1801 Repositories
Python image-upload Libraries
Implementation of Segnet, FCN, UNet , PSPNet and other models in Keras.
Image Segmentation Keras : Implementation of Segnet, FCN, UNet, PSPNet and other models in Keras. Implementation of various Deep Image Segmentation mo
Generic U-Net Tensorflow implementation for image segmentation
Tensorflow Unet Warning This project is discontinued in favour of a Tensorflow 2 compatible reimplementation of this project found under https://githu
U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation
Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation competition, using Keras This tutorial shows how to use Keras library to build deep ne
Modification of convolutional neural net "UNET" for image segmentation in Keras framework
ZF_UNET_224 Pretrained Model Modification of convolutional neural net "UNET" for image segmentation in Keras framework Requirements Python 3.*, Keras
unet for image segmentation
Implementation of deep learning framework -- Unet, using Keras The architecture was inspired by U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Seg
Official Python implementation of the 'Sparse deconvolution'-v0.3.0
Sparse deconvolution Python v0.3.0 Official Python implementation of the 'Sparse deconvolution', and the CPU (NumPy) and GPU (CuPy) calculation backen
CNN Based Meta-Learning for Noisy Image Classification and Template Matching
CNN Based Meta-Learning for Noisy Image Classification and Template Matching Introduction This master thesis used a few-shot meta learning approach to
The Curious Layperson: Fine-Grained Image Recognition without Expert Labels (BMVC 2021)
The Curious Layperson: Fine-Grained Image Recognition without Expert Labels Subhabrata Choudhury, Iro Laina, Christian Rupprecht, Andrea Vedaldi Code
A criticism of a recent paper on buggy image downsampling methods in popular image processing and deep learning libraries.
A criticism of a recent paper on buggy image downsampling methods in popular image processing and deep learning libraries.
[CVPR'20] TTSR: Learning Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution
TTSR Official PyTorch implementation of the paper Learning Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution accepted in CVPR 2020. Contents Intr
Screenhook is a script that captures an image of a web page and send it to a discord webhook.
screenshot from the web for discord webhooks screenhook is a script that captures an image of a web page and send it to a discord webhook.
Half Instance Normalization Network for Image Restoration
HINet Half Instance Normalization Network for Image Restoration, based on https://github.com/megvii-model/HINet. Dependencies NumPy PyTorch, preferabl
Docker image for epicseven gvg qq chatbot based on Xunbot
XUN_Langskip XUN 是一个基于 NoneBot 和 酷Q 的功能型QQ机器人,目前提供了音乐点播、音乐推荐、天气查询、RSSHub订阅、使用帮助、识图、识番、搜番、上车、磁力搜索、地震速报、计算、日语词典、翻译、自我检查,权限等级功能,由于是为了完成自己在群里的承诺,一时兴起才做的,所
Bulk convert image types with Python
Bulk Image Converter 🔥 Helper script to convert a folder's worth of images from one filetype to another, and optionally delete originals Use Setup /
Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel
Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of BSRDM w
A PyTorch Image-Classification With AlexNet And ResNet50.
PyTorch 图像分类 依赖库的下载与安装 在终端中执行 pip install -r -requirements.txt 完成项目依赖库的安装 使用方式 数据集的准备 STL10 数据集 下载:STL-10 Dataset 存储位置:将下载后的数据集中 train_X.bin,train_y.b
Hide secret data within a digital image using good ol' terminal
pystego Hide secret data within a digital image using good ol' terminal Installation The recommended way for installing this package is using, python
Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud with Only Image Level Annotation
SCCKTIM Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud with Only Image-Level Annotation Our code will be available soon. The class knowledge t
ProsePainter combines direct digital painting with real-time guided machine-learning based image optimization.
ProsePainter Create images by painting with words. ProsePainter combines direct digital painting with real-time guided machine-learning based image op
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool that provides a number of self-supervised, auto-tuned, and unsupervised image denoising algorithms.
