159 Repositories
Python functional-core Libraries
Python module to work with Magneto Database directly without using broken Magento 2 core
Python module to work with Magneto Database directly without using broken Magento 2 core
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries. An example o
Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend & Core Utilities
Poetry Core A PEP 517 build backend implementation developed for Poetry. This project is intended to be a light weight, fully compliant, self-containe
customer care chatbot made with Rasa Open Source.
Customer Care Bot Customer care bot for ecomm company which can solve faq and chitchat with users, can contact directly to team. 🛠 Features Basic E-c
Functional Data Analysis, or FDA, is the field of Statistics that analyses data that depend on a continuous parameter.
Functional Data Analysis Python package
tgEasy | Easy for a Brighter Shine | Monkey Patcher Addon for Pyrogram
tgEasy | Easy for a Brighter Shine | Monkey Patcher Addon for Pyrogram
[ICCV 2021] Group-aware Contrastive Regression for Action Quality Assessment
CoRe Created by Xumin Yu*, Yongming Rao*, Wenliang Zhao, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou This is the PyTorch implementation for ICCV paper Group-aware Contrastive
Data from "HateCheck: Functional Tests for Hate Speech Detection Models" (Röttger et al., ACL 2021)
In this repo, you can find the data from our ACL 2021 paper "HateCheck: Functional Tests for Hate Speech Detection Models". "test_suite_cases.csv" con
HTTP Calls to Amazon Web Services Rest API for IoT Core Shadow Actions 💻🌐💡
aws-iot-shadow-rest-api HTTP Calls to Amazon Web Services Rest API for IoT Core Shadow Actions 💻 🌐 💡 This simple script implements the following aw
A BurpSuite extension to parse 5GC NF OpenAPI 3.0 files to assess 5G core networks
5GC_API_parse Description 5GC API parse is a BurpSuite extension allowing to assess 5G core network functions, by parsing the OpenAPI 3.0 not supporte
Cross-platform .NET Core pre-commit hooks
dotnet-core-pre-commit Cross-platform .NET Core pre-commit hooks How to use Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml - repo: https://github.com/juan
The coda and data for "Measuring Fine-Grained Domain Relevance of Terms: A Hierarchical Core-Fringe Approach" (ACL '21)
We propose a hierarchical core-fringe learning framework to measure fine-grained domain relevance of terms – the degree that a term is relevant to a broad (e.g., computer science) or narrow (e.g., deep learning) domain.
Deep functional residue identification
DeepFRI Deep functional residue identification Citing @article {Gligorijevic2019, author = {Gligorijevic, Vladimir and Renfrew, P. Douglas and Koscio
ModernGL is a python wrapper over OpenGL 3.3+ core
ModernGL is a python wrapper over OpenGL 3.3+ core that simplifies the creation of simple graphics applications like scientific simulations, games or user interface
Functional UUIDs for Python.
🏷️FUUID stands for Functional Universally Unique IDentifier. FUUIDs are compatible with regular UUIDs but are naturally ordered by generation time, collision-free and support succinct representations such as raw binary and base58-encoded strings.
This is a Computer vision package that makes its easy to run Image processing and AI functions. At the core it uses OpenCV and Mediapipe libraries.
CVZone This is a Computer vision package that makes its easy to run Image processing and AI functions. At the core it uses OpenCV and Mediapipe librar
The Foundation for All Legate Libraries
Legate The Legate project endeavors to democratize computing by making it possible for all programmers to leverage the power of large clusters of CPUs
Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks
Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks. Bayesian-Torch is designed to be flexible and seamless in extending a deterministic deep neural network architecture to corresponding Bayesian form by simply replacing the deterministic layers with Bayesian layers.
💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline!
LocalStack - A fully functional local AWS cloud stack LocalStack provides an easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing Cloud applications. Cur
Pampy: The Pattern Matching for Python you always dreamed of.
Pampy: Pattern Matching for Python Pampy is pretty small (150 lines), reasonably fast, and often makes your code more readable and hence easier to rea
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe! Features Brings functional programming to Python land Provides a bunch of primitives
A fancy and practical functional tools
Funcy A collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality. Inspired by clojure, underscore and my own abstractions. Keep reading to get an
A functional standard library for Python.
Toolz A set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries. See the PyToolz documentation at https://toolz.readthedocs.io LICENSE New
Functional tensors for probabilistic programming
Funsor Funsor is a tensor-like library for functions and distributions. See Functional tensors for probabilistic programming for a system description.
Modular, cohesive, transparent and fast web server template
kingdom-python-server 🐍 Modular, transparent, batteries (half) included, lightning fast web server. Features a functional, isolated business layer wi
Ajenti Core and stock plugins
Ajenti is a Linux & BSD modular server admin panel. Ajenti 2 provides a new interface and a better architecture, developed with Python3 and AngularJS.
