3368 Repositories
Python image-api Libraries
API de mi aplicación de Biblioteca
BOOKSTORE API Instalación/Configuración Previo Es una buena idea crear un entorno virtual antes de instalar las dependencias. Puedes hacerlo con el si
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line. Supports multithreading
Official release of MSHT: Multi-stage Hybrid Transformer for the ROSE Image Analysis of Pancreatic Cancer axriv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13513
MSHT: Multi-stage Hybrid Transformer for the ROSE Image Analysis This is the official page of the MSHT with its experimental script and records. We de
Code for NeurIPS 2020 article "Contrastive learning of global and local features for medical image segmentation with limited annotations"
Contrastive learning of global and local features for medical image segmentation with limited annotations The code is for the article "Contrastive lea
SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels, incl. SimCLR. [ECCV 2020]
Learning to Classify Images without Labels This repo contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper: SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Label
Code for the paper: Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency
Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency [paper] [website] Minyoung Huh *12, Andrew Liu *1, Andrew Owens1, Alexei A. Ef
API Basica per a synologys Active Backup For Buissiness
Synology Active Backup for Business API-NPP Informació Per executar el programa
Bitnami Docker Image for Python using snapshots for the system packages repositories
Python Snapshot packaged by Bitnami What is Python Snapshot? Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more ef
A Python package designed to help users of Cisco's FMC interface with its API.
FMCAPI was originally developed by Dax Mickelson (dmickels@cisco.com). Dax has moved on to other projects but has kindly transferred the ownership of
Discord Bot for League of Legends live match tracker
SABot Dicord Bot for League of Legends match auto tracker Features: Search Summoners statistics in League of Legends. Auto-notifications provide when
Using multiple API sources, create an app that allows users to filter through random locations based on their temperature range choices.
World_weather_analysis Overview Using multiple API sources, create an app that allows users to filter through random locations based on their temperat
REST API built using flask framework that used for managing bookmarks by individual users.
Bookmarks REST API REST API built using flask framework that used for managing bookmarks by individual users. API Consumers Note This app is built usi
Get the HTTP code of websites along with a cute cat picture
Cat Requests What is this? Cat requests allows you to both get the HTTP response code of the website you wish and it displays it to your screen as a c
Black-white image converter - Black-white photo colorization
Black-white image converter - Black-white photo colorization
cli simple python script to interact with iphone afc api based on python library( tidevice )
afcclient cli simple python script to interact with iphone afc api based on python library( tidevice ) installation pip3 install -U tidevice cp afccli
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
A python api to get info on covid-19
A python api to get info on covid-19
Minecraft name sniper written in python.
⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️ DO NOT USE MCSNIPERPY -- READ BELOW This sniper does not support Microsoft accounts or prename / gc sniping and is MUCH harder to use
TM1py is a Python package that wraps the TM1 REST API in a simple to use library.
By wrapping the IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) REST API in a concise Python framework, TM1py facilitates Python developments for TM1. Interacting with T
Python Library for Accessing the Cohere API
Cohere Python SDK This package provides functionality developed to simplify interfacing with the Cohere API in Python 3. Documentation See the API's d
The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch.
News December 27: v1.1.0 New loss functions: CentroidTripletLoss and VICRegLoss Mean reciprocal rank + per-class accuracies See the release notes Than
CVPR2021 Workshop - HDRUNet: Single Image HDR Reconstruction with Denoising and Dequantization.
HDRUNet [Paper Link] HDRUNet: Single Image HDR Reconstruction with Denoising and Dequantization By Xiangyu Chen, Yihao Liu, Zhengwen Zhang, Yu Qiao an
A CLI messenger for the Signum community.
A CLI messenger for the Signum community. Built for people who like using terminal for their work and want to communicate with other users in the Signum community.
A Python script to delete movies with a certain tag after a certain amount of days.
radarr_autodelete Simple script, which deletes movies with a specific tag after a certain amount of days Pip Packages pip3 install pyarr python-dotenv
Api REST para gerenciamento de cashback.
Documentação API para gerenciamento de cashback - MaisTODOS Features Em construção... Tecnologias utilizadas Back end Python 3.8.10 Django REST Framew
Key-Value база данных на Tarantool и REST API к ней.
