in Data Science Program run by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science is among the first European programs in Data Science and is fully focused on data engineering and data analytics.
UltraGraphQL - a GraphQL interface for querying and modifying RDF data on the Web.
UltraGraphQL - cloned from https://git.rwth-aachen.de/i5/ultragraphql Updated or extended files: build.gradle: updated maven to use maven {url "https:
Linescanning - Package for (pre)processing of anatomical and (linescanning) fMRI data
line scanning repository This repository contains all of the tools used during the acquisition and postprocessing of line scanning data at the Spinoza
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities. This is aimed at those looking to get into the field of Data Science or those who are already in the field and looking to solve a real-world project with python.
Using SQLite within Python to create database and analyze Starcraft 2 units data (Pandas also used)
SQLite python Starcraft 2 English This project shows the usage of SQLite with python. To create, modify and communicate with the SQLite database from
Image-popularity-score - A novel deep regression method for image scoring.
Image-popularity-score - A novel deep regression method for image scoring.
Codeflare - Scale complex AI/ML pipelines anywhere
Scale complex AI/ML pipelines anywhere CodeFlare is a framework to simplify the integration, scaling and acceleration of complex multi-step analytics
Generating .npy dataset and labels out of given image, containing numbers from 0 to 9, using opencv
basic-dataset-generator-from-image-of-numbers generating .npy dataset and labels out of given image, containing numbers from 0 to 9, using opencv inpu
A project consists in a set of assignements corresponding to a BI process: data integration, construction of an OLAP cube, qurying of a OPLAP cube and reporting.
TennisBusinessIntelligenceProject - A project consists in a set of assignements corresponding to a BI process: data integration, construction of an OLAP cube, qurying of a OPLAP cube and reporting.
2019 Data Science Bowl
Kaggle-2019-Data-Science-Bowl-Solution - Here i present my solution to kaggle 2019 data science bowl and how i improved it to win a silver medal in that competition.
Image Processing, Image Smoothing, Edge Detection and Transforms
opevcvdl-hw1 This project uses openCV and Qt to achieve the requirements. Version Python 3.7 opencv-contrib-python Matplotlib 3.1.1 pyqt5 5.1
Team nan solution repository for FPT data-centric competition. Data augmentation, Albumentation, Mosaic, Visualization, KNN application
FPT_data_centric_competition - Team nan solution repository for FPT data-centric competition. Data augmentation, Albumentation, Mosaic, Visualization, KNN application
TwitterDataStreaming - Twitter data streaming using APIs
Twitter_Data_Streaming Twitter data streaming using APIs Use Case 1: Streaming r
Img-to-ascii-art - Converter of image to ascii art
img-to-ascii-art Converter of image to ascii art Latest Features. Intoducing Col
Image-Bot-Discord - This Is a discord bot that shows the specific image you search from Google
Advanced Discord.py Image Bot CREDITS Made by RLX and Mathiscool README by Milrato Installation Guide in .env Adjust the TOKEN python main.py to start
Ukiyo - A simple, minimalist and efficient discord vanity URL sniper
Ukiyo - a simple, minimalist and efficient discord vanity URL sniper. Ukiyo is easy to use, has a very visually pleasing interface, and has great spee
SpecAugmentPyTorch - A Pytorch (support batch and channel) implementation of GoogleBrain's SpecAugment: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for Automatic Speech Recognition
SpecAugment An implementation of SpecAugment for Pytorch How to use Install pytorch, version=1.9.0 (new feature (torch.Tensor.take_along_dim) is used
Gbs-image-colorizer - A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds.