TrueNAS CORE/Enterprise/SCALE Middleware Git Repository
TrueNAS CORE/Enterprise/SCALE main source repo Want to contribute or collaborate? Join our Slack instance. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the master branch o
Functional TensorFlow Implementation of Singular Value Decomposition for paper Fast Graph Learning
tf-fsvd TensorFlow Implementation of Functional Singular Value Decomposition for paper Fast Graph Learning with Unique Optimal Solutions Cite If you f
A Python toolkit for processing tabular data
meza: A Python toolkit for processing tabular data Index Introduction | Requirements | Motivation | Hello World | Usage | Interoperability | Installat
functional data manipulation for pandas
pandas-ply: functional data manipulation for pandas pandas-ply is a thin layer which makes it easier to manipulate data with pandas. In particular, it
Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, ML, visualize and explore big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
What is Vaex? Vaex is a high performance Python library for lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames (similar to Pandas), to visualize and explore big tabular data
The open-source core of Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format.
The open-source core of Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim
Pampy: The Pattern Matching for Python you always dreamed of.
Pampy: Pattern Matching for Python Pampy is pretty small (150 lines), reasonably fast, and often makes your code more readable and hence easier to rea
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe! Features Brings functional programming to Python land Provides a bunch of primitives
A fancy and practical functional tools
Funcy A collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality. Inspired by clojure, underscore and my own abstractions. Keep reading to get an
A functional standard library for Python.
Toolz A set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries. See the PyToolz documentation at https://toolz.readthedocs.io LICENSE New
cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding for Python
audioread Decode audio files using whichever backend is available. The library currently supports: Gstreamer via PyGObject. Core Audio on Mac OS X via
Pattern Matching for Python 3.7+ in a simple, yet powerful, extensible manner.
Awesome Pattern Matching (apm) for Python pip install awesome-pattern-matching Simple Powerful Extensible Composable Functional Python 3.7+, PyPy3.7+
fklearn: Functional Machine Learning
fklearn: Functional Machine Learning fklearn uses functional programming principles to make it easier to solve real problems with Machine Learning. Th
🔮 A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries
Thinc: A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries From the makers of spaCy, Prodigy and FastAPI Thinc is a
Core utilities for Python packages
packaging Reusable core utilities for various Python Packaging interoperability specifications. This library provides utilities that implement the int
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries. An example o
PyPika is a python SQL query builder that exposes the full richness of the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query. PyPika excels at all sorts of SQL queries but is especially useful for data analysis.
PyPika - Python Query Builder Abstract What is PyPika? PyPika is a Python API for building SQL queries. The motivation behind PyPika is to provide a s
The low-level, core functionality of boto 3.
botocore A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services. The botocore package is the foundation for the AWS CLI as well as boto3. On
✅ Python web automation and testing. 🚀 Fast, easy, reliable. 💠
Build fast, reliable, end-to-end tests. SeleniumBase is a Python framework for web automation, end-to-end testing, and more. Tests are run with "pytes
A Python 3.6+ port of the GraphQL.js reference implementation of GraphQL.
GraphQL-core 3 GraphQL-core 3 is a Python 3.6+ port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL, a query language for APIs crea
NLP Core Library and Model Zoo based on PaddlePaddle 2.0
PaddleNLP 2.0拥有丰富的模型库、简洁易用的API与高性能的分布式训练的能力,旨在为飞桨开发者提升文本建模效率,并提供基于PaddlePaddle 2.0的NLP领域最佳实践。
Array is a functional mutable sequence inheriting from Python's built-in list.
funct.Array Array is a functional mutable sequence inheriting from Python's built-in list. Array provides 100+ higher-order methods and more functiona
GINO Is Not ORM - a Python asyncio ORM on SQLAlchemy core.
GINO - GINO Is Not ORM - is a lightweight asynchronous ORM built on top of SQLAlchemy core for Python asyncio. GINO 1.0 supports only PostgreSQL with
Colibri core is an NLP tool as well as a C++ and Python library for working with basic linguistic constructions such as n-grams and skipgrams (i.e patterns with one or more gaps, either of fixed or dynamic size) in a quick and memory-efficient way. At the core is the tool ``colibri-patternmodeller`` whi ch allows you to build, view, manipulate and query pattern models.
Colibri Core by Maarten van Gompel, proycon@anaproy.nl, Radboud University Nijmegen Licensed under GPLv3 (See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Easy and comprehensive assessment of predictive power, with support for neuroimaging features
Documentation: https://raamana.github.io/neuropredict/ News As of v0.6, neuropredict now supports regression applications i.e. predicting continuous t
A functional standard library for Python.
Toolz A set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries. See the PyToolz documentation at https://toolz.readthedocs.io LICENSE New
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe! Features Brings functional programming to Python land Provides a bunch of primitives
A fancy and practical functional tools
Funcy A collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality. Inspired by clojure, underscore and my own abstractions. Keep reading to get an
Functional programming in Python: implementation of missing features to enjoy FP
Fn.py: enjoy FP in Python Despite the fact that Python is not pure-functional programming language, it's multi-paradigm PL and it gives you enough fre
Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities
CyToolz Cython implementation of the toolz package, which provides high performance utility functions for iterables, functions, and dictionaries. tool
Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
Coconut Coconut (coconut-lang.org) is a variant of Python that adds on top of Python syntax new features for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional prog
cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding for Python
audioread Decode audio files using whichever backend is available. The library currently supports: Gstreamer via PyGObject. Core Audio on Mac OS X via
Ajenti Core and stock plugins
Ajenti is a Linux & BSD modular server admin panel. Ajenti 2 provides a new interface and a better architecture, developed with Python3 and AngularJS.