474 Repositories
Python get-pixivpy-token Libraries
A command line interface to interact with the Hypixel api allowing the user to get stats, leaderboards, etc
HyConsole is a way to get data on players and leaderboards from the Hypixel Minecraft server from the command line. Keep in mind I have no a
Python package for Near Duplicate Video Detection (Perceptual Video Hashing) - Get a 64-bit comparable hash-value for any video.
The Python package for near duplicate video detection ⭐️ Introduction Videohash is a Python package for detecting near-duplicate videos (Perceptual Vi
You can crack any zip file and get the password.
Zip-Cracker Video Lesson : This is a Very powerfull Zip File Crack tool for termux users. Check 500 000 Passwords in 30 seconds Unique Performance Che
Methods to get the probability of a changepoint in a time series.
Bayesian Changepoint Detection Methods to get the probability of a changepoint in a time series. Both online and offline methods are available. Read t
Telegram bot/scraper to get the latest NUS vacancy reports.
Telegram bot/scraper to get the latest NUS vacancy reports. Stay ahead of the curve and don't get modrekt.
Gpt2-WebAPI - The objective of this API is to provide the 3 best possible responses to sentences that the user would input via http GET request as a parameter
This repository is a modification of: https://github.com/openai/gpt-2 for our sp
Free-duolingo-plus - Duolingo account creator that uses your invite code to get you free duolingo plus
free-duolingo-plus duolingo account creator that uses your invite code to get yo
Whois-Python - Get Whois Domain with Python GUI
Whois-Python-GUI Get Whois Domain with Python - GUI :) WARNING Dont Copy ! - W
A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions FAST snipe BUY token on LUANCH after add LIQUIDITY
TORNADO CASH Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A fully decentralized protocol for private and safe transactions ⭐️ AUTO DO
Get Your TXT File Length !.
TXTLen Get Your TXT File Length !. Hi 👋 , I'm Alireza A Python Developer Boy 🔭 I’m currently working on my C# projects 🌱 I’m currently Learning CSh
TORNADO CASH Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A ful
Pancakeswap Sniper BOT - TORNADO CASH Proxy (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions
TORNADO CASH Proxy Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions ⭐️ AUTO DOWNL
Algorand-app - This tutorial is designed to get you started with Algorand development in a step by step process
Getting Started This tutorial is designed to get you started with Algorand devel
Get a Grip! - A robotic system for remote clinical environments.
Get a Grip! Within clinical environments, sterilization is an essential procedure for disinfecting surgical and medical instruments. For our engineeri
ClassesMD5-64 - Get whatsapp md5 code using python
Hello Installation Clone Repo & install bash $ git clone https://github.com/Pito
Catware - A powerful grabber with a built in bot control system
catware A powerful grabber with a built in bot control system PLEASE NOTE THAT I
Pixoo-Awesome is a tool to get more out of your Pixoo Devices.
Pixoo-Awesome is a tool to get more out of your Pixoo Devices. It uses the Pixoo-Client to connect to your Pixoo devices and send data to them. I targ
Pointer-generator - Code for the ACL 2017 paper Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks
Note: this code is no longer actively maintained. However, feel free to use the Issues section to discuss the code with other users. Some users have u
Get-countries-info - A python code that fetches data of any country
Country-info A python code getting countries information including country's map
IP Rover - An Excellent OSINT tool to get information of any ip address
IP Rover - An Excellent OSINT tool to get information of any ip address. All details are explained in below screenshot
Acc-Data-Gen - Allows you to generate a password, e-mail & token for your Minecraft Account
Acc-Data-Gen Allows you to generate a password, e-mail & token for your Minecraft Account How to use the generator: Move all the files in a single dir
Newsscraper - A simple Python 3 module to get crypto or news articles and their content from various RSS feeds.
NewsScraper A simple Python 3 module to get crypto or news articles and their content from various RSS feeds. 🔧 Installation Clone the repo locally.
Graph-total-spanning-trees - A Python script to get total number of Spanning Trees in a Graph
Total number of Spanning Trees in a Graph This is a python script just written f
Get-Phone-Number-Details-using-Python - To get the details of any number, we can use an amazing Python module known as phonenumbers.