GB Studio Image Colorizer A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds. Made by NalaFala/Yousurname/Y0UR-U5ERNAME
Resmed_myair_sensors - This is a Home Assistant custom component to pull daily CPAP data from ResMed's myAir service using an undocumented API
resmed_myair This component will set up the following platforms. Platform Description sensor Show info from the myAir API. Installation Using the tool
Snowfall - helpful image handling utils - abstracts various file and opencv and pil features into result oriented functions
snowfall helpful image handling utils - abstracts various file and opencv and pil features into result oriented functions usage examples: from image_h
Image-Stitching - Panorama composition using SIFT Features and a custom implementaion of RANSAC algorithm
About The Project Panorama composition using SIFT Features and a custom implementaion of RANSAC algorithm (Random Sample Consensus). Author: Andreas P
Genshin-assets - 👧 Public documentation & static assets for Genshin Impact data.
genshin-assets This repo provides easy access to the Genshin Impact assets, primarily for use on static sites. Sources Genshin Optimizer - An Artifact
Class-imbalanced / Long-tailed ensemble learning in Python. Modular, flexible, and extensible
IMBENS: Class-imbalanced Ensemble Learning in Python Language: English | Chinese/中文 Links: Documentation | Gallery | PyPI | Changelog | Source | Downl
The codebase for Data-driven general-purpose voice activity detection.
Data driven GPVAD Repository for the work in TASLP 2021 Voice activity detection in the wild: A data-driven approach using teacher-student training. S
PyTorch Implementation of SSTNs for hyperspectral image classifications from the IEEE T-GRS paper "Spectral-Spatial Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A FAS Framework."
PyTorch Implementation of SSTN for Hyperspectral Image Classification Paper links: SSTN published on IEEE T-GRS. Also, you can directly find the imple
Memory efficient transducer loss computation
Introduction This project implements the optimization techniques proposed in Improving RNN Transducer Modeling for End-to-End Speech Recognition to re
Image Matching Evaluation
Image Matching Evaluation (IME) IME provides to test any feature matching algorithm on datasets containing ground-truth homographies. Also, one can re
WaveFake: A Data Set to Facilitate Audio DeepFake Detection
WaveFake: A Data Set to Facilitate Audio DeepFake Detection This is the code repository for our NeurIPS 2021 (Track on Datasets and Benchmarks) paper
If Google News had a Python library
pygooglenews If Google News had a Python library Created by Artem from newscatcherapi.com but you do not need anything from us or from anyone else to
Pytorch implementation of paper Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data
Pytorch implementation of paper Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data
A state-of-the-art semi-supervised method for image recognition
Mean teachers are better role models Paper ---- NIPS 2017 poster ---- NIPS 2017 spotlight slides ---- Blog post By Antti Tarvainen, Harri Valpola (The
Code used for the results in the paper "ClassMix: Segmentation-Based Data Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning"
Code used for the results in the paper "ClassMix: Segmentation-Based Data Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning" Getting started Prerequisites CUD
A simple consistency training framework for semi-supervised image semantic segmentation
PseudoSeg: Designing Pseudo Labels for Semantic Segmentation PseudoSeg is a simple consistency training framework for semi-supervised image semantic s
Reduce end to end training time from days to hours (or hours to minutes), and energy requirements/costs by an order of magnitude using coresets and data selection.
COResets and Data Subset selection Reduce end to end training time from days to hours (or hours to minutes), and energy requirements/costs by an order
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval, CVPR 2021. Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki nath Chowdh
[CVPR'2020] DeepDeform: Learning Non-rigid RGB-D Reconstruction with Semi-supervised Data
DeepDeform (CVPR'2020) DeepDeform is an RGB-D video dataset containing over 390,000 RGB-D frames in 400 videos, with 5,533 optical and scene flow imag
Image to Image translation, image generataton, few shot learning
Semi-supervised Learning for Few-shot Image-to-Image Translation [paper] Abstract: In the last few years, unpaired image-to-image translation has witn
Code that accompanies the paper Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning: Regression with Unlabeled Data by Minimizing Predictive Variance
Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning This is the code that accompanies the paper Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning: Regression with Unlabeled Data
Joint Unsupervised Learning (JULE) of Deep Representations and Image Clusters.
Joint Unsupervised Learning (JULE) of Deep Representations and Image Clusters. Overview This project is a Torch implementation for our CVPR 2016 paper
CCCL: Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning.
CCGL: Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning This repo provides a reference implementation of Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning (CCGL) framework as descr
Img-process-manual - Utilize Python Numpy and Matplotlib to realize OpenCV baisc image processing function
Img-process-manual - Opencv Library basic graphic processing algorithm coding reproduction based on Numpy and Matplotlib library
This is a scalable system that reads messages from public Telegram channels using Telethon and stores the data in a PostgreSQL database.