KVmail Key-Value база данных на Tarantool и REST API к ней. Документация к API доступна здесь. Requiremrnts ubuntu 16.04+ python3.6+ supervisord nginx
A simple api written in python/fastapi that serves movies from a cassandra table.
A simple api written in python/fastapi that serves movies from a cassandra table. 1)clone the repo 2)rename sample_global_config_.py to global_config.
Marketplace for self published books
Nile API API for the imaginary Nile marketplace for self published books. This is a project created to try out FastAPI as the post promising ASGI serv
API para realizar parser de frases
NLP API Simple api to parse and apply some preprocessing steps in portuguses phrases (pt_BR) This api uses the great FastAPI and spaCy packages! Usage
I'm curious if pydantic + fast api can be sensibly used with DDD + hex arch methodology
pydantic-ddd-exploration I'm curious if pydantic + fast api can be sensibly used with DDD + hex arch methodology Prerequisites nix direnv (nix-env -i
cookiecutter template for web API with python
Python project template for Web API with cookiecutter What's this This provides the project template including minimum test/lint/typechecking package
Coronavirus Tracker API
Coronavirus Tracker API Provides up-to-date data about Coronavirus outbreak. Includes numbers about confirmed cases, deaths and recovered. Support mul
Back-end API for the reternal framework
RE:TERNAL RE:TERNAL is a centralised purple team simulation platform. Reternal uses agents installed on a simulation network to execute various known
A minimalistic example of preparing a model for (synchronous) inference in production.
A minimalistic example of preparing a model for (synchronous) inference in production.
API to summarize input text
summaries API to summarize input text normal run $ docker-compose exec web python -m pytest disable warnings $ docker-compose exec web python -m pytes
Faster Twitch Alerts is a highly customizable, lightning-fast alternative to Twitch's slow mobile notification system
Faster Twitch Alerts What is "Faster Twitch Alerts"? Faster Twitch Alerts is a highly customizable, lightning-fast alternative to Twitch's slow mobile
Image Processing HighPass Filter With Python
Image_Processing_HighPassFilter High Pass Filter take the high frequency and ignore the low frequency High Pass Filter can be use to sharpening an ima
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size.
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size. The hub data layout enables rapid transformations and streaming of data while training models at scale. Hub is used by Google, Waymo, Red Cross, Oxford University, and Omdena.
Detecting haze image with hazer.
hazer-py Detecting haze image with hazer. What is hazer Hazer is a lib for getting "haze degree". This repository is python version of hazer: https://
A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API
GiveawayZ Bot A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API. Powered by Team Zyntax and Team DFX Developed by @Zycho-Dev A pr
Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework.
Serverless Framework Python Flask API service backed by DynamoDB on AWS Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the
python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel!
YTnotifier python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel! REQUIREMENTS telethon python-de
An Instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a text, and store it somewhere with user details.
Instagram Bot 🤖 July 14, 2021 Overview 👍 A multifunctionality automated instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a message and store
Fastapi practice project
todo-list-fastapi practice project How to run Install dependencies npm, yarn: standard-version, husky make: script for lint, test pipenv: virtualenv +
API Rest testing FastAPI + SQLAchmey + Docker
Transactions API Rest Implement and design a simple REST API Description We need to a simple API that allow us to register users' transactions and hav
WAZO REST API for the call management of the C4 infrastructure
wazo-router-calld wazo-router-calld provides REST API for the C4 infrastructure. Installing wazo-router-calld The server is already provided as a part
ABACUS Aroio API for Webinterfaces and App-Connections
ABACUS Aroio API for Webinterfaces and App-Connections Setup Start virtual python environment if you don't have python3 running setup: $ python3 -m ve
Example app to be deployed to AWS as an API Gateway / Lambda Stack
Disclaimer I won't answer issues or emails regarding the project anymore. The project is old and not maintained anymore. I'm not sure if it still work
FastAPI Simple authentication & Login API using GraphQL and JWT
JeffQL A Simple FastAPI authentication & Login API using GraphQL and JWT. I choose this Name JeffQL cause i have a Low level Friend with a Nickname Je
Slack webhooks API served by FastAPI
Slackers Slack webhooks API served by FastAPI What is Slackers Slackers is a FastAPI implementation to handle Slack interactions and events. It serves
Free & open source API service for obtaining information about +9600 universities worldwide.
Free & open source API service for obtaining information about +9600 universities worldwide.