Get-Phone-Number-Details-using-Python To get the details of any number, we can use an amazing Python module known as phonenumbers. We can use the amaz
Offical implementation of Shunted Self-Attention via Multi-Scale Token Aggregation
Shunted Transformer This is the offical implementation of Shunted Self-Attention via Multi-Scale Token Aggregation by Sucheng Ren, Daquan Zhou, Shengf
Discord-account-generator - Creates Discord accounts and verifies by email & phone verification. Supports proxies. Uses sms-activate, kopeechka and anti captcha
Created in about 4.5 hours discord-account-generator Creates accounts and verifi
Get-web-images - A python code that get images from any site
image retrieval This is a python code to retrieve an image from the internet, a
Help you discover excellent English projects and get rid of disturbing by other spoken language
GitHub English Top Charts 「Help you discover excellent English projects and get
Python code that get the name and ip address of a computer/laptop
IP Address This is a python code that provides the name and the internet protocol address of the computer. You need to install socket pip install sock
A module to get data about anime characters, news, info, lyrics and more.
Animec A module to get data about anime characters, news, info, lyrics and more. The module scrapes myanimelist to parse requested data. If you wish t
Python Practicum - prepare for your Data Science interview or get a refresher.
Python-Practicum Python Practicum - prepare for your Data Science interview or get a refresher. Data Data visualization using data on births from the
Change the name and pfp of ur accounts, uses tokens.txt for ur tokens.
Change the name and pfp of ur accounts, uses tokens.txt for ur tokens. Also scrapes the pfps+names from a server chosen by you. For hq tokens go to discord.gg/tokenshop or t.me/praisetelegram
This is a Token tool that gives you many options to harm the account.
Trabis-Token-Tool This is a Token tool that gives you many options to harm the account. Utilities With this tools you can do things as : ·Delete all t
With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen
Oraxen-item-to-yml With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen How to use Install the
Get notifications in your Discord server of any software releases from Apple.
Apple Releases Get notifications in your Discord server of any software releases from Apple. Running To locally host your own instance, create a Disco
Hoopoe - Get notified of important stuff, right away.
Hoopoe - Get notified of important stuff, right away. Report a Bug · Request a Feature . Ask a Question Table of Contents About Getting Started Prereq
discord token grabber scam - eductional purposes only!
Discord-QR-Scam תופס אסימון תמונה של Discord על אודות סקריפט Python שיוצר אוטומטית קוד QR הונאה של Nitro ותופס את אסימון הדיסקורד בעת סריקה. כלי זה מד
Get you an ultimate lexer generator using Fable; port OCaml sedlex to FSharp, Python and more!
NOTE: currently we support interpreted mode and Python source code generation. It's EASY to compile compiled_unit into source code for C#, F# and othe
Get the HTTP code of websites along with a cute cat picture
Cat Requests What is this? Cat requests allows you to both get the HTTP response code of the website you wish and it displays it to your screen as a c
Seems Like Everyone Is Posting This, Thought I Should Too, Tokens Get Locked Upon Creation And Im Not Going To Fix For Several Reasons
Member-Booster Seems Like Everyone Is Posting This, Thought I Should Too, Tokens Get Locked Upon Creation And Im Not Going To Fix For Several Reasons
A python api to get info on covid-19
A python api to get info on covid-19
This is a telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text.
Stylish Font Bot 🐿 This is a telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text. Deploy to heroku 🗳 Press the button Deploy to heroku and give the
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
A Discord Token Grabber/Stealer But It's in One Line of Coding
Discord-Token-Grabber-But-In-One-Line That's a Discord Token Grabber/Stealer But It's in One Line of Coding! The Name Says All 3
Buy early bsc gems with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. Auto approve token after buy
Buy early bsc gems with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. Auto approve token after buy. Sell buyed token with custom gas fee, slippage, amount. And more.
Examples of using f2py to get high-speed Fortran integrated with Python easily
f2py Examples Simple examples of using f2py to get high-speed Fortran integrated with Python easily. These examples are also useful to troubleshoot pr
Tool to get Canvas cover videos from Spotify tracks.
Spotify Canvas Downloader Tool to get Canvas cover videos from Spotify tracks. ✨ Try it out Building Clone the repository git clone https://github.com
Discord Token Nuker With Python
Discord token nuker a.k.a A$$Fvcker Setup For installing the requirements do this: pip install -r requirements.txt To start the Token nuker run this
A lightweight tool to get an AI Infrastructure Stack up in minutes not days.
K3ai will take care of setup K8s for You, deploy the AI tool of your choice and even run your code on it.
A Python implementation of CWT/COSE.