This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection of template image over base image.
Object Detection Project Using OpenCV This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection the template image over base ima
This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in Image and Vision Computing.
Attention-Guided-Contextual-Feature-Fusion-Network-for-Salient-Object-Detection This repo. is an implementation of ACFFNet, which is accepted for in I
MATLAB codes of the book "Digital Image Processing Fourth Edition" converted to Python
Digital Image Processing Python MATLAB codes of the book "Digital Image Processing Fourth Edition" converted to Python TO-DO: Refactor scripts, curren
Flexible-CLmser: Regularized Feedback Connections for Biomedical Image Segmentation
Flexible-CLmser: Regularized Feedback Connections for Biomedical Image Segmentation The skip connections in U-Net pass features from the levels of enc
Facial Image Inpainting with Semantic Control
Facial Image Inpainting with Semantic Control In this repo, we provide a model for the controllable facial image inpainting task. This model enables u
HyperBlend is a new type of hyperspectral image simulator based on Blender.
HyperBlend version 0.1.0 This is the HyperBlend leaf spectra simulator developed in Spectral Laboratory of University of Jyväskylä. You can use and mo
Alphabetical Letter Recognition
BayeesNetworks-Image-Classification Alphabetical Letter Recognition In these demo we are using "Bayees Networks" Our database is composed by Learning
Alphabetical Letter Recognition
DecisionTrees-Image-Classification Alphabetical Letter Recognition In these demo we are using "Decision Trees" Our database is composed by Learning Im
Python module providing a framework to trace individual edges in an image using Gaussian process regression.
Edge Tracing using Gaussian Process Regression Repository storing python module which implements a framework to trace individual edges in an image usi
Image Segmentation using U-Net, U-Net with skip connections and M-Net architectures
Brain-Image-Segmentation Segmentation of brain tissues in MRI image has a number of applications in diagnosis, surgical planning, and treatment of bra
code for paper -- "Seamless Satellite-image Synthesis"
Seamless Satellite-image Synthesis by Jialin Zhu and Tom Kelly. Project site. The code of our models borrows heavily from the BicycleGAN repository an
Machine-in-the-Loop Rewriting for Creative Image Captioning
Machine-in-the-Loop Rewriting for Creative Image Captioning Data Annotated sources of data used in the paper: Data Source URL Mohammed et al. Link Gor
My implementation of Image Inpainting - A deep learning Inpainting model
Image Inpainting What is Image Inpainting Image inpainting is a restorative process that allows for the fixing or removal of unwanted parts within ima
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of the Adaptive Convolution architecture for image style transfer
AdaConv Unofficial PyTorch implementation of the Adaptive Convolution architecture for image style transfer from "Adaptive Convolutions for Structure-
Panel Competition Image Generator
Panel Competition Image Generator This project was build by a member of the NFH community and is open for everyone who wants to try it. Relevant links
TensorFlow 2 implementation of the Yahoo Open-NSFW model
TensorFlow 2 implementation of the Yahoo Open-NSFW model
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics.
About A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics. Motivation This program was developed after I've realized that I had too
Underwater image enhancement
LANet Our work proposes an adaptive learning attention network (LANet) to solve the problem of color casts and low illumination in underwater images.
A person does not exist image bot
A person does not exist image bot
A not exist person image generator python module
A not exist person image generator python module
Simple tools for the Horse Reality webgame
Realtools (Web Tools for Horse Reality) These tools were made on request from a close friend of mine who plays this game. A live instance can be found
Introduction to image processing, most used and popular functions of OpenCV
👀 OpenCV 101 Introduction to image processing, most used and popular functions of OpenCV go here.
A media upload to telegraph module
A media upload to telegraph module
A collection of differentiable SVD methods and also the official implementation of the ICCV21 paper "Why Approximate Matrix Square Root Outperforms Accurate SVD in Global Covariance Pooling?"