This is a scalable system that reads messages from public Telegram channels using Telethon and stores the data in a PostgreSQL database. Its original intention is to monitor cryptocurrency related channels, but it can be configured to read any Telegram data that is accessible through the API.
Memory-efficient optimum einsum using opt_einsum planning and PyTorch kernels.
opt-einsum-torch There have been many implementations of Einstein's summation. numpy's numpy.einsum is the least efficient one as it only runs in sing
Works very well and you can ask for the type of image you want the scrapper to collect.
Works very well and you can ask for the type of image you want the scrapper to collect. Also follows a specific urls path depending on keyword selection.
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
An efficient PyTorch implementation of the evaluation metrics in recommender systems.
recsys_metrics An efficient PyTorch implementation of the evaluation metrics in recommender systems. Overview • Installation • How to use • Benchmark
The code of Zero-shot learning for low-light image enhancement based on dual iteration
Zero-shot-dual-iter-LLE The code of Zero-shot learning for low-light image enhancement based on dual iteration. You can get the real night image tests
Minimal implementation and experiments of "No-Transaction Band Network: A Neural Network Architecture for Efficient Deep Hedging".
No-Transaction Band Network: A Neural Network Architecture for Efficient Deep Hedging Minimal implementation and experiments of "No-Transaction Band N
LAVT: Language-Aware Vision Transformer for Referring Image Segmentation
LAVT: Language-Aware Vision Transformer for Referring Image Segmentation Where we are ? 12.27 目前和原论文仍有1%左右得差距,但已经力压很多SOTA了 ckpt__448_epoch_25.pth mIoU
Multilingual Image Captioning
Multilingual Image Captioning Authors: Bhavitvya Malik, Gunjan Chhablani Demo Link: https://huggingface.co/spaces/flax-community/multilingual-image-ca
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched or copy-pasted. ocrmypdf
Scalable and Elastic Deep Reinforcement Learning Using PyTorch. Please star. 🔥
ElegantRL “小雅”: Scalable and Elastic Deep Reinforcement Learning ElegantRL is developed for researchers and practitioners with the following advantage
Serverless function for replicating weather underground data to an influxDB database
Weather Underground → Influx DB 🌤 Serverless function for replicating Weather U
Need: Image Search With Python
Need: Image Search The problem is that a user needs to search for a specific ima
Slice a single image into multiple pieces and create a dataset from them
OpenCV Image to Dataset Converter Slice a single image of Persian digits into mu
Generate and Visualize Data Lineage from query history
Tokern Lineage Engine Tokern Lineage Engine is fast and easy to use application to collect, visualize and analyze column-level data lineage in databas
Analysing poker data from home games with friends
Poker Game Analysis Analysing poker data from home games with friends. Not a lot of data is collected, so this project is primarily focussed on descri
eXPeditious Data Transfer
xpdt: eXPeditious Data Transfer About xpdt is (yet another) language for defining data-types and generating code for serializing and deserializing the
Numerical Methods with Python, Numpy and Matplotlib
Numerical Bric-a-Brac Collections of numerical techniques with Python and standard computational packages (Numpy, SciPy, Numba, Matplotlib ...). Diffe
This Jupyter notebook shows one way to implement a simple first-order low-pass filter on sampled data in discrete time.
How to Implement a First-Order Low-Pass Filter in Discrete Time We often teach or learn about filters in continuous time, but then need to implement t
A module to get data about anime characters, news, info, lyrics and more.
Animec A module to get data about anime characters, news, info, lyrics and more. The module scrapes myanimelist to parse requested data. If you wish t
Spatial Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit
Single-Cell Image Analysis Package Scimap is a scalable toolkit for analyzing spatial molecular data. The underlying framework is generalizable to spa
A library to generate synthetic time series data by easy-to-use factors and generator
timeseries-generator This repository consists of a python packages that generates synthetic time series dataset in a generic way (under /timeseries_ge
Data reduction pipeline for KOALA on the AAT.