Python CWT - A Python implementation of CWT/COSE Python CWT is a CBOR Web Token (CWT) and CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) implementation com
Create crawler get some new products with maximum discount in banimode website
crawler-banimode create crawler and get some new products with maximum discount in banimode website. این پروژه کوچک جهت یادگیری و کار با ابزار سلنیوم
Authentication, JWT, and permission scoping for Sanic
Sanic JWT Sanic JWT adds authentication protection and endpoints to Sanic. It is both easy to get up and running, and extensible for the developer. It
Design by contract for Python. Write bug-free code. Add a few decorators, get static analysis and tests for free.
A Python library for design by contract (DbC) and checking values, exceptions, and side-effects. In a nutshell, deal empowers you to write bug-free co
Tool To Get Downloads up to 4k from Paramount+
Paramount 4K Downloader Tool To Get Downloads up to 4k from Paramount+ 😄 Hello Fellow Developers/ ! Hi! My name is WVDUMP. I am Leaking the script
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
🏆 Pancakeswap BSC Sniper Bot web3 with honeypot detector (ANDROID WINDOWS MAC LINUX) 🥇 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID & WINDOWS with honeypot
This is a repository to learn and get more computer vision skills, make robotics projects integrating the computer vision as a perception tool and create a lot of awesome advanced controllers for the robots of the future.
This is a repository to learn and get more computer vision skills, make robotics projects integrating the computer vision as a perception tool and create a lot of awesome advanced controllers for the robots of the future.
Scripts and a shader to get you started on setting up an exported Koikatsu character in Blender.
KK Blender Shader Pack A plugin and a shader to get you started with setting up an exported Koikatsu character in Blender. The plugin is a Blender add
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
Pancakeswap BSC Sniper Bot web3 with honeypot detector (ANDROID WINDOWS MAC LINUX) First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID with honeypot detector Web3 Pancakeswa
Takes output from RedLime's SpeedRunIGT mod (igt_timer.log) to get the top run retime as per the rules in speedrun.com/mc as well as generating a new file which is a copy of igt_timer.log which specifies what type of pause each one was.
top-run-time Takes output from RedLime's SpeedRunIGT mod (igt_timer.log) to get the top run retime as per the rules in speedrun.com/mc as well as gene
Python Wrapper for aztro - The Astrology API | Get Daily Horoscope 💫
PyAztro PyAztro is a client library for aztro written in Python. aztro provides horoscope info for sun signs such as Lucky Number, Lucky Color, Mood,
Python Tool To Get The Date That Your Account Joined Instagram
Date-Joined-Insta Python Tool To Get The Date That Your Account Joined Instagram You Dont Need To Login Just Enter The UserName If Id Did Not Work Ins
Get information about what a Python frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed
executing This mini-package lets you get information about what a frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed. Usage Getting th
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly.
Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly. It has a well organized and scalable structure. It uses API design first
Find exposed API keys based on RegEx and get exploitation methods for some of keys that are found
dora Features Blazing fast as we are using ripgrep in backend Exploit/PoC steps for many of the API key, allowing to write a good report for bug bount
Get link preview of a website.
Preview Link You may have seen a preview of a link with a title, image, domain, and description when you share a link on social media. This preview ha
Get MODBUS data from Sofar (K-TLX) inverter through LSW-3 or LSE module
SOFAR Inverter + LSW-3/LSE Small utility to read data from SOFAR K-TLX inverters through the Solarman (LSW-3/LSE) datalogger. Two scripts to get inver
Base on browser-time to get har from network, and use python to analyze the data .
base on browser-time to get har from network, and use python to analyze the data
TensorFlow implementation of "TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos?"
TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos? Source: Improving Vision Transformer Efficiency and Accuracy by Learning to Tokenize
Get a list of content on your Netflix My List that is expiring in the next month or two.
Netflix My List Expiring Movies Annoyed at Netflix for taking away your movies? Now you don't have to be! Installation instructions Install selenium C
SOCMINT tool to get personal infos from an Instagram account via analysis of its followers and/or following
S T E R R A 🔭 A SOCMINT tool to get infos from an Instagram acc via its Followers / Following Allows you to analyse someone's followers, following, a
People log into different sites every day to get information and browse through these sites one by one
HyperLink People log into different sites every day to get information and browse through these sites one by one. And they are exposed to advertisemen
🥀 Find the start of the token !