Differentiable SVD Introduction This repository contains: The official Pytorch implementation of ICCV21 paper Why Approximate Matrix Square Root Outpe
PaddlePaddle GAN library, including lots of interesting applications like First-Order motion transfer, wav2lip, picture repair, image editing, photo2cartoon, image style transfer, and so on.
English | 简体中文 PaddleGAN PaddleGAN provides developers with high-performance implementation of classic and SOTA Generative Adversarial Networks, and s
Code and models for "Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising" (ICCV 2021)
DIP-denosing This is a code repo for Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising (ICCV 2021). Addressing the relationship between Deep image prior and e
Code for Recurrent Mask Refinement for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation (ICCV 2021).
Recurrent Mask Refinement for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation Steps Install any missing packages using pip or conda Preprocess each dataset using
Code for the ICCV2021 paper "Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation"
PSS: Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation Paper PSS: Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation Yu Zhang, Chang-Bin Zhang, Peng-Tao Jiang, Ming-Ming
Parametric Contrastive Learning (ICCV2021)
Parametric-Contrastive-Learning This repository contains the implementation code for ICCV2021 paper: Parametric Contrastive Learning (https://arxiv.or
[ICCV 2021] FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction
FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction [arXiv] [Project Page] @inproceedings{ huang2021fapn, title={{FaPN}: Feature-alig
Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Deep Image Recognition
Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Deep Image Recognition How Fast Compare to Other Zero-Shot NAS Proxies on CIFAR-10/100 Pre-trained Model
MicroNet: Improving Image Recognition with Extremely Low FLOPs (ICCV 2021)
MicroNet: Improving Image Recognition with Extremely Low FLOPs (ICCV 2021) A pytorch implementation of MicroNet. If you use this code in your research
Sample data for the napari image viewer.
napari-demo-data Sample data for the napari image viewer. This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-plugi
Styled text-to-drawing synthesis method. Featured at the 2021 NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design
Styled text-to-drawing synthesis method. Featured at the 2021 NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design
Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)
Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks Peihao Zhu, Rameen A
Official implementation of the paper 'High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network' in CVPR 2021
LPTN Paper | Supplementary Material | Poster High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network Ji
Image marine sea litter prediction Shiny
MARLITE Shiny app for floating marine litter detection in aerial images. This directory contains the instructions and software needed to install the S
Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis CVPR 2021 (Oral) Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis Patrick Esser*, Robin
Image Processing - Make noise images clean
影像處理-影像降躁化(去躁化) (Image Processing - Make Noise Images Clean) 得力於電腦效能的大幅提升以及GPU的平行運算架構,讓我們能夠更快速且有效地訓練AI,並將AI技術應用於不同領域。本篇將帶給大家的是 「將深度學習應用於影像處理中的影像降躁化 」,
Demo of using Auto Encoder for Image Denoising
Demo of using Auto Encoder for Image Denoising
A small Python Library to process Game Boy Camera images
GameBEye GameBEye is a Python Library to process Game Boy Camera images. Source code 📁 : https://github.com/mtouzot/GameBEye Issues 🆘 : https://gith
Python App To Encrypt Data (image, text, all data)
Python App To Encrypt Data (image, text, all data)
Liquid Warping GAN with Attention: A Unified Framework for Human Image Synthesis
Liquid Warping GAN with Attention: A Unified Framework for Human Image Synthesis, including human motion imitation, appearance transfer, and novel view synthesis. Currently the paper is under review of IEEE TPAMI. It is an extension of our previous ICCV project impersonator, and it has a more powerful ability in generalization and produces higher-resolution results (512 x 512, 1024 x 1024) than the previous ICCV version.