Tool to get Canvas cover videos from Spotify tracks.
Spotify Canvas Downloader Tool to get Canvas cover videos from Spotify tracks. ✨ Try it out Building Clone the repository git clone https://github.com
Simple API written in Python using FastAPI to store and retrieve Books and Authors.
Simple API made with Python FastAPI WIP: Deploy in AWS with Terraform Simple API written in Python using FastAPI to store and retrieve Books and Autho
An easy to use GUI based video to image sequence converter (and vice versa).
Vdo & Img Conversion Tools This is a quick conversion tool made with python that can save you a lot of time. With this tool you can extract image sequ
Login qr line & qr image
login-qr-line-qr-image login qr line & qr image python3 & linux ubuntu api source: https://github.com/hert0t/BEAPI-BETA import httpx import qrcode fro
Low-level, feature rich and easy to use discord python wrapper
PWRCord Low-level, feature rich and easy to use discord python wrapper Important Note: At this point, this library API is considered unstable and can
Easy Google Translate: Unofficial Google Translate API
easygoogletranslate Unofficial Google Translate API. This library does not need an api key or something else to use, it's free and simple. You can eit
Pytorch based library to rank predicted bounding boxes using text/image user's prompts.
pytorch_clip_bbox: Implementation of the CLIP guided bbox ranking for Object Detection. Pytorch based library to rank predicted bounding boxes using t
Project of 'TBEFN: A Two-branch Exposure-fusion Network for Low-light Image Enhancement '
TBEFN: A Two-branch Exposure-fusion Network for Low-light Image Enhancement Codes for TMM20 paper "TBEFN: A Two-branch Exposure-fusion Network for Low
Python Steganography data hiding in image
Python-Steganography Python Steganography data hiding in image data encryption and decryption im here you have to import stepic module 1.open CMD 2.ty
RCDNet: A Model-driven Deep Neural Network for Single Image Rain Removal (CVPR2020)
RCDNet: A Model-driven Deep Neural Network for Single Image Rain Removal (CVPR2020) Hong Wang, Qi Xie, Qian Zhao, and Deyu Meng [PDF] [Supplementary M
A Python app which retrieves the rank and players' equipped skins during a match
VALORANT rank yoinker About The Project Usage Contributing Contact Acknowledgements Disclaimer About The Project Their Queue Current Skin Current Rank
Seeks to remove text from an image in a convincing way.
Text-Removal This is a Computer Vision project that seeks to successfully remove text from an image by covering the text areas in a convincing way. He
BisQue is a web-based platform designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for 5D image data. Users can extend BisQue by implementing containerized ML workflows.
Overview BisQue is a web-based platform specifically designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for up to 5D
🦠 A simple and fast ( 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak.
🦠 A simple and fast ( 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🔥 FastAPI framework. Supports multiple sources!
A python library built on the API of the coderHub.sa, which helps you to fetch the challenges and more
coderHub A python library built on the API of the coderHub.sa, which helps you to fetch the challenges and more Installation • Features • Usage • Lice
Python youtube playlist downloader
Youtube-Playlist-Downloader-python 👍 This program is a simple Youtube playlist downloader where you input the playlist link, and then the desired pat
A minimal implementation of face-detection models using flask, gunicorn, nginx, docker, and docker-compose
Face-Detection-flask-gunicorn-nginx-docker This is a simple implementation of dockerized face-detection restful-API implemented with flask, Nginx, and
Python API for Photoshop.
Python API for Photoshop. The example above was created with Photoshop Python API.
pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines.
pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines. Automate anything by combining commands, different scripts in different languages & applications into one pipeline process.
Google Search Results via SERP API pip Python Package
Google Search Results in Python This Python package is meant to scrape and parse search results from Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, Home depot, E
Plugin for Sentry which allows sending notification via Telegram messenger.
Sentry Telegram Plugin for Sentry which allows sending notification via Telegram messenger. Presented plugin tested with Sentry from 8.9 to 9.1.1. DIS
The quick and easy way to add versatile graphical interfaces with networking capabilities to your Python programs.
The quick and easy way to add versatile graphical interfaces with networking capabilities to your Python programs. Give instant access to your application to whoever you want on the Internet, without having to deploy it. Works even on your Android smartphone or tablet.