Discord Token Finder Find half of your target's token with just their ID. Install 🔧 pip install -r requeriments.txt Gui Usage 💻 Go to Discord Setti
DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques
DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques, based in France Only. The particularity of this program is its ability to find your target's e-mail adresses.
A python script based on OpenCV-Python, you can automatically hang up the Destiny 2 Throne to get the Dawning Essence.
A python script based on OpenCV-Python, you can automatically hang up the Destiny 2 Throne to get the Dawning Essence.
A small python tool to get relevant values from SRI invoices
SriInvoiceProcessing A small python tool to get relevant values from SRI invoices Some useful info to run the tool Login into your SRI account and ret
A simple, fast, and awesome discord nuke bot! The only thing you need to add is your bot token.
SimpleNukeBot A simple, fast, and awesome discord nuke bot! The only thing you need to add is your bot token. Instructions: All you need to do is crea
Label data using HuggingFace's transformers and automatically get a prediction service
Label Studio for Hugging Face's Transformers Website • Docs • Twitter • Join Slack Community Transfer learning for NLP models by annotating your textu
A tool to customize your discord tokens
Fastest Discord Token Manager - Features: Change Token Username Change Token Password Change Token Avatar Change Token Bio This tool is created by Ace
ByT5: Towards a token-free future with pre-trained byte-to-byte models
ByT5: Towards a token-free future with pre-trained byte-to-byte models ByT5 is a tokenizer-free extension of the mT5 model. Instead of using a subword
Get realtime updates in your mobile/web app from frappe and erpnext
Fsocket Extend frappe's websocket server using socket.io and redis Installation Use frappe bench to add fsocket in your project $ bench get-app https:
A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of sotcks
Stock-Market-AI-Analysis I dont mind anyone using this code but please give me credit A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of stocks
Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests
Log4jake Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests. It will then automatically execute the GET/POST requests, filling any di
In generative deep geometry learning, we often get many obj files remain to be rendered
a python prompt cli script for blender batch render In deep generative geometry learning, we always get many .obj files to be rendered. Our rendered i
Get input from OLED Joystick, Runs command, Displays output on OLED Screen (Great for P4wnP1)
p4wnsolo-joyterm Gets text input from OLED Joystick Runs the command you typed Displays output on OLED Screen (Great for P4wnP1 - even better on Raspb
Practice the use of the random library to get the user guess the result.
Guessing Game Practice the use of the random library to get the user guess the result. Additional description about the project and its features. Buil
Get 2D point positions (e.g., facial landmarks) projected on 3D mesh
points2d_projection_mesh Input 2D points (e.g. facial landmarks) on an image Camera parameters (extrinsic and intrinsic) of the image Aligned 3D mesh
urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified of any changes.
urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via e-mail, in your terminal or through various third party services) of any changes.
SeqAttack: a framework for adversarial attacks on token classification models
A framework for adversarial attacks against token classification models
Discord Token Stealer Malware Protection
TokenGuard TokenGuard, protect your account, prevent token steal. Totally free and open source Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EmwfaGuBE8 Source Co
A dead simple crawler to get books information from Douban.
Introduction A dead simple crawler to get books information from Douban. Pre-requesites Python 3 Install dependencies from requirements.txt (Optional)
Official implementation of the AAAI 2022 paper "Learning Token-based Representation for Image Retrieval"
Token: Token-based Representation for Image Retrieval PyTorch training code for Token-based Representation for Image Retrieval. We propose a joint loc
A dead simple crawler to get books information from Douban.
Introduction A dead simple crawler to get books information from Douban. Pre-requesites Python 3 Install dependencies from requirements.txt (Optional)
Analyse the limit order book in seconds. Zoom to tick level or get yourself an overview of the trading day.
Analyse the limit order book in seconds. Zoom to tick level or get yourself an overview of the trading day. Correlate the market activity with the Apple Keynote presentations.
Get the partition that a file belongs and the percentage of space that consumes
tinos_eisai_sy Get the partition that a file belongs and the percentage of space that consumes (works only with OSes that use the df command) tinos_ei
A wrapper for The Movie Database API v3 and v4 that only uses the read access token (not api key).
fulltmdb A wrapper for The Movie Database API v3 and v4 that only uses the read access token (not api key). Installation Use the package manager pip t
Creation & manipulation of PyPI tokens
PyPIToken: Manipulate PyPI API tokens PyPIToken is an open-source Python 3.6+ library for generating and manipulating PyPI tokens. PyPI tokens are ver