An image base contains 490 images for learning (400 cars and 90 boats), and another 21 images for testingAn image base contains 490 images for learning (400 cars and 90 boats), and another 21 images for testing
SVM Données Une base d’images contient 490 images pour l’apprentissage (400 voitures et 90 bateaux), et encore 21 images pour fait des tests. Prétrait
psgresizer - a PySimpleGUI application that will resize your images and BASE64 encode them.
psgresizer A PySimpleGUI Application Resize your images quickly and easily with this GUI application. Resizes and encodes to Base64 so that the result
:P Some basic stuff I'm gonna use for my upcoming Agile Software Development and Devops
reverse-image-search-py bash script.sh img_name.jpg Requirements pip install requests pip install pyshorteners Dry run [kunal@Gordonfreeman]$ bash sc
A flexible ML framework built to simplify medical image reconstruction and analysis experimentation.
meddlr Getting Started Meddlr is a config-driven ML framework built to simplify medical image reconstruction and analysis problems. Installation To av
Automated image registration. Registrationimation was too much of a mouthful.
alignimation Automated image registration. Registrationimation was too much of a mouthful. This repo contains the code used for my blog post Alignimat
Simple Python image processing & automatization project for a simple web based game
What is this? Simple Python image processing & automatization project for a simple web based game Made using only Github Copilot (except the color and
An advanced 2D image manipulation with features such as edge detection and image segmentation built using OpenCV
OpenCV-ToothPaint3-Advanced-Digital-Image-Editor This application named ‘Tooth Paint’ version TP_2020.3 (64-bit) or version 3 was developed within a w
DICexport is a GUI (PyQt5) to export digital image correlation videos
DIC Video Exporter DICexport is a GUI (PyQt5) to export digital image correlation videos. It offers the flexibility to choose a selected range of a vi
clesperanto is a graphical user interface for GPU-accelerated image processing.
clesperanto is a graphical user interface for a multi-platform multi-language framework for GPU-accelerated image processing. It is based on napari and the pyclesperanto-prototype.
WORD: Revisiting Organs Segmentation in the Whole Abdominal Region
WORD: Revisiting Organs Segmentation in the Whole Abdominal Region. This repository provides the codebase and dataset for our work WORD: Revisiting Or
3rd Place Solution for ICCV 2021 Workshop SSLAD Track 3A - Continual Learning Classification Challenge
Online Continual Learning via Multiple Deep Metric Learning and Uncertainty-guided Episodic Memory Replay 3rd Place Solution for ICCV 2021 Workshop SS
A method to perform unsupervised cross-region adaptation of crop classifiers trained with satellite image time series.
TimeMatch Official source code of TimeMatch: Unsupervised Cross-region Adaptation by Temporal Shift Estimation by Joachim Nyborg, Charlotte Pelletier,
Self-supervised Product Quantization for Deep Unsupervised Image Retrieval - ICCV2021
Self-supervised Product Quantization for Deep Unsupervised Image Retrieval Pytorch implementation of SPQ Accepted to ICCV 2021 - paper Young Kyun Jang
This application explain how we can easily integrate Deepface framework with Python Django application
deepface_suite This application explain how we can easily integrate Deepface framework with Python Django application install redis cache install requ
Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer for VapourSynth
SwinIR SwinIR function for VapourSynth, based on https://github.com/JingyunLiang/SwinIR. Dependencies NumPy PyTorch, preferably with CUDA. Note that t
image-processing exercises.