KOALA KOALA, the Kilofibre Optical AAT Lenslet Array, is a wide-field, high efficiency, integral field unit used by the AAOmega spectrograph on the 3.
A Python reference implementation of the CF data model
cfdm A Python reference implementation of the CF data model. References Compliance with FAIR principles Documentation https://ncas-cms.github.io/cfdm
Retrieve and analysis data from SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey)
Author: Behrouz Safari License: MIT sdss A python package for retrieving and analysing data from SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) Installation Install
Datapane is the easiest way to create data science reports from Python.
Datapane Teams | Documentation | API Docs | Changelog | Twitter | Blog Share interactive plots and data in 3 lines of Python. Datapane is a Python lib
Python Practicum - prepare for your Data Science interview or get a refresher.
Python-Practicum Python Practicum - prepare for your Data Science interview or get a refresher. Data Data visualization using data on births from the
Yahoo! Finance next gen python 3 / pandas market data downloader
Yahoo! Finance-ng python3 / pandas market data downloader Ever since Yahoo! finance decommissioned their historical data API, many programs that relie
A project in order to analyze user's favorite musics, artists and genre
Spotify-Wrapped This is a project about Spotify Wrapped (which is an extra option for premium accounts, but you don't need to be premium here) This pr
Quickly download, clean up, and install public datasets into a database management system
Finding data is one thing. Getting it ready for analysis is another. Acquiring, cleaning, standardizing and importing publicly available data is time
Manage your XYZ Hub or HERE Data Hub spaces from Python.
XYZ Spaces for Python Manage your XYZ Hub or HERE Data Hub spaces and Interactive Map Layer from Python. FEATURED IN: Online Python Machine Learning C
This is a student data management application developed in Python and TKinter. It utilizes the TKinter pillow library to include images to buttons. I've separated TKinter elements into their own individual classes. The user can change the smilely face color for each button individually or by entire row.
Smiley Face Cube Display Table of Contents Project Description Getting Started Prerequisites Installation & Deployment Additional Documentation Projec
Python wrapper for Synoptic Data API. Retrieve data from thousands of mesonet stations and networks. Returns JSON from Synoptic as Pandas DataFrame
☁ Synoptic API for Python (unofficial) The Synoptic Mesonet API (formerly MesoWest) gives you access to real-time and historical surface-based weather
A timer for bird lovers, plays a random birdcall while displaying its image and info.
Birdcall Timer A timer for bird lovers. Siriema hatchling by Junior Peres Junior Background My partner needed a customizable timer for sitting and sta
Visualize data of Vietnam's regions with interactive maps.
Plotting Vietnam Development Map This is my personal project that I use plotly to analyse and visualize data of Vietnam's regions with interactive map
Updates redisearch instance with igdb data used for kimosabe
igdb-pdt Update RediSearch with IGDB games data in the following Format: { "game_slug": { "name": "game_name", "cover": "igdb_coverart_url",
Animoo - Python scraper made with BeautifulSoup4 that scrapes images from /c/.
Animoo - Python scraper made with BeautifulSoup4 that scrapes images from /c/. Features Scrapes 10 pages Scrapes each thread Downloads all the images
3D extension built off of shapely to make working with geospatial/trajectory data easier in python.
PyGeoShape 3D extension to shapely and pyproj to make working with geospatial/trajectory data easier in python. Getting Started Installation pip The e
Code for "Intra-hour Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning Methods."
pv_predict_unet-lstm Code for "Intra-hour Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning Methods." IEEE Transactions
🇰🇷 Text to Image in Korean
KoDALLE Utilizing pretrained language model’s token embedding layer and position embedding layer as DALLE’s text encoder. Background Training DALLE mo
A collection of resources, problems, explanations and concepts that are/were important during my Data Science journey
Data Science Gurukul List of resources, interview questions, concepts I use for my Data Science work. Topics: Basics of Programming with Python + Unde
Source code of AAAI 2022 paper "Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analysis with Transformers".
Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analysis with Transformers Source code of our AAAI 2022 paper "Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analy
An image validator using FastAPI.
fast_api_image_validator An image validator using FastAPI.