PYGA: Python Google Analytics (ga.js) - Data Collection API
PYGA: Python Google Analytics - Data Collection API pyga is an implementation of Google Analytics (ga.js) in Python; so that it can be used at server
Python wrapper around Apple App Store Api
App Store Connect Api This is a Python wrapper around the Apple App Store Api : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi So far, i
API development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework
appkernel - API development made easy What is Appkernel? A super-easy to use API framework, enabling API creation from zero to production within minut
A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service
archiveis A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service. Installation pipenv install archiveis Python Usage Import it. import archi
Telephus is a connection pooled, low-level client API for Cassandra in Twisted python.
Telephus Son of Heracles who loved Cassandra. He went a little crazy, at one point. One might almost say he was twisted. Description Telephus is a con
Python 3 wrapper for the Vultr API v2.0
Vultr Python Python wrapper for the Vultr API. https://www.vultr.com https://www.vultr.com/api This is currently a WIP and not complete, but has some
ETL for tononkira.serasera.org
python-tononkiramalagasy-api Api Endpoints: ### get artists - /artists/int:page [page_offset = 20] ### get artist's songs, index was given by
MS Graph API authentication example with Fast API
MS Graph API authentication example with Fast API What it is & does This is a simple python service/webapp, using FastAPI with server side rendering,
Random Geek Jokes REST API
Geek-Jokes A RESTful API to get random geek jokes written in Flask What is the Geek-Jokes-api? The Geek Jokes RESTful API lets you fetch a random geek
AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrapper with ease and in pythonic way.
AnyAPI AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrappers with ease and in pythonic way. Features Have better looking code using dynamic met
PyGram Instagram-like image filters.
PyGram Instagram-like image filters. Usage First, import the client: from filters import * Instanciate a filter and apply it: f = Nashville("image.jp
Python package to add text to images, textures and different backgrounds
nider Python package for text images generation and watermarking Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://nider.readthedocs.io. nider is an a
Python client library for Postmark API
Postmarker Python client library for Postmark API. Gitter: https://gitter.im/Stranger6667/postmarker Installation Postmarker can be obtained with pip:
Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs
What is Changelog CI? Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs. Changelog CI can be triggered on pu
Pysauce is a Discord bot which utilizes the SauceNAO API to locate the source of images.
Pysauce Pysauce is a Discord bot which utilizes the SauceNAO API to locate the source of images. Use Pysauce has one public instance always running, i
An executor that performs standard pre-processing and normalization on images.
An executor that performs standard pre-processing and normalization on images.
This is a Telegram Bot that tracks packages from the Brazilian Mail Service.
RastreioBot About Setup Run Contribute Contact About This is a Telegram Bot that tracks packages from the Brazilian Mail Service. It runs on Python 3
DongTai API SDK For Python
DongTai-SDK-Python Quick start You need a config file config.json { "DongTai":{ "token":"your token", "url":""
Code release for SLIP Self-supervision meets Language-Image Pre-training
SLIP: Self-supervision meets Language-Image Pre-training What you can find in this repo: Pre-trained models (with ViT-Small, Base, Large) and code to
A Twitter bot written in Python using Tweepy and hosted on a server.
A Twitter bot written in Python using Tweepy. It can like and/or retweet tweets that contain single or multiple keywords and hashtags.
`python-jamf` is a library for connecting to a Jamf Server that maps directly to the Jamf Pro Classic API.
`python-jamf` is a library for connecting to a Jamf Server that maps directly to the Jamf Pro Classic API. It is the basis for the `jctl` tool to automate patch management & packages and many other items.
Django API creation with signed requests utilizing forms for validation.
django-formapi Create JSON API:s with HMAC authentication and Django form-validation. Version compatibility See Travis-CI page for actual test results
Flask extension that takes care of API representation and authentication.
Flask-API-Utils Flask-API-Utils helps you to create APIs. It makes responses in appropriate formats, for instance, JSON. All you need to do is to retu
libvcs - abstraction layer for vcs, powers vcspull.
libvcs - abstraction layer for vcs, powers vcspull. Setup $ pip install libvcs Open up python: $ python # or for nice autocomplete and syntax highlig
Pingo provides a uniform API to program devices like the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black, pcDuino etc.
Pingo provides a uniform API to program devices like the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black, pcDuino etc. just like the Python DBAPI provides an uniform API for database programming in Python.