image_processing Assignment 21 Checkered Board Create a chess table using numpy and opencv. view: Color Correction Reverse black and white colors with
A tool for batch processing large fasta files and accompanying metadata table to upload to repositories via API
Fasta Uploader A tool for batch processing large fasta files and accompanying metadata table to repositories via API The python fasta_uploader.py scri
QR fixer part is standalone but for image to FQR conversion
f-qr-fixer QR fixer part is standalone but for image to FQR conversion it requires Pillow (can be installed with easy_install), qrtools (on ubuntu the
Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
Image captioning service for healthcare domains in Vietnamese using VLP
Image captioning service for healthcare domains in Vietnamese using VLP This service is a web service that provides image captioning services for heal
Deep-learning X-Ray Micro-CT image enhancement, pore-network modelling and continuum modelling
EDSR modelling A Github repository for deep-learning image enhancement, pore-network and continuum modelling from X-Ray Micro-CT images. The repositor
paper: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Capsule Network
DC-CapsNet This is a tensorflow and keras based implementation of DC-CapsNet for HSI in the Remote Sensing Letters R. Lei et al., "Hyperspectral Remot
Unofficial pytorch implementation of the paper "Dynamic High-Pass Filtering and Multi-Spectral Attention for Image Super-Resolution"
DFSA Unofficial pytorch implementation of the ICCV 2021 paper "Dynamic High-Pass Filtering and Multi-Spectral Attention for Image Super-Resolution" (p
A multithreaded tool for searching and downloading images from popular search engines. It is straightforward to set up and run!
🕳️ CygnusX1 Code by Trong-Dat Ngo. Overviews 🕳️ CygnusX1 is a multithreaded tool 🛠️ , used to search and download images from popular search engine
Automatic deep learning for image classification.
AutoDL AutoDL automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in your applications. With just a few line
Generate a preview image for a PDF.
PDF ➡️ Preview A simple tool to save me time on Illustrator. Generates a preview image for a PDF file. Useful for sneak peeks to academic publications
image stream publish server over websocket
Image Stream Push Server 简介 通过浏览器网页实时查看图像处理结果。 环境 运行程序需要安装一下python依赖: tornado: 用于创建http及websocket服务; opencv-contrib-python: 用于图像数据源获取及图像处理。 使用 进入到src目
LSB Image Steganography Using Python
Steganography is the science that involves communicating secret data in an appropriate multimedia carrier, e.g., image, audio, and video files
STS Benchmark comprises a selection of the English datasets used in the STS tasks organized in the context of SemEval between 2012 and 2017. The selection of datasets include text from image captions, news headlines and user forums.
stsb_multi_mt_en STS Benchmark comprises a selection of the English datasets used in the STS tasks organized in the context of SemEval between 2012 an
Distributing Deep Learning Hyperparameter Tuning for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
DistMIS Distributing Deep Learning Hyperparameter Tuning for 3D Medical Image Segmentation. DistriMIS Distributing Deep Learning Hyperparameter Tuning
IGCN : Image-to-graph convolutional network
IGCN : Image-to-graph convolutional network IGCN is a learning framework for 2D/3D deformable model registration and alignment, and shape reconstructi
A treasure chest for visual recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
简体中文 | English PaddleClas 简介 飞桨图像识别套件PaddleClas是飞桨为工业界和学术界所准备的一个图像识别任务的工具集,助力使用者训练出更好的视觉模型和应用落地。 近期更新 2021.11.1 发布PP-ShiTu技术报告,新增饮料识别demo 2021.10.23 发
The codebase for our paper "Generative Occupancy Fields for 3D Surface-Aware Image Synthesis" (NeurIPS 2021)
Generative Occupancy Fields for 3D Surface-Aware Image Synthesis (NeurIPS 2021) Project Page | Paper Xudong Xu, Xingang Pan, Dahua Lin and Bo Dai GOF
StyleGAN of All Trades: Image Manipulation withOnly Pretrained StyleGAN
StyleGAN of All Trades: Image Manipulation withOnly Pretrained StyleGAN This is the PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN of All Trades: Image Manipulati
[NeurIPS2021] Code Release of K-Net: Towards Unified Image Segmentation
K-Net: Towards Unified Image Segmentation Introduction This is an official release of the paper K-Net:Towards Unified Image Segmentation. K-Net will a
Bayesian Optimization Library for Medical Image Segmentation.
bayesmedaug: Bayesian Optimization Library for Medical Image Segmentation. bayesmedaug optimizes your data augmentation hyperparameters for